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  1. From an admin pov, my main concern with psych is the fact that a good chunk of the time, it is played by players who are absolutely bald, and decide to kidnap someone, straightjacket them, and force-feed them drugs. Because that's what they think is appropriate for a psych. I've had to ban more people from psych/medical for this than I care to remember. As such, any mechanic which psychs can abuse to detain people for long periods of time, or really at all, is probably not a good mechanic. If we're going to give psych a mechanic, something they can use to make the job more interesting/relevant, then I would suggest: something detection-based, like the ability to use an item to scan for abnormal brainwaves, which could reveal things like vampire thralling, mindslave implants, etc. This would require a unique neural scanner, them to hold still for 30-60 seconds, or something like that. Enough constraints that the psych can't mass-test everyone. something to do with curing psych abnormalities, like for example reversing abductor programming, or effectively giving someone a mindslave implant that makes them loyal to NT (OOCly, this is a reward for traitors, who get to be released 'on parole' rather than sitting out the rest of the round, as such this implant would be extremely limited supply, only one is available and only the psych can use it). have a system where people can opt to give their character mental disabilities, not just physical ones, during char creation (e.g. syndicate-induced PTSD) and have the psych able to dispense unique drugs to help with these... and have a unique HUD that lets them identify people whose medical records show they have these conditions (basically make it easier for them to find rp partners) Really, we should consider just removing the straightjacket from the psych, and giving it to sec's medical wing. Psych is meant to be treating patients on a voluntary basis. Patients sent to the psych against their will should come exclusively from security - not something the psych should be able to engineer themselves.
    2 points
  2. Hey! Right now, the Psychologist has no purpose, mechanically speaking. If they were removed the game would not be different in the slightest. Compare this to other heavy RP roles like: Librarian: Some people really like reading the books, and I would personally miss the books. They have a unique mechanic, even if it's shallow. Removing them would remove a feature. Chaplain: Can bless people and are actually mechanically useful during some rounds (cultists and vampires). Removing them might actually affect balance in some modes. IAAs: Has a clear purpose on the station. Recently got their own comms channel which I love. When playing a command role, I always stay in touch with IAA to find any SOP breaches or direct them to stuff that needs investigating. If directed, they can be a great asset. If removed, SOP wouldn't be followed and adherence to Space Law might also suffer. Then we have the Psychologist. According to their SOP, there is no one who they can actually treat, without the permission of someone else. This makes sense, since their treatment doesn't actually do anything mechanically. Treating criminals is also, due to the nature of the gamemodes, useless. Traitors are working for the syndicate either willingly or forced and a good therapy session won't change that. The rest of the gamemodes force criminals that are impossible to help (vampires/changelings) for a psychologist. Even if they can be helped, they can't be released due to their status as EoC. The only criminals left are the small scale ones. The greytiders and shitters. I suppose the psychologists job could be to try to deal with those but as a psychologist you're coming at it from the wrong angle. They need information about rules of the server and how to act, not psychological help. Psychologist SOP for reference: In a short summary, they can't do anything assumed by their job without permission from someone else. Which would be fine, if they had some sort of dangerous or great power, but they don't. However, I don't think the psychiatrist should be able to force people into treatment against their will. I do think others should have that power though. So how do we solve this? Personally, I think features that lack purpose should be removed. By that logic, the Psychologist should be removed. On the other hand, I like the idea of the Psychologist so I wanted to bring some suggestions to make them able to do stuff. Here are some suggestions to give them a purpose: Positive Psychology. Some players will become angry playing this game. The Psychologist, could try to change their emotional state by offering encouragement and compliments. Their goal would be to turn those frowns upside down. This is hard in real life and doing it over a game might be harder. But using this type of psychology might actually make people feel a bit better. Treat it like a serious job. While a lot of beginners play IAA agents, people know when an IAA agent aren't living up to their standard. A psychologist should have a similar bar to reach for. They can't act however they want because then they would be worse than their patients. Psychiatric session/evaluation demanded: Any head can demand a psychiatric evaluation or session by any of their subordinates if they seem angry, sad or generally unhappy. If we base the Psychologists treatment on Positive Psychology, this sessions purpose would be to make them happy or calm down. IAA might also be able to demand that non-heads do a session. The Psychologist could also get access to the Procedures channel. The two outcomes I imagine for this would be the person demanded to do the session either flipping out completely and escalating their anger, which I would consider grounds for demotion OR accepting it, realizing they may not feel allright and do the session. If they feel better afterwards would depend on the psychiatrist. Research: The Psychologist can perform actual psychological research, just like in real life! CentComm, since they sometimes do odd stuff, might want to try some strange experiment. I assume this would be heavily based on the admins on at the shift start, but I'm also wondering how hard it would be to have a rotation of 10 different "experiments" similar to station goal that the Psychologist has to perform. Checking for completion would not be necessary, as long as they have a clear task. They could give their findings to the captain who could fax it to CentComm. Examples: Can (antagonist) be cured by 10 minute exposure to the clown? Will the happiness level of the station increase if the tiles are changed to wood? Will violence increase or decrease, based on the amount of flowers placed in the hallways? If a "calm area" is constructed near dorms, will people visit it to find inner peace? If the mime start acting out peaceful and happy scenarios, will the crew calmness increase? These are some thoughts I trew together in like half an hour so I'm sorry they're a bit confused. I'm sure there are plenty of better suggestions out there and I would love to see a job I love IRL get some more purpose in this game! So keep the suggestions coming!
    1 point
  3. Since this PR has been added slings have gone down to a 5% -10% (I guess I personally have never seen them ascend since the PR) win ratio. Do you think the PR should be reverted or other changes must happen? What are your thoughts. Ill add some ideas as I think of them. I have seen rounds be murderbone sec, ERT be called by command and them lose over and over. Maybe the duration of thralling someone lowered or even the cooldown be brought down? This will allow then to have a faster playstyle and encourage the round to be quick.
    1 point
  4. Slings are far from a perfect gamemode, and not one I enjoy, but sadly the mindshield PR made it worse, made being sec on a sling round suck more, made slings suffer as crew mass mindshields, and overall not fun to play as a sling, when rolling it means you die and loose 95%~ of the time. Revs get by mindshields with instant rapid converts. Cult shards and gets strong gear. Slings get teleporting stunny dark boi that dies in 3 laser shots.
    1 point
  5. Janitor is a job that I enjoy, but is very rote, with the cleaning being very simple and repetitive. However, if you've been a professional cleaner, you know that once in a while, for sometimes inexplicable reasons, you find a stain or spill that is almost impossible to remove with your normal tools. With that in mind, I had a thought for a mechanic for Janitors to make their work a little more complex. I haven't nailed down the details, and would love to hear anyone else's thoughts or suggestions on this, but basically: Blood, oil, and other cleanable would have a small chance to be an "ultra tough stain". In order to clean it, normal Janitor tools don't work. Instead, using a device similar to the Detective/Coroner's scanners, or the reagent scanner, the Janitor would need to scan the stain to find out what kind of special chemical is needed to remove the stain. This could be created by chemistry, or hydroponics, or perhaps ordered special from cargo. Cleaning this stain would basically require a little quest to get the materials to clean it, and there would be some incentive to doing so. Perhaps a station announcement from the "League of Master Custodians" venerating the janitor, or some sort of special clothing, or even like a recoloured janicart if they clean enough of them. Something to incentivize them to actually clean it, and requiring the scanner would mean that only Janitors could clean it, not mopbots or assistants with a wet rag. Thoughts?
    1 point
  6. I did predict this happening. The PR put shadowlings into the exact same ballpark as revolutionaries, with security encouraged to immediately bumrush cargo to order implants, and slings inevitably forced to go lethal or die once the crew has started to become implanted. This doesn't make for good gameplay, and I wish the PR that changed this feature had been put on hold a bit longer to be discussed more. Frankly, I'd be down for just outright reverting the PR that changed this all in the first place. It turned something that was debatable as an issue in the first place into a massive gameplay problem. For most, the gamemode is no longer fun or even interesting to watch.
    1 point
  7. I think this would be pretty easy to add as I see this feature on other servers and is probably not too difficult to code, but I suggest adding little drone sized holes on doors so maintenance drones can easily access areas that can't easily be accessed by the vents, like security. Also, this would prevent other people from utilizing the drones' door opening and accessing areas they don't usually have access to.
    1 point
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