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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/08/2021 in all areas

  1. This is my party on my current dnd campaing (pure chaotic) Kat the Druid (mememe) Draka the Fighter ( @Vargh ) Galadriel the Warlock Cartucho the Ranger x We are the Rancios Party and we are here to set the world on fire and sutff x
    3 points
  2. its been a couple months oops i drew a pic of WREN, who is SEAGULL's little sister! and here's a shitpost of my cat as she appeared to me last night, meowing from the darkness of the unlit living room
    2 points
  3. some saline mannitol potassium iode iorn and other into a mix will it work?............welll sort of does the job though but sombody put space drugs in it as true to one's own ways of a crude painkiller because they forgotten how to make painkillers in the first place or because nobody really notices untill it's too late and took too much and now they see loooottss of colors or try'ed to make some asidic thing and failled or accadently made it explode somehow and some toxic feumes or some other norcrotic thing of some mix but hey cemist thing do happen aye they do
    1 point
  4. S tier - uses the shotgun you know why? Cos it's quick, clean and effective as fuck. Why would i fuck around with the shitty hybrid tas-
    1 point
  5. Various large scale battles Runechat makes it so much easier for the screenshot to be the punchline wrong
    1 point
  6. Standard screenshot of a mentor giving advice in #helpchat.
    1 point
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