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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello forums! I have seen a lot of great work from artists in here and wanted to share something too! ^.^ This is one of my very first attempts to draw character from server and specifically it is Natalya Sokolova (one of the most robust officers I have met). It has been great moments to spend time with her on station and the player is very nice and kind too @Norstead! Only additionally.. I know that it is nothing special and it has many mistakes in it.. and I expect criticism, also I would appreciate some suggestions or tips from anyone who is willing to give me some! ^.^
    10 points
  2. Idea: All legit ( _legit) Contraband posters will get a second vandalized variation which can be in some way corrupting/perverting their original intent and message usually from the perspective of the syndicate. Gameplay: On how you will be able to do that i have two ideas: 1: Using a red crayon on a poster. 2: Creating a new syndicate up-link object in needless badassery called the syndi-crayon. Implementation: I am will be personally handling the pixel art for the vandalized posters and create a DMI with all the vandalized versions of legit posters. But i can't make the code associated with that.
    5 points
  3. I love bots. They're a fun thing to make to help out the crew when you either have nothing else to do in robotics, or if you just want to create an army for the AI to play with. I feel like there's the potential for a lot of other bot types too. Some of these ideas come from other code bases, while others are original. FireBot (Buildable fire sprinkler) Requires a Fire Extinguisher, Proximity Sensors, Firefighter Helmet, and a Robotic arm. Will detect people and tiles that are on fire and attempt to extinguish them with a blast of water. Still only moves at bot speed, and can only fire the extinquisher once every five seconds or so, making crew better firefighters, but bots good to have for immediate response. Ideal for places like chemistry or toxins where people tend to catch things on fire. Can be configured to send an alert to Engineering if it detects a fire. Strong resistance to fire, but an uncontrolled plasma fire will still probably be hot enough to destroy it. Atmos will still be the best people to have fight one of those. When emmaged, it will go around spraying scalding hot water or some kind of acidic chemical at people. HelperBot (Need a hand?) Requires a Box, a Proximity Sensor, and a Robotic Arm. Likely the most basic of bots, this little robot will go pick up any tiny to normal sized object you point at, pick it up, and then drop said item at your feet. Perfect for the lazy guy that doesn't want to get up from his chair or if you need to stay rooted to one spot. When emmaged, the robot will pick up random objects and throw them at people while screaming at people to get the (object name) themselves! TrashBot (AKA, a roomba) Requires a trash bag/trash bag of holding, Proximity sensor, and a Robotic Arm A cousin to the clean bot, the trashbot will wander the station and pick up any loose items it encounters that are not on a table or a container. To keep the bot from running into people's work place to steal thing, the bot will only pick up items that are directly adjacent to it. If the bot does take something of yours, interacting with it will give you the option to eject its contents. The bot can be configured to send a message on the service radio when full, requesting to be emptied. When emmaged, the bot will be able to steal items off of people it passes, giving a message such as 'Trashbot stole your (object name)!' MusicBot (Mobile music box) Requires a Piano Synthesizer, a Proximity Sensors, and a robotic arms. Once made, you're able to open a secondary interface that allows you to set the music that plays like you would an instrument. You can give the bot a different instrument to change what it plays. To keep noise pollution down, the bot will automatically pause what it's playing if it encounters another music bot. When emmaged, the bot will zip around the station playing Flight Of The Bumblebee while tripping anyone that approaches it. FriendBot (For when not even the borgs want to be friend) Requires a Plush Toy, a Proximity Sensor, and a robotic arm. Takes on the appearance of the plush used to make it with wheels under it. Will occasionally hug people, making the plush unique sound if there is one. Will say words of encouragement to people it passes. When emmaged, it'll slap people across the face while yelling insults. Not very friendly.
    2 points
  4. I decided to do a "Nanotrasen appreciation day" as the NTRep, here are some of the submissions i got from the crew, when i asked them to give me an example of their appreciation of Nanotrasen. I ended up handing out a Red gold trimmed top hat, a fur cape and a coffeemug with a flame on it as prizes to the winners. (The winners where: the CMO, the poem by Ohiki Hake, and the letter from the CE)
    2 points
  5. Spent all day making it, basically. This is Version 1.8 If you want one, I can make it for you, but i'll need the following replied to this post: SFW Image of Your Character/Avatar. [Preferably Facing Forwards.] Character's Name Job/Role You Wish To Use. [Determines Card, Stripe, and "Dot" Colors.] [You May Ask For Custom Color If You Wish.] ID # (6 digits) [Otherwise I Can Use Your Forum ID #] Optional: Will Add Additional Things. *IF I FEEL LIKE DOING SO Avatar / Character Portrait credit to whomever made them. I made the cards themselves. Edit: The fastest way to get in touch with me is discord: ErebusAres#9612
    1 point
  6. Changed up my bun design and drew my boyfriend as a wolf, and yes I did watch Beastars... and I want more. I may be cute a smol, but I'm very aggressive. Starting watching Gargoyles on Disney+ because what else am I going to watch on there... and I think Arui would rock the wings to cape look. Here's some fancy wizards. Darion Butler and Darius White
    1 point
  7. i am currently trying to code this in as we speak, having a crayon looking like a red crayon be able to do this to the posters. I could try and make a PR with this if i had the sprites if ya want
    1 point
  8. Neat one, hail Nanotrasen! Those are hilariously differing. From formal letter to that poem... Meanwhile in that shift, one quiet one in a security perspective, I went on rampage in the style that is possible to a detective.
    1 point
  9. I will surely share my next work too! ^^ Thank you for the support!
    1 point
  10. Nice clean lines and I love the detail on those eyes! Please do show us more!
    1 point
  11. Aww, thank you Drakie! ^.^ I did not expect this from you
    1 point
  12. Gosh I enjoy your style! Keep up the good work! I'm looking forward to seeing many new art pieces from you
    1 point
  13. Finally got access to tools that allow me to send more interesting faxes, in hopes of tricking the heads. I dare say, i did get Acting Hos appointed Captain, sadly my assasination plan against Jasmine didn't work out.
    1 point
  14. I understand Mitchs' worries, but they do seem to think it's somehow an efficient killing method. It is not. You can't really prepare an ambush for a specific person like that and randomly killing anyone who checks your pulse would be restricted only to the vampires. With vampires around, you probably don't want to approach "dead bodies" that aren't pale, anyway. Calling security and a paramedic to a dead body instead of having civilians gleefully dragging rotting cadavers around is, in my opinion, definitely a fair trade for a minor buff to vampires. A buff they most likely won't use, anyway. I'd even go further and say that vampires trying to pull that off are also vampires that don't space your body after draining you to 0 and decapitating you, because they want to be fun antags. Basically, I don't see it as a major change to mechanics, just adding some flavour to the game. And if you can't handle not being cloned 30 seconds after dying, well. Don't die next time, I guess?
    1 point
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