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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/2021 in all areas

  1. Thank you all for the kind words about my art ahhhh! I'm a bit shy so I haven't been responding directly to them all, but just know that each of them means the world to me ; ___ ; Today I thought I'd post something other than humans for once, lol. Here's one of my less played characters: Luke Rosensteel! He's a random vulpkanin I had been assigned for the animal clinic mob spawner, and I grew very attached to him, so I made him an actual player character for future shifts. He had miners in and out since he was so close to the base, and was eventually brought on board and given shaft miner permissions and welcomed by the mining crew. He took his two pet shrimp with him and now he has taken a particular interest in shaft mining as a job. The shrimp are named Scapi (pink, and no that's not a typo) and Gallagher (blue). He loves them very much.
    6 points
  2. hiiiii, im back with more april art! i drew these two pieces for Heather's birthday! here's some assorted art that i did to prep for zine applications as well! damn i can't add more cause of the file size limit..... gonna have to post more over time so i finally catch up
    5 points
  3. Vox In all seriousness, the dorms pool controller. It has no use unless someone emags it once per millennia, and used to cause horrific turf init issues
    3 points
  4. and to follow up, robust Jade Burnwood! tacticool gang!
    3 points
  5. after all the years, finally decided to draw my own character
    3 points
  6. Lack of TG bloat so we can actually sustain >60 players without running out of memory. For context, DD caps out at 1.8GB of RAM
    2 points
  7. I am fucking tired of this being thrown around as a buzzphrase on the github to the point where I will actively call people out who throw this out.
    2 points
  8. What is your opinion on off-station content such as gateways, space ruins and lavaland? What is your most liked / disliked antagonist? Do you think species should each be unique balance-wise, unique aesthetic-wise, both, or another measure?
    2 points
  9. Please no, we just removed the construct shell from the beach gateway, we don't need miners bringing ruined metal from lavaland to allow the chaplain to make construct shells
    2 points
  10. LivOS- one heck of a good IPC. I like drawing nerds, and this nerd was a pleasure to draw
    2 points
  11. Gosh! Been a while since I've uploaded. I've been SLACK! I've done quite a few drawings of late- @Fraility's Syndicate officer, Essono's beeper, and Jatu's plasmeme. I really enjoy drawing Space station charaters, gosh.
    2 points
  12. Wanted to share some of the ss13 art pile that's been accumulating in my folder recently, so here we gooo I haven't watermarked all of these, so pls dont repost ^^ thanks so much March 2021 April 2021 (where I drew more than I remember?!)
    1 point
  13. The dynamic game mode as seen on tg seems very interesting, maybe that would be cool here?
    1 point
  14. Here's a dump of stuff I've done this year so far.
    1 point
  15. I have had both and I like both, they are nice pets The former
    1 point
  16. Yo, Cats or dogs? Would you rather say Pain au chocolat or Chocolatine ? (French debate and it is still very hard to convince everyone) (the picture below will help you to see what I meant)
    1 point
  17. when I first started playing, I thought that was a good saying. Then I realized that the people that said it usually were never intending to put in the time to improve it.
    1 point
  18. Mmm actual question time. Do you support "Improve, don't remove" or do you think that certain things aren't worth the time improving and should just be removed altogether?
    1 point
  19. I like off-station content because it makes stuff feel less packed on station I really like the idea of wizard because of the chaos, and absolutely hate revs I think they should be both Yes
    1 point
  20. There's a general association with old dynamic of it being a hellhole which will need dispelled from people's heads. Dynamic 2021 has changed quite a lot even from the old iteration. It limits how much gets gets dumped into roundstart antags by splitting the budget, and when it tries to purchase a new ruleset it's presented to admins who can actively veto it. It's extremely configurable and designed to be engaged with by admins. /tg/ removed non-dynamic modes, forcing all of their direct downstreams into dynamic, and they've adapted fine I think.
    1 point
  21. Sorry if I came off a bit harsh there, my sincere apologies. I do get it's just playing around! I've had too many people over the years act as if by playing on the server for 10 minutes they're a citizen and the admins owe them something. Idiots invoking the amendments of the US constitution makes my eyes roll so much I have long term ocular damage. On top of that, people demanding things like 'transparency' at time has invoked a certain entitlement one has to the Government that rules you, as opposed to the nerds who post memes in their private staff chat (yes sometimes about players). A company is a better analogue, except we're a company that gives things away for free....so that's weird. We don't have a profit or loss or anything - the goal isn't to make a profit, so more akin to a non-profit company. Oligarchy works for the small group structure, that selects who can and can't joint it - although that is usually one that's emerged from other groups. In this case the oligarchy is like the...founding members of a new colony on a new planet. Constitutional I think is a bit wrong because it overstates how the rules and structure contain us. We don't really follow it that closely and just use it as a guideline. Technocratic would work for some of the maints, because technological skills are so vital to the position. Due to the small size, I think we're more akin to tribal structures.
    1 point
  22. I always felt that gamming communities or servers work more like a company then a goverment and think it is funny when people compare them as they are very different in nature paradise give us a service and holds the right to that service we can choose to agree or disagree (depending how you disagree it may be considered or your kicked out) the way how admins and suchs work is mostly on a voluntery bases as a employee of the server. While the heads are in essence the ceos of the server. This is a very simple explaination to how I see it. Most communities work more like a company then a goverment and this is a very general statement to many other server/ gaming communities on the internet.
    1 point
  23. Might add some more later, but here's some of the stuff from my list: Too strong: Flagellant Robes. Mirror shields. Wraiths vs the AI. Cult ascension threshold. (Cultists usually get halos way too late) Might need tweaking: Non-sharpened cult blade damage. Stun spell mute duration. Cult ghosts from manifest runes. Constructs (Once they've died, the player is permanently out of the round). Observer participation in the round. Wraits after they've killed the AI. (Nothing to do, really) Soulstone shades. (Currently useless, maybe could return to the soulstone if they die) Too weak: Cultist summoning. (Very easy to counter if you're paying attention) Nar'sie rune. (Can be denied with a single cleaning grenade, or space cleaner bottle) Holy soulstones. (Maybe let the chaplain bless runed metal for a construct shell) Blood spear. (Cool as it is, it's overshadowed by other items)
    1 point
  24. Well I certainly did not intend for it to be viewed this way. I was just bored and thought there were some interesting connections between our staff structure and government structures. Perhaps I should have clarified more that this was just me playing around with some ideas rather than defining our server in a negative way and that my view certainly isn't what you think I may have been propagating through this post(even if it accidently comes off that way). I know we aren't a country or "government" but we can certainly draw some fun similarities between the server and body such as those. It just sparked my interests and I hoped it would spark some fun discussion(which it has) :) Clearly I need to be a bit more verbose in my intentions with this post so I've clarified a few things.
    1 point
  25. Looking at things in terms of a Government has a huge flaw - we aren't a country. The players aren't citizens. They can leave at any time, and come back. None were born here, all association is purely voluntary. We have no control over their lives outside the game. No one can be executed, imprisoned, or fined. We can't tax people. We're also subject to the rules and laws of other countries - we don't have sovereignty, and have to follow DMCA and GPDR and Githubs/BYOND ToS and all that jazz. The comparison is somewhat a irritating one to me, because it belies a certain entitlement and responsibility that is just not there. This isn't a country, it's a gaming server started by some like minded friends. Comparing it to a country starts to bring morality and politics into play in people's discussions, and that taints things. People start to feel their 'rights' are violated. Admins get called Nazis or Dictators or all kinds of shit because we banned someone from a game. People talk about 'freedom of speech' when we tell them not to use slurs. The best term for our form of "Government" is "Online Gaming Server". It's not a form of Government any country has ever had, because countries and gaming servers are radically different things.
    1 point
  26. Have you been reading my DMs?! It's being considered, but how to integrate it well with the server and the other secret project(s) is gonna take a bit. ;)
    1 point
  27. OOPS some doodles from last night ^__^
    1 point
  28. I'll start off strong with my biggest SS13 piece to date: a commission from a friend of mine as a gift for @SlimeBird! Finished about mid-December, 2020. (I already feel like I've improved a ton since this.) Here's some art I've done of one of my characters, Rivera Kirkland, as a geneticist: Drawn in April 2021. And here's some art I ended up drawing after my first round of chef in ages, playing as Sybil Swords, featuring @angelictactics's Idunn. Drawn in May 2021.
    1 point
  29. Good writeup. More generally, good job with the setup. Hopefully readers walk away from this with a better understanding of what being host is like.
    1 point
  30. Conclusion post This is just a tiny glimpse into the hell of hosting, and why it takes so many hours and why its so draining on people. This entire thread only covers some of my issues, and doesnt even go into VPN Hell Thread-pinning to avoid resource conflicts Juggling multiple IPs DNS Webserver mail sending hell DNS Did I mention DNS? So yeah, this is why the git has been a bit slow. Theres been a lot to deal with, and an entire mix of IRL hell too. But hey, atleast things are where they are now.
    1 point
  31. hihi, im back! moving on to art for april this post... this was art i prepared for an april fool's joke on twitter! it's also got an up close look at freya's cybernetic eyes. these are some fairly unrelated art pieces i did either as commissions or for fun! they were very interesting to work on :] alongside all this, i also took some time to make some super corporate looking ID cards that i picture Idunn would have attached to her jacket for convenience. here's hers and freya's!
    1 point
  32. okay here is all the spess-related art i have made since i last posted oh god tachichi!! bethany costello and chikitita!! malla amn’ihcan!! (my character on another server!) a doodle of tachichi and scarlet einholve!! kria with a greytider!! impossible shotgun loading (a m e m e)!! a birthday present for lilly samlich!! a gift for varvari!! aaand a gif of a violet alert gone wrong (on another server!) featuring my character simao isakios, a bit hurt from high pressure and temperature! (mild blood warning!!)
    1 point
  33. I'd like to clarify a few things on perma bans. A lot of people seem to think perma banning is an excessive punishment. We currently have ~12,000 perma bans active, out of ~45,000 bans total (As of 26/6/21) Bans are not done to punish the players. They are to protect the server and other players. A perma ban forces the player to appeal, apologise and acknowledge their mistake before they come back to the server. This also gives us an opportunity to assess the attitude of the player and their reasons for wanting to come back. Many perma bans result in a shorter duration than a temp ban due to the appeal process. Many temp bans have been extended to perma due to the abusive and disrespectful appeals.
    1 point
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