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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello, I'm "Life_is_good1" and I play a vox character called Kichiklackaki also known as Kaki. Once opon a time I was Denny Comando (or comrado) and then D.E.N.N.Y. then Rhodium. I like to do stuff and thats about it.
    2 points
  2. Is smol. Clearly up to something. Most likely to make a lot of noise when touched. All the shinies are now gone. Conclusion: A Vox Very nice.
    2 points
  3. Is Kichiklackaki, or shortened to Kaki for people who have too much dusts in their lungs to say long words. He took a job of fly a crew of raiders and cargo to their needed places, but crashed the skipjack and destroyed the cargo, leading to the people who hired him hunting him down (vox mafia), and trying to pay off the skip jack dept to a skip jack renting company. Before this he lived on the third ark ship and enjoyed the shinys he had in his dorm. Now he lives on station and insists the true spelling of vox is "Voks" and voxxy (or voxxie) "voksey" he does a variety of different jobs to pay off the skipjack debt and tries to avoid the vox mafia, also he would always try to loot a nuke ops despite him knowing it could explode. The profile picture is him in game but with RTX on.
    1 point
  4. Yey Vox gang spreading to forums!
    1 point
  5. Reaching 10? Impossible, perhaps the archives are incomplete.
    1 point
  6. I also have a grey version here: HE HAS THE INSULS.
    1 point
  7. thank you, I'd love to turn more pictures of animals into chars.
    1 point
  8. For extra effect, its also made in MS paint.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Would you be able to elaborate on this, please? As for my pet peeves, we've got a list Engineering doesn't have much going for it Tesla and singularity are braindead simple to set up Gases don't really do anything interesting(I prefer what /tg/ does, where you have multiple gases that are created through certain mixes and heat levels, and you can also perform nuclear fusion with said gases) Station's so jam packed with stuff, there aren't that many places that can be renovated Newcrit is frustrating. Haven't done much with it, but baymed offers a much more realistic and in my opinion, interesting approach. Cloning is absolutely essential and should never be permanently removed, but there should be some kind of balancing factor, just to make the rest of medbay do something for serious injuries, instead of just letting them die We figured out the optimal path for R&D so long ago, now it's just a chore. With a techweb, we have a lot more freedom in the route we take and can make decisions based on what the station needs Gold slime cores. Just everything about them Wizard rounds ending right when the nerd themself dies. Karma roles have a heavy focus on roleplay, which is why they're locked behind the karma mechanic. So why are the space pod roles, which have actual special gameplay elements beyond roleplay, karmalocked? The USSP lore is a joke. Going back to Bay once again, the lore for their GCC is everything I want the USSP lore to be. Deep, interesting, and with more thought put into it than "Haha, country created because they can't drink as much vodka" Poly Genetics is just boring The way Vox(Voxes? Voxae?) speak. Barging in wordlessly and doing someone's job for them, ESPECIALLY if they're trying to learn it for themself. These people are the scum of the earth. And yet, this is a server I consistently come back to.
    1 point
  11. As you are probably aware, every standard, humanoid race in the game is bilingual by default, able to speak in their race-specific tongue as well as Galactic Common. A lot of players even choose to be trilingual, adding a third, even more seldom used, language to their metaphorical toolbox. It's a system that, while intentionally obnoxious at times, is enjoyable to me and clearly based in reality. Anyways, the main topic of this post is language blending, that is, using multiple languages in a single sentence or phrase. In real life, multi-lingual people will often substitute in words from the different languages they know as needed, sometimes explaining the meaning afterwards, but sometimes not. This is something that happens frequently in real life, and unsurprisingly, this is actually a system in the game, being able to switch languages mid-sentence. Here's an example: What is being input: "The old days, just like on :1 Earth. :9 You remember :1 Earth, :9 don't you?" What is being output: " The old days, just like on Earth. You remember Earth, don't you?" The blue text is the human-specific language, which will appear in blue coloration for everyone, but to all non-humans will be read simply as gibberish. The way that the language system works, you can switch languages at any time, and any amount of times during a statement by simply typing in the language's prefix prior to whatever you want to switch. From a purely practical viewpoint, it's easy to dismiss, as it's much more convenient to just change an entire statement, but switching languages more smoothly makes a lot of sense from both a real world and RP standpoint. Whether you are covering up a racial insult, referencing something old from the lore, or simply trying to stand out a bit more, language blending is a viable and immersive option.
    1 point
  12. Vox and IPC are very RP heavy, they have some major weaknesses and minor (if can even be considered) strengths. Slime People and Vulpkanin are mechanic heavy, they have Major Strengths and minor weaknesses, in relation. Vox They used to be considered OP space faring race, but were heavily nerfed to the point that the only real strength they have is slash damage on basic melee attack, but they have four "boons" which I consider to be, for the most part, utterly irrelevant: Immune to decay and will not skeletonise. - If you are dead long enough for this to happen, 99/100 you've either become something else or left the game entirely. Internal organs will not accumulate germs or decay even outside the body; external organs do not accumulate germs while attached to the body. - this is pointless due to the fact that in order to revive a vox outside of the 2 minute window, you need to use SR, which causes organs and limbs to become necrotic regardless of germ accumulation, also any surgery which could result in infection is countered by a couple of u of spaceacillin. Silent Footsteps - Outside of jackboots, I personally had never noticed footsteps in maint tunnels, it was only when I was told to massively increase my volume that they became noticeable, so if you play at a decibel that footsteps were noticeable, this one may be useful, but again not really. Able to process both synthetic and organic reagents. - Now this one on paper seems really good, you'd think that this means you could stack speed chems and the like, however it doesn't. Sure you don't get poisoned by taking synthetic chems, but between them being more of a chore to make and most of them not doing anything for you, this too is utterly pointless. Compared to their maluses: Bones break easier. - Due to surgery requirements to fix, along side often malpractice on Vox, this is a massive issue. Oxygen is toxic. - Outside of malpractice medical and security, this isn't really an issue most of the time, as vox start with a N2O tank that should last all shift. Cannot be cloned. - Yet you will often end up in the cloning machine, then in the morgue when they are unable to clone you. -60% alcohol tolerance. - Not really an issue unless you RP an alcoholic. +20% brute damage. - Combined with easier bone breaking, this is pretty bad, means that the rolls done to see if a bone breaks, are going to be slightly higher thus more likely to succeed. Remain vulnerable to organ death when revived with Strange Reagent. - Essentially nullifying one of the boons. This puts Vox focus on a solely RP path, with combat being more difficult, along side a greater susceptibility to being griefed or mishandled, which tends to bring Vox players closer together with a general understanding among them that they are going to go out of their way to help each other out. IPC Ipc are akin to vox in the fact that you play them mainly for RP focused game play, as they are extremely fragile but have a number of unique mechanics which make them interesting. Can't process most reagents. - This makes them immune to most chemical damage (outside of acids) Brain located in torso. - Means that easily lost head is less important. Recharges from APCs. - Never needing to consume food is nice but if the power is out, so is your lunch. Has oil for blood. - In my opinion IPC needing "blood" along side the potent malus they have, was uneeded. Regains blood by drinking oil. - Unlike slime people, who can get water anywhere, IPC need to have access to either robotics or a chemistry station to replenish. Virus immunity. - This is both a boon and malus, as they cannot gain benefit from positive viruses, but also are not vulnerable to negative ones. Does not need a jumpsuit to use their inventory slots. - This is a fun mechanic, but currently is a little bugged, IPC are vulnerable to limb loss way beyond other species, and if any limb is removed, if you are utilizing this ability, you will drop everything in your inventory slots aside from your bag. Boons Easy repairs (cable coil/active welder). - The strongest boon for IPC, you can easily repair yourself on the fly if you have the materials to hand. Decapitation isn't fatal (blind/deaf) - Most people target heads in combat, so losing yours not being immediately fatal is nice, but happens quickly due to increased damage. Welding eye-damage immunity. - A decent boon, you still get a white screen flash on welding, but you don't need to get your eyes repaired afterwards. Radiation/toxin immunity. - Good in Niche situations, but generally unimportant. Pain immunity. - Nice for doing operations on them, but that's about it. Maluses Low blood incurs stamina damage. - This kicks in at around 20% oil loss, with nothing to mitigate it other than replenishing oil, this can quickly incapacitate you. Easier to decapitate. EMPs are fatal. - You can survive a direct emp if you are inside a mech, otherwise an EMP is going to apply a tremendous amount of burn damage and instantly kill you. +50% brute damage. - That greytider with an extinguisher is doing a solid 15 damage per hit instead of 10, combined with lower part health, means you are going down quickly, or at the very least losing limbs. +50% burn damage. - An active welder doing a solid 22.5 damage per hit, you'll be lucky not to lose a limb on the second hit. Downed and take continuous brute damage to all body parts while in crit. - Now this is one of the worst Maluses in my opinion, compared to other races who can get up during crit and apply chems to themselves to heal up and survive, IPC when in crit are dead without external assistance, it's just a matter of time. Now we come to slime people and vulps, both of whom have strong bonuses, with Slime People essentially being currently the tankiest race. Vulpkanin Can consume tiny animals. - Niche not really a boon as there is generally plenty actual food on the station. Boons Claws (unarmed is sharp). - Sharp damage on unarmed, causing bleeding, a good buff, not OP but useful. Low-light vision (8m). - This is a strong ability, preventing you from needing lights or night vision when traveling around the darkness of maints, allowing you to more easily conceal yourself. Maluses Flashes incur extra eye damage. - Pretty bad if you go around welding things without protection, but has no real in combat effect. +11% hunger. - Negligible as food is abundant on the station, with or without a chef and a couple of cans of chicken soup will still see you all shift. As you can see, vulps don't have a large amount of boons, but it is the lack of combat based maluses along side the couple of boons they do posses that make them strong. Vulps are essentially a direct Human+, which makes them a good pick generally speaking. Slime People Slime core for brain. - Functions exactly like a brain, no real game play differences. They only have a heart "brain" and lungs for internal organs - This is something I would consider a boon personally, as it means they see and hear without eyes or ears, so are immune to damage caused blindness or deafness, also the lack of organs in the lower body means they don't get pain when they are damaged. (A note, lower body organs actually do nothing in all species, but can get damaged and cause pain which inhibits the character.) Has water for blood. Boons Regains blood by drinking water. - Can be easily replaced from almost anywhere on the station due to accessibility of water tanks, so doesn't require a raid on medical to replenish. Can regrow lost limbs. - Losing a limb doesn't really matter, you can regrow anywhere you can keep still, as long as you are not starving or out of water. They Don't have bones. - No bones to break, a slime person who has the means to reduce stamloss becomes an almost unstoppable force. Maluses Lower cold threshold. - Can survive less time exposed in space, otherwise this is a niche malus, watch out for those snow machines. +150% brain damage. - Can be mitigated somewhat by helmets, but a pretty serious malus if you are in oxyloss crit, as it takes you less time to expire. Cannot be cloned. - Once again becoming a victim to malpractice bay, however unlike Vox, using SR and the subsequent operations to fix that damage is easier because they can wear the anesthetic tank without being poisoned. Slime people are currently the most combat effective race, between being unable to break bones, easy replenishment of "blood" and the fact that their "blood" causes slipping hazards for any that chase them, means that a slime person essentially becomes more dangerous over time and a robust player can push this to a limit where they are almost unkillable when facing other crew members, with easily accessible saline glucose providing constant healing akin to Diona regeneration. I would also like to point out that Drask, Grey and Kidan although not as significantly played as vox and IPC, are both great candidates for RP gameplay, with mechanics that allow for unique interactions, with Kidan being the only race with actual damage resistance.
    1 point
  13. When skrek CMO tellings you how to do chemistries but is terribles at its
    1 point
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