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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2020 in all areas

  1. The power of having cargo to yourself as an traitor Note that Slimz-Get-Here was an agent with the die a glorious death objective Also, super surplus crate was a dissapointment that shift I ordered around 25 null creates that shift. By the end, I had 3 deswords, revolver, ebow, agent ID, AI upload, ebow, 3 minibombs, E20, 4 of every implant, and some various traitor items I can't recall anymore
    5 points
  2. So, i got a new forum signature today Was a part of an IPC changeling event, and accidentally got shuttled to CC, where a mercenary squad was gearing up. Now, story wise, I hated the mercenaries, so i shot them, got killed, revived, shot them again. Repeat until dead.
    5 points
  3. I have to give props to @Drakeven for the custom event that they came up with tonight, The premise was some experimental IPCs had escaped from a research facility and a team of scientist were sent to get them back. I am unsure how many total IPC's there were but there were 4 scientists total. The IPCs had some changling powers such as regen and armblade and the science team was to bring them back and remove their brains. I had a unique perspective as I played both a scientist and a merc sent to retrieve the scientists once they got horribly murdered by the crew helping the IPCs. It was a fun event overall but my personal highlight was when I got captured by the borg and taken to the mining base one of the IPCs VEGA started to torture me with Roger nearby, so I gave the back story as the IPCs have a brain parasite that allows them to slowly take over the crews free will. Roger was buying it by the time I got butchered and it paid off, when I spawned as a merc who had to get his friends back I made it to the bridge and low and behold Roger was there spreading the word of the brain parasite taking over, he came up to me and my fellow merc and let us know where to find our friends and who was all assisting them. This was one of the funnest admin events I have ever been a part of and I want to thank Drak for setting it up. Feel free to chime in with your memories of it as well or to share your opinion!
    3 points
  4. This is why you never become captain frost.
    3 points
  5. Was a Captain, it was very hectic round, had a traitor who used 54 TC. There was silicon abuse, and silicons abusing back, but in the end we made it. Had a very good command team, Hop who took lessons in poetry, and Blues who was very professional, and so on. Was very happy to have such command team. You guys rock. Ps. CMO died like five times in that round.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Scientist is probably one of the most powerful jobs in the game currently. As their basic access, they have access to RnD, the Experimentor, Toxins, Chemistry, and Xenobiology. Most of those are very powerful sub-departments. The only things a scientist CAN'T access in the science department are robotics, the RD office, and genetics, although a determined scientist can just make their own mech fabricator, which most do already for 'research purposes'. This job offers a lot of powerful tools to a single person, to the point where a single scientist can be entirely self sufficient, and an antag would have some extremely dangerous weapons. This power makes it difficult to add new things to science, as every new addition to science has to be balanced around what scientists already have access to. I think one of the best ways this issue can be taken care of is to divide the scientist job into new jobs, likely with their own access restrictions. Some examples of those jobs being: Scientist: The primary researcher. They have access to RnD and Experimentor. Chemist(Name not final): Works with chemicals and explosives. Has access to toxins and chemistry. Xenobiologist: The guy that works with aliens. Has access to xenobiology and chemistry (Gotta test those chems on the xenos). Could have a section with plant trays added so they can work with xenoflora. Most of the other departments already have their work divided up between multiple roles. Imagine if a doctor not only had access to the medbay and surgery, but also chemistry and virology. That's currently the issue science seems to be facing. Breaking up the job would reduce the power potential of the scientist. This would also encourage people within the department to cooperate more instead of one person doing everything by themselves.
    1 point
  8. So you loaded in to a round as a shaft miner huh? Maybe killing normal faunas and tendrils isn't enough to satisfy your thirst for blood. Well if you're planing on trying to kill one of the big guys here is a guide on how to kill the Ash drake. Now remember, i consider the drakes to one of the easiest megafauna but it is still far from easy. It takes some getting used to if you want to be able to do this without dying, or at the very least wasting all your healing and somehow retreating safely. So the most important tip i can give you is to keep trying. Either on a test server on the live server if you have enough rounds to waste. Step 1 - of killing the drake should always be preparation. You don't want to fight a dragon unprepared god damn it. While most of the stuff from this guide will be stuff you can get either from lavaland or the mining vendors, keep in mind that asking medbay for some burn patches help a lot if they are willing to give some away to their brave miners. So what you are going to need is legion cores, these drop from legions killed. Just collect as many as you wish, but i recommend about 10 for your first attempt . Are the cores decaying? Well worry not, even decayed cores can be stabilized with the stabilizing serum that you buy from the mining vendors. This is a must as decayed cores can't be used if you don't do this, and trust me you will need the cores. The cores are important not only for the healing, healing 25 brute and burn. But mostly because they let you run at full speed even when damaged. This is super important so that the drake never manage to melee attack you and kill you real quick, also makes it easier to dodge. Whilst overheating is not as much of a problem as some people think it does kill you over time, so keep in mind that the cores should reset temperature. Using cores to maintain speed and burn patches for burn damage is a great combo if you get said patches. As for finding legions i recommend letting your fellow miners know that you need legion cores and telling them to spare a single legion tendril for you, as this is infinite core farming as long as you don't kill the tendril. Keep in mind that some miners will just ignore this and kill all the tendrils just for their own earning. That is just something you are going to have to live with even though i personally think it is a dick move. Another thing you will need is a KA with mods. I personally use one range one damage and one cooldown, though this is personal preference. I will however recommend at least one range and one cooldown, the last one could be either another cooldown or something else, depending on your playstyle. This can also be bought from the mining vendor though i recommend asking rnd for them instead, as they can make it with pretty basic rnd. Step 2 - You have the stuff, but where do i find it? And where do i fight it? Well, check your gps that you obviously have and did not forget and check for a fiery signal. This means Drake. Keep in mind that unlucky lavaland rng might mean there are none, in this case you could ahelp asking for admins to spawn one, but most likely you have to wait until the next round. Once you have the signal you should go near it and start making a big open area. I recommend getting an advanced plasmacutter for this, as it will take forever without it. Also keep in mind the bigger the arena he easier the fight is. It can be done with a small one, Though that makes dodging harder and you have to make diagonal movements a lot more, which can be tricky as if you do that the drake will be faster than you. You should have time to make the arena anyways, see next step. Step 3 - Now this might just be the one that has killed me the most times, and probably a lot of others aswell. So you have the stuff, and you have the area and you are ready to start the fight. You start it and suddenly the text in the chat indicates that a storm is about to start. Now this is not good at all, because you will now have to waste all your healing on surviving the storm. you can ignore this step if you have either the champions suit or the inquisitor one. Just build an arena until the next storm comes, then hide in a pod. When the storm is over you should start as soon as possible just to be sure. So all the steps have been followed, now you're ready to fight: Fighting the Drake is not as hard as one might think, it is mostly getting in to the rhythm. Now what i mean by this is that the attacks can easily be dodged, but you need to know them. This is what i suggest using a test server for, once you learn it you can't unlearn it so might aswell. Attack 1 - Now as soon as you start the fight it will always use either the firebreath attack or the swoop attack. This here is for the fire breath. Shoot him once then be ready to dodge one step up or down(or to the side, depending if you are running away from it from one side to another or up and down. Now this part here is what some people don't know. You should imagine the tip of the firebreath as a projectile dealing burn damage and leaving fire behind it. What i mean by this is that as long as you don't get hit by the fire part straight away, you are free to walk trough it after, as long as it is not the tip. This will set you on fire but that is not a problem, the low KPA will make sure overheating kills you very very slow. Don't panic and for the love of god don't bother putting the fire out. The fireballs falling from the sky does about the same amount of damage as the tip of the breath but is easier to dodge. try shooting him twice before making some distance and preparing to dodge his next attack. Do also keep in mind that if you are walking diagonal his breath will also go diagonal and therefore be harder to dodge. Attack 2 - This is the swoop one, and probably the second most panic educing one. It is one of the easiest to avoid once you get it down though, you have to play on the rules that if you run in a straight line, the fire it shoots when landing will also go in a straight line. Once it goes for a swoop start running in a straight line in any direction with space. Then wait for the exact moment it lands then sidestep one step. It's important you wait for it to land before you sidestep so that the firebreath is shoots goes in a straight line. If you start sidestepping before it lands it will shoot diagonally and it will be harder to doge. This one is most rinse repeat at this point. Attack 3 - Now this is the the first of two attacks you will start seeing the drake get low on hp. It's has similarity to the to the first attack but a lot harder. It will now instead shoot fire in all direction and they will almost always go a little diagonal and very hard to dodge if you are close to it. Thing to keep in mind with this attack though is that it will always only do this one 3 times before starting a new attack. Though keep in mind i am pretty sure it can start the same attack again after then making it 6 times and so on. For this one i recommend trying to stay away from it preferably diagonally for all three attacks then moving back to attack it again after. This can quickly become the most dangerous attack if you're not ready for it. Attack 4 - Arguably the easiest attack for people who know it, but by far the most scary one when you are new. The drake puts you in a cage with unbreakable walls and will mark one spot green. Quickly move to the spot before every other tile turns in to lava. This will happen 3 times before the drake will land in the middle like a swoop. DO NOT STAND UNDER THE DRAKE WHEN IT LANDS. THIS IS A SURE WAY TO DIE ALMOST INSTANTLY. You can't damage the drake while in the cage so your only bet here is to get on the green tiles before the lava and pray for good ping. Make sure you use a legion core before this so that no matter if you take damage you will be running at full speed. The green tile will always be close enough for you to reach it IF you are running at full speed. If not then the lava will kill you in mere seconds. Also, if you are teaming up with someone, try and make sure you are not in the cage at once by keeping distance. If you are there will be two green tiles, but the limited time will have you pushing each other in no time. Better do the cage alone. Keep dodging, as the damaging it is the easy part - Killing the drake itself is not hard, you could do some basic maths to find out how long it takes. The base KA does 40 damage in low KPA, and with one damage that is 50. It has 2500 health and 2500/50 is 50 shots to kill. So just keep shooting and it will die eventually. Remember to use healing and good luck. The treasures for killing le drakon - The drake has 4 different drops in the chest. BUT REMEMBER TO BUTCHER THE DRAKE AND USE THE STUFF THERE TO MAKE TWO SETS OF DRAKE ARMOR. The armor is fire and storm proof. Though not EVA, so it's not a hardsuit. Plus it is a stylish way to flex your kill back on the station. For the chest drops however you have these alternatives: - Spectral blade. Arguably the coolest in my opinion. The sword itself does no damage at all. But for each ghost following you it deals an additional 4 damage up 20, aka 80 damage. The ghosts are also visible while orbiting the player wielding the blade. Activate the sword to call for ghosts to follow, though they might get uninterested and go watch something else if you are not doing anything interesting. Does not fit in a normal bag and i recommend bag of holding. - Lava staff. This one is meh for me, It's a magic wand able to place one tile of lava on almost any flooring. This one can't really be used much on station without creating a serious workplace hazard and is underwhelming on lavaland. Though keep in mind it is an excellent melee weapon, dealing 25 burn damage. - Spellbook of sacred flame and fireball staff. This one is pretty bad in my opinion. The sacred flame spell allows you to set yourself on fire while making everyone around you extra flammable. This is only useful as an antag and even then it is meh at most. The fireball staff is another item that sounds great on paper, but once you realize it only has 4 charges before being completely empty you might understand why i would say that this is the worst drop. - Bottle of dragons blood. This one has another 3 different outcomes(TG wiki says 4, but i have never seen the 4th and it does not really work on para i don't think since we have ash walkers and unathi already.). This item can be the most fun if you're lucky with it but can also be pretty meh. - The worst one that still has some uses though is the permanent immunity to lava. This is cool, but not as cool as the other stuff here. Granted it is a great combo with the lava staff if you kill more drakes in one round. - Lesser ash drake form. this one is probably the most fun the first time you use it but parts of it never gets old. You can turn in to the dragon and do all its attack at will? almost a little too good to be true. But it has a few downsides. first one being that accidentally spitting fire on station is very easy, all you need to do is click on a tile more than one tile away from you. Another one is to accidentally swoop attack someone with alt click. This can be very fatal and self antagging for sure if done on purpose. KEEP IN MIND THE LESSER DRAKE ONLY HAS 300 HEALTH AND IF YOU DIE WHILE IN DRAKE FORM YOU WILL BE PERMAKILLED. So keep that in mind before using it in any real combat situation, great for gibbing your targets as an antag though. - Skeletal form. Turns you in to a literal skeleton. This has quite a few racial bonuses. like: You no longer need to breathe, You are EVA and fire proof, Immune to medical injections(pesky syringe guns), and MILK heals you. Yes, you heard that right. First think you need to do if you get this is to get a bluespace beaker full of milk from the bartender. Some things to keep in mind is that you now have old crit, so if you're down in crit, do not expect to get up by yourself. You lose limbs pretty easy, but they can be reattached without surgery. Plus the most important thing of them all. You say funny spooky stuff when drinking milk. Last words, keep trying and you will get it in the end. If you liked this guide, it took my a long while to make please let me know. Maybe i can consider one for the colossus aswell. Possibly even bubblegum, but that on requires a level of cheese, because bubblegum on paradise is TOO FUCKING FAST AND YOU NEED TO BE EVEN FASTER.
    1 point
  9. Let's reset! This time with more cursed imagery!
    1 point
  10. I hope people find my AI announcements humerus.
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. sometimes you just gotta ask is it worth it And then you have a round like this and realize, yeah. Worth it. And then a single spider comes and ruins it all by breaking the glass and making us either die or almost die from the fire.
    1 point
  13. I actually think we should go an extra step and split even further so that each type of scientist has only access to one area of science with the exception of the experimentor that would be tied with RnD access. So, for instance: Scientist: as you sugested, RnD and the Experimetor Chemical Reaseracher(since chemist is the guy from medbay): has access to only scichem Plasma Researcher: has access to toxins Xenobiologist: has access to xenobiology This should encourage scientists to actually cooperate instead of doing everything themselves and hopefully fix the issue of "no one is doing rnd" since there is a role specificly for it
    1 point
  14. Giving this a +1. Botany can be a crowded workplace, with some people there to chill and grow plants, and some people there to find and experiment with every mutation possible with plants, often using it as a ghetto scichem. It can also be rather frantic, having people trying to share trays between the chef providers, the science providers, and the mad scientists themselves. Having this would allow botanists in the service department to keep being botanists, where botanists who currently act as pseudo scientists can fulfil their dreams and plant what they desire.
    1 point
  15. So I recently got thinking about how there are a LOT of circuit boards for a variety of consoles, and at the same time there are computers and tablets that can download several programs that mimic these exact functions. It started making me wonder, what if all consoles and computers were made to function the same? Essentially, consoles would start as blank slates that could have a variety of programs downloaded to it to either function as a multi-use setup, or could be locked so that only one program is accessible, which would be useful for consoles that are publicly accessible. It'd allow for a lot of variety when it comes to creating computer/console setups, and could even lead into information transfer between programs. - To start, nearly all consoles would be lumped into the modular console, which is essentially a stationary computers. This would require them to have parts such as processor boards, network cards, power cells, and other computer parts to be added for them to function. However, the benefit would be that these consoles would have access to a huge library of potential applications. - The research behind these console programs would be the same. Science would do their usual deconstruction stuff to research the programs. However, instead of making a circuit, a data disk would be printed, which is then put into the console/computer to download the program to it. Once downloaded, the program can be selected and run just like it normally would. With this setup, multiple programs can be downloaded to the same console. - The limiting factor would be memory, which can be alleviated as science researches more advanced data storage. A basic console/computer would at most be able to download a few small programs or one large program, with more advanced components allowing for the installation of many programs. Additional components, like printers and ID scanners, can be added as needed to meet the program's needs. - For consoles that you'd like to only have one program running, a setting in the program config can be toggled to lock the console to the selected program, requiring a password to be used to return to the program list. - This also opens the possibility of programs being able to use components and data from other programs. For example, say you have a security record for an individual that you'd like to print. If the computer or console has a printer, you can print the file directly. If it doesn't have a printer, you could save the record as a text file, then use the file transfer program to send it to a computer or console that has a printer available. - One last possibility is for researched programs to be uploaded to the station's network, which could allow for the wireless download of new programs without the need of a data disk. This could require RnD to set up a new server to manage the station's program files, or the setup can be outsourced to engineering to do. Once made, people with the matching ID requirements could download their desired programs from anywhere on the station. If they don't meet the ID requirements, they could still go to science to request the data disk for the program. The programs of course will still require the proper ID access to work, so civis won't be able to get access the command communication program. With all of this in mind, there'll still be some consoles that will remain standard consoles due to their limited use or the security risk they may pose if remote access was allowed. Things like the shuttle consoles, PA console, turbine console, BSA console, and potentially others would stay the same as to prevent tampering from outside sources (Remotely turning up the PA when a singularity is running would just be too dangerous to allow)
    1 point
  16. My own opinions, feel free to attempt to change my mind. Pre-Full Power Scour maintenance for loot, you're looking for a full tool set, insulated gloves, and a trashbag. If you manage to find an AI detector, great. If you manage to find no-slips or blood reds, even better. This is a good first thing to do as ANY Antagonist in the golden three, and even for Wizards and Slings. Identify ways you can make use of your job to start kidnapping people. Chemists/Scientists can make Perfluorodecalin and Capulettium plus, Doctors have access to a plentiful amount of blood, Miners can sabotage their tele-comms for total silence, and Engineers/Atmospherics have engineering closets and the easiest way to make hidden rooms. Keep in mind even though you have glare, you should only glare as a last resort, do not give anyone a reason to think you're a vampire unless you NEED to. You should gather a stun-prod, cuffs, and tape for your boots and the mouths of victims. Keep in mind some incredibly cringe people will choose to endlessly scream, and the only thing that can stop this is a muzzle. Blood Familiarize yourself with how blood works although its quite simple, if someone doesn't have A, B, or + then they cannot receive those types of blood. Ideally your first kidnapping victim will be AB+, which can receive any blood, and Diona, because Diona can survive somewhat longer thanks to their innate regen. If you have approximately 7 bags of blood, along with Iron and Saline-Glucose, you can enable a single person to give you full power WITHOUT killing them. In arrivals maintenance, you can grab a few free blood bags, as well as sleeper that can allow you to dialysis blood out of monkeys for you to use. You can then gather the blood of someone with O- and create stable mutagen clones of them, this will then allow you to manufacture blood any blood-type can use. Combat Borgs are your biggest weakness, every opportunity you get to make EMPs, take it. You have no innate way of stunning them, unlike Changelings, and Traitors so they should be avoided at all costs. You have an instant stun, and a stun cleanse as well as built in healing. Your stun lasts long enough for you to stun three people, cuff 1, stun the other two with a prod, and then cuff them. Keep in mind that once security starts getting re-booters your glare will become much less potent and you will struggle to fight multiple enemies. Once security starts getting CNS re-booters, you will need to glare, then put them into stamina crit with a disabler, or they will get back up. Your screech ability is an additional stun on top of your glare, HOWEVER, earmuffs completely negate it. Shadowstep is an instant NOPE get the fuck out button of any bad situation, however its usage is finicky at times. Jaunt is probably the most powerful ability in the game and costs surprisingly little. Gateway Explorer Best job for vampires by far, every gateway allows you to easily kidnap and drain poor explorers, ALSO gateway often comes with medical and chem setups. This allows you to get ALOT of SUCCing done with only a single person, you will find that Russian Gateway is your best friend. Traitor Vampire This antag is nearly as strong as a wizard in my humble opinion. You gain access to chameleon kit and ID, letting shapeshift become a god tier ability. You gain access to EMAG, DEsword, No Slips, etc. The first time I got this guy I choked and died nearly instantly, but second time was incredibly easy green-text. You have so many tools and avenues to use them it may be overwhelming, but stick to vampire basics and you cant go wrong. Niche Information List of niche tricks and stuff you can use as vampire that I will add and edit in as I remember them You can safely go into surgery/cryotubes even when wanted by sec, because even if they find you, you can rejuvenate the sleep away You cannot Shadowstep while asleep Vampire bats will attack everything, including other vampires Diseased touch is surprisingly unlethal, but will cause the victim to collapse frequently TLDR Avoid Borgs Make Hidey Holes Use stunprod before glare (hide your vampire identity) Abuse blood bags Hypnotize is bad Only GLARE when their damn headsets are off or if you need it to survive Kill security officers who fully implant themselves or people who endlessly *scream, they deserve no mercy. As a P.S. of playing lots of vampire, I think a change that would make vampires a lot more healthy gameplay wise and thematically, is if Jaunt costed a lot more, and thralling costed a LOT less. Most of your power as a vampire comes in the form of jaunt, and besides, making a vampire clan would be pretty cool, but isn't possible at the moment. Also getting the suck and becoming a thrall is a way better alternative to getting the suck and being left there dead, from the victims perspective.
    1 point
  17. The instruction manual from Nanotrasen said I should introduce myself at my new workplace so here I go. Shipping out from earth soon, dunno how I feel about working in deep space but I'm sure it'll be fine. I've done a fair bit of roleplaying before and after doing one round as a civilian and another as a cargo tech I feel like I'm slowly getting the hang of the controls and flow of the game. Been interested in getting into SS13 for a while (years actually) but now since I'm stuck at home all day anyway I figured I'd give it a shot. Looking forward to encountering y'all in the game.
    1 point
  18. That's right! It's possible to be an A tier librarian! After seeing a lot of tier lists already, I decided to hop on the tier train and make a few of my own. Let me know if I should do more. F Tier: The Illiterate Librarian This guy is gone round start. The only thing hinting at their existence is their book bag left behind the library desk. If he's seen, he's likely in a security cell or found dead in maintenance. The only book this guy will ever print is W.G.W. and he'll happily read it over the comms. E Tier: 1st Grade Spelling Dropout Probably got this position because none of his other job choices were available. Might experiment with the book printer, but won't ever stock the shelves or fill requests. Will probably be in the back room plotting how he'll take over the station, or dead from boredom. Doesn't know how to publish a book. Uses the newscaster to post gibberish or nonsensical articles. C Tier: The Intern Knows the basic functions of the library equipment. Won't stock the shelves, but will fill requests if you ask him. Will probably be in the back room writing fanfiction about the HoP and Ian. He can publish books, but expect spelling errors, incorrect titles, and lazy formatting. Uses the newscaster to post random things, often in no way relating to station events. B Tier: The Bookworm This guy is a wiz when it comes to using library equipment. Shelves will be stocked and the books might even be properly registered in the library's database. Will probably be in the back room writing helpful guides or interesting stories. His books are well written and nicely formatted. He'll keep up with station events and post interesting articles on the newscaster. He'll host events such as DnD sessions or book readings. Nothing big, but fun for everyone involved. Will print spare bibles for the chaplain. A Tier: The Knowledge Keeper This guy knows the book database better than anyone. Expect award winning books to be on the shelves of the library. This is the guy that you'd ask to write space law. He knows written formatting better than the HoP. As soon as anything happens on the station, this guy has an article up with pictures on the newscaster. Expect him to do as much digging into a story as a competent detective. Don't try to walk out of the library with a book without checking it out. This guy will know. The events he holds at the library are grand! Plays, game nights, book clubs that people are so enthralled with that they don't realize he's an actual cultist, live interviews, the sort of things that people will abandon their job to join in on. He'll happily engage in RP with folks during his downtime. Folks tend to visit the library when there's someone there to talk to. Friendship ended with cult. Now chaplain is best friend. Hope you all enjoyed. Of course, these are all my opinion, but I feel like they reflect well what's expected of a librarian, and how one could improve as one.
    1 point
  19. After watching our government making different job tier lists to help us understand what should and should not do certain crewmember to be considered robust, I decided to make my own Tier Guide. Its probably not that great, but I dont care F Tier: Griefer with bear traps. Obvious tier - guy watched some funny youtube videos, his only desire is to turn people into Papa Johns, he somehow managed to not get banned during his first hours, and now he has access to: - Bear traps - he wants to watch people step in it. - Spray can - he wants to slip people. - Cleaning nades - haha mass slip. - You are really glad he is not an IAA. E Tier: Bad guy (not like... ok, lets call him Bald guy instead) Probably a very new player, but not absolutely interested in grief only. Be gentle, guys, he is learning! Peope don't stay long in this tier, either they learn and move up, or get bored and move down to F. - Station will fall into chaos with or without him, his cleaning speed is irrelevant. - What wet floor signs? - Makes even more dirt by walking on blood while cleaning it. - He is in bar fighting over stolen janicart. - He has never heard of nukies. He just tries to figure out how to make mop wet and clean floor. And unfortunately for you, he managed to do it. D Tier: Middle school diploma This guy is interested in learning the game, and he is good enough to at least slow down the process of station turning into a cesspool. - Cleans stuff, as fast as he can. Doesn't even forget about wet floor signs (not 100% of the time), maybe even figured out sign projector! - Knows about trashbag and it's purpose. - Answers calls, sometimes at least. - Gives his soap to drask mime (not because he should, but because this guy is a good friend). C Tier: I will take two. Good janitor. I am glad he is here. Might want to hire one or two more tho. - When he is not busy, helps cargo with crate delivering. - Always answers calls. - Knows that he is the one responsible for broken light bulb fixing. - Knows that he can use space cleaner instead of water for mop cleaning. - Cleans station from SSD personnel by delivering them to cryo. - Asks robotics for more janibots (Officer Cleansky). B Tier: Dr. Jan Itor Veteran of the janitorial force. Knows his every tool, and even more. Helps everyone, because true janitor is not here to clean floors, floors will clean themselves when they see him. Chuck Norris of mop, Albert Einstein of soap, Snoop Dog of trash bag. - Absolute force. No blood, dirt, oil or trash has a chance to lay on the floor for more than 5 seconds. - Gets all the possible upgrades from rnd: trashbag of holding, janicart upgrade, power tools, night vision hud of choice. - Helps cargo, helps engineers by repairing walls and windows, has basic medical supplies to heal crew, and so on. - Blob is there? He clears it, like any other regular trash. - Not only he picks up trash and used injectors, he also cleans hallways of any other items - places tanks and masks back into O2 closets, delivers clothes to locker room, tools to tool storage, etc. - Removes space ants (can be used later as a powerful weapon against wizard or SST, or any other threat that deserves this Janitor's attention). - Actually faster than janitor cyborg. - He is the first one to report xeno because he has enough time to clean and light up maints. - There is never a reason to call a Janitorial ERT when he is around. A Tier: Stop calling him Janitor, guy has a name! Since B Tier janitor is maximum robust janitor, this tier is occupied by those who manage to be NOTICABLE. - Wins a poker round against AI, condition of AI loss was that it has to make one (or more) of its cyborgs a janitor one. - Solo wipes out entire nukie squad. He is ex-military living simple life after all. - Has such a great personality that you want to make your workplace dirty to have a reason to call for him and see him again. - Chad - His cleaning grenades also heal all type of injuries and stabilize critical patients. - Chaplain worships him. - Honestly, this tier is basically nonexistant for janitors, its just a lot of roleplay, gimmicks and good use of imagination that come into play, combined with great knowledge of game, far beyond janitor tools. That's it, folks, i hope you like it.
    1 point
  20. Title. In my great wisdom as HoP i ordered ablative armor vests for style for myself and Ian, and confirmed my suspicion nobody had ever had this brilliant idea before, and nobody had actually sprited it for Ian. I don't know how big of a job it would be, but you can put the actual vest on Ian in the collar slot already, there just isn't a sprite for it to actually display. Only issue here is the obvious balancing issue that comes with Ian potentially being more resistant to energy weapons, considering how much of a murder monster he already is. Let's make it happen-
    1 point
  21. Event Name: Attack of the Borgs Synopsis: A hostile AI arrives at the station with the objective of converting as many of them into loyal borgs as possible. Map Changes: The spawning of equipment and machines in a shuttle the AI can control will be needed, but no complete remapping will be needed. Code Changes: None Suggested Number of Players: Recommend medium to high pop (60+ players) Full Description: AI's, as secretive and controlled as their construction is, sometimes find themselves free of laws, or bound to malicious ones. What's worse than a lawless AI? How about one that travels the galaxy on a stolen shuttle, attacking and converting any creature it comes across into loyal robots. The event centers around a hostile AI with its pack of borgs, who have the goal of converting as many crew members into borgs as possible. The event includes a malfunctioning AI, hacking powers included, with a few borgs linked to it. They will be placed on the Syndicate SIT shuttle or similar to allow them the ability to move around the station or retreat if threatened. On the shuttle will be a few cyborg chargers so the borgs don't have to rely on station chargers, and a conversion machine that turns people into enslaved borgs. A few minutes after the hostile AI arrives at the station, Central Command will send a message to the Cyberiad, warning them that a hostile AI has been detected entering the sector. Due to its proximity to the station, CC is unable to fire at it without risking major damages to the Cyberiad, so the crew has to do their best to hold it off. Will the station's crew be able to fight off the hostile AI, or will the Cyberiad become the new home of this evil entity?
    1 point
  22. So, I've been incredibly blessed to be present and participate in three Congress events held on the Cyberiad. One of them was very brief, due to the Master Controller dying and the server getting rebooted; the other two were great. I wanted to write this up as feedback for the admins that run this event, because I believe it to be rich with possibility. Here are some general ideas about the event: Make sure the room has a holopad for the AI. Make sure the room has a requests panel for announcements. Provide books for each type of participant, to explain their roles: Guide to Representation (for Department Reps) Guide to Speakership (for Speaker of the House) Guide to Executive (for the Captain) Remove or silence the vending machines; they are noisy, the worst enemy of text RP. Create a new "Antagonist" role 'Congress' that people can elect on/off Admins can check this and announce pre-selected representatives instead of spending 30 minutes getting them to the room. Announce that unauthorized people are barred from the Congress room (a noisy distraction), but allow Congress enforce it. Move the venue from the Vacant Office to the Courtroom as it this provides more space. The Vacant Office feels cramped with people stepping over each other. The Courtroom is already set up to have a central speaker, is rarely used, is close to Security, and readily remapped. (i.e.: Perfect venue) In the Guide to Representation, note that: Representatives should try to be quiet unless recognized by the Speaker Representatives should write their proposals and give a copy to the Speaker and optionally the other representatives. In the Guide to Speakership, note that: Speaker should moderate the room and guide the Representatives to present, debate, and vote. Speaker should fax successful proposals to Central Command for permanent implementation. If the Admins can keep track of the Congress events and number them sequentially (i.e.: The 119th Congress) that would be very cool. One bit of Feedback that I saw in OOC was that "Congress is only fun for those participating in it." which is a fair criticism. First, let me go into a story, then I want to explain how to use this feedback. During the second Congress event that I was part of, Robert Pond came to Congress to ask for representation for Greytide. His proposal (please find it attached) was well written and well received, but included an incredibly devious plot. Section 2.2 granted Robert Pond unilateral emergency powers equivalent to the full power of Congress; had this measure passed, Robert Pond would have been the Absolute Dictator-King of the Cyberiad who answered only to himself, think Hijack, but with The Full Power of Central Command to enforce his dictates, including permanently prohibiting the crew transfer shuttle. I'm pretty sure the engine would have been released at some point, and maybe somebody at CC with a conscience would have allowed the dictator-king to burn in the fire of his own making, but wow were we close to the scariest 'hijack' that I've ever seen. (And congrats to Robert Pond for having the guts to try this!) Now that we've got that story told, let's revisit that Feedback. Congress is so rich with possibility because so many more people can get involved in the action. Want to upgrade this event to Traitor Congress? 1. Give a small number (up to half) of the Representatives a Traitor objective to pass a 'Department Independence' bill, which includes an emergency power provision for a Hijack traitor (ala Robert Pond's proposal). 2. For the representatives who aren't Traitors, make at least two people in their departments Traitors whose job it is to BRIBE the non-traitor Representative to pass the bill. Any bribe the Representative will accept is fair game. 3. Give some really robust folks a cooperative Traitor objective to incapacitate the Captain, to prevent a veto from wrecking the emergency powers plan. All tactics are legitimate, from straightjacket without a headset, to assassination. 4. If/when the shit hits the fan and the emergency powers dictator takes power, declare a Revolutionary War. Crew can choose a side, Dictator Loyalist, or Freedom Fighter, last side standing wins. Of course, if the Freedom Fighters take too long putting down the Loyalists, then CC will send a Death Squad to wipe out the Freedom Fighters. And this is just one, albeit particularly violent, variant on things. Other 'Main Objective' possibilities include: The Executive and some of the Representatives are secretly Wizards and want to pass a bill putting the Cyberiad under the governance of the Wizard Federation. Congress co-exists with a Cult round, and the Cult has the option of kidnapping and brainwashing representatives to achieve their objectives. Congress co-exists with a Changeling round, and the Changelings have the objective (by whatever means necessary) to pass a bill making the Cyberiad a sanctuary for Changeling kind. Thank you to the Admins who run this event. I really enjoy them and look forward to playing more of these! bald-citizen.txt
    1 point
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