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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2020 in all areas

  1. It's been a while... You must've hit your head... No buttlight? Is this really a Kidan? You test out your hand-torch, and in the process activate a strange feature you hadn't seen before... It was a bit of a shock. At least the Kidan knows you're a Vox for sure now. Why yes, they have. In fact the mouse freind was the person who alerted them to you being here. Mousie is happy to see you again. <3 You, a KIDAN, have found this strange Vox wandering around maints. They seem a bit... damaged, so you offer them your injector. You hope they're okay. Their mouse is cute! Yes! The Kidan is the one in the ID... Strange. Did they lose it? They don't seem too worried about it. Suspicious. But hey, you now have an emergency injector! The Kidan seems concerned you're wandering around maints... They ask you why you're here, in these dark, creepy depths of the station. She seems concerned for your health... You ask if they've heard Vox Opera, or 'Voxpra' as the connoisseurs call it. This ruins any and all sense of gravity the Kidan was trying to impart. She doesn't seem impressed. And no, she hasn't. And no, she doesn't want to hear it.
    6 points
  2. Been in my backlog for a while but I finally decided to finish this dumb comic about the time I escaped a terror spider with friendship and a taco. Red terrorspider, god bless u
    5 points
  3. Hello yes I’ve returned from the depths to toss over this one sketch and then vanish for another 7 months
    4 points
  4. https://forms.gle/KDjKdu3f4gJFQSF89 So having seen the results of the July 2020 community survey, it was brought up that some areas of Box feel overcrowded in high population, and others feel underpopulated at all times. I've made a survey to sort of go in-depth on what people would want if either a new map were to be made or if single departments were to be revamped. Feel free to discuss, add suggestions, etc.
    3 points
  5. I spend a lot of time in cargo, and especially in highpop rounds, it can get pretty messy and crowded. There's also a bunch of things I think are unnecessarily inefficient. I've thought about improvements that could be made without a major redesign of the map or station. 1. The autolathe conveyor. I make it nearly every shift and it's such a better layout than the default. 2. Move the shuttle console to the docking hatches. I think the supply shuttle is the only one that can't be controlled from the same place it docks. 3. A new, separate maint lane for the MULEs. Anything that would keep them from going out the two sets of front airlocks and getting in the way. 4. The QM's office is open to the cargo lobby and a bit of the hallway, and it has no shutters to block things out. I'd at least add shutters, and maybe move the office further back into cargo to get it away from a fairly high traffic hallway. 5. No one ever uses the "mailing room" and its front desk for anything, so I'd move the package delivery stuff into the bay, with an exclusive disposals chute. I'd use the space to crate an exclusive area for picking up and dropping off crates. 6. Give the disposals chute a direct and one-way airlock into the hallway, so people who go down disposals don't hang around in cargo and get stuck. 7. Make the warehouse clean and well lit by default. 8. Move the ORM closer to the mining bay so miners don't have to drag their ore boxes through the rest of the department. What would you do with your favorite department?
    1 point
  6. Currently as far as I know, the mentor help sound is the same as admin help sound, so what I would suggest is to change that to the sound that the player gets whenever they open a ticket in-game.
    1 point
  7. Honestly my opinion is just keep the Cyberiad as is, and get a larger map ready for when map rotation is available. However what Free did in his Engineering remap was quite good, ripperoni.
    1 point
  8. Huh, the Witcher post there almost feels like an Elder scrolls + Witcher crossover, if just because I could see Khajiit existing there, as one of the many racially hated peoples, but still considered peoples XD
    1 point
  9. i uh, wouldn't mind drawing peoples' characters if anyone wants to see em doodled
    1 point
  10. I think I'll give it another day or so before I publish the results.
    1 point
  11. For the record, remarks like this aren't helpful nor are they relevant to making a new map/changing the old one. Please don't abuse my decision to make this form anonymous by being hateful in the additional feedback.
    1 point
  12. Yeah miners and cargo techs are probably annoying each other, if we removed qm's office and put the ORM somewhere in place of where his consoles used to be, so miners can access it without going through cargo but also outsiders can take items out of it then I see that as a win! I feel like many departments machine/object placements are sub-optimal for the purpose of players each shift having the possibility to use their creativity and rebuild in the ways they like it but it's just a theory. But yeah You got some good points, especially with mail office being barely used especially its right side.
    1 point
  13. been playin witcher 3 lately
    1 point
  14. Just as a follow-up, I've been hitting up code strings to get an idea for how this might be coded. I've found at least one example on how to implement this that might be useful. So, for one, there's this one i've found in tgstation's github (Full disclosure. If it's not okay to raid other places for code, feel free to slap me for it.) However, this one, as i read it if correct, is entirely random. I know not how it's DONE, but it should be possible to make it a weighted chance - with a random chance for if(fat), and a smaller chance for non-fats. If you REALLY wanted to mess around, you could implement Goonstation's cholesterol system and make it weighted based on that, so that a non-fat could still get heart disease if they're chomping down on deep-fried cheeseburgers.
    1 point
  15. A Kidan. Strange. You wonder what happened to them before a thought interrupts your contemplation. SKREK SKREK SKREK SKREK SKREK SKREK SKREK SK- Oh, wait. Hm. Must have a breathing tube implant. What a smart Vox you are!(?) May as well check the locker anyway... This was where you woke up... It's not nostalgic by any stretch of the imagination.
    1 point
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