-Cargo used to be massive.
-Atmos used to be explosive. Breaches would cause you to be violently sucked towards them.
-There used to be two additional jobs, known as NT recruiter and Customs Officer. The first was in an office near arrivals, and was meant to try and hire civilians on station. The second was basically Papers Please, with an xray machine that everyone jumped through to skip the line and get irradiated.
-You used to be able to knock off people's headwear with disarm mode. In addition, disarm intent didn't push people over.
-You used to have to pull someone into an aggressive grab before you could handcuff them.
-There was once only a single gateway mission, and it was custom made for Paradise; a giant snow covered planet where the clowns and mimes had a giant war on.
-The gateway was located right next to arrivals, and allowed anybody to access it.
-RnD used to be able to make something called 'power armor', which was an overpowered spacesuit that, when powered with a cell, offered heavy damage protection (more than most other things in the game) and meth-like speed.
-On the note of RnD, lockboxes were once not a thing. Just think about that for a bit.
-Telescience used to be a sub-department science had.
-The maintenance area north of botany and the library used to be a massive disco room.