So I've been thinking of ways to minimize the use of memechems, especially in Nukies and other "Big Scary Events" such as Spiders. Ive written up a new chemical, so far called methamphaldehyde, to be a mix of Methamphetamine and Mannitol, that would act as a "bad mix" of the two chemicals. They would mix at a 1:1 ratio, meaning you cant just use an offset ratio to avoid it, and it would basically remove the Meth + Hydro + Mannitol combo from use. So far, in terms of coding it up, im about 80% done with it, but . . .
My only issue at the moment is WHAT to make the side effects for methamphaldehyde. I dont want to make it something INSANELY bad, but just something to dissuade the use of Meth without having to deal with the side effects it gives you. It also would make the borer's chemicals a bit more dangerous, but frankly, being able to use Meth without ANY side effects is just too pervasive nowadays from both a Crew side and an Antag side to just leave alone.