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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2021 in all areas

  1. A few updates in regards to the forum. First, hello. I'm now a Forum Manager alongside Affected. I refactored the forum permissions, so if anything seems broken, PM me on the forums and I'll take a look at it. We also now have ranks, based around the SS13 jobs. Take a look at which job you've landed on, its on your profile and on your posts. The job is related to your post count, with a higher post count getting you a higher importance station role. I suck at announcements, so that's all from me for now.
    6 points
  2. For Fiona's detailed records, go here. First Name: Fiona Last Name: Phillips Gender: Female Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Most people call her Fio, Fi, or Fifi (though she hates that last one) Picture(If Available) i'm poor and can't afford that right now, here's some heroforge models to give you an idea leave me alone aah https://imgur.com/a/hnh8xgh Age/D.O.B: Exact DoB unclear, 24 years old Species: Human, genetically modified for deep space habitation. Blood Type: B+ Place Of Birth: A mining colony on G1618-X1634, a planetoid located in the debris field around Groombridge 1618, about 16 ly away from Sol Alignment: Are we really doing DnD alignments? I guess Chaotic Neutral. She is egoistic, but not actively malicious, and while she understands the value of order, she will only obey rules as long as it's convenient for her. Affiliation: Nanotrasen - Employee Cybersun Industries - Former employee Religious Beliefs: Agnostic Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Fiona's voice is quite deep and sometimes slighly raspy, partially due to her smoking habits. Her accent is somewhat odd and hard to place, though it does suggest she speaks Gutter as her first language. Personality: Medical Records: Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Family: As the colony she hails from is now defunct, its atmospherics system fully broken, it is unlikely that she has any surviving family members. She does, however, consider one person her sibling. Background: Personal Relationships Faction Relations Other Information Place of habitation: Favorite drink: Fiona drinks mostly water when exercising, but is a big fan of milk and other dairy products, as well as sodas, coke in particular. Her favorite alcoholic drink is Fernet Cola, followed closely by White Russian. She also likes Thirteen Loko quite a lot. She usually drinks her coffee black, though she is a big fan of Mocha, as she fondly remembers mixing instant coffee with cocoa powder found in military rations. Favorite food: Fiona does not have any favorite food. Her palate is a crime against humanity due to having eaten bland food for most of her life. She thus subsists on TV dinners, takeout food, and protein shakes. Fiona often adds hot sauce to things - she had eaten mostly nutrient paste for most of her life, before being exposed to "real food" for the first time in a cafeteria while working for Cybersun. What follows is that her bar for food has always been very low, which caused her to become amazed by hot sauce packets found in rations consumed by her during her combat training. Enlighten me as to what else I should put here
    1 point
  3. [Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo has a Crew Record post here. Seeing as that forum is more oriented to official Nanotrasen documents, I thought I'd take time to write a more in-depth bio here as well.] Basic Information Full name: Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo Gender: None (recorded as Female on Nanotrasen records) Pronouns: She/her Species: Drask Height: 7'6" (2.29 m) Age: 49 SolGov years Born: 6-23-2516 (approx.) Homeland: Uuuin-Kvaamm (drask station-colony) Religious views: Vkk-Lllnuuumrr/"Deep Ocean Faith" (branch of Hoorlm Animism) Sexuality: Indeterminate (not hugely important to drask, nor do people usually bring it up) Affiliation: Nanotrasen Supply & Service Division Preferred line of work: Custodial duty Personality Viisk is generally a courteous and patient individual, and happy to converse with the rare crewmate who will bother to strike up a conversation with her. That said, her patience is vulnerable to stress, and too many frustrations without time to decompress can quickly put her on edge. She prefers to keep a dedicated space for herself to relax for exactly this reason, and usually uses her designated workspace to get some privacy during tense shifts; because of this, any intrusion on this space by delinquents or otherwise unwelcome guests is frequently met by a very snippy drask. As a drask, Viisk finds the "human-tolerable" environment of the Cyberiad to be a bizarre and unpleasantly hot one. Though she's adapted fairly well to the cultural oddities of other species, the temperature difference remains a problem, and she frequently searches for ways to keep cool while on the job - whether it be rolled-down jumpsuits and cold packs stuffed in shoes or sneaking into the station's holodeck to lay down on the floor in the "winter field" setting. Moreover, as a fairly devoted follower of traditional drask animism, Viisk believes in the sanctity of life in all forms; she avoids violence and is apalled by the idea that any one being's life could ever be more valuable than another's. This doesn't mean she's a pacifist, of course, but she prefers only to fight if it's necessary to protect herself or others from aggression. Viisk's two key words when it comes to making friends are "politeness" and "communication". She likes to see the good in people, so as long as someone acts respectfully and talks in a way she can make sense of, Viisk will generally get along swimmingly with them. On the other hand, rude, selfish, or aggressive people tend to register as just another annoying aspect of the job. While it's difficult to outright antagonize Viisk, it doesn't take much to be noted as someone for her to steer clear of. Backstory Early life: Leaving home: Mining career: Present day: Relationships Interpersonal Faction alignments Miscellaneous Information Housing: Fun facts:
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. 6 Scientists blow up the bar. Start over. :P
    1 point
  6. Yes hello it is I, valued Nanotrasen employee #19345817 Anyway, I've decided to make an ask me anything for reasons including, but not limited to: -Riding off the success of a certain double-letter maintainer -Community interaction or something I reserve the right to refuse a question, and I'll probably answer it anyway because I'll feel bad otherwise
    1 point
  7. Today actually, a guy called Mark Xonas started organizing a union. I, being a real-life commie gladly joined. I then realized we were all gonna die and also saw an opportunity for big RP, so I arranged a meeting with the NT Rep, giving him union member names in return for 2000 credits and a cigar. Later it escalated to union member names and meeting locations for 100,000 credits. The union members were arrested and NT special ops (admins) came to interrogate them; mark went SSD and another organizer was given the offer to snitch on the union, which he refused before being knifed to death. I broke into the shuttle thinking "ooh funny syndicate shuttle" and instead got arrested by special ops before they realized it was the informant. I arranged things to look like Mark had snitched on the union, and got to go to centcomm with a destruction pulse gun or some shit like that. In other words, I was rewarded with a variety of ripping and tearing
    1 point
  8. I'm no artist, but as a trans gal I'd like to announce that Xion says trans rights!
    1 point
  9. Couldn't pass this up. :* Kikeri and Ro, played by me and @Freaklobo. <3 Happy Pride month, everyone!
    1 point
  10. As always, I'm impressed by the artwork our little corner of the universe can output.
    1 point
  11. Wanted to do more but wanted it done by today, been a hot minute since I did any digital painting. Anyway here's Lucretia representing Pansexual Pride in a typically dramatic way
    1 point
  12. Looking at things in terms of a Government has a huge flaw - we aren't a country. The players aren't citizens. They can leave at any time, and come back. None were born here, all association is purely voluntary. We have no control over their lives outside the game. No one can be executed, imprisoned, or fined. We can't tax people. We're also subject to the rules and laws of other countries - we don't have sovereignty, and have to follow DMCA and GPDR and Githubs/BYOND ToS and all that jazz. The comparison is somewhat a irritating one to me, because it belies a certain entitlement and responsibility that is just not there. This isn't a country, it's a gaming server started by some like minded friends. Comparing it to a country starts to bring morality and politics into play in people's discussions, and that taints things. People start to feel their 'rights' are violated. Admins get called Nazis or Dictators or all kinds of shit because we banned someone from a game. People talk about 'freedom of speech' when we tell them not to use slurs. The best term for our form of "Government" is "Online Gaming Server". It's not a form of Government any country has ever had, because countries and gaming servers are radically different things.
    1 point
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