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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2020 in all areas

  1. It's Pride month, and I was asked to draw a very Cone-ie Vulp showing off some colours of celebration. I was happy to oblige. I hope everyone of all flavors and persuasions are doing well in this tremulous time. I love and appreciate all of you.
    4 points
  2. A cute watermelon themed girl who likes plants, her name may be Melonie Auriel had gotten into a fist fight? My DnD group had been doing little art challenges, where once or so a week someone will say a drawing prompt. This one was disguise... I dunno, I just he'd probably dress up a girl, and it was amusing. This prompt was music, he probably played the harp. Auriel sitting on a train thinking about his near death experience with a Dragonborn wizard who cast fireball point-blank. He'll probably be bottling up his feelings about this, so the rest of the party isn't worried about him. Which is an unhealthy move on his part. From my DnD session this week. During the train ride, the train got an unexpected visit from an Artificer guild. (we're playing a home brew setting that's more Victorian steampunk meets magic, and there's a bunch of different guilds that kinda run the show) So, they were going to every passengers to ask them questions about where they were during different events. Like when a gear foraged factory was "attacked" and when a monolith came to be. Worst part is, we've met some of these people before, and our faces probably have been shown in pictures. While half the party could disguise themselves. My boi Auriel and the Dwarf Fighter couldn't... So Auriel is hiding behind a news paper
    3 points
  3. After seeing a fair amount of plasma escaping containment, i decided to dig a little deeper into why windows sometimes are not airtight. Below is a summary of my findings, along with images for the different things tested, and what works/ does not work. TL;DR All tests were made using reinforced plasmaglass along with a canister of plasma gas and some holofans. 1) One window, screwed and fastened the normal way Result = Leak 2) Same as above, just an extra unscrew/screw of the window result = leak 3) Normal fastening again, but this time, i removed and placed down the floortile under the plasmatank, after fastening the window result= no leak! 4) Same window placement as above (note that the window is placed on the left tile), on this one i also replaced the tile under the tank. Result = Airtight, this indicates that it does not really matter if it is the left or the right tile that is pulled up and placed down again for it to become airtight. 5) Experimenting with a fulltile window, this one in particular was not screwed down, and was still airtight. Result = Airtight, but moveable, more on that soon 6) Standard fulltile window, screwed down as usual. Result= Airtight. 7) Now this is where it gets fun, building a fulltile window, then moving the window any number of tiles, makes it no longer airtight. Result = Leaks. 8 ) Large window moved over to a location of choice, then fastened as usual, and floor tile removed and placed again Result = Airtight. So there you have it folks, make sure that your windows are screwed properly in place, and that the floortiles are removed and placed again, that should remove most of the issues you have with atmos leaking. Also, word of warning, if you have plasma on one side of a single panel of glass, and remove the floortile on the clean side, you will draw an amount of plasma gas into the tile you removed, thus causing a contamination of the area you are in. Always remember to keep a scrubber handy when working with dangerous gases(and maybe remove any nearby welding tanks as well). Safety first! Take care, and stay safe. - NULL
    1 point
  4. June 4th: rb303 has unretired and is now a game admin again Esenno, Ionward, Fraility, Tourte and DoctorDrugs have been appointed as Trial Admins
    1 point
  5. Short, sweet, and to the point. I can dig it.
    1 point
  6. I love it! Cute and colourful and heartwarming, too.
    1 point
  7. Thanks for all the nice words This next piece is a robust vulpkanin officer named David @Flufferton First attempt at a vulp, and at a taser, but I like how it turned out.
    1 point
  8. Who's THAT PLASMAMAN? It's AKIRA! With their habit of plasma bars and plasma drinking habits that lead to plasma alcoholism (Like normal alcoholism, but more deadly and flammable)
    1 point
  9. Going my boi some stubble, going for the budget Geralt look. lol A sort of draw response to someone asking about Auriel's core beliefs.... was hard to think about tobehonest. During the session last week, we had a chat about Auriel bathing people in Olive Oil so he could bless them. I dunno, weird things just happened. And here's something else... ^^' And then something non DnD related here's Merman Zeke and Jonah
    1 point
  10. Merman... Mermay!! This isn't the first time I've Zeke as a merman... and probably won't be my last. lol Some more drawings of my boi Auriel.
    1 point
  11. Just a whole load of art I've been bad at uploading. One of which is a commission! Then we've got some portraits for some ID cards, and of course, Port! Port is such a neat character, honestly one of the most seemingly developed on the Cyberiad. They actually feel like... well, a crew-member on a space station. Old grumpy man. He's amazing.
    1 point
  12. Some DnD characters I felt like making up. A Tiefling wild magic sorcerer and a Half-Orc bard. Summer themed drawing. it's been a long time since I've drawn Zeke in a mankini. A comic of something that happened during my DnD session this week.
    1 point
  13. Here's a sleepy Auriel in a moon gate. Someday I'll draw more backgrounds... but not today. Here's a situation that happened during a DnD session a few nights ago. I don't know how to draw guns. Here's a situation from an older session... Auriel was thrown into a holding cell and his party had to come and get him out. T-T Some Zeke and Jonah sketches. UwU ||
    1 point
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