From a real-life standpoint, people dont suicide (in a most brutal of ways, imagine brutalizing yourself to death) because they been arrested for few minutes, or because they are bored and are trying to get attention.
real life doctors help attempted suicides because we are real humans and such things happen due to tragedies, not superficial reasons. Why are you even mentioning this?
Im on the same page as Mitchs really, if people brutalize themselves, being forced to treat them is a waste of time, because lets be real, the greytider thats doing it, is only doing such to grief players and get attention, not anything else. In many cases its really disruptive if medical has actual issues to deal with.
And no, he is not going to stop after treatment. You either straightjacket them or keep managing their BS. (which means either healing them all the time or fighting them to keep them restrained.)