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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/10/2020 in all areas

  1. Coffee Break This took longer than it should have... after multiple redraws, fixes, color edits... and learning tricks in art. I present you this piece with some of my favorite Vox on station, @SlimeBird as Chikitita, the Caffineoholic, @BlackDog as Kar-Ski, the Maestro, and myself as Toko, the Vicious. Overall I am happy and tired with how this came out, im gonna be playing video games and finishing up my finals in the upcoming week, either way stay tuned folks. Story Flavor Text:
    8 points
  2. "leaked" from staff discord
    6 points
  3. Oh yeah forgot my latest masterpiece, @ZN23X (pay me).
    5 points
  4. This is a slightly different mini project I did to commemorate a shift I did with DTX, showing him the ropes to security. @AffectedArc07
    3 points
  5. Stepped away from the game for a loooooooong time but thanks to @ZN23X (I hate you) I have taken interest in it again somewhat. Also been doing more pixel things over time, here is some of them.
    3 points
  6. Being mentor have his own awards
    3 points
  7. Its like a DND party Toko is the barbarian/fighter Chiki is the cleric/healer and Kar-Ski is the Bard ONWARDS TO ADVENTURE!
    3 points
  8. One letter sure makes all the difference
    2 points
  9. Since I'm on a roll, here's another security main, who is well known for sentencing just as many officers as greytide. Looking sharp in a warden coat, Moi. @Mitchs98
    2 points
  10. Alright, back again with some more practice under the belt. First is a miner. Tried a different style for this, feels easier and is kind of cute. This next one is a RIG/hardsuit helmet. I really love the design, and tried to do some shading and perspective tricks with it. I really don't know where to go from here. Send help and advice, please.
    2 points
  11. "Is be pullings patients away still yaya? Is told for stoppings? Is know wha happen now yaya?"
    2 points
  12. This is where I dump my art, I try to do the best in my work. Either way I like to improve, all criticism no matter how blunt or soft is welcomed, but I will always prefer the truth then a white lie. Stay tuned for more work folks. Tokorizo the Vicious Vox The Mission
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Did you know that you can turn deja into a mailbox if you remove one of her antenna and stick it back onto her forehead?
    1 point
  15. THIS IS AMAZING IT KILLS ME good luck w/ finals yo
    1 point
  16. Holy heck, that's really good!! I love it!
    1 point
  17. Brilliant job. Encore.
    1 point
  18. "Welcome, welcome! Please, feel free to look around. Our shelves are stocked and ready for you to take home a cuddly new friend. Only $10 per plush toy! Don't push, now, there's plenty for everyone." okay so yeah a guilty pleasure of mine is drawing characters as felt/plush toys and i figure i may as well offer it to other people. it's cheap (at least to the point where i can make a bare minimum profit) because i have little to no confidence in marketing my artwork here's some examples, comment if you wanna discuss it, yada yada
    1 point
  19. Finally got out of a slump I've been in for a while, and drew one of the most robust officers that frequents the maintenance tunnels. Rurik Varlim. @Rurik
    1 point
  20. Let me preface this by saying that drawing like this is an entirely new area for me and I've never really put much of an effort into any other drawing before. Perspective, shading, all of that? No idea how to nail it right. With that out of the way, this is what I have done. I thought to myself, "What can I draw? There is no way I can draw people yet, but I want to be able to put my own spin on it." That's when it hit me. I'm no stranger to nitpicking the design of the welder in this game. This is not to criticize the spriter, they did pretty good and it looks just right. It's just that...it's a cutting torch. So I decided to create my own interpretation, and I will now explain it because some of you may be trying to figure out how to interpret whatever the heck I just scribbled. The welder itself is a mixture of a MIG welder and cutting torch. It is then connected to a wheel of wirefeed, which is used in MIG welding to provide filler metal for the joint. Of course, the filler needs a shielding gas to protect it from that nasty oxygen, otherwise it will be too weak once it cools off. The welding fuel tank attached to the wire feed drum serves this purpose, but it also can be used for cutting. The user switches between the two modes by pushing the Nanotrasen logo on the side up or down. In Welding mode, the fuel is redirected into a chamber where a focused beam and some space magic turns it into a shielding gas for the wirefeed. Also, I do not have a pen, I do not have better paper. Just letting you all know. Anyway, onto the art. Look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair. Like I said, this is all entirely new to me and I genuinely have no clue how to do much of anything related to drawing So please, if you have feedback, I want it.
    1 point
  21. Well, about time I tried to draw something with a bit of a story behind it. For context, I was the CMO, and one of my surgeons, Ezaera King, declared that he had implants available. I know I didn't need them, but I also got the feeling that there might be something suspicious about them. Ever the "fun"-seeker, I decided to let myself get implanted. To no one's surprise, it seemed he had got his delivery mixed up and injected a mindslave implant instead(in case it wasn't obvious, they were a traitor from the start.) He tried to get me to bring the Captain in to do the same procedure, but he forgot too late that the Captain has a mindshield. New additions include depth/layers and my crappy handwriting! Also, the hands...
    1 point
  22. There are few who know the one known as Rebekah Hunter, and of those few, most probably know her for one thing: the countless deaths and disasters to befall her. Many of these incidents have memorable results, or memorable buildups, and I feel it is time to share a few of those. The Nerd Next Door Up until this point, I was having a nice, pleasant day with no incidents. Then I rolled Captain. I went through the typical motions of Captaining, up until I started hearing things about some goofy nerd in dumb robes, who just so happened to be the schmuck the Wizard Federation sent that was closest and most willing to wreak havoc on the station. As soon as the announcement was made, I made a run for my office to grab my gun, just in case they tried to get close. Mere moments later, I hear the sounds of a jaunt, then the firing of turrets, and all of a sudden, a strange sound and a buzzing from my headset. My character then slows down, and collapses, the HUD indicating that they are in crit. It is at this point I should mention that all of my characters' organs, except the eyes and ears, are cybernetic. Oops. "Hey, why is the turret control light red?" Another round as Captain. Normal Captain things done? Check. I sit back, relax, and wait for things to happen. It's a pretty quiet shift. Too quiet. No comms chatter at all. I glance down at the bottom of the screen, and notice something peculiar. The Upload Turret Control light was a menacing red. A few seconds later, an engiborg walks in. All of a sudden, Rebekah is on the floor, stunned by the borg. They drag her towards the upload, where it suddenly becomes clear: the AI has been either subverted or was malf. There's nothing I can do, she's dead within seconds. One by one, various heads of staff and security members come to the bridge, and they too all are stunned and dragged into the upload individually. Soon, only the RD remains. Eventually, the cameras are cut and the turrets are set back to normal. A scientist walks in with a locker, offering to take the bodies to cloning.They scoop 'em all up and drag them away, but not to medbay, but to a door into maintenance. They root through Rebekah's stuff, then curses their misfortune, for the rapier was still in my locker. The scientist then unceremoniously throws the locker into space, never to be seen again. The locker was eventually emagged into. How did it all go so wrong so quickly? Oh look, Captain again! The first hour was some of the smoothest sailing I had ever experienced, and I started to wonder whether or not it was Extended. That's the moment where everything fell to pieces. The first incident was the random EMPs in various places. One went off near the RD, so the Blueshield went to make sure they were OK, leaving the bridge empty, save for my character and the NTR. Abductors were confirmed shortly after. The second incident was the CE running into the bridge, brandishing a chainsaw. They hit me once, throw some N2O grenades around just to incapacitate everyone else, then drags me into maints, chainsawing my character all the way for good measure. Fortunately, they were a decent enough person to not gib me. After a short spacewalk, we end up at the Turbine, where my character's corpse is stripped of literally everything(the CE was looking for the medal of captaincy and the NAD), including the jumpsuit, and thrown into space near the atmos reservoirs. Later, a wandering paramedic notices a certain corpse floating about and drags it back in. Minutes later, I'm back in the game, albeit with nothing. Fortunately, the Blueshield had the spare ID and a spare jacket, so I was back in the office, until I was declared an imposter. The HoS asks questions only I would know the answer to, proving my identity. I then got abducted, then dropped back down near escape. Convenient. That Time with the Abductors [REDACTED] That OTHER Time with the Abductors Okay, so let's try to forget that little incident that was not caused by abductors but was a consequence of their actions and move on to another story about them. This is yet another roundstart Abductor round and I am the Captain. The Abductors don't see much success, because the round went on long enough that a midround blob happened, deciding to burst in my bedroom. It turns out this is a really good place to burst, because they had spread like crazy. I managed to teleport out of the bridge, which the blob had surrounded, and ran to get the nuke. As I was dragging it to the brig, a scientist runs up and stuns my character. Moments later, we're on the Abductor ship. They take their sweet time, but eventually I find myself in the cargo bay, with not even a jumpsuit and my name completely changed, and the blob was expanding into cargo. Fortunately, the warehouse was open and had an intercom and camera. I call for help, and the maintenance door opens and I make it onto the ERT shuttle. That Time I got Mindswapped CMO is a fun job. Plenty to do, and you're pretty much a magnet for antags. I ask one of my surgeons to implant a MedHUD in me and they accept. As soon as my character goes under, the shutters are dropped. I can see my character get grabbed, and suddenly, I am now playing as the surgeon, who was apparently a changeling. I panic, knowing that if the changeling wakes up, I will be unable to prove my identity. Unfortunately for me, a random doctors walks in and asks what's going on. I quickly try to tell them what's happening, but alas, it's too late. They've woken up the changeling, now in what used to be my body. I run to the front of the bridge, warning the Captain of what's happening, but the changeling said that I was the real changeling and I got arrested. The officer tells me to state my ID, but I did not know that my memories transferred over, so I tried to use other things that only I would know, but they didn't buy it. Besides, why waste time on a criminal when there's a blob to fight? Disgraced, I wander the station, absolutely wasting this guy's liver. After a drunken confrontation, I get a devious idea. Within Rebekah's body, as mentioned, are cybernetic organs. All I need to do is get two large beakers, one filled with iron and the other with uranium, and combine them near the changeling to set off an EMP. Next, I would drag them away and lock them in an ID-locked locker before they revive themselves. I once again realize that the chem dispenser doesn't have uranium, so I run to the ORM, which is empty, and then I run to R&D, which had a chunk of uranium and a wide open windoor. When I had left, the blob was pushing into medbay, and when I got back, they had made it to the lobby. I narrowly dodge some blobbernaughts and jump into a broken window into chem. I grind the uranium and put it in a beaker, with iron in the other. Using the monitor, I tracked down my old body and let the EMP loose. As it turned out, the body I got swapped into also had cyberorgans. Oops. That Time I got Mindslaved Another CMO shift. After a while, a surgeon offers to install an implant in me. To their credit, they actually installed an implant. Points off for said implant being a mindslave, though. What they want me to do is trick the Captain into falling into the exact same trap I did. I bring them in, but unfortunately, the surgeon seemed to have forgotten the existence of the mindshield, but plays it off like it's no big deal, and they leave none the wiser. Later, he tells me that he wants to talk in private. We go to my office, and that's when they demand that I retire and make them CMO. Around this time, a whole bunch of plasma fires were happening, but I manage to resign anyway. The shuttle is called shortly after, but the HoP stuns me and drags me to the freezer. They decide against killing me, though, because "Professionals have STANDARDS." They drag me to the escape pod, and we get away. Proof of the Curse I am once again CMO, and medbay is operating as normal. No nefarious schemes, no nothing. I'm beginning to think the curse has been lifted. We're forced to abandon medbay to a blob, and after healing some people, I manage to find a talking sword. I take it to the bridge to show the Captain, but someone rushed in and threw an EMP grenade. I wasn't an assassination target, I didn't have any items that any traitors had to steal, and I died anyway. Cursed, I tell you.
    1 point
  23. Well, here we go again. I have gotten better paper and I tried drawing a person. Really, I wouldnt've known the proportions if not for this helpful thread. Maybe I'll try and make someone other than "nondescript tall boi" some other time. Once again, sorry for bad photo quality, and also once again, if you have feedback, I want it, so much. Edit: And I have given them more lines! But we can see the skeleton within aaaaaaaaaaa
    1 point
  24. sneaking a kiss. A few redraws! The original drawings were from 2016 Skrellian underwater pods concept sketches. Drew mine and Heretic's DnD characters when they were children Some drawings of my DnD character Auriel. A cute Psuedodragon The party trying to act like tourists Redrew a "Draw the Squad" meme
    1 point
  25. The Voxxy who stood fast on guard to protect the camp against spiders and extradimensional beings
    1 point
  26. Some shitty art and memey stuff I made, idk where to share it so here ya go yeet Might upload some more stuff later, atm I'm trying to get better at pixel art uwu I made this after a round as the HoP and a mime held me up with a finger gun. More or less memorable but I gotta say all mimes are excellent This one is an attempt at visualising my char Murvai Szechkal. The face was a relative success imo but any attempt at doing a body has been horrific
    1 point
  27. I admit, this prompted me to look up how MIG welding works. I never realized how inaccurate SS13's depiction of welding was until now. Alright, I'm responding specifically because you solicited advice here. If you do want to get better, my very first piece of advice would be to figure out a way to fix this. I know with social distancing rules it definitely doesn't make sense to pick up a sketchpad at this particular moment, but whenever you're comfortable, the way to become better is to just have a sketchbook out and to be working on it. I'm definitely not an elitist about art materials, and I think most artists aren't: I use standard school pencils for most of my sketching. That said, I still recommend against lined paper and newsprint paper as they're expressly made to be cheap and thin. It's not just that the lines are a bit distracting: sheets of paper have an upper limit on how much sketching they can take before the page begins warping, and since lined paper is designed to be thin and cheap it's usually not sturdy enough to hold a detailed pencil drawing without warping the image. Your sketch of this welder is fairly straightforward, yet I can already see the paper beginning to get crinkled. That isn't your fault: that's because lined paper is extremely thin and warps too easily. As for becoming "better" in the sense of linework, technique, proportion, etc... the best I can recommend is practice. There's no substitute for that. Practice sketching everywhere, all the time. Practice during short breaks, practice when you're bored, practice when you're procrastinating from more important work. I could try to provide pointers on style or technique, but practice is really the way all of that stuff develops in the first place.
    1 point
  28. Stealing all the berets and replacing them with kitty ears!
    1 point
  29. The turrets shot hearts
    1 point
  30. Been quite sometimes. Ready for wall of pics. Some of semi-commissions I've finished. Experimenting around with my own OCs and eventually remixing them into another universe-like themes. Last time I tried to remix them into feudal Japan samurai like. Now I just like the idea of world of criminal organisations. Field Agent "Blu Fin" (totally yoinked from my own ss13 character deep lore name) Operative "Iris". Tasked: Field overwatch. Annnd silly storyboard of these two. "We are colleagues now! Here's your arsenal. I'll show you how these phones work." Till next time!
    1 point
  31. Small doodle of my radio host character I play on goon (tfw no vox). Mary Crowe doesn't get out of her box much
    1 point
  32. ;g absorbing AI in captain office Slith as changeling
    1 point
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