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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/2020 in all areas

  1. Clickbait title woo. So let's talk about shaming culture. Shame is an important social tool to indicate a societal attitude towards behaviour. Go look up sociology shit on wiki. As crew, comments on your coworkers shape their actions. As admins, it can be our job to shame people for their behaviour. This can be done appropriately some times - but someone shouldn't feel too ashamed over a simple mistake, especially newbies. This needs to be done carefully and correctly to ensure that it stops the behaviour, and teaches people the correct action. You should avoid direct insults to the persons intelligence. This can cross IC/OOC boundaries, where your IC insults are being reflected at the person behind the screen. Several people have talked to me recently about how they've been shamed by admins OOCly and ICly in a variety of circumstances. Some of these times have been appropriate to shame someone for their behaviour. The degree to which this has been done and ways has not always been to my liking - I'd like to take this opportunity to remind admins that even a minor comment from someone with the power of a banhammer, comes across very strongly. Calling them an idiot in front of the entire station can be mortifying, and totally turn a new player off the game. This is something that should be remembered when you play the game too. Everyone has off days, and abusing the CE for messing up the singularity isn't going to stop anyone getting sucked into it or make the shuttle arrive faster. When you criticise someone's actions, try to do it in a way that teaches them what the correct thing to do is, and doesn't humiliate the person behind the screen too much. Over this weekend especially I'll be collecting various feedback etc on this, so feel free to message me. If you're reading old forum posts a year from now, also feel free to message me. It's literally my job to talk to players and the community about things like this.
    9 points
  2. Title says it all, really. Let pAIs have some kind of synthesizer to allow a soundtrack for their masters' wacky adventures. Just imagine, the RD is slinking around maints, EMAG in hand, ready to pounce on those blueprints. "pAI, you know what to do," and the pAI starts it's tune. https://youtu.be/ncNSJGPl8X4 And then, a call "Sec to CE office!" And suddenly, the pAI knows what to do. https://youtu.be/mnqcYVC12ys I have absolutely no idea how easy or difficult this would be to code. I imagine it would be a piece of downloadable kit, like doorjack or translator.
    3 points
  3. Haha yes it is I, back at it again with n e w s B e h o l d : i’ve been persuaded enough to start them And now my first commission, for @Onyxarias , their Unathi Sko Kiiz
    3 points
  4. I think this would be an awesome addition to the pAI kit. Right now, there isn't much a pAI can do to affect the round. This would be a nice step towards making it more enjoyable to be a pAI. Maybe decrease the range of the music because of how small a pAI is.
    2 points
  5. Kinda feel like you stole my idea in the chat but allright I will give my reasoning on this. 1. Magistrate and NTRep are both rp and highly knowledge base on sop and space law jobs locked behind karma so you understand how to correctly use them. 2. I always felt IAA is not meant for newer players as to many times I have seen new players make the incorrect assumption that they are lawyers which really is not the case. 3. Most people need to understand how to do paperwork before becomming IAA. 4. Brigphysician is a doctor job for sec and it has not to many special perks it has been talked about often to make it a normal job alone side barber.
    2 points
  6. New custom ID for Pepper.IO, @TheManBenji, but hope they like it anyways!
    2 points
  7. been recolouring plushies lately
    2 points
  8. Welcome, to the first guide to falling asleep published by Rileydoe, or das bread. There's a preamble to be spoken here, speaking to those of us with insomnia. Trouble with sleeping, known as a habit of sleeplessness, or insomnia: Insomnia is pervasive throughout the vibrant backgrounds of this community. From programmers, artists, wage workers, or salaried, we all can fall victim to it. There are many ways to break a habit, but this post exists as a place to share your guide to falling asleep, or follow and comment on the guide posted below. Enjoy a sleepful life, and don't beat yourself up over falling into a very well established habit. Insomnia, the habit of sleeplessness, or inability to sleep. What causes insomnia? There are a number of factors to consider when we approach our own sleeplessness. Stress begins as the place to put blame to, accumulation of stress can trigger insomnia. Our response to normal life events that bring stress is often sleeplessness. An elevated response to stress, as well as possessing other conditions co-morbid with insomnia are key factors to understanding why we can't sleep. As well, predisposition to insomnia can come from other sleep related disturbances. Tendency to have a racing mind, lead to a racing heart, preventing the mind from considering the individual is asleep. There are dissonant feelings associated with sleeplessness, the mind telling the individual they are awake, despite being asleep. This leads to a further habit to form, and leads into chronic insomnia. Considering mental illness. Conditions of the mind, and habits are often symptoms of our mental illness. Those who experience depression or anxiety, have comorbidity with each other. That too, insomnia shares. Depression symptoms are linked to insomnia, as well as anxiety. Treating the insomnia has been clinically shown to improve depression symptoms, with a lesser case being true of anxiety. If you are experiencing depression or anxiety, consider behavioral therapy, as it can improve all of the worsening symptoms. Access to mental health care is varied, so also consider a self-help approach, treating the easiest symptoms first. Where to begin? Treatment. Depression, and anxiety have an elevated response in patients to seek self-help, as well as professional help. However, insomnia patients do not seek the same treatments, and have a less recognized appreciation for the programs. That said, taking any step to help improve your own insomnia condition is something to be recognized as critical. Medications, are well known to have a lesser impact than behavioral change. Those who seek out medication are often chasing higher doses as tolerance develops. It is much more effective to examine your behavior, and start a self help treatment. There is hope in changing your own habits, and it starts with acknowledging your issue. Ask a professional about CBT-I, and if anyone they know offers such a therapy. CBT-I, or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia. Some psychologists specialize in a type of therapy to make patients change and affect the way they feel about sleep. Self help, and the many ways to focus on sleep. There are a few ways you can start the journey into breaking this awful habit. Focus on sleep comes from a variety of things, as someone who has struggled with chronic insomnia, I've approached it in a few ways. I always found it silly that I could fall asleep on the couch, snuggled up to my partner watching a movie, but not in bed. The moment I lay down, thoughts sprung up and my restlessness began. Picking that apart, focus can help us sleep. Occupying the mind is important, if you have anxiety and insomnia like I do. What I started with was watching TV while sleeping, but it held my interest too deeply. I put on the same shows for a while, but eventually that faded out as I'd seen the whole show. Enter podcasts, and audiobooks. Audiobooks and podcasts, explore the inner attention. It may seem counter-intuitive, when your mind is full of racing thoughts to add to them. Experiencing something new, and listening to a voice guide you through it can be different. Many podcasts are free, as well as there are a plethora of free audiobooks as well. Giving yourself something to pay attention to will aid you in a sleepful night. I have a tendency to pick someone with a smooth, or breathy voice. A few times listening may come off as too much, but turning the volume down can help you with that pickup. Asking a partner to record a few chapters of your favorite book can do wonders on helping you connect about your issue to a loved one. It may only take them a few minutes, but it has such an impact on both your lives. Parents and family can aid here too, recording their favorite books for you to help guide you into a more happy rest filled life. Exercise, and eliminating screentime. Often we find that a day spend doing too little is a day without sleep at night. Given a day filled with labor intensive, or mentally vigorous activity and we happen to pass right out. This acts as our natural way of finding sleep, taking the mind and body and working them out so they require rest. Take up walking, if you haven't tried any physical exercise before. There are many sanctuaries across all of nations where you can walk and find a nice intro to exercise. Puzzles, like picross or sudoku are great for working the mind out. They find all sorts of free platforms too! There's plenty of online puzzles you can print, or fill out electronically. That said, too much screentime and light keeps our brain in a pattern of staying awake. Try to turn off all screens and devices an hour, or 30 minutes before bed. Setting up a time where you can turn off your devices will help to eliminate this pattern of sleeplessness. If you are required to look at screens for your job, invest in a $30 bluelight filter device. There's plenty available, some software, some built into the screens, or just glasses. I recommend the glasses as you never know if you can get IT to install a bluelight program. I believe f.lux is a free program available to reduce eye strain. Diet and coffee. Routines of eating. Ditching coffee is not easy, but caffeine has a serious impact on your sleeping habits. Morning coffee is a-okay. But after noon, it's best to avoid the stuff. Some tricks to start cutting back coffee consumption are to replace it with morning exercise, during the lunch hour try to do a little bit of cardio. You'd be surprised how much a 10 minute jumprope will do for you. It's very important to reduce caffeine especially in the later afternoon, it stays in the body actively for many hours. Another good way to start is cutting back hour-by-hour with the cups of coffee or tea. Reducing it slowly to only morning consumption. Diet can also impact sleep greatly, eating before bed is a surefire way to keep yourself awake. Set a consistent dinner time 3 hours before you intend to go to bed. Those of us with crazy hours, try eating right as you get off work or from school. It will help reduce that nighttime restlessness. Chronic Insomnia and resets A strong pattern of insomnia is known as chronic insomnia. The inability to sleep, becomes routine and sets it way into our lives. It's important to know how to break this habit and change the routine. Resets, are change of environment to repair our sleep onset. Sleep onset requires us to feel sleepy, to feel like we want to rest. Otherwise it fills the time with racing thoughts and an uncomfortable feelings. Doing something boring in very dim light will help with this new onset of sleep. Take 20-30 minutes to get out of the bedroom, sit in somewhere dim and try something boring. Cleaning some dishes, or doing housework is very effective for myself. Some say folding and putting away laundry is great for this, as well as reading something thick like a detailed novel. When you start to feel sleepy, head back to bed. Sometimes it can take me two or three resets on a really bad night, so don't feel bad if it doesn't work right away. Things to avoid, bad sleep quality habits. Another important thing for changing our rest, is understanding destructive and bad rest. Sleep quality is just as important as the sleep itself. For this reason, alcohol is really awful to our sleep. While it does help people to sleep (a night-cap) it is damaging to our rest. It worsens sleep quality, and comes with an association of guilt sometimes. Aside from that, alcohol is shown to worsen insomnia in the future and require larger doses to be effective. Many recommend melatonin for sleep aid, however it should almost never be used in cases of insomnia. While it is a sleep aide, it only helps when taken in large doses. It is used to help a persons natural sleep clock like in a delayed sleep phase syndrome. This is where someones natural sleep clock is a few hours ahead of society's expectations. Say they naturally sleep 2am-10am, but have a job that requires them to wake up at 6am. You can use melatonin in these cases, as you may think you have insomnia, but you get a full 8 hours on the weekends when you aren't working. Melatonin is ineffective for insomnia, as insomnia is patterns of sleeplessness, not delayed sleep phase. Taking Melatonin at the wrong time can worsen insomnia and have other negative effects on mood. That about sums up my own journey with sleeplessness, and I hope you can find some of this information useful. Below is cited some sources on insomnia and it's clinical understanding. Drake, Christopher L., Timothy Roehrs, and Thomas Roth. "Insomnia causes, consequences, and therapeutics: an overview." Depression and anxiety 18.4 (2003): 163-176. Arroll, Bruce, et al. "Prevalence of causes of insomnia in primary care: a cross-sectional study." British Journal of General Practice 62.595 (2012): e99-e103. Krakow, Barry, et al. "Prospective assessment of nocturnal awakenings in a case series of treatment-seeking chronic insomnia patients: a pilot study of subjective and objective causes." Sleep 35.12 (2012): 1685-1692.
    1 point
  9. Hey, We was chatting about this in the post round discord and a few people seemed to second the idea so thought I would post it here. Currently, IAA is one of the most misused and misunderstood job roles on the station as people often flock to it not necessarily knowing what their place is on the station generally causing people grief or wasting time (Not all of them do, I have seen some great IAA). Meanwhile, a role which can be quite critical and easy to grasp is locked behind Karma. Why Karma Lock IAA: I feel like adding a soft 5kp lock onto the IAA role will serve to attract only those who want to play the role properly and makes them more invested in learning it properly before forking out their karma. This could eventually open the doors for a wider look at IAA and how they function but I'm trying to keep this suggestion contained so maybe another time. Having had a few very good rounds as IAA, the role can be rewarding BUT only for those who want that type of play style and know what they are signing up for at round join/start. Unlocking BrigPhys: Honestly, I feel this role is so underrated and sometimes underused. A contributing factor to it's under-use is the fact that due to it's karma lock there isn't always one available. Whilst removing the karma lock wouldn't fix this all the time it would go some way and also provide another route for those new to security to get to grips, listen in to comms ETC. before jumping in at the deep end. Unlocking the role also serves to (edited below): TL:DR: You can go a round with no IAA and never know yet they can cause huge frustation when there is one who doesn't know the role and has no interest in learning it. Brig Phys is often needed and can cause little frustration especially when you have perma prisoners and can lead to some good rp/scenarios.
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. There are some full body civilian uniforms for female characters that could be considered elegant, why not add something for male characters? See I've been going through paradise files and found things like: Navy suit, Burgundy suit, various mafia suits, or this thing called "sl_suit" that looks cool and fairly customizable. Adding a waistcoat would be great too. I understand that there are bigger priorities on hand, but I and quite few other players would be very grateful. :>
    1 point
  12. Yeah like.. why is there no black skirt? the only item called black skirt is red. more outfits, simple and fancy for the ladies of the crew would be nice
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Custom card for Surgeon @CheekyCrenando (i hope i ping right person) hope you like it :) *beep*
    1 point
  15. I wasn't going to butt in, but wow, you really goat me there.
    1 point
  16. Made a custom card for @Kyet hope you like it :D (kekw)
    1 point
  17. New custom card for @WingedYordle hope you like it!
    1 point
  18. So it seems asking for an entire room is a bit much, and a grand total of 2 people made it to the final entrance - although I did a bunch of discussion with people about sprite styles and learnt all about art things like room perspectives. We'll be using the discussion from this to inform our decisions a bit more, and hopefully give people some idea of the kind of sprites we're looking for. Without further ado, I present McRamon as the winner of the 2020 PAASC as voted by heads and maints. For the popular vote, feel free to thumbsup the posts below I guess?
    1 point
  19. @NuclearWinter (i assume this is the person) New custom robo card. hope you like!
    1 point
  20. For background practice I drew my characters shitty NT payroll apartment lol
    1 point
  21. small short vox doodles Atria except I can't not draw her without her being scary lookin lol Kikeri after a particularly off-the-rails ragin' mages shift Kar-ski during a xenomorph round, who just wants to grill for godsake
    1 point
  22. doodle of chikitita and skree-MO kirimii after a particularly hellish vox bay shift
    1 point
  23. Ey! More planetside. @CheekyCrenando's Qatqat having Snack-Snack while shoosting some nerds.
    1 point
  24. drew a couple unathi (koik) (fenton) and updated a reaction png i had
    1 point
  25. Jacob Pearls and Aurora, two friendly faces I see in medbay a lot I'm trying to force myself to learn how to draw vulps. It's a process. Also, Ozz. Cowboy lizard extraordinaire
    1 point
  26. Doodle of Zouri, I'm trying to branch out into other species
    1 point
  27. Also because someone asked, I'm uploading more of my monstober stuff here even though I wasn't a huge fan of them A changeling impersonating a worryingly tall Tokorizo for theme Transformation My own interpretation of an Auralis for theme Techno-organic and Crime Slime Dayana for theme Horns
    1 point
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