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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/13/2020 in all areas

  1. I drew bee. Gummy holding bee. Goombee. Bee.
    7 points
  2. Back on track. A big brain sec main! Omicron, one of the more veteran Officers. @McRamon
    5 points
  3. Probs gonna do the side-shot when I awoken from sleep but having fun with dis lizard's progress
    3 points
  4. Hi, im not totally new but i never goes to the forum, so well, i am here, you will often see me on station as Nishanta Payani (a skrell) or Dakota Rosegun (always with her fez), often as roboticist, coroner or maybe mechanics when i will have enough karma
    2 points
  5. I unplugged the toaster and it now has zero power.
    2 points
  6. Current progress on making a model sheet, boop.
    2 points
  7. Before you read anything, Heat Signature is a great game (after all, most of these ideas are from there). <Syndicate ad> <Syndicate ad/> So basically there s that, multiple types of teleporters that will allow traitors and nuclear agents to bypass walls and access for a price. Will add many more "fun" situations to Blueshield and Security to deal with but also a way for them to combat them directly (Glitch inhibitor). It will also add more pressure on R&D to do their job and create Scramblers as fast as possible (required components and/or research level to be discussed). Also imagine the clown with a swapper. How would these objects be used: Swapper : Situation 1: Being traitor, you have been discovered, there's a security officer hot on your tail. He fires his tazer but you use the swapper on him at the right time and now he s where you where and backwards. He gets hit by his own tazer bolt and gets shocked, you have the chance to get his gear and such. Situation 2: Being traitor your objective is to kill the Brig Physician or the Head of Security. You spacewalk to the outside of Brig Medbay or the HoS office and space him using the Swapper. You are arguably about to get arrested but what if ... Situation 3: you have also bought a Visitor. You use the visitor on a random space tile and then the swapper on your target. You are teleported inside the room, the target is in space, but then the Visitor pulls you out and now both you and your target are there. Situation 4: Being Syndicate Operative, you and your team are near the Bridge and the captain is in there (you have a thermal implant). Your pinpointer is set to search for the NAD and points to him. He has lowered the shutters and you have no time to place explosives to get in, crew is starting to get annoying. You use the swapper on him, the other teammembers finish him and get the NAD. You, on the meantime get to be inside the Bridge. Situation 3 can be applied here to the 4 too. Visitor: Situation 1: Being traitor, you are badly hurt but you do not have access to medbay storage and have no E-mag. You use the visitor, and grab a few supplies. After a few seconds you are pulled back where you fired it. Situation 2: Being traitor your task is to kill the Head of Personnel. You have seen him going inside his office but shutters are down. You go inside, drop a some grenades and then the Visitor pulls you out. Situation 3: Being traitor you need to steal the AI upload board from Secure Tech Storage. You go into engi-cargo maintenance, teleport inside, get the board and then you get pulled out by the Visitor. Glitch trap: Situation 1: As traitor you have to kill X target. You have set up the teleport destination of the trap previously, somewhere dangerous for him. The target leaves his working area, you go in, place the trap and leave. When he comes back gets teleported to that location. Situation 2: As traitor or Syndicate Agent, you are being chased. You activate the trap and drop it. The chaser gets teleported. Glitch Inhibitor: Any of the above situations will go south if someone is wearing or has deployed one of these near the teleport location, the gadgets won't use charges nor do anything aside of sparking and making a noticeable noise. Details: Of course, anything can be changed 1 Swapper (Traitor version): Will swap locations between the user and the victim. Victim must be in view and be a player. -Costs 6 TCs -Has 3 charges (or infinite?) -33% Chance to slightly irradiate the user and/or the victim on each jump? -Normal size -Class S contraband 2 Swapper (Nuclear Agents version): Will swap locations between the user and the victim. Victim must be in view and be a player. -Costs 10 TCs -Has 5 charges (or infinite?) -Small size -Class S contraband 3 Visitor (Traitor version). Will teleport the user to a location and a few seconds later (10-15) teleport him back. -Costs X TCs (NOT cheap, arround 10-12) -Has 2 charges (or infinite?) -50% Chance to slightly irradiate the user on each jump? -Normal size -Class S contraband 4 Visitor (Nuclear Agents version): Will teleport the user to a location and a few seconds later (10-15) teleport him back. -Costs 10 TCs -5 charges (or infinite?) -Small size -Class S contraband 5 Glitch trap: Will teleport anyone who steps in it radius of action to a previously marked location. -Costs 3 TCs -1 charge (or infinite?) -75% Chance to slightly irradiate the user on the jump? -Small size -Class S contraband 6 Glitch inhibitor: Will stop any attempt to teleport or be teleported in a radious arround the user who wears it or arround the turf it is deployed on (radius 3-5 or area based?). Used by staff/sec/blueshield to negate any of the other gadgets. -Holds a battery inside -Has 1 charge only, when used can be reloaded like a weapon in a charger -Has to be activated by attack_hand() (changes sprite) -Can be attached to clothing as accesory or to the ground with a multitool -Whenever it goes off will make a strong sound and emit sparks -Blueshield spawns with one attached to his uniform -Can be EMPd which will disable it until manually reactivated after a while -Can be researched by science (midtier tech) -Created in protolathe (not cheap) -Tiny size -Not contraband (belongs to security/blueshield) Things that are specially not final: TC prices of the visitor and the Nuclear Agents versions of the others. Charges of gadgets: exact number, the existence of them at all (infinite) or the possibility of reloading the gadget just as a weapon in a charger Irradiation: I'm against irradiation because it's difficult to deal with and kind of annoying but I put it for possible balance reasons. Other people has suggested for them to randomly explode when used Why do I think this should be added? Because in my opinion, when playing as a traitor I've found really hard to step where I'm not supposed to be in a peaceful and stealthy way. In other cases my target is always with someone else or there is no obvious way to abduct him without drawing a lot of attention. I think these gadgets would make traitoring a bit easier and fun. Also most of the people I've talked to about adding this (Necaladun, Yuuki and some more) liked the idea too. How would I go with coding this? I'd start coding them from bottom to top, one by one, with placeholder sprites. I'd base my code on the Hierophant Club teleportation code (it does what I want but with some purple things on top) and then I would add the real sprites (I have made some drafts of them). Have I told you Heat Signature rocks? It does.
    1 point
  8. One thing that just seems to be true regardless of map is that maintenance doesn't have air vents or scrubbers. I believe that, both from a lore and from a gameplay POV, this should change. Let me first talk from a gameplay POV: What is the main purpose of vents? Is it supplying the station with air? While that is one of their functions, I would argue it is not the main one. Crew don't use up enough air for replacement to be needed. If it was just about recycling air and filling maints up after a leak, then adding vents to maints would not make much sense. The handful of times where maint needs to be filled with fresh air or scrubbed, portable tanks and scrubbers can be used. But in my opinion, the main reason for vents to exist is in fact ventcrawling. A lot of rounds end up spawning either a mouse-blob, terrors or xenos (though rip for xenos for now), on top of more rare ventcrawlers like antag atmos techs or morphs. The vent network is their primary method of movement. However, those event antags all want a quiet place out of view to build up in. This forces them to go to the handful of places in maintenance that do have vents and are thus accessible, namely turbine or chapel electrical maint. The fact that maints don't have vents sharply constrains those antagonists, especially at the very start, forcing the evolution of a strong meta by leaving only a handful of viable nest/blob locations. Even after the start, it is not rare to see terror spiders stuck in maint rooms behind doors they can't force open, where vents would be a natural way for them to spread and get around. Another factor that was brought to my attention is headcrabs. Headcrab nests get spawned somewhere in maintenance, nobody finds them, they build up a shitton of crabs that are all trapped in one tiny room to be unleashed on whoever is unlucky enough to open the door. If maintenance had vents, we could make headcrabs ventcrawlers (if they aren't already), which is a very headcrabby way for them to spread around. You could argue this would make those antagonists more powerful, especially in maintenance, since a xeno hunter or terror spider could be lurking in a vent in the dark. IMO, that would even be desirable, making maintenance a great deal scarier than it currently is. The biohazard invading the station having an advantage in maintenance seems appropriate to me. Since maintenance vents are in less frequented areas, they should also have a tendency to not get welded as much, leaving biohazards a way out of a mostly welded network. Secondly, let's talk from a lore POV: First, let me say that I firmly believe gameplay and balance concerns should be more important than lore. With that out of the way, are there arguments for or against vents in maintenance? You could say that maintenance is not a proper part of the station, not designed to be livable or comfortable and that's the reason why it doesn't have any ventilation. However, not having areas on your space station get any fresh air, ever would be an incredible safety risk and liability. Secondly, there's areas of the station proper only accessible via maint, so there's an expectation that some people need to go there. Third, if maint is supposed to be this inhospitable, why does it have some lights? And lastly, there are areas of maintenance that are flavoured as former station parts that were abandoned. Areas like old bar, old diner and so on are supposed to have once been normal rooms. Why, then, did someone go through all the trouble of ripping out their vents and scrubbers, instead of just turning them off or whatever? My proposal So, what exactly do I propose? I don't think maintenance should have anywhere close to the vent and scrubber density that the proper station gets. However, there should be some scrubbers and vents added in choice locations where they can cover a fairly large area, as well as in locations that are formerly normal rooms like old bar. That should give blobs and spiders more choice in starting location, lessening the meta-factor.
    1 point
  9. Finished the base model reference, some changes or little fixing will most likely occur because aaaaagh drawing the side-shot is annoying to get the right preportion to match the other shots.
    1 point
  10. They may not all be deaths, and they may not all be stupid, but I'm shilling my thread in the Stories area anyway.
    1 point
  11. Does Reading the bible to a terror spider count?
    1 point
  12. Be miner Take advanced plasma cutter Use it to cut throught the rocks Hit the megafauna hiding behind Be traitor do all your objectif Find a syndifriend Syndifriend has subverted AI and emmaged borg with him Go on engi pod before shuttle launch with emmaged borg inside Trashtalk command for the lolz Borgs explodes Die on the double explosion 3 minute before the end. Use a random DNA injector found on the ground (speaking of DNA) Be geneticist Search for power Be not carefull and inject yourself radiation Ohshit.png Put a new monkey on clone pod make a clean SE Inject clean SE Realize you forgot to turn the monkey into a human Transform into a monkey Seek CMO for help CMO realize what happens CMO takes you to gen cloning pod and kills you with radiation CMO takes you to surgery and take out your brain CMO was traitor and you were his target CMO : "who killed geneticist ?" round time : 0:15
    1 point
  13. I touched a random stationary cow in space and got gibbed within 2 ticks
    1 point
  14. Thank you! I've had quite the inspirational kick today. Having the day off work helps as well.
    1 point
  15. This is a slightly different mini project I did to commemorate a shift I did with DTX, showing him the ropes to security. @AffectedArc07
    1 point
  16. Oh yeah forgot my latest masterpiece, @ZN23X (pay me).
    1 point
  17. Deja! One cool nerd, beep boop. I didn't realize their full name was 'Deja Voo' which is a pun that I'll only slightly forgive.
    1 point
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