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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/27/2020 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! I am back after couple of months with new thing, I was asked to draw this two months ago already, but am pretty unreliable . So anyway, it is our beloved Chief Engineer and Bat Princess - Bela Aultmen @nice3333333333 !
    6 points
  2. While I'm posting art, here's the uncrunched chikitita from the ref I posted :3 I'm honestly impressed with myself for it
    2 points
  3. I'm considering doing a PR to update the syndicate lavabase ruin on lavaland. Current ideas I am considering: Removing the "syndicate cargo shuttle terminal" computer in the NE cargo area, as it does nothing, and when you interact with it, it just displays a "missing shuttle" error. Removing the two sets of mining gear along the south wall. Aside from the fact they're typically unusable (how, exactly, are syndies on the base expected to cross the lava moat?), they also encourage syndies to break the rules by leaving the lavabase when they're not supposed to. Adding some new areas. One person suggested a bigger explosives testing area - the current area is arguably too small to be testing maxcaps in. Adding more designated job practice areas. Functionally the reason that the syndie lavabase is useful is that it lets you practice some jobs (viro, scichem) off-station in an area where it doesn't matter if you mess up. Perhaps, with some minor mapping changes, it could be expanded to allow the practice of some more jobs. Botany is somewhat off-limits as there is already a ruin for that. Still, perhaps other jobs (chef, xenobio, toxins, some parts of eng/atmos, etc) could be practiced here with a few map edits. Extensive rework or removal of the syndicate comms agent. For example, moving them from the lavaland syndiebase to another ruin. Or giving them the ability to notify all syndicate on station that they exist (once per round, does NOT require the on-station traitors to have radio keys). Or adding some form of counterplay that command can use to eliminate comms agents that reveal themselves, but at a cost. So any comms agent who insists on doing stupid things like talking on common radio using an obviously fake ID can be dealt with without command having to ask CC to do so. Or removing their ability to change the PDA server password roundstart and lock the crew out of the PDA system. Or something else? Adding some cryopods so that scientists/agents can cryo themselves if they need to leave. Unsure if this would free up new spawners for new ones to come in. At the very least though if they need to disconnect they can, without leaving SSD bodies behind. Make the TG weapons_auth implants given to the lavabase syndies actually work. They're meant to stop anyone but the syndies firing their sniper rifles - but the implants don't work. Either the implants should work, or they should be removed. This might also reduce the incentive for miners to raid the base, as it will be harder (but not impossible) for them to get access to high grade syndicate weapons. Removing the atmos canisters from the lavabase atmos setup. They're not even connected to the ports - they're only there for looks and when the lavabase blows up (which it does regularly) they create a much bigger fire (by additional O2/plasma) than would otherwise happen. Converting the entire lavabase into a space ruin. Since syndies can't leave the lavabase and it shouldn't be worth miners attacking it... why exactly have it on lavaland anyway? Add an emagged teleporter beacon, so that syndies who emag into teleporter can use the teleporter to get there. As well as possibly some method of getting back. So syndies can visit the lavabase more easily, without having to traverse lavaland. If you have suggestions for syndie lavabase tweaks, or opinions about these ideas, post them here please.
    1 point
  4. Forgot to upload this here. Drew the ever-iconic Oleg Klimov as a warmup for an artfight attack the other day lol
    1 point
  5. What if addictions worked like amanitin : takes in consideration how many cycle the chem was present in the body, and applies addictions in relation to that. You were on meth for thirty minutes straight ? as soon as the chems leave your body you're hit by it. You drank a cup of coffee or had a smoke shiftsart ? Maybe in ten minutes you'll feel like you'll get the craving again. Rewards you from pacing yourself and makes a lot more sense compared to IRL addictions. Having more defined addiction tiers that could be capped depending on how much you consume could complement that pretty well. I assume this would take quite a bit of work though, not only code-wize but also thinking about how to rebalance every chem's addiction effects (Especially considering different metabolization rates, for example). My biggest, biggest gripe with the current system is the fact that even if your plant-based rollies have zero addictive chems, simply the fact of smoking will give you nicotine addiction. I realise that being addicted to the gesture of smoking is something very real, but it's extremely annoying to not be able to make any kind of healing (or pure CBD VIBE) smokies without ever being able to avoid addiction, especially since the addiction kicks in the moment the chems run out, which often doesn't match with when the rollie itself runs out.
    1 point
  6. Bak Bak, the Ghost of Malpractice Past! Seeking revenge on all the baldies that don't know how to take you out of cryo tubes. Very spooky. (I Hope I did okay with this, I was sorta struggling at the end with effects. Lighting is HARD to draw
    1 point
  7. It would be nice to get the syndicate cargo shuttle to actually function, but given how finicky shuttle code is, we're fine without it. I approve of removing the mining gear for the sake of discouraging syndicates from exiting their base - however in the case of an ash drake or bubblegum being lead to the base, perhaps have some sort of emergency kit so that they can escape? Unless the intent is for them to die with the ship, which is fair. Creating a section to let you practice engineering or atmospherics would work, but it would have to be a space ruin to do so - your worry further in the list about the atmos canisters creating a much bigger boom when the bomb goes off won't be a large issue if it's isolated in space. Otherwise, giving them the space and equipment to practice more on-station roles would be good. Cryopods would be a nice idea. Getting the implants to work would be wonderful, yeah. I suppose it wouldn't be as relevant if the syndibase became a space ruin though. The emagged teleporter beacon is a great idea. My only objection is the syndicate comms agent, and that's just because removing it would be kinda lame. I understand the comms agent role is abused to be stupid over the common channel, but punishing traitors for something out of their control by removing an IC advisor isn't a great idea. Unfortunately I have no suggestions to replace this. Removing their ability to change the PDA server password would be very good, though I'm not sure how to achieve this. I say it would be neat to implement a working shuttle and the teleporter because I can imagine that, in the case of a traitor requiring additional gear or ordering a crate, they would have to enter the base to retrieve it, or would have to send their stolen goods back on the shuttle in order to have their objectives be valid (or create new ones that tie in with the base) - at least on the rounds where the syndicate base exists. This is just me dreaming of a neat thing that's not totally feasible, mind you.
    1 point
  8. Been in my backlog for a while but I finally decided to finish this dumb comic about the time I escaped a terror spider with friendship and a taco. Red terrorspider, god bless u
    1 point
  9. Thanks everyone! ^.^ I am so glad that you like it! .. I worked pretty hard on that last one and I appreciate your support! ^_^
    1 point
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