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  1. Bloofi is the most expert of science peoples. Here he is, developing a new type of machine. The purpose and reason behind this machine is top secret, so I can't tell you anything about it lest I incur his wrath. That said, he seems to be doing pretty well with it all. Science with sunglasses is often one of the best forms of science. They even count as safety goggles! And as we all know, being safe is the coolest thing you can do in a work environment. (He's totally qualified, trust me.)
    8 points
  2. Using the ticket machine today, i still prefer it over a regular line. We made more chairs so it had a bit of a waiting room, people took their tickets, those who wanted to wait, waited, those who didn't left and came back when it vibrated. The extra chairs made the whole thing run alot smoother, and people took to tickets far easier than I had expected, even those who cut without realizing the tickets were in play, politely conceded to the one who had the ticket I called out for. No line bum rushing, no mass panic to be the first in line, if you had the ticket, you had your time for however long it took to resolve your issue.
    3 points
  3. Thank you so much everybody for submitting responses! (Excuse the lack of consistency in response numbers as the list goes on; somebody just submitted a new response as I was screencapping all of the charts lol) I hope the survey was interesting to fill out; I tried to bring up as many contentious issues as I could. An important thing I forgot to mention was a lot of these questions were intended to collect data for me to use when making a new high population map, hence why they sound a bit weird if you take the rest of the station into consideration. It was really helpful though, I appreciate the responses I've gathered. Each of the spoilers contains the categorized questions and their responses, as well as (some) summaries of additional comments people left on certain questions. Have a fun read! Overpopulated: Medical Overpopulated: Hallways Overpopulated: Security Underpopulated: Chapel/Library Underpopulated: Engineering Underpopulated: Arrivals Wrapping Up: A lot of requests for Security rooms in each department Escape needs to be bigger Maintenance overhaul would be nice Medbay needs a major overhaul; treatment areas are chaotic in high population Encouraging more use of RP elements (courtroom, interrogations, etc) would be beneficial Someone really wants night lighting removed Science is apparently quite boring and stale
    2 points
  4. Hello yes I’ve returned from the depths to toss over this one sketch and then vanish for another 7 months
    2 points
  5. For the request desk, i do see a few problems/disadvantages: It is good bit further away from the cargobay, less able to juggle between orders and unloading. Don't think anyone unloading could check on the line without moving at least to the ORM. The QM is also unable to watch it from his office, the desk or even just the area where people will stand is too far away. Lastly, anyone manning the desk will need to run from the desk to the console back and forth to be able to check the points, approve the orders there, and getting the paperwork. The return belt is a bit weird for me, why the small curve, instead of a straight line? Could also make another door above it then, for a quicker switch between the office and the bay. As for the sorting area and break room, they feel a bit crammed in. The way to the break room is only one tile wide, and ending in a single extrusion of the room. The sorting room will also kinda fail it's purpose: How do you want to sort, and where to put the sorted stuff? There is no break in the conveyors, so you either need to start and stop the conveyor to sort the items that were flushed down, or you stand on the conveyor when searching through. And when you have found an item to be recovered, where do you put it? There would be only 1 tile that could have a table for it in that room, so would need to use the break room for it. Given how you need to use the room to get to sorting and the QMs office, should probably not be designated as a break room. Would make it okay to use it as the lost and found storage, though. The warehouse does kinda have a weird placement, it only has one entrance, yet it is fully surrounded by other cargo rooms. Usually, important rooms get placed central, and the things you only need access to from a few specific points get placed there. I do like quick access for the mules and mailing chute, although the later should probably have flaps to avoid accidentally stumbling into one. The space for the office is also nice, it can get a bit tight sometimes, especially in situations with miners bringing back an ore box and a tech bringing out a crate or similar.
    1 point
  6. Glory to Arstotzka, this is your paperwork Hop speaking, crews still wasting time waiting in line while theres ticket system around! Remove the line, leave only the Hop desk and ticket machine (with over comms number warning) and maybe people would take a ticket, eat a burger, and only come back when their number is called.
    1 point
  7. B-But muh bureaucracy. I like the idea of the ticket machine and the sort of 'take-and-wait' policy they bring. It gives the HoP more time to give out more useless paperwork talk with whoever's at the desk instead of feeling rushed constantly.
    1 point
  8. IMHO: If the HOP is at their desk, they should be getting through their line fast enough that tickets / a waiting room are pointless. If the HOP is not at their desk, then radio/PDA them. If they respond and come, then you don't need a ticket (since you're probably the only person there). If they don't respond, a ticket won't help you. So, either way, tickets / waiting rooms are pointless. If a HOP is being slow deliberately (e.g: by insisting on stamped paperwork) then adding a ticket machine doesn't fix the problem. In fact, it makes the problem worse, because now the HOP has an additional way to waste your time and be even slower than they were before. Ticket machines / waiting rooms actually encourage the HOP to be slow. They normalize it and reward it.
    1 point
  9. GOSH I love how you drew this!
    1 point
  10. @BonkaiTheRoris streamed Slime rancher for me... and I couldn't get it out of my head that Jasmine was the one ranging these dastardly squishes. So I drew it! I cheated a bit with the background, I'm sorry. Jasmine is a good squish.
    1 point
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