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  1. Another post, this time focusing a bunch on my character Tidal! Here's her takin' a power nap on a bus with her sister Lace. Here's a small thing I had done of her hiding in Angel's ( @punkalope's character) absolute mass of hair. Tide's not usually the shy type, but they are still a teenager and get intimidated easily. Aaaand one more, full of a bunch of doodles! This gives a brief look into their backstory, since Tidal's childhood was... a bit of an odd case! They were raised by a (now deceased) diona, and he's the reason she was inspired to try and learn medical at such a young age. (In character, I like to believe her connection to Idunn helps her get a foot in the door to achieving this so early on.)
    7 points
  2. 6 points
  3. I tend to play some sec, and my main problem with cult is the consequences of losing a fight against them. If you get fucked over by any other antag (except wizard at times) there is always a chance that someone will find you and revive. If you get caught by cultists, you get sharded never to return. While you're expected to go easy on subverted personell, they can remove your identity completely and then use you against security as a construct. While the cult can simply make up for losses by converting some more crew, there is no way to recover officers that got sharded. You gotta make up for the losses by either calling ERT or do manifest hiring.
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. Yes. This is something that makes the cult particularly threatening in a way that other antag types aren't at present. Overall I suppose the game mode isn't awful, but the major problem is that the cult has a way of permanently removing players from that round's security. As HoS I've tried making up for the losses by demanding that deconverted cultists join security—particularly the more belligerent or violent cultists, or cultists directly responsible for soul-sharding—but this rarely works. I think the problem is that people are IC/OOC obliged to support the cult when they've been sharded or converted, but when you ask them to make up for any of the damage they inflicted after being deculted they're allowed to just fold their arms and do nothing. With regards to Flagellant Robes, this will be a very controversial suggestion with impacts outside of the cult, but I'd propose that pulling or dragging a person should limit their maximum movement speed to default running. This would apply to speed-boosts from Flagellant Robes, and from chemistry or adrenals. There have previous proposals to force people to walking speed while pulling (which were shot down because nobody likes walking speed) but I think limiting someone's maximum movement speed to default running speed while pulling another person would be a good way to let the flagellant robes (and other speed boosts that antags are so fond of) stay useful while getting rid of their worst aspects. The problem I understand with flagellant robes—and all speed boosts for antags—is that they let a cultist player pick apart much larger groups of players without any planning or any serious danger. Simply run up, stun a member of the group, and pull them away at high speed with the confidence that the rest of the players are too slow to follow. By forcing a default maximum movement speed while pulling, this means that abductions are still possible so long as the person pulling has a way to throw off pursuers (bananas, soap, lube, even just shooting a taser behind you as you run, they'll all work fine). Speed boosts will still be good for hit-and-run attacks or making speedy getaways, but a player isn't allowed to also capture and kill other characters while simultaneously escaping danger with a speed boost. Mirror Shield. If it actually works as-described, I don't think it's too bad. 50% block is a bit gross since it's so unpredictable, but that's the same block chance as the telescopic shield: sometimes it'll turn you into an unkillable terminator by letting you block 5 hits in a row or sometimes it'll fail to block a single hit and you'll curse yourself for bothering to carry it. Holding one is extremely obvious and, unlike other types of shields, the mirrorshield can be outright destroyed if certain weapons are used on it. RNG never feels good in a game that's already so unpredictable, but that's something about shields in general. One change I'd suggest is that the illusory copy shouldn't be usable as a meat shield. In cramped spaces the illusion can force you to break off a chase simply because it gets in the way. For Wraiths and the AI I think this is just a matter of the players being too lazy to adapt to an emerging meta-tactic, rather than an actual case of something being too powerful to counter. I had a recent round where I suggested that the chaplain spray holy water around the AI core once a cult was discovered. The chaplain did it. At the end of the round, the AI player said that a wraith tried to jaunt in, but was forced to materialize in a bad spot due to the holywater and the core turrets promptly dunked it. To make a comparison to another meta case: it was common practice for Nuke Ops to snipe the AI, so in response it became common practice for the AI to move its core into the upload whenever Nukies were discovered. If it's common practice for the cult to rush the AI using wraiths, I think it should just become common practice for the crew to spray holywater around the AI core to protect it from wraiths when a cult is discovered. This is a problem outside of cult, too, but just not used as frequently: a single emagged maint drone can easily assassinate the AI without much of a warning. By comparison, wraiths assassinating the AI doesn't seem like a huge problem because there's a straightforward in-game method of preventing it. Cult Ascension Threshold. I think it's less a matter of the halo appearing too late and more a matter that the crew don't react at all. You'll get a few "Unga" players who quickly arm up and start slipping into the survival-horror mentality when the cult halos show up (which by that point, is an appropriate mindset to have). Yet most players tend to react like this, when the cult swarms their department. Simply put, nobody outside of security has all that much interest in stopping a cult. It's not so much that the pentagram halo appears too late and more that nobody cares when they do appear. Stun spell mute duration. I'm not completely clear on how it works these days, but here's my two cents. Lone players should be very vulnerable to the cult. In fact, I think lone players should be vulnerable to most antag types as it is. What I think makes this spell feel too strong is when its paired with something like the flagellant robes and shadow shackles: in those cases it means the cultists need extremely little preparation or patience aside from having an escape route planned out. If we really wanted to 'tweak' this, I might suggest making the full mute shorter and instead let the victim speak with cult-slurring for longer (so instead of 6 seconds of mute and 20 seconds of cult-slur, it could be 3 seconds of true mute and 23 seconds of cult slurring.) This would still give newer cultists a highly forgiving window of time to cuff+convert or cuff+remove headset+convert a target without revealing their own identity, but it'll give the victim an actual chance to alert the crew that something is up—even if they can't state their location or the name of their attacker. I think the problem is also compounded by Shadow Shackles which inflict a frankly egregious 12 seconds of mute when they're applied. If someone really wants a cult conversion to go stealthily, they should have to supplement it with on-station materials to pull it off: Such as opening with the stun spell, removing the headset first, then using a stunprod to hold them still for the cuffs, or open with the stun spell, apply perfluorodecalin to prolong the mute duration, then cuffs+headset removal. Heck, the EMP spell would also have a use here in disabling headsets if a cultist wants to make sure the victim absolutely can't get the word out. Having a process where a cultist can stun, mute, and restrain a victim with no equipment preparation (aside from an empower rune) seems a little too forgiving.
    2 points
  6. we finally found widemonds mass (1 unit = 1kg)
    2 points
  7. (Years in the making and much procrastination later, and I've finally made this mess of a bio. Still slightly WIP, though that's mostly for recent in-game events.) First Name: Vixx Last Name: Vaxx Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Vixxkivakay Picture(If Available): Art By Kikeri Age/D.O.B: Biological age of 28. True age unknown due to extended periods between clonings. Place Of Birth: In orbit around Kelune Species: Vox, originally Vulpkanin Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: Unwilling employee of Nanotrasen Religious Beliefs: Follower of Technomancy, the belief that ascension can be achieved through science and technology. Believes that the universe is controlled by bluespace ‘gods’ that have ascended beyond mortality. Biography Childhood: Vixx was born a Vulpkanin on his family owned trading ship, though his home is considered to be Kelun. Having parents that worked in the trade industry, he spent most of his time traveling with them from system to system. Although he was able to get most of his education from his parents and remote teaching, he eventually had to return to Kelun during his late teens and attend a boarding school for the remainder of his early education. It was during this time that he developed his interest in the medical sciences. Partially funded by his parents, he was able to attend a Nanotrasen owned college, where he got exposure to many advanced sciences and learned about the various species in the galaxy. Adulthood: After graduating, Vixx returned to working in the same trade company as his parents. He primarily worked as a ship doctor, though would also use his knowledge in robotics and biology for appraising trade goods that fell under these domains. It was at this time that his parents passed away due to health issues. It was heartbreaking for Vixx, but he felt that they had lived happy lives. During his work, he began to grow a distaste for Nanotrasen as he observed how widespread and oppressive the company could be. This came to a head during a contracted supply run for Nanotrasen. A colony under Nanotrasen jurisdiction sent out a distress signal requesting medical aid after a plasma mine explosion. The trade ship Vixx was on had experimental medical supplies that could aid the colony, but were told by Nanotrasen that the supplies were to be delivered to its intended station and not used to aid the colony. Going against this ruling, Vixx stole several crates of these supplies and teleported them to the colony to aid them. It didn’t take long for this act to be discovered, and Vixx was arrested and charged with multiple counts of grand theft. The violations of his contract also lead to a substantial fine being placed on him in addition to the charges, leading to a massive debt being put on him. Unable to pay for the legal fees of his charges, the cost of the stolen supplies, and the fines for violating his contract, Vixx was forced into peonage for the company till his debt is paid. Early Employment: Vixx’s indoctrination into Nanotrasen was rough. He initially was very resistant, leading to altercations with his superiors and occasional demotion. However, avoided committing any crimes in order to avoid additional debt being added to the amount he already owed. Despite this, he still searched for ways to undercut the company or find loopholes that’s potentially get him free of his new contract. One attempt was made to reduce his debt by selling off misplaced, miscounted, or surplus supplies he came across to non-Nanotrasen traders and occasionally black market dealers. These trades lead to him being noticed by the Syndicate, who saw an opportunity in using his debt as a way to persuade him into doing jobs for them. His first official contact with the Syndicate was through a simple offer of a portion of his debt being paid off in exchange for stolen goods. Hesitantly, he performed the requested job, and was surprised to find that they had followed through with their side of the deal and somehow reduced his debt by a fair amount. Emboldened by this, he began actively seeking out the syndicate in hopes of getting more opportunities to work for them. This ended up being a mistake, as he began sticking his nose into the business of several dangerous individuals. His searching led to him getting tangled up with a group of Syndicate pirates, and after being promised information in exchange for goods, led to him being kidnapped. The pirates had no interest in giving Vixx any information, and simply stole the goods that Vixx had collected. As a warning not to actively seek out the Syndicate, the syndicate pirates killed him. His next memory was of him being cloned aboard a Nanotrasen station. He was informed about his body being found in space near the station, and that his body had been completely skinned. Despite having no memory of the event, he was still traumatized by this, along with this being his first ever experience of being cloned. Poor luck seemed to follow Vixx after that day. Multiple encounters with the Syndicate, biohazards, and other malicious entities lead to him being cloned on a fairly frequent basis, sometimes multiple times a month with days or even weeks of memory loss. This began to have an effect on his mental health, often leading to depression, hopelessness, and antisocial behavior. The Syndicate still sent him job opportunities, but rarely would he follow through with any of them. Current History (In-game events): Vixx was eventually assigned a long term position aboard the NSS Cyberiad. Although indifferent at first, having a more permanent workplace when compared to the frequent transfers he previously had showed to be helpful for his mental health. He also found himself enjoying the research aspect of the station’s operations, often partaking in various medical and science projects. His time on the station led to several encounters with creatures, individuals, and anomalies of paranormal and supernatural nature, many of which he found fascinating despite their danger and often malicious intent. Curiosity pushed him to begin delving into the mysteries of bluespace, the theories of redspace, and the possibilities of gods and entities that lie beyond mortal perception. Although very scientific in his approach, this school of thought was often seen as religious by his coworkers. The gods and entities he studies also seemed to be more responsive to religious acts, so he named this school of thought ‘Technomancy’ and registered it as his practiced religion. During his research, he began to develop an interest in genetics and biological modification. The discovery of Stable Mutagen, a chemical that can completely alter an individual’s species, became the primary focus of his research for quite some time. He also saw this as an opportunity to reduce his debt to the company. Using a mix of genetics, chemistry, and medicine, Vixx was able to create a method of altering an individual’s species while maintaining their voice, appearance, and identity (Or at least as close as possible to their original species). Trial runs proved to be successful and Vixx was poised to turn this into a potential business. This was cut short almost immediately. Nanotrasen claimed ownership of his research and banned the production of Stable Mutagen soon after. This caused Vixx’s hatred towards the company to grow, and he began hiding his research from the company to avoid a repeat. With no avenue to reclaim his research, he turned his attention to a new subject. Vox had always been interesting to Vixx, but he had never studied them in depth. He was aware of their bio-engineered nature, but knew next to nothing about their creation, mostly due to the Vox’s secretive nature when it comes to their science and technology. His studies lead to him finding that the Vox tend to hold philosophical views on the subject of the universe similar to his own. He also found the kinship Vox shared with one another to be enviable, due to his struggles to create any strong friendships in the work environment. This has led to him somewhat enjoying the company of Vox more than most other species. Since his work in science was cut short, he moved to more frequently work the medical department aboard the station. His knowledge in biology and medicine allowed him to comfortably work most jobs in the department, but his desire to help others leads to him often working as a doctor and surgeon. Although he enjoys the job for the most part, he still has an interest in research and science, and won’t hesitate to jump on any opportunity to aid or partake in any projects. His interest in Vox one day took a strange turn amidst a shift with a high amount of paranormal activity. There had been many sightings of ghosts, unnatural events, and supernatural happenings. Seeing this as a potential opportunity, he beckoned for the spirits to answer his wish to be able to speak Vox. He got his wish in an unexpected way, as he was suddenly struck by a supernatural force and transformed into a Vox. Since then, Vixx has found himself stuck between two ways of life. That of his old way of living, and that of a vox. Although he has been trying to fit in among the other vox on the station, there's a part of him that always feels like he's an outsider. He's hesitant to explore the vox ways due to the secrecy and hostility towards outsiders, but he's managed to find friends on the station. Detailed Information Appearance: Vixx is a Vox that stands at about 3'6" and is of a fairly thin build. He's dark brown with light brown quills atop his head that he keeps in a swept back style. His eyes are light green and also posesses some almost vulpkanine like physical mannerisms. Old Vulpkanin Appearance: Character Voice: Quiet and gentle, though has a hint of gruffness that most Vulpkanins have. His voice is on the somewhat deep side, much to his surprise when he hears recordings of it. Personality: Vixx is usually friendly and somewhat quiet. Although he doesn’t engage in major social events, he still likes talking with folks and listening to the stories they might have to share. He can also be quite protective, often going out of his way to help others even at the risk of his own life. He’s hard to anger, but can be spiteful against those that cause harm to his friends or those that just act rude in general. Despite his willingness to throw himself in danger at the behalf of his friends, he does his best to avoid physical conflict if he can, as he feels he would be more of a hindrance in a fight than helpful, unless inaction would do more harm than good. Despite his helpful nature, this can work against Vixx as he’s very susceptible to stress. Even a busy shift can be difficult for him to handle, and he’ll sometimes retreat from his work unless it involves someone needing help. He often overworks himself and needs time off for mental recovery. Socializing with close friends is his go-to method for relaxing, though he’ll also read or work on personal projects if he’s on his own. Despite this, he’s always ready to jump in to help others at a moment's notice, sometimes even disregarding his time off if he feels like he’s needed. Background: Vixx was born into a trader family and spent most of his young life traveling and meeting various cultures and species. He grew to enjoy this sort of interaction, and also began to develop an interest in science and medicine. Family: Both parents are deceased. No siblings or close relatives. History: Originally a trader with a love for everything science, Vixx found himself an unwilling employee of Nanotrasen after a moral decision led to him owing a major debt to the company. He’s tried to make the best of it through pursuing his personal interests and taking advantage of the company’s state of the art research facilities, but frequent deaths and clonings, Syndicate involvement, supernatural occurrences, and general distaste for Nanotrasen have made it difficult for him to make any progress on clearing his debt. Faction Relations Nanotrasen - Hate Vixx’s travels have shown him just how far reaching and oppressive Nanotrasen has become. Despite despising them, he’s stuck working for them. The Syndicate - Dislike Vixx’s debt to Nanotrasen is well known by the Syndicate, who often used it as leverage to get him to do their bidding. Vixx doesn’t do work for them any more, though they do on occasion come after him due to unsettled business. The Vulpkanin Assembly - Like Vixx is fond of his own people, seeing them as strong survivors despite the odds they faced in the past. However, he is unhappy with their recent dealings with Nanotrasen and worries the company is on a course to exploit them. The Vox Shoals - Neutral Although curious about the shoals and arkships of the Vox, Vixx has not yet visited any in person. SolGov - Neutral Vixx respects them, but feels they lack the power to have any substantial impact on the galactic community beyond the Sol borders. Other Information Favorite drink is Doctor’s Delight. Favorite food is Eggs Benedict. Terrified of pirates, especially ‘Fur Traders’.
    2 points
  8. Thank you all for the kind words about my art ahhhh! I'm a bit shy so I haven't been responding directly to them all, but just know that each of them means the world to me ; ___ ; Today I thought I'd post something other than humans for once, lol. Here's one of my less played characters: Luke Rosensteel! He's a random vulpkanin I had been assigned for the animal clinic mob spawner, and I grew very attached to him, so I made him an actual player character for future shifts. He had miners in and out since he was so close to the base, and was eventually brought on board and given shaft miner permissions and welcomed by the mining crew. He took his two pet shrimp with him and now he has taken a particular interest in shaft mining as a job. The shrimp are named Scapi (pink, and no that's not a typo) and Gallagher (blue). He loves them very much.
    2 points
  9. and to follow up, robust Jade Burnwood! tacticool gang!
    2 points
  10. after all the years, finally decided to draw my own character
    2 points
  11. First Name:Yahiya Gender: Female Orientation:N/A Nicknames/Alias: Yahi. Little Fire Production Number: KTS-03 Formal name: The Warmth of a Summer Sun : Resplendent Harmony Picture(If Available) (done by the amazing Lum <3!!!) Age/D.O.B: 377, 3/22/2191AD Place Of Birth: Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies Ark ship: Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies, Silent Heron Among the Trees, Watchful Raven of the Stars, Unborn Phoenix of Scattered Ash, Forgotten Heart Bound in Silence. Known otherwise as "Bird Song" Species: Vox Blood Type: B- Alignment: NE Affiliation: Took up an internship on the NSS Cyberiad before she lost contact to her ark ship. Was hired full time as she found herself without a way to leave. Childhood: As a shiny-stack she spent her childhood on arkship "Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies" learning about atmos and its pipes. She was sweet and gentle, loved to talk to everyone and make them feel loved and welcome. She was only 12 when a Vox skipjack raided an Unathi vessel, this sparked a retaliation from the Unathi that led them to strike her ark ship. She scrapped together a flame thrower with what she had access to and did a number on the Unathi. something snapped inside her head then, a once caring and quiet vox cackled as she roasted the invading Unathi alive. However The Unathi eventually shot her down and she burned to a crisp from the aftermath. An explosive from an Unathi raiding party blew her body to bits and ended up spacing her stack from the breach. Adulthood: After many years her stack was recovered and sent to an unknown ark ship where she was given a new body. Without any explanation of what was going on or where she was, she was flown over to the Cybariad. There the ark ship left her, without a job, without family, and without any reason why. She lost hope that day. She managed to convince NT to give her a position at their station (didn't take much persuading) . She felt alone and empty after just a few days. No contact given, no idea why she was put here. One day she felt it all starting to crumble when she was greeted by a dark quilled vox, they introduced themselves as Kikeri. Being alone for so long it didn't take long for Yahiya to warm up to this new vox. Kikeri showed her others like themself that worked on this station with her. Being alone and detached from what she thought was her family she was quick to adopt those around her as her new family. Content she worked with them through thick and thin, protecting them vehemontly through the only way she knows how. Burn it. Detailed Information Appearance: A grey scaled vox with light yellow stripes across her tail. Her quills are vibrant yellow, rough and unkempt. Her arms and legs end in darker brown scales, as she has some soft yellow markings on her back. She is 2'7' with a fire in her eyes. Almost always wears her owl mask, when not her face is marred in burn scars. Character Voice: If you could imagine a chocobo talking.... Personality: Delightfully chipper and energetic, cares for a poor mouse she named after her arkship "Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies". Loves to play with fire and hates to miss a good plasma fire. Medical Record: Patient is a female vox, 2'10 in height. Patient appears fine at first but has lapses of insanity exhibiting a severe case of pyromania. Patient has several burn scars on their fingers hands and even a spot on their left arm. We have attempted to talk to them about their previous life and what happened, as well as talk about the lengthy time they were but a stack floating in space. Talk about their previous life appears to be a trigger for her pyromania. She also does not recall her time adrift in space and refuses to believe it. These conversations have lead to the death of the last psychiatrist, as she subdued them, poured alcohol on them that we provided to try and calm them, and then set them ablaze. We had not known of this until the fire alarms were set off and we walked in to her watching, cackling as she played her accordion to an old song "Ring of Fire". Patient is now under the care of M.D Kirimii. They have yet to be burned alive so this is a step in the right direction. Security Record: 2563AD - Arrested for murdering her psychiatrist, sentence is permanent. 2563AD - Bailed out by an unknown person sentence cleared, they never paid us... I wonder who authorized this. 2568AD - Accused of multiple acts of arson on the station, when confronted they said to combat the blob threat. Never gave an explination as to why they torched rooms on the other side of the station from the blob. Subject was bailed out and asigned a doctor to watch their mental state. M.D. Kirimii is authorized to tend to them for fear of us losing another officer to the vox. Character Biography Background: An eccentric vox who loves to play with fire. Gets herself burned more often than she can count but it doesn't bother her. She protects those close to her with everything she has, almost no threat could persuade her otherwise. After some very lengthy therapy sessions she has tamed quite a bit. She still loves a good fire, but she is less likely to send the station up in flames. When she arrived on the Cyberiad she was totally lost, hopeless and alone. Dumped there by her kin to be rid of her, she had no where else to go and nothing to live for. However just when all had seemed lost she met a charcoal looking vox named Kikeri, that day Yahiya lost her family and lost her reason to keep going and just the same she found it again. Over the years of her employment on the Cyberiad she only ever torched the place once. She met more friends and kept them as close to her heart as she could, she has finally found her new family and would fight god in hopelessness to defend them. She eventually found an open position on another station and spent some time there for slightly higher pay. She encouraged her family to follow and eventually reunited with one they call "Toko". She met quite a few other vox on that station and while she keeps them as friends there are some that found her heart there as well. Over time she found quite a few interesting things in their section of space, advancements she was not used to. At one point an interesting plasmaman named Emission found a barely working ship infested with spiders out in space. He brought it to the station and gave Toko a heads up. After a quick extermination pass and cleanup Kikeri and Yahiya took a critical eye over the scrap. Kikeri patched the holes and renovated the rooms as Yahiya patched the piping and created a nitrogen rich environment. That day "Resting Buzzard of Shifting Nebulas" was born. Together with Toko, Tako, Kikeri and Yahiya there was skeleton enough crew to pilot our new skipjack. Later on one day Yahiya was working on a heating loop around the station to keep the crew warm from the icy planet they were on. However... a strange man came over and placed a backpack under a floor tile. Curious, Yahiya waited untill they left to go check it herself. Prying the floor tile away and opening the backpack she revealed that it was a bomb! Before she could even think to run and go get help it started beeping rapidly. she dropped the bag and ran but not fast enough. She was nothing more than a stack in an ice cavern from the hole it created. Eventually she was found and instead of finding a host body to live in she was borged. She spent quite some time under the servitude of the AI. Kikeri and toko were the first to find out, mortified and engraged Toko and Kikeri devised a plan to free Yahiya. Toko eventually found a way into science faking a diploma, he setup an ambush for the borgified Yahiya and ripped her out. As Toko made his escape instead of piloting for an arkship he set out for unknown cordinates. It was there that yahiya was given an option. Remain as a stack forever and unable to see her kin again, or be given a new body from the syndicate and be in servatude to them for the remainder of her days. After a moments thought she couldn't bare to be away from her kin forever. She accepted their proposal and was given back to Toko to return. After some time she abandoned her job at the new station, the higher pay was not worth the hardships they put her through. Yahiya eventually found her way back to the Cyberiad where she enjoys the family she has there dearly. Family: She considers her kin on her skipjack "Resting Buzzard of Shifting Nebulas" to be her family. History: Hayakita 2191AD - 2203AD: Made to be an atmos tech and worked peacefully until the Unathi raid on her arkship. Something in her snapped and she took out a lot of raiders before succumbing to her wounds. Yahiya 2541AD - 2568AD: Made to be an atmos tech, is an absolute pyromaniac. Yahiya Current year: after her body was turned to mush by an explosion had her stack given to NT to serve as a cyborg. After her stack was rescued from her shell by Tokoyokiko she was given to the syndicate where she got a new body at the price of serving the syndicate. She has had to use them a few times now and is in debt to pay off 3 bodies. Personal Relationships | Close at heart, never to leave | Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Kikeri "My first and best friend, I would give up everything I own and am to be there for you." Chikitita "A good friend who works tierlessly to make sure we are all ok!" Kar-Ski "Great magician and wonderful friend. Gives amazing advice and sparks many ideas." Esforikakiti "Great engineer, don't think they like my fire too much" Dayana "Interesting sort, when they aren't in my way" Kirimii "Has put me back together more times than I can count, I owe them too much" Kreeti "Diplomatic to a fault, has stopped me setting fire to countless places when I feel they rightly deserved it" Emission XIV "I don't know them much but they gave us a skipjack and saved us from the ice, I will never forget this." Takoyakika "Teaches me to be better so I can protect my kin. As close to a motherly figure a human could call another, I trust them with my life" Tokoyokiko "Has taught me everything I know, I trust them to keep me and my kin safe no matter what." Shesi Izair "A strange Unathi, Didn't think I would trust unathi ever but Shesi is something different... I feel safe around them." S-HOUND "A friendly IPC, they also share the same fashon sense." Faction Relations Love | Allied | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen "Skrek them, they deserve the torch. Not only forced me into borging but also are the enemy of those I am in debt to." The Syndicate "I owe them this life, I owe them too much really. I do what they ask in exchange for the ability to keep seeing my kin." Trans-Solar Federation/SolGov "Who?" The Shoal "They are my family of course I'll stand up for them, no matter the cost" Other Information Has some serious seperation anxiety. (Art done by the wonderful Heather/Chiki) --------- Art done by the wonderful Lumi (Kikeri) ----- (Art done by the wonderful Lumi/Kikeri) -----
    1 point
  12. Getting all of our pending map edits in instantly
    1 point
  13. If there was any one change / addition / deletion you could immediately implement into the codebase, what would it be and why? Ignoring factors like getting headmin approval or the development time / effort required.
    1 point
  14. Aahahahhahahahah I wish I think they will co-exist, but never fully replace BYOND. Every server already has their foundations on BYOND, their existing code teams, their people with accounts, etc etc. Switching to SS14 for example would invalidate our entire coder team and our maint team as its an entirely new lang. Opendream may get somewhere as it still uses DM, but I see that as like, the replacement for when BYOND kicks the bucket.
    1 point
  15. WAH TIDE... ;___; I still adore Kaito Pod's design so much auuuwuauwuauuwa Also Lace's design is so GORGEOUS god
    1 point
  16. There is a registry tweak you can do to allow it to use up to 4GB, but BYOND itself is only capable of addressing to 1.8GB, so the moment you go over that limit, you run into major stability issues and stuff starts to fall apart very quickly .
    1 point
  17. Blep, that time of year again.
    1 point
  18. Haven't been uploading to forum as often as I used to, I've been drawing a lot and I got lazy figured this one belonged here, though choose your fighter: paradise station medbay lineup (sorry I left out a ton of medmains it was just whoever I remembered the morning I drew this u_u)
    1 point
  19. LivOS- one heck of a good IPC. I like drawing nerds, and this nerd was a pleasure to draw
    1 point
  20. I did some cult concept art, I plan on doing concept art for most antag types and posting em here. Honestly speaking guys, I'm a bit dissatisfied with this one, feels like I could've really done a lot better, but this is what I've got The app I was using to draw kept on freezing for a good 5 seconds every so often, probably like a good 30 seconds between each freeze, and it was so annoying, I feel like that really played a part in my work lacking on this drawing.
    1 point
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