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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/21/2020 in all areas

  1. Stealing all the berets and replacing them with kitty ears!
    15 points
  2. What is this f o r g e r y ? I'm gonna have to agree with @Trololiver112 and @rapaskoti as well Unbelievable (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)
    4 points
  3. Let me preface this by saying that drawing like this is an entirely new area for me and I've never really put much of an effort into any other drawing before. Perspective, shading, all of that? No idea how to nail it right. With that out of the way, this is what I have done. I thought to myself, "What can I draw? There is no way I can draw people yet, but I want to be able to put my own spin on it." That's when it hit me. I'm no stranger to nitpicking the design of the welder in this game. This is not to criticize the spriter, they did pretty good and it looks just right. It's just that...it's a cutting torch. So I decided to create my own interpretation, and I will now explain it because some of you may be trying to figure out how to interpret whatever the heck I just scribbled. The welder itself is a mixture of a MIG welder and cutting torch. It is then connected to a wheel of wirefeed, which is used in MIG welding to provide filler metal for the joint. Of course, the filler needs a shielding gas to protect it from that nasty oxygen, otherwise it will be too weak once it cools off. The welding fuel tank attached to the wire feed drum serves this purpose, but it also can be used for cutting. The user switches between the two modes by pushing the Nanotrasen logo on the side up or down. In Welding mode, the fuel is redirected into a chamber where a focused beam and some space magic turns it into a shielding gas for the wirefeed. Also, I do not have a pen, I do not have better paper. Just letting you all know. Anyway, onto the art. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. Like I said, this is all entirely new to me and I genuinely have no clue how to do much of anything related to drawing So please, if you have feedback, I want it.
    2 points
  4. This is obviously fake. I don’t do losing beret or kitty ears no thank you
    2 points
  5. When you get to be the unholy combo - A vampire and a changeling at the same time: Also that action bar did prove to be a hindrance when trying to look up...
    2 points
  6. Tl;dr version: Currently, Seccies have to juggle low-speed stuff like "teach a baldie how to not hit himself" and "toss the Clown out of Medbay again" alongside high-speed stuff like "harmbaton a vampire" and "cremate changelings." These two roles don't gel very well, so let's split them into two complementary positions. Introduction: As a job, the Security Officer is easily one of the most thankless ones. There is no learner position, no easy way to get into the job, and lethal consequences when you make a mistake. You're thrown into the deep end right from roundstart and expected to swim, and it's no surprise that few people do. Even for those who figure out how2redshirt, the role remains an extremely demanding one at all times; "quiet Sec round" is a contradiction in terms. This also makes the game much more stressful than it needs to be for everyone involved. For Seccies, it means calls of "FUCKIN SHITSEC GO HOME" at the same time they're getting calls of "HALP VAMP SCI MAINT," which tends to leave the redshirt in question burned out and uncaring. I've heard this phenomenon discussed in real-life law enforcement, where it's referred to as "paradoxical policing:" law enforcement is derided for their misbehavior over minor crimes like noise complaints at the very same time they're being called out for not doing enough to stop major crimes. For the crew, it makes calling Security a dubious proposition, as you aren't liable to get a rapid response and might well get complete shitcurity if you do. Another major issue is of gaining experience and learning the role: as there isn't any new place to learn how2redshirt, new Sec Officers are left trying to figure things out on the go. This is a problem with other roles as well, but a lesser one since other jobs are ultimately trying to help. A Medical Doctor or Roboticist might get some LOOC salt if they're taking a while in fixing someone, but that's a much more rare thing since they're ultimately still trying to assist the person. A Sec Officer is virtually guaranteed to get insulted, especially if they appear new, because much of their role is messing with other players' fun. Even taking too long to strip someone in Processing will get people complaining on comms, let alone if the other player manages to unbuckle themselves. Given that sort of problematic learning environment, some sort of intervention to help newbies would be very useful. One of the solutions used IRL is something I think we could adopt here, which is splitting the people handling major crimes apart from the people handling minor ones. As of now, Sec Officers are a single murderblob tasked with handling both "halp baldie beating me" and "HALP LING ABSORBING ME MAINT," which tends to leave them responding with either too much force to the first incident or too little for the other. It also leaves a more "low-speed" Security role for both baldies trying to learn the game and more experienced players looking for an easier round, and provides a much more tangible sense of little-s security to the crew (since a Constable will likely respond when you call, as opposed to the Sec Officer busy battling antags in Sci Maint). New position: Constable Scope: Limited. New code needed: Minimal. The key requirements are adding the new job with its starting text, equipment, and access. Starting text: "You are the Constable. Your job is to assist other crew and safeguard the station." Access: Brig, Holding Cells, Maintenance (similar to the Detective, does not have 'Security' access at roundstart). Starting location: Sec Briefing Room. Starting numbers: 4 (can be changed by HoP). No whitelist, fewer hours requirements than the Sec Officer (meant to serve as the intro to the Sec Officer role). Equipment: Security jacket, handcuffs, flash, pepperspray, energy bola, standard SecHUD, belt with seclite, non-bowman Security headset. Starts with a grey Sec uniform and a black Corporate ballcap (all Sec headgear has the same stats as the Helmet). Has mindshield. The uniform, esp. the jacket, ballcap and SecHUD, would provide Constables with a clearly different 'look' than regular Sec Officers while still providing protection. The regular SecHUD and non-bowman headset would provide a meaningful in-game difference between Constables and Sec Officers (in that Constables can still be taken down by flashes and flashbangs), while allowing for easy correction by more experienced players (modding their SecHUDs with regular sunglasses to get flash protection, and wheedling a bowman headset out of the many spares in the Sec Gear Room). Lacking a taser and stunbaton would force Constables to both play more conservatively and leave very dangerous antags to the Sec Officers, and also make them use the other bits of the Security repertoire. Flashes, pepperspray, recruiting bystanders, and the old expedient of "just set them to arrest and let Beepsky handle it" are all viable options when you aren't expected to take down a fully-powered vampire. FAQs: 1. The Constable has less gear and access than the Sec Officer. Why do you think anyone would play the role? I'm suggesting the role because I would like to play it: more specifically, I would like a Security job that actually lets me be Officer Friendly instead of 24/7 ASS TO THE GRASS BALLS TO THE WALL HARMBATON IN FREEFALL YEEHAW. I'd like a job where I get to laugh when the Clown slips me, instead of going "Damnit, that vamp's gonna get away!" when I fall over. Some rounds I want to pound face into plating with a cut-off riot shotgun, and some rounds I'd like to gently shoo the Clown out of Cargo without having to murder anyone in the process. 2. The Constable lacks a ranged stun, and can't easily catch someone if they decide to run. How do you expect them to stop anyone? I'm planning on them being able to stop a baldie on the run with an energy bola; if in-game practice shows that Constables truly do need some form of ranged stun, I'd suggest a disabler (harder for newbies to screw up with disabler shots than a taser, still plenty effective, already in code, differentiates them from Sec Officers, etc). However, I'd like to keep the role based around the non-combat portions of the Security role, and "set the baldie to arrest and have him picked up by other redshirts" seems very appropriate for the position. 3. The Constable is a role meant for newbies, but still has useful gear. What's stopping people from just murdering Constables for their stuff? Circumstances, co-workers, and conscience. Constables aren't meant to be running deep into Maintenance areas, and should be leaving the high-level threats for other Seccies. While I'm sure some baldies will merely take the role as a stepping-stone to being a bonafide redshirt and will go haring down into Med-Sci Maint, they're knowingly putting themselves at risk in the first place. The ones who stick to public areas will be kept much more safe by their circumstances. Secondly, the Constable role is meant to be much more community-oriented than the Sec Officer one. While Sec Officers are meant to carry out a high-level conflict with antags, Constables are supposed to be Officer Friendly, who gets close and familiar with the rest of the crew. This should provide them with some protection in practice, as the crew they've befriended will doubtlessly help them much more than an unfamiliar face in a Sec uniform. Thirdly, Constables are meant to be a beginner's role. While murdering a Constable will certainly be doable, their gear is differentiated from standard Sec Officer kit, and should mark you out as someone who killed an 'Officer Friendly' on the station. Lacking flash/hearing protection, flashbangs and Armory weapons, and a taser/stunbaton, Constables are also a much less appealing target than an actual Sec Officer. None of this is ironclad protection, but then again, it really shouldn't be. Taking on any Sec role is accepting your position in the round as valid-salad, and you might just get axed anyway - them's the digs. However, if you play the role as intended as a Nice Guy(tm) who sticks to public areas and makes an effort to actually help out crewmates, you'll be fairly well-protected from the inevitable game of murderbone throughout the round. 4. What else can the Constable do aside from 'Being Officer Friendly?' A) Dispatching: Watch comms and cams, keep a handheld crew monitor with you, and monitor other Seccies for their own safety. Call out when someone's in trouble, pinpoint a hostile's location, and ensure that calls for help are being properly responded to. B) Desk-jockeying: Man the Brig front desk, staff Processing, and watch over the holding cells. Assist the Warden with moving prisoners, question 'tiders and antags, and help keep Sec records updated. Work as a bailiff in the event a court case is called. C) Training: Work with other Constables - or baldie Sec Officers - to get them oriented in how to safely handle a cuffed person, dangerous gear to confiscate, the ins and outs of Space Law, and so on. Other roles such as the Warden, IAA, or regular Sec Officers can do these jobs, but they all suffer from either overwork (Warden, Sec Officer) or severe understaffing (IAA). A Constable looking for something to do should be able to slot in to camera duty or training fellow Constables with minimal difficulty, and with a positive benefit to the round as a whole. 5. What else would you like to see implemented with the Constable role? Departmental checkpoints. While it's not required for the role to function, I would definitely like to see Constables having basic 3x3 places to work across the station. I know that this question has been hotly debated before, so I'm not going to try and scratch off everything on my redshirt wishlist, but if possible I'd definitely like to see Constables having places to update records, get replacement gear (flashes, cuffs, etc.), and watch cameras. Thanks for taking the time to read this suggestion. If you've comments, ideas, or thoughts on how to improve it, I'm all ears.
    1 point
  7. Well, seems like I am late but hey. Might aswell start sharing my pixelart pieces! Currently working on 1 bit style, meaning I can only use a shade of black and white to make a piece. See below my first try at it. In this example I made a kind of ss13 RPG, with dentha as the main character and spark as the 2nd character.
    1 point
  8. Appropriate weapon to give You'll never steal my beret, it wont happen. Amazing art though.
    1 point
  9. Doing the Neko Gods work
    1 point
  10. Obviously J'eff isn't in that picture, because you'd never successfully get kitty ears on him.
    1 point
  11. This is a suggestion for our discord, instead of the game. I feel an 'Art' discord channel would do wonders in helping the players of our community express their work! Sure, you can use the forums, but sometimes you have sketches or works in progress that you want advice on and don't want to post on the forums. In addition to the more low effort art pieces that are funny, but in no sense forum worthy. I've spoken to many people on the discord, and the overall opinion of this idea seems positive. I think it would help foster creativity in the player base, and I always enjoy seeing other peoples work. Unlike PRs it would be pretty easy to add/remove. I would like to at least try it for a week or two, and if it doesn't work we can always get rid of it! What do you think?
    1 point
  12. Hell yeah @Drakeven, lemme link this thing in headchat.
    1 point
  13. Farie begone from this thread, this is not code. OH and two
    1 point
  14. And not worrying about it being flooded out with a much of memes. xD
    1 point
  15. I'm also trying out a new drawing program, Paint tool SAI 2. I'm really liking its shading, and the ability to modify lines after you draw them. To test it out I drew a toaster-head I've been seeing around a lot, and who seems to be carrying medbay on their back a few times. Wyldcard! They're a neat player. I think it came out pretty nice. I think I'll try to use SAI 2 for a while. Also I love an appreciate all your comments and reactions. Honestly I don't get much reply when I post up my art on other platforms, which is likely why I mostly post on this forum with my art now you guys, honestly, are so kind, and your feedback is astounding!! JEEZE
    1 point
  16. A piece I did for some SPESS people! The commissioner asked for some interesting looking characters on the poster, but wasn't descriptive on who exactly, so I got to make up some different likely spess adventurers. The little red dots make up the constellation for Scorpio, as it's a project that the commissioner is working on, and I'm wishing them luck! This was enjoyable to work on, I got to draw space which I always enjoy, and I got to draw just some... different sorta characters!
    1 point
  17. Great idea tbh I'll finally have a true place to post any abominations I create
    1 point
  18. Hello, I'm "Life_is_good1" and I play a vox character called Kichiklackaki also known as Kaki. Once opon a time I was Denny Comando (or comrado) and then D.E.N.N.Y. then Rhodium. I like to do stuff and thats about it.
    1 point
  19. A commission I did for some people, the Blacksheild of a HRP server. It was fun to do, I will say that uh... Uniforms are hard to vary. I DUNNO IF I SHOULD BE SHARING art of different spess plesses but uh... I do WHEEEEEEEEEEEE I love you all
    1 point
  20. It's Pride month, and I was asked to draw a very Cone-ie Vulp showing off some colours of celebration. I was happy to oblige. I hope everyone of all flavors and persuasions are doing well in this tremulous time. I love and appreciate all of you.
    1 point
    1 point
  22. @CapnKitty There, I can use art too, how do you like that?
    1 point
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