Name of Event: Interdepartmental Communications Experiment
One Sentence Description: Everyone shares one radio channel, no department radios for the shift
Map Changes: No
Code Changes: No
Suggested Number of Players: Any
Full Description of Event: In order to test how it affects interdepartmental communication, CentComm is experimenting this shift by disabling all unique departmental radio channels. Everyone must use the general radio channel for all their radio communication, from Service and Cargo all the way up to Command. Everyone must still follow SoP and Spacelaw, and do their jobs, but does it make their jobs easier or harder if everyone can hear everything Security or Command has to say? Can the crew keep things together with fully open communication, or will it just cause more chaos? CentComm may also disable the messaging server to force even more open communication!
This is likely to be a minor boon to antags, but it may also mean they have limited options for secret communication, and means their moves may be telegraphed to the whole station.
The only negatives I can see in this is a possibility that this may promote valid hunting, though those who want to valid hunt already have a lot of chances, so I see that as a minor issue at worst.
I don't know TCOMMS that well, so if disabling all the channels but the main one is too hard, an alternative version of this could be CentComm giving everyone repurposed Syndicate Encryption Keys, so the channels stay, but everyone can hear on them and talk on them.