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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2021 in all areas

  1. This is my party on my current dnd campaing (pure chaotic) Kat the Druid (mememe) Draka the Fighter ( @Vargh ) Galadriel the Warlock Cartucho the Ranger x We are the Rancios Party and we are here to set the world on fire and sutff x
    3 points
  2. I made this proposal, due the issue I see with Atmos mattering less and less in my favorite Atmos simulator. Some may of course object, but I am of the opnion that air and more specific, the lack of it should be a bigger issue, and an actual issue. I am open to different solutions of course, and objections you may have, or questions at that. All I ask is that ya openly consider how air seems like it does not matter much at all as it is now, and should be changed, perhaps not as i propose however. My main point is this, increase the consumption of O2 by a lot, to the degree that a room actually has the possibility of running out of air, as one should expect. First of all - Coding Difficulty: Upping consimption of O2 many notches should not (I hope) be hard to code, as it should be just a modifier one can turn up, do tell me if that is not the case however. Scope: The scope is both quite large, and quite small. Making O2 consumption higher will affect all (at least most, synthetics, vox and ipcs less however). It will also affect all kind of events where air is in any way less available, be that due to meteors affecting the oxygen supply, pipes being cut or rooms having a lot of people. Balance: As for balance, this would be a huge buff to the importance of atmos (this is a space game after all, so one would expect air to matter a lot). First, some reasons I think this would make it better: -O2 drain being a lot higher, means there is a chance for a room going out of air given some time, so for example welding vents do gain a drawback, as they should have. -Air is and should be a spessmans most precious commodity, and as such this provides for a whole new fear, that really isnt there now, for air going out. (This does exist in the manner of Atmos techs or Ai doing this, but draining air does not affect anyone much, neither does turning off the supply affect anyone at all unless there is a whole) -There is now a reason to make sure there is air in pipes, as well as to keep the pipenet intact, as continous flow is actually needed to sustain living conditions on station -Atmos would be a department that matters once more, cause they would guard something people actually cared for (And would be more than the TEG and hidden antag rooms department) -As it is, a hole to space isnt much of an issue, unless in maints where there is no vents, neither is it an issue to stack 50 people inside a pod, because the air inside is enough to sustain them for a long time, this would be changed, as it would run out, and if nothing else, the emergency O2 will be used a lot more. Bad effects: -Synthetics would in a way recieve a buff (Or not be affected by a debuff to most races), as they dont need air. This is a place i am aware balance is hotly debated. -Some races would not really be affected, for example vox, who always carry their own "air" anyhow, I do not believe this point is too large an issue however -There would be a bigger reason to get the O2 kit on at once, and be "ready". This in turn would make it less relevant with N2O or other such means. The powergamey things like this I would not consider a huge problem, some do this even now. -Atmos is certainly going to be more active, as well as cost more CPU. This is an issue I am aware the coders think highly off, and are likely to oppose this proposal somewhat due to this. -It would further increase the effect of O2 being replaced by N2, so balace shifts from 20/80 till O2 is gone. I see this issue, but I think it can be fixed by changing the mix in the supply pipe, to a more O2 heavy one, why pump in more N2 when it isnt being drained anyhow?
    1 point
  3. its been a couple months oops i drew a pic of WREN, who is SEAGULL's little sister! and here's a shitpost of my cat as she appeared to me last night, meowing from the darkness of the unlit living room
    1 point
  4. So, disclaimer: my understanding of contractor isn't that solid. I don't know how much potential bonus TC a contractor can earn, or how much TC is awarded per successful capture. I'll operate on the premise that Spark is being literal with the "almost 40+ TC" comment, but anyone is free to correct me if I'm wrong. I think the big problem here is that the two roles aren't designed to be combined: Contractors are supposed to have high TC, but their weakness is that they're strongly discouraged from going loud and lethal. For hijackers, they're given freedom to go for maximum lethality, but their weakness is supposed to be the fact that their TC pool is limited (as in, the default traitor budget of 20tcs normally doesn't allow a hijacker to get sleeping carp, a chainsaw/double-esword, and an adrenal implant all at once, whereas Contractors can feasibly afford all that gear if they complete enough contracts). Personally, I think the problem of "Hijackers getting stronger traitor gear than they're expected to" won't be solved by making Contractor and Hijacker mutually exclusive. I've seen numerous rounds where a Hijacker got hold of some ludicrously powerful combination of expensive traitor gear just due to Surplus crates or Super-Surplus crates. If anything, I'm less concerned by the idea of Hijackers breaking their 'normal' TC budget through becoming a contractor, because at least a contractor needs to make several moves while filling up the contracts, throughout which they might get caught before they can afford whatever unstoppable gear combo they're angling for. and the crew can anticipate what's about to happen if word gets around that a Contractor has completed several contracts, rather than just a surprise Carpsaw+adrenals hijacker jumping out and butchering sec without any advance warning. Basically, what I'm saying is that I think the problem is less specific than "Contractor+Hijack makes for miserable rounds" and is part of a larger issue, that "Hijackers allowed to go over the 20TC budget will make the round miserable." If we want to take another step back, we could say that the "20TC budget" problem is just a small part of the even larger problem, that "People just don't like having their entire round ended by hijackers." Because let's be honest, there's plenty of low-effort methods of murdering the entire station without ever touching a TC-related item: one hijacker scientist can destroy the entirety of the station by just hiding TTV bombs or remote chemistry grenades everywhere and setting them off at once. Since I don't think we can really cut at the root of the problem without removing some of that unpredictability and randomness that makes SS13 so appealing in the first place, I'd suggest making hijack a rarer objective overall: similar to how traitor-AIs have become so rare. That could leave the ridiculous murder sprees that I know some of the community looks forward to, but also ensure that the majority of traitor rounds don't inevitably get derailed by a hijacking attempt.
    1 point
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