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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/2021 in all areas

  1. Finally you have random shennagains, builds, and pranks I have done to the playerbase as a player myself in game hiding amongst you all either as my character Henry Grandpa gadow or incognito.
    5 points
  2. I appear to be viro. I have never played viro nor do I have any clue how it works. Honk.
    4 points
  3. I was gonna start a revolution but i accidentally spaced the disks
    4 points
  4. The Basics Full Name: Idunn Raan Nicknames/Alias: Boss, Chiki’s Human, Doc, Miss Idunn, Mom Gender: Cis Woman (she/her) Orientation: Bisexual Age/D.O.B: 41 years old. December 24, 2524 Place Of Birth: Earth Species: Human Blood Type: O- Alignment: Somewhere between Lawful and Neutral Good. Affiliation: Nanotrasen employee. Initially hired as a Medical Doctor. Religious Beliefs: A loaded question for Idunn; initially Christian, suffered a lapse of faith, and is currently aimless and considering atheism. There is no simple answer to this one. Personality: Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Idunn has a low and almost raspy voice. When teaching others, the raspiness becomes rather warm and almost maternal. I currently don't have a voice claim for her, but something close to her vocal range is Panne from Fire Emblem Heroes. Medical Record: Character Biography Family: History: Personal Relationships Faction Relations Images Other Information Tbd. Kahlua is her favorite alcoholic drink. Jello shots and margaritas are an honorary mention. As for nonalcoholic drinks, her go-tos are cafe latte, hot chocolate, and milkshakes. Her favorite foods include banana bread, berry pancakes, caramel, and herb salad.
    3 points
  5. Here are some shennagains captured of the players in their natural habitat. Yes, the image below is security capturing a changeling and keeping it contained for the entire round.
    3 points
  6. Here are some events I give to the crew for them to do during slow rounds, or something to keep things interesting. This line of things will be the build your own shuttle events I run. Had to crew fix up the white ship a few times in the past as an event after docking it at the station. I also have the crew build their own shuttles in order to leave the station.
    3 points
  7. So, prepare yourselves. Because here comes Grandpa's dump of screenshots and gifs from over the years. Starting with the gifs First thing I did getting admin. Stuck ghosts into the ponies at the lobby screen and made them dance. 2018-11-19_19-12-51.mp4 Quiet round with nothing going on. Decided to frighten the engineers. And the days of Fastmos which some of you were not around for. un3km5i.mp4 Next comes player driven events.
    3 points
  8. Short Explanation: Mining emitters, as their name suggests, behave mostly the same way as emitters, with the biggest change being that the projectiles they fire can mine rocks. To allow for more complex designs that cover more asteroid turf, these mining emitters will be accompanied by reflectors that change their direction after being hit X times (you get to choose the number). Mining emitters can be upgraded in two ways: Tendril loot: Tendrils will have a chance to drop design disks that print upgrades for the mining emitters. Crusher trophies: Crusher trophies will give a better boost to mining emitters than the design disks from the tendril loot, with the counterpart of only being able to affect one mining emitter per trophy. The rarer the trophy is, the better the upgrade is. You can obtain these Mining Emitters from the lavaland outpost, the mining vendor or R&D. Here's a brief gif of the most barebones showcase, turn on emitter, it mine rock. Purpose: There are two things this would tackle: Gamer loot: Currently, shaft miners are rewarded with more objects that are focused on either killing other crewmembers, killing lavaland mobs, getting you banned for killing everyone around you, or all of the above. Before removing/reworking most of this junk to help miners mine, I will add this first to better """balance""" the ratio of kill gear : mine gear, and see where we go from there. All methods of mining are the same: Kinetic accelerators, Kinetic crushers, The Resonator, Advanced Plasma Cutters, Minebots, whatever else are all the same method of mining with the same result, click at rock, collect ore. I want there to be a different way to mine, in this case being setting-up automatic miners and modified reflectors to mine for you. Details up for discussion: Should they need a powernet in the same way regular emitters do, or would this make them not worth the trouble? How much damage the emitters should deal on pressure / should they even work outside of lavaland. Should there be an easier way to collect the ore that drops from the asteroid turf being broken by the emitters?
    2 points
  9. 33 is Naval Officer, 34 is ERT Commander... Stands to reason that 35 is either SOO or Naval Captain?
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Then you have little dance/music parties I occasionally hold as Mr Bones on quiet rounds for the players to relax to as I play music for them and take requests.
    2 points
  13. Some remaps/minor events I have done to make things a bit different.
    2 points
  14. Apparently this grandpa grows plants. Well, it fits what Gadow has gotten into in the back room of the cargo warehouse in the past with his black market drug dealing legit medicinal herbal smokes.
    2 points
  15. I do not get why the chef is lower in rank then a botanist I thought it was the chef requesting stuff from the botanist not the otherway round?
    1 point
  16. Also please ignore the fact that I spelt it 'Statoin' in the title. I was very excited when I made this thread.
    1 point
  17. Day 2 of being a botanist. I hate it here. The coworker's weed killed him instantly. I want out.
    1 point
  18. Making powernets for this would be incredibly difficult, but they shouldn’t be infinite. Having them take a power cell would be fine. They should do less damage than a normal emitter, but still do some Tackling the loot is nice but I ain’t sure this is the way forward, but I do like this concept. I love stuff you can work towards to make your job easier / automate it more, but still require user intervention to maintain.
    1 point
  19. Little D&D token I made for the campaign.
    1 point
  20. [Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo has a Crew Record post here. Seeing as that forum is more oriented to official Nanotrasen documents, I thought I'd take time to write a more in-depth bio here as well.] Basic Information Full name: Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo Gender: None (recorded as Female on Nanotrasen records) Pronouns: She/her Species: Drask Height: 7'6" (2.29 m) Age: 49 SolGov years Born: 6-23-2516 (approx.) Homeland: Uuuin-Kvaamm (drask station-colony) Religious views: Vkk-Lllnuuumrr/"Deep Ocean Faith" (branch of Hoorlm Animism) Sexuality: Indeterminate (not hugely important to drask, nor do people usually bring it up) Affiliation: Nanotrasen Supply & Service Division Preferred line of work: Custodial duty Personality Viisk is generally a courteous and patient individual, and happy to converse with the rare crewmate who will bother to strike up a conversation with her. That said, her patience is vulnerable to stress, and too many frustrations without time to decompress can quickly put her on edge. She prefers to keep a dedicated space for herself to relax for exactly this reason, and usually uses her designated workspace to get some privacy during tense shifts; because of this, any intrusion on this space by delinquents or otherwise unwelcome guests is frequently met by a very snippy drask. As a drask, Viisk finds the "human-tolerable" environment of the Cyberiad to be a bizarre and unpleasantly hot one. Though she's adapted fairly well to the cultural oddities of other species, the temperature difference remains a problem, and she frequently searches for ways to keep cool while on the job - whether it be rolled-down jumpsuits and cold packs stuffed in shoes or sneaking into the station's holodeck to lay down on the floor in the "winter field" setting. Moreover, as a fairly devoted follower of traditional drask animism, Viisk believes in the sanctity of life in all forms; she avoids violence and is apalled by the idea that any one being's life could ever be more valuable than another's. This doesn't mean she's a pacifist, of course, but she prefers only to fight if it's necessary to protect herself or others from aggression. Viisk's two key words when it comes to making friends are "politeness" and "communication". She likes to see the good in people, so as long as someone acts respectfully and talks in a way she can make sense of, Viisk will generally get along swimmingly with them. On the other hand, rude, selfish, or aggressive people tend to register as just another annoying aspect of the job. While it's difficult to outright antagonize Viisk, it doesn't take much to be noted as someone for her to steer clear of. Backstory Early life: Leaving home: Mining career: Present day: Relationships Interpersonal Faction alignments Miscellaneous Information Housing: Fun facts:
    1 point
  21. Ahahaha, thanks!! it's got relationships now, but I want to add a few others too. these are updated from the crew record version, so Fiona's in it! WAH THANK YOU LIEGE!! I loved your layout for Rivera's so I hope it's alright that I used yours as a template irt how to arrange the info ehehehe miss rivera ;___; i love her
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Very well written bio! :] I love Viisk's description of Rivera; it makes me think that Viisk sees Rivera and thinks of her like a shadow to her girlfriends.
    1 point
  24. You're not getting any of that Well then! this post is quite literally my botany resignation letter.
    1 point
  25. Today's menu consists of Brain Burgers, Robo Burgers, and Clown Burgers, what would you like to eat? (Don't worry, the Clown Burgers were made with Prion Sauce).
    1 point
  26. I'm apparently a virologist. As an IPC main... Accidentally spreading disease because I Don't understand diseases go brrrrt.
    1 point
  27. I will proceed to open the 3 shield sat crates inside cargo bay and the window warning me not to do it won't stop me.
    1 point
  28. I've just become a b*tanist so I have to get real active on forums because I really don't want to stay a b*tanist.
    1 point
  29. Personally, I would be happy just knowing if one of my PRs has been objected to at all. 90% of the time it's communicated very well and the reasoning behind the objection is laid out clearly. On that other 10% though it can be incredibly frustrating to have a PR closed without even knowing that there was a single objection. In some cases like the 'Genderless' PR I made a while ago then it's obviously understandable that people would rather not put a big, publically visible "I dislike this" on something as sensitive as that. But on other non-controversial ones, sometimes the most feedback you'll get is a with no explanation, if even that. I'm not saying this to complain of course, it's pretty obvious that all of the Maintainers & Heads are very busy people in real life who simply don't have the time to write a 2000 word essay explaining why replacing Tajaran with Felinids is a bad idea. Even so, I would argue that the "If you can't justify it in words, it might not be worth adding." policy on pull requests should go both ways. If they are unable put into words their reasons for objecting (Which again to reiterate, is completely understandable), then I don't believe that it should be officially counted. That's just my thoughts on it anyway, at least in terms of objections.
    1 point
  30. You don't wanna know what's in the burgers. Just believe me there's nothing strange about them tasting kind of funny.
    1 point
  31. Time to rank up.. I wanna be Atmos tech! And its kinda funny that Kyep got Head of Pesonnel!
    1 point
  32. July 6th, 2021 - @Jakki@Rythen@McRamon@Meow19@White In Sky@CornMyCob@Exavere All promoted to Trial. July 8th, 2021 - @Ionwardhas been promoted to full GA.
    1 point
  33. Oh boy I forgot this thread was made. Time to add some things to it. If only I saved the images from my old phone. I would be able to post way way more.
    1 point
  34. Oil was a change literally made to make them closer to humans. It was awful to deal with in practice and added very little. As for EMPs, while I generally agreed that IPCs are hard mode and are best that way... being one shot obliterated by a shitty revenant or an abductor giving out free EMP glands was a bit much to me. IPCs on Paradise are in a good state, all things considered, and don't really need more changes for the time being, nerfs or buffs. Give thought to some of the other races that are truly human+.
    1 point
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