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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2020 in all areas

  1. Due to player feedback on forums, an update has been made to space law. This section here replaces all previous space law concerning prisoners who escape, attempt to escape, or break stuff in their cells. Most of this is simply grouping up all information on the topic into one easy-to-reference section, however, there are a few changes: Successfully breaking out of tempbrig now earns you a full reset of your timer plus an additional ten minutes. "Escaping" is now very narrowly defined. You have to be physically outside of the secure area you're supposed to be confined to. Breaking your cell windows/etc without leaving your cell does NOT count. Running outside your cell when an officer opens it, DOES count. Breaking the barriers that keep you contained (including windows) is "Attempted Escape" which is not the same thing. Attempted Escape allows security to move you to a solitary cell for the remainder of your brig sentence. Breaking lights and other non-barrier-objects in your cell is just in-cell vandalism. Security can't punish you at all for this. However, they're not obliged to fix anything you break, and these are the only objects you can use, so its probably not wise to break them.
    6 points
  2. A couple preludes real quick. In terms of: We don't have blindfolds in sec by default. We really should. The current way to acquire blindfolds is by cutting up bedsheets or something, I don't even know how to do it myself since someone else was (fortunately) in sec to handle it, but the process of getting blindfolds is SUPER esoteric and very very dumb. Now that that's off my chest, thanks for the thread. Judging by everything I've read, and based off of Rythen's extremely correct comments about perma being the SENTENCE, and not the actual act of being placed in the perma brig, I'd like to propose a more specific perma escape criteria. This will obviously have to be prettied up. An attempted escape from a permanent sentence qualifies if one or more of the following is true: 1. The prisoner has breached their assigned cell, uncuffed. For permabrig, this means breaching through the the lobby. For solitary confinement or a standard issue cell set to 60 minutes (should perma be unavailable), this means being outside of the cell and in a hallway. 2. The prisoner is uncuffed and has the equipment necessary to reasonably stun and cuff an officer, or has demonstrated the capability of placing an officer into a critical position. (Beating an officer to death is an escape attempt. Slipping an officer and punching them a few times is not an escape attempt. Cuffing an officer is an escape attempt. Stealing a baton or a taser by itself is not necessarily an escape attempt unless they are also beating an officer to death with it?) I believe this description sums up everyones concerns on the thread since we all seem to be on the same page here, but please offer opinions and copy/paste this to make it your own.
    4 points
  3. I like the first condition, I think that's very clear. I think the second one needs to be broadened slightly though. Consider this example: if a prisoner needed to be transported out of brig and was able to escape custody because for example a clown slipped the officer, they didn't do either of the two things you just mentioned but they did certainly escape custody. Did they cause the opportunity to escape? No, but they did however make the conscious choice to use that as an opportunity to run away. They could have also made the choice to remain in custody knowing that they could be executed if they flee.
    3 points
  4. Space law updated: https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Space_law#Escape.2C_Escape_Attempts_.26_In-Cell_Vandalism
    2 points
  5. IMHO there should be one simple section that covers all cases. E.g: Any prisoner that escapes from a temporary brig sentence is to be re-brigged for the full timer they had before, plus 10 minutes. Any prisoner that escapes from permanent confinement, or returns from exile, may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of security. A prisoner who leaves the area they're confined to, without permission from Security, is escaping. Merely breaking internal windows or unsuccessfully attempting to escape is not enough, they have to be out of their cell, or for permabrig prisoners, out of the permabrig. Prisoners who break windows in their cell or otherwise attempt to break the barriers that keep them contained, but do not leave their cell, aren't escaping, but they can be moved to solitary for the rest of their sentence, to prevent further escape attempts. Prisoners who vandalize their cell in a way that does not help them escape (e.g: breaking their bed, botany trays, etc) do not qualify as escaping or attempting escape, and should not be punished. If they want to break the only things they have available to them, let them. Prisoners who are moved by security to another area do not qualify as 'escaping' unless they escape that area. Even if they are out of their cell. E.g. a prisoner moved to brig medical for treatment doesn't qualify as escaping unless they get their cuffs off and escape that room.
    2 points
  6. Just going to add my opinion onto this because I think my interpretation has been wrong up until this point as well. In my round today as the HoS we had a case where a vampire escaped from custody multiple times while they were being processed into perma (yeah yeah, we should have had blindfolds on hand so they couldn't glare, hindsight and all that, didn't realize we had none around until it was too late). But through this they escaped custody while being processed into perma. Captain ordered them executed for this and I oversaw the execution being carried out. I was boinked because they escaped but weren't actually in perma yet when they escaped so they said that this is not an escape from perma. The admin later said that it was justified in this case though. However from this I realized that the admin was interpreting "escaping perma" to refer to escaping the location and not the sentence. But up until this point I'd been interpreting it differently. In the SoP itself it says "Any prisoners that escape Permanent Imprisonment or Exile may be detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of Security." Permanent imprisonment to me sounds like the sentence and not the location. That would mean that escaping from custody if you've been sentenced to permanent imprisonment would fall under this, even if they haven't been put into the permanent prison itself. If they are sentenced to perma but are being brought to medbay for treatment and escape, this still sounds like an escape from permanent improsonment to me, even though they aren't in perma jail at the time. If that's not the meaning then I think it should be reworded to say something along the lines of "ANy prisoners that escape from the perma prison" or something along those lines to make it clear that it's referring to the location would be better. The way it is right now sounds very much like it's referring to the sentence and not the location. This is further supported by the fact that the line below, and 3 lines above are also referring to sentences and not locations. It says "Any prisoners that escape from an execution sentence are to be killed on sight". It does not say "Any prisoners that escape from he execution ROOM are to be killed on sight". To me it sounds like the intention of the permanent imprisonment one is the same.
    2 points
  7. HA Bet that gave you a heart attack @AffectedArc07
    1 point
  8. This change in SoP would have an impact on balance in favor of the cult by slowing down processing times and leading to more releases of cultists. Because of this I think it'd be a good idea to ask whether or not there's currently a balance problem in cult rounds before deciding if this is worth doing. And if the answer is yes then it should also be asked, is this the best way to fix the balance problem? I'm not going to give an opinion on whether or not I think cult needs balance changes or not because I'm honestly not sure. I just wanted to bring up some impacts that this change would have on balance as a topic of discussion and to play devil's advocate. Processing is already super chaotic on cult rounds due to the number of people who end up as suspects, especially if the cult has been doing a lot of converting. This change would increase the complexity of processing suspected cultists and slow things down. Right now you're just able to test anyone who is brought in, which makes things simple, but time consuming. If you need to first evaluate whether or not each person who is brought in has enough evidence to be tested then this will slow things down and also increase the number of cultists who get released. Both things give an advantage to cult with this change. Also, when cult has gotten to the point of being out of hand, it's already valid in SoP to authorize security to use lethals against cult and then revive and deconvert. If that's allowed to be an option then I think testing of suspects as long as it's not "mass testing" should be allowed. You should NOT be allowed to set up a checkpoint and test every single person who goes by with holy water. You should be allowed to test Joe if Joe was seen working closely with Bob and Bob was confirmed to be a cultist. If Joe turns out not to be a cultist, should the security officer be charged for this mistake since they were acting based off of evidence? If officers are charged for each mistake that is made when testing cultists this will even further reduce security's capacity to deal with the cult and will have another impact on balance. In summary this would give three main advantages to the cult: 1. Slow down processing. This increases the amount of security's resources that need to be spent on processing vs bringing in more suspects. 2. More released cultists. Less testing means less deconversions which means it will be harder to chip down cult numbers. 3. Officers arrested for incorrect tests. Security's capacity for handling cult goes down for each mistake they make.
    1 point
  9. I 100,000% would support removing the solitary cell window, its ONLY purpose is to break it to be a shitter for getting put in solitary, almost to the point where im gonna start getting plasma-glass installed to stop them. Sadly this means theyre just gonna spam the AI's camera with paper, but at least you can take that away if need be. Edit: Also, its solitary, you get put in there for being "bad" in Perma (or being a solo-vamp in a tator round). Your "enjoyment" at that point is a non-factor, because most Wardens (myself included) truly only save solitary for the most greytider-esque of Perma inmates. You dont NEED to see the other solitary cell anyway.
    1 point
  10. If someone is legally issued a perma sentence (ie: sec record updated, put in perma) and then they escape, via any means, the "detained, executed or killed on sight at the discretion of security" applies. If someone is not legally issued a perma sentence (ie: killed in combat with sec before being sentenced) then it does not apply. However, in that situation, if the person is cloned, they can be sentenced for any crime they can be proven to have committed prior to their death. If for example they murdered a sec officer in the fight, they can be re-executed for that.
    1 point
  11. This is going to a bit of a deep place. I'd want the ability to make myself and others feel happy. Not some kind of hazy euphoria but a gentle contentment that one feels from knowing that everything is all right and going awesome in life. The kind of happiness that gets people up and going to meet the world and spread it to others. I've lived with a lot of misery so those moments are very rare for me.
    1 point
  12. The cliched part? The community. Everyone here has been quite friendly to me, for the most part, and really I have no complaints. The not so cliched part. The structured order of Paradise's rules. I've seen some other places and while they have their own rules and structure the chaos is a bit much for me with something as detailed as this game is. There's a bit of comfort to be had in order and while chaos can make us appreciate the comfort, too much can make us yearn for it all the more.
    1 point
  13. I'm surprised someone managed to make a table that suits her size
    1 point
  14. Maybe it does need to be written somewhere but I think that attacking a member of security whether with the intent to disable or kill them when in perma counts as attempting to escape. Because if backup it doesn't arrive, it's not like the prisoners just intend to kill the person just for the hell of it and then stay there. I do see what you mean though. It feels like there's a lot of gray area with how security is supposed to handle things and worrying about OOC consequences makes it that much more difficult.
    1 point
  15. Evie is cute and adorable in this, i love it
    1 point
  16. I got this youtube ad with a creepy old man and his sock puppet telling me to invest in stocks or something. Since apparently Roche is part of your name, is this you? What is the sock puppet for?
    1 point
  17. I was being demoted because I got mailed to the captain office and popped out with laser tag guns and shot him a bunch, so I prayed Honk mother help me I am being demoted because I pranked the captain. get teleported to arrivals security was chasing me, Honk Mother blesses me with a bunch of honk grenades and space lube grenades I ran away, got caught again Honk Mother helps me reach critical mass, while pranking security the whole time.
    1 point
  18. dumb comic about a very unlucky vox who I've seen get cluwned, gibbed, and delimbed in the engine mere *minutes* after I remind them to stay safe Poor Esfor
    1 point
  19. Doc's character, Evie! Enjoying a poorly-drawn milkshake.
    1 point
  20. Oh, I forgot, this was an early sketch that was trashed
    1 point
  21. That is the face of a person who tries to look like they've got it together, but you don't know how many times they've been abducted, killed, enslaved, or turned into a catgirl. And that's just a normal Monday. It's good, you've got a neat style.
    1 point
  22. Rebekah Hunter, the unluckiest CMO!
    1 point
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