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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Another art dump... Here's Jonah and Zeke being cute. SS13 character (Meme redraws) D&D characters (Meme redraws) Main D&D campaign Other D&D campaign Multi-one shots D&D games
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. doodles of ihhs louohsi and ikusus ikekra!
    2 points
  4. oh god uhhm here we go i guess? finally got convinced to start putting stuff up here!
    1 point
  5. aaaand here is my unathi, ihhs louohsi! special thanks to ozz for helping out with the facial expressions!! <3
    1 point
  6. my vox tachichi! she may not be able to play on paradise yet but that’s okay!
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Orca drawings then deletes from realitys if goes past 1 hour. If orca beats hour they geat treatys
    1 point
  9. Slight hyperbole, high risk missions average 6-8 extra TC for the potential of over 40 extra TC if you've got above average luck. For the most part I agree with your statement that making contractor+hijacker mutually exclusive is treating a symptom of the greater problem. The issue is with hijacker but not in hijackers ending the round prematurely. After all they're allowed to kill to their heart's content. However the caveat is that it is for the direct goal of having the shuttle called. That is the issue that is the heart of the problem. Players don't enjoy sitting in dead chat after being killed, watching the hijacker recall the shuttle, then proceed to continue with their murder spree unabated and while this is a rare issue, it is an issue none-the-less. I personally don't like killing. I even find the assassination objectives distasteful. However I know that its part of the charm and fun of the game. Conversely, sometimes I enjoy watching someone smack others around or punch massive holes in the station. What I don't enjoy is if it becomes a prolonged act that serves only to fuel the enjoyment of a single player over the majority. That's why instead of making Hijack rarer, or contracter+hijacker mutually exclusive, I'm currently working on getting our rules refined so that players know, while if they have hijacker and are allowed to mindlessly kill, it should be solely for the aim of hijacking the shuttle. If the shuttle is called, hijacker is the ONLY antagonist that should not be allowed to recall it, thus guaranteeing that there will be a timely end to their antics. Some may argue "Well, killing the entire station ensures that nobody will get on the shuttle." True. My counter argument is "Each engagement of combat the hijacker engages in poses another potential risk of failing their objective." The purpose of this game is the enjoyment of everyone. Not the few, not the single, but everyone. Not everyone will enjoy a round, this is inevitable. But when the mass majority are dissatisfied with a round then it goes beyond and needs to be looked at. I feel that the situation of the hijacker recalling the shuttle crosses the line in to this. Preventing extra TC won't solve the problem of the hijacker going on a murder spree, nor will making hijacker rarer. If anything it'll exacerbate the problem as people will see the need to take full advantage of it when it rolls around and people who are going to go on a murderbone spree are going to regardless of the amount of TC they have.
    1 point
  10. Various large scale battles Runechat makes it so much easier for the screenshot to be the punchline wrong
    1 point
  11. 5 star family friendly restaurant.
    1 point
  12. There is an option in the preferences to hear or silence instruments so that might be the problem.
    1 point
  13. It is time for the worst best art to ever grace the forum. Kicking off strong with a speedy wizard boye:
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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