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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2021 in all areas

  1. Can't believe I never thought to share this one: Rivera's apartment bedroom, before she moved into a larger house. (Drawn about April 14th, 2021) I'd love to do more of these, they make great practice and are actually fantastic for character building. Maybe another for the house she lives in after her apartment? (Also, this was 100% inspired by the drawing Heather did of Chikitita's apartment.)
    4 points
  2. 9/07/2021 - @MattTheFicus is a full GA. A bunch of TA's hired over the next few days which I'll totally remember to post in this thread soon. Totally.
    4 points
  3. A few updates in regards to the forum. First, hello. I'm now a Forum Manager alongside Affected. I refactored the forum permissions, so if anything seems broken, PM me on the forums and I'll take a look at it. We also now have ranks, based around the SS13 jobs. Take a look at which job you've landed on, its on your profile and on your posts. The job is related to your post count, with a higher post count getting you a higher importance station role. I suck at announcements, so that's all from me for now.
    4 points
  4. Oh boy I forgot this thread was made. Time to add some things to it. If only I saved the images from my old phone. I would be able to post way way more.
    3 points
  5. Finally sitting down and making a bio for Rivera. She has an official Nanotrasen Crew Record as well. This is more personal. Note: Please consider pretty much everything here OOC knowledge unless it's gained IC. The Basics: Full Name: Rivera Janice Clair Kirkland Nicknames/Alias: Riv, Miss Kirkland Gender: Trans Woman (she/her) Orientation: Lesbian Age / D.O.B: 42 years old. August 1st, 2523 Place Of Birth: The NXV Eclipse (considered by many to be the predecessor to the NXV Luna) Species: Human Blood Type: AB+ Alignment: Neutral Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee. Initially hired as a Geneticist. Religious Beliefs: Agnostic Personality: Rivera has a calm and cool demeanor, and many would consider her level-headed and rational. She has a fair level of confidence about the way she carries herself, and her actions often border on being outright smug. It's hard to make her genuinely angry or upset. When she is, she usually tries to hide it, as she hates the thought of being vulnerable. Despite her overall personality, Rivera has a tendency to be more reckless when she isn't feeling well, and secretly has a low self-image. She will often throw herself into danger with little to no regard for her own self-preservation or safety. She cares for others around her much more than herself, and may come off as hypocritical when criticizing someone for doing something she wouldn't think twice about doing herself. Detailed Information: Appearance: Character Voice: Medical Record: Character Biography: Family: History: Relationships: Personal: Factions: Images: Other Info: tbd, uhhhh her favorite alcoholic drink is a daiquiri but non-alcoholic she will drink most warm drinks like tea, coffee and hot chocolate. i will add more here later
    3 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Oh, another wave of these, always a pleasure to read them. Good stuff! I like your writing. :)
    1 point
  8. Today actually, a guy called Mark Xonas started organizing a union. I, being a real-life commie gladly joined. I then realized we were all gonna die and also saw an opportunity for big RP, so I arranged a meeting with the NT Rep, giving him union member names in return for 2000 credits and a cigar. Later it escalated to union member names and meeting locations for 100,000 credits. The union members were arrested and NT special ops (admins) came to interrogate them; mark went SSD and another organizer was given the offer to snitch on the union, which he refused before being knifed to death. I broke into the shuttle thinking "ooh funny syndicate shuttle" and instead got arrested by special ops before they realized it was the informant. I arranged things to look like Mark had snitched on the union, and got to go to centcomm with a destruction pulse gun or some shit like that. In other words, I was rewarded with a variety of ripping and tearing
    1 point
  9. For background practice I drew my characters shitty NT payroll apartment lol
    1 point
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