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  1. Who's THAT PLASMAMAN? It's AKIRA! With their habit of plasma bars and plasma drinking habits that lead to plasma alcoholism (Like normal alcoholism, but more deadly and flammable)
    9 points
  2. Another day, another art! This time it's a brigphys who I constantly find saving my life in the brig bay. Teo the orange slimeperson. @Zorazi
    5 points
  3. Got a suggestion for a build. "The Smuggler". It's the cargo tech/ quartermaster that keeps somehow managing to order contraband crates without anyone noticing, and distributing said loot to his fellow traitors. Will likely have a storage implant to hide his tools like his emmag and traitor headset. Also expect him to have a set of tools for setting up hidden meeting spots and supply caches.
    3 points
  4. Wow, you really are putting together a Super Security Team! Feels like they could all be from the same image!
    1 point
  5. If you know Kennard Rose than you probably know him as either an effective detective, or a melancholic alcoholic! Perhaps both. @25charactersorless
    1 point
  6. The not only Low-RP but also Anti-RP vibe I get from some not quite new people bugs me.
    1 point
  7. There's nothing clean about dying out in the Black. The lucky ones have proper suits; they're protected from the elements, or at least 'till I get involved. The unlucky ones get to feel their blood seep out through their skin, gasping at air which won't ever come, feeling their eyeballs boil out from their skulls. Killing out here is an ugly business. And best of all, I'm up against the worst sort of enemies. "Prep to breach," I mutter into my headset. His name was Edward. Brown hair going to grey, bit of a paunch, loved to go on about his synthsteaks and the pets he trained. Nice fellow. I pulse the jets and float aside as Edward charges towards me, teeth bared in a killer's grin and staring at me with the wild eyes of a fanatic. I yank the heavy shotgun onto target, but my co-worker-turned-cultist doesn't flinch even as the twinkling laser sight settles onto his visor. I pull the trigger, feeling the dull vibration and heavy kick as the oxygenated powder sparks and fires. Edward's face disappears, his visor shattering into a crystal cloud that reflects the distant sunlight. His body begins to slowly float away, drifting end over end from the push I'd just applied, as I swerve to find my next target. Nguyen is my next victim. She's not dressed for the party; rather than wearing a heavy space suit, she's clad only in her engineering jumpsuit and regular work clothes. If she feels fear at the certainty of dying out here in the Black, I can't see any in the wild howl distorting her face. Her eyes have doubtlessly already ruptured, exploding outwards from the inexorable pull of vacuum, but all I can see is the occasional chunk of flesh and blood leaking past the eldritch-glowing blindfold over her eyes. She's fast, unencumbered by gear or doubt, and she's on me in a flash. I swing the butt of the shotgun around, slowly pushing her off my chest, and another pulse of the jets gets me the distance I need. Another dull vibration and distant kick, and Nguyen is left flailing. Her hands wave desperately, grasping for something in the void, and my stim-fueled mind can't help but remember her animatedly waving her arms in the cafeteria. She was always a bright spark of enthusiasm, full of interest in the sort of wiring jobs and grav-engine work that'd make my eyes glaze over, and I wonder how much of that old enthusiasm she'd brought to her new profession. I blink the thought away, sight the weapon on center-of-mass, and pull the trigger twice. The second shot goes wide, severing her left hand, and the limb is sent spinning away with the fingers left in a rough "OK" sign. There's a sudden thump, arcing pain, and the hiss of escaping air. I glance rightwards to see a snarling alien face staring me visor-to-visor. Plopbop-something, they were called; they grew odd plants and spent most of their time in the pool ("I've got a stereotype to live up to, after all" they'd burble). They smile as my blood coats the visor, tongue arcing out from between their teeth, and yank again on the wickedly-curved knife sticking out of my thigh. My armoured suit resists the blade, but the weapon glows and the metal of my suit bubbles under the stress. It's too close for the long-barreled shotgun. I go for my backup weapon, stick it into Plopbop's gorget, whisper something (what did I try to say? what could I possibly say?), and pull the trigger. A spray of blueish blood, another bulky figure sent spinning, as I rack the slide and fire again. Have to ensure the kill, after all. Plopbop's stereotypes and dreams of omega-weed vanish in a spray of buckshot piercing their chest. Security Officer Jones was always a bit of a shit, and I can't say I ever really got along with him. He was that classic American: too loud, too opinionated, too sure of himself and the world. He loved these sorts of breaches, loved taking lead with the riot shield and stunbaton. He was held up by a hacked airlock, and the cultists got too close ("I just haveta get close, and it's all over" he'd bragged in the briefing). His telemetry is...his telemetry is...his telemetry is... I shake my head to clear it, refocusing on the task at hand. Jones and Dasinovich are both down, probably for good. I yank at my combat webbing for a little metal cylinder, reflexively pulling the pin as I stretch out my arm. One flashbang, two 'bangers, and a little tear-gas surprise arc inside the cultists' breached base, one getting blown backwards into the dusk by an errant gust of escaping atmosphere. THOOM The explosions rattle me even in the vacuum, the shockwaves propagating over the distance. My fri- co-worke- the cultists have homicidal fanaticism, but it's still tied to human senses, and without protection the powerful explosions of light and sound horribly disorient them. The remaining cultists inside the base drift apart, mewling in pain, and I move in for the kill. The first threat inside is a stranger; some new arrival I haven't yet learned to know, thank Christ. The buckshot makes quick work of him, two racks of the slide ensuring the kill, as I draw my laser sidearm and sight on the next target. She was the Chef; I can still see the glint of knife-metal at her waist as I cave in her skull. The Security 'borg makes short work of the last, blood painting its metal chassis as its stunbaton slams relentlessly through spacesuit and cultist armour. They were living beings, full of hopes and dreams and aspirations. They had fears, hatreds, good and bad sides both. They were friends, and there's no worse enemy than a friend. I put those living, breathing hopes and dreams to rest with gas and gun, bullets and jetpack and better preparation for fighting out in the Black. Officers Jones and Dasinovich get priority, so my former friends' bodies continue to cool as I handle my fellow redshirts. I do my best to make the sight less obscene, closing eyes and mouths and covering what I can of the drifting gore. It's hours longer to track down all the bodies, my spacepod's scanners tracking the faint infrared returns as my former co-workers' bodies return to absolute zero. Some days I hate my job. -Security Pod Pilot David MacTavish
    1 point
  8. I was the head of personal, at some point a likely syndicate agent came up to me and offered me 30.000 TC for all access. Not wanting to turn down such an offer and being skeptical about nanostrem i accepted. About mid-shift security bursts to my office and arrests me for treason. In perma i teach the other prisoner how to dissemble thing in the cell to make new things we make white outfits and backpacks, and some one emags us out. problem is we were implanted with tracking beacons. A security officer arrests me a wile after i escape, The subject brings me being a traitor for selling out my loyalties. I explain that i am doing this because working for nanostrem is slavery and of how many atrocities happen on nanostrem ships , Turns out the officer is a loyalist, I keep going about how they don't care about my life or their life and only care about short term cash to spend. turns out sec was raised by nanostrem and i keep trying to explain how they don't really care about us. Some time passes and we get a verdict for my execution. I ask that my money is transferred to that Sec officer, because they can use to get out of corporate slavery and get the chance to experience life. That really took them aback and my character explained that we were both prisoners in that case, both victims of circumstance, just wearing suits with different colors. And they started telling me they are felling guilty. But i told them they shouldn't, it all circumstance, and the they should use that money to get out of the faul circle. By the end of the round that very same sec took me to one of the mini shuttles and freed me and split the money half half, There was a brief talk about living together after this but they declined as they were in a relationship. i like to think when they reached central my character escaped with the help o that officer and then used the money to retire away from corporate slavery. And the officer being able to distance them selfs and the corporation due to no longer needing them to survive that they could see how faul and rotten it really is and maybe retire too at some point. [If you were involved in the story in anyway big or small thank your for that experience and feel free to message me on discord (Comrade Hoarder#9992)] Some of the transcript preserved by NULL (Many thanks) Transcript: [00:00] Recording started. [00:01] Recording stopped. [00:01] Recording started. [00:18] Saki Kobayashi sighs. [00:21] NULL says, "this is IA agent NULL, with me i have Vrax, Farmer of clan zarlan, here to take a statement of Vrax's last will" [00:41] NULL says, "Please repeat your wishes sir" [00:45] NULL says, "the recorder is on" [01:01] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "I wizzzh that all the money i havve in my account izzz tranzzszfered to zzzaki" [01:07] Jesus R. Carper shivers. [01:09] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "zzzaki kobayazhi" [01:13] NULL asks, "Anything else?" [01:20] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "thatzzsz about it really" [01:23] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "ill die anyway" [01:31] Saki Kobayashi says, "I will be right back" [01:32] NULL asks, "Understood, any next of kin you wish to have informed?" [01:47] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "Nah no need to make them feel bad" [01:54] NULL asks, "very well, anything else?" [02:01] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "juzzszt let my contactzzz know that i peacefully pazzszzzzed" [02:07] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "One lazzzt thing" [02:10] NULL says, "go on" [02:18] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) asks, "before i die can i havvve one of cargoz pizzzzazzz?" [02:20] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "they are the bezzszt" [02:26] NULL says, "we could try and arrange that" [02:31] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "thank you." [02:32] Vrax, Farmer of Clan Zarlan (as Prisoner #13-007) says, "that izs all" [02:35] NULL says, "Stopping recording" [02:36] Recording stopped.
    1 point
  9. i spent some time in the arcade, got some crayons, and realized, hey, i could make art installations with this so then i liveblogged my shenanigans to my girlfriend wild way to develop a character, but a fun one!
    1 point
  10. This is quite a long story, but I found the round quite fun and suddenly felt compelled to share it with people. So, shift starts, and I'm rolling with AI set to high and everything else set to never. I load in, and discover that I am, in fact the Mike. And ooh, a traitor, with the following objectives: Steal the station blueprints Steal the captain's deluxe jetpack Escape on the shuttle or an escape pod alive and free. Very well then, interesting objectives. I wander around to the Hop office and expertly mime my wish to become an engineer (No, I don't cheat by using a PDA), which the Hop struggles to comprehend for around 8 minutes, at which point I become a silent engineer. I head over to engineering and gear up, making friends with the local hardhats and advising them on where to place the BSA, at which point they left to do their thing. As there was no CE at the time, I decided to just brute force the office, grabbing the fire axe from atmos and using it to open the CE's office, bust the locker lock open and grab the blueprints, before making a hasty retreat. Success! Next up, I wandered up to the teleporter, fireaxe in hand, taking advantage of the AI and command being distracted by some hat anomaly on the AI sat, to force my way in, closing the door behind me and grabbing the hand Tele just incase. I think made my way to the captain's office, opened up the suit storage thingy and grabbed the jetpack, before teleporting away to arrivals. Success! All objectives done, 0TC spent. So, I do a quick ahelp, asking for more objectives and a bit of prize TC. I got 5 additional crystals, and the objective to: 4) Steal the nuclear authentication disk. So, that was going to be a tougher nut to crack. I used the fireaxe to get into the secure secure storage area, replacing the AI upload board with something random from the shelves, before building the upload in a hidden location and buying the discounted hacked upload board for 6TC. I told the AI to obey everyone who squished (being a slime person myself) and who ordered them by PDA, And told it not to hurt those who it obeyed. I traded some friendly messages with the AI, before it informed me that the captain was in the AI satellite, helping with the hatnomaly. I ordered it to cut comms and kill him, which it was very effective at. I had to kill some poor engineer (Sorry, T-50) whilst retriving the body, getting the captain's ID, the NAD AND the pinpointer, because the captain wasn't too bright and kept the pinpointed on himself instead of giving it to his blueshield. At this point, I'm out of objectives again. It's about 40 minutes into the shift, so I ahelp once more, and get another objective, although no additional TC ("Those guns are expensive, yo!") 5) Steal the blue secret documents. So, I stash the NAD, along with the rest of my highly illegal stuffs, into a very obscure locker in engineering, and head out to track. I buy a advanced pinpointer and switch it on. It displays: "?". Alright then, they must be hidden off Z somewhere. Engineering outpost: "?"; mining outpost: "?". A quick ahelp later, it turns out that the blue documents do not exist after all. And I get my objective changed to: 5) Steal secret documents from any organization. A short bit after that, CC announced a message along the lines of: "Hey there, the captain is missing, and you don't have the NAD or pinpointer. We can't send you new ones, but we've managed to pinpoint the NAD to somewhere in or near engineering.". So, I quickly drag the locker full of illegal stuff from engineering to space around the turbine, where I construct a secret room to make sure the stuff stays hidden. I venture off to hack the vault, grabbing a stethoscope from medbay before having some fun with grayant (I think), who was wanted for some reason and wanted something to do. Then I ordered the AI to let me into the vault, and got cracking This got a bit disturbed after some officers burst in to check the vault for xenomorphs, but a borg helped me out with that, and after a while I got the documents. I head back to my stash, only to discover than someone has broken into it and stolen the jetpack. I track them down with the pinpointer (it was the janitor) and engage in space combat, with us disarming eachother and hatchet bashing, but I won the fight thanks to healing from my flask of nothing. I grab the jetpack, and head back to the stash, only to discover that, while I was gone, someone has stolen the NAD! Once more, I start tracking, eventually finding the culprit to be an atmos tech. And a vampire, as I found out after trying to fight them. I sprayed them with my firespray, which was ineffective as they were wearing the atmos hardsuit. They then proceeded to shoot me with their ebow, which they got from also being a traitor, and telling me to back off. Of course, I really needed that disk, so I used most of my TC to buy a revolver, which I emptied into them down a narrow maint tunnel, killing them whilst they missed their shots with the ebow. Sorry it had to be that way, buddy. At the end of the round, I checked his objectives, and he didn't even need any of the items he stole from me, which was his undoing, I suppose. I grabbed the disk, pocketed everything from the stash and felt quite pleased with myself. I headed back to engineering as the crew transfer shuttle gets called in, blocking the engipod hallway with RCD walls and celebrating with the borer I managed to pick up along the way. We rode off on the pod towards Central, and I got to bask on the clory of seeing 5 green lines below my name. This was the story of Mastergamer2 (Usually either Door Monster or Blue Puddle, in this case Sound Of Silence). Feel free to comment if you were a part of the round and want to add anything to the story, or if you just want to say/ask something!
    1 point
  11. I was talking to some old friends recently and I decided to make a post about it, I am going to be putting some fun facts and memories of very early SS13 days. I have been playing SS13 since about 2003 or so and originally worked on a very early concept of an advanced medical system with Exadv1 ( Bonus points if anyone can tell me what his username was short for!). So for my first random fact: Way back when once a new round started everyone first spawned on a big shuttle, you had to move you char to the very top and hit 'Ready" and then Enter" and you would be teleported to a holding area on the ship before the round actually started. This would sometimes cause some fights and chaos as the fast you hit "Ready" and "Enter" the better your chances at a job and there were limited tiles you could ready up on.
    1 point
  12. The bridge used to be in the north east side of the station with quite a nice view into space! Though the captains room was about the size of the current janitors closet!
    1 point
  13. The original Station used a Plasma fire engine, this often lead to massive explosions that would blow the majority of the map up!
    1 point
  14. On the very early SS13 servers the full brig was about the size of the our current captains office with one cell inside of it. The server populations were still small then but that was still a very crowded brig.
    1 point
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