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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2020 in all areas

  1. NT defines it as when a medhud registers them as dead. This is for insurance reasons.
    2 points
  2. Jewls have always ben sought after for their glean and rarity. Well, every miner knows that one of the most sought after resource is the beautiful bluespace Crystal. So what better to do than slap it into a gold chain and sell it for hella cash? alternative effect than the +10 beauty stat boost it could potentially be a huge net positive in safety! Need to escape the xeno morph chasing you? Smash that crystal in your palms and you're chance of being in a better situation are...like 40% but hey whatever is on the other side of smashing you very expensive jewelry could be alot better than before!
    1 point
  3. Be HoS Multiphase is out of energy No tools because I had other business to attend to Go to office Sentient Rainbow Slime crawls through vent in office ohshit.png Proceed to be be attacked by slime Eventually bludgeon slime with harmbaton Falls into crit and dies Be cloned
    1 point
  4. I was actually there for that. And here's the thing: The bartender had MANY options to deal with the clown non-lethally. He could have used his shotgun, and threw him out, or called security. He could have done both of those things, in fact. But instead, he chose to beat said clown over and over again with a guitar, which led to the clown flat-lining, or "dying," if the health indicator is to be believed. I think attempted murder was the minimum, as the clown did actually go past crit, and died, due to the bartender actively beating him while he was down. I do agree though that it sucks for the bartender, who basically spent the rest of the round shouting at sec to get a trial in perma. (No trial was given, due to the fact that I would have been the one to preside over it, leading to him being sentenced to permabrig no matter what.)
    1 point
  5. I really enjoy slings, but I see the issues inherent in them. The mindsheild nerf has just sort of exacerbated those problems. I think Slings need a look at but... I'm afraid if they do they'll be taken off rotation and end up in 'fix up' hell like the devil game mode.
    1 point
  6. small short vox doodles Atria except I can't not draw her without her being scary lookin lol Kikeri after a particularly off-the-rails ragin' mages shift Kar-ski during a xenomorph round, who just wants to grill for godsake
    1 point
  7. remade the very first picture i uploaded in this this thread
    1 point
  8. aye, all the PR did was make killing security become the be-all end-all necessity that slings require in order to win the round. reverting it would probably be best, although it wouldn't change much in the end. slings kinda suffer from being ass on either sides if you swing changes to them one way or the other. it sucks when slings recruit security because it's too easy, it sucks when they have to kill security because it's too hard. slings just...sort of suck, honestly, and they'd need an entire re-write.
    1 point
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