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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2021 in all areas

  1. Hihi! I'm angelictactics, or Jenn as known in friend circles :] My pronouns are she/they, and I draw a lot of art that's mostly of my main space character, Idunn Raan! I draw the funny coffee vox a lot too. She's my muse. I guess you can find me on station as Idunn, Freya Raan (not the Grey), Jeanne Takowase, Akila Kariope (who I've yet to play a proper round of), and other characters! I've been meaning to play more as my new Diona character (A Swarm of Bees on the Molten Horizon) more often as well, but I end up gravitating towards Idunn most rounds oops ;; the Medbay pull is just so strong!! Anyway, uhm, my bad for joining Para forums and forgetting to ever formally introduce myself! Hopefully we can be friends in game!
    7 points
  2. Final rank is obviously a greytider, again. At first glance no different than rank 1, but it's a mistake you only make once in your short life.
    4 points
  3. Some people shouldn't be allowed to name new rooms
    3 points
  4. I tried breaking up everyone I knew well into an alignment chart, feel free to recommend me people to add/move around. I feel like it's pretty accurate though.
    2 points
  5. A fun design for bar, took a lot of fungus and about an hour of work
    2 points
  6. Oh, you mean some of your tortures, like this, Denth?
    2 points
  7. Preface: This is not really a "suggestion" as of such, more a problem the community is concerned about. Since there is no real place for such a public discussion about this specific topic, I have stolen the suggestion forum for it. I want to make it crystal clear right here that this is NOT intended to bring up any ill-will towards the staff team, and we all agree that the work they do as volunteers is massively appreciated. Everyone has a life, we don't expect you to full-time care for Paradise. However, some of these points do involve asking hard questions to staff, and we want a civil but open discussion about them. The issue at hand: So, what's this all about? Why am I reading this forum thread? Well, if you mosey on over to the Paradise github, you will notice we are sat at about 200 active PRs. This number has been slowly climbing over the past few months and is starting to reach an unmanageable backlog. Why is this a problem? Surely 200 PRs is good since people are actively contributing! Well, yes and no. It's great to see active development and people taking part, but unfortunately we currently have more active development going on than staff are handling, leading to the increase in PRs that are sat there stale. We have a LARGE number of PRs that have been sat stale (or unmerged) for many months, and a handful over a year old! This puts people off contributing, it makes it stressful to have to maintain months old PRs with no feedback on where/why they are not moving anywhere, and quite franlky means the game is not getting as much love as it should from a coding standpoint. What is the cause of the problem? Well, quite frankly, this is what this thread is here to discuss. It's not entirely clear why things are the way they are, or why they are not being resolved. Factors we are aware of: Heads of Staff currently have to actively approve any non-fix/refactor PR. If a PR gets overlooked or no votes, it just sits there forever. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15139) Unfortunately, it has become clear that heads are not really able to give the time to sort through our massive PR backlog, with approvals being sporadic at best. Now yes, headmins are busy and we appreciate all the work they do in other sections, but with this issue ongoing for over 6 months, it's clear the situation is NOT going to resolve itself by being left as-is. "Stale" review requests. These happen when a code change is suggested by a maintainer, implemented, but the maintainer does not re-review the code. This issue sort of ties into the lack of active maintainers, with @AffectedArc07 literally carrying the maint role singlehandedly for all intents and purposes. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15404) PR limbo. PR limbo happens when a PR is objected to by one person, but does not get any further approvals. This is also linked to both above issues. PRs like this just drift towards the back page and are not tackled or looked at. So they just sit there. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15445) Stale PRs. Stale PRs are ones that have not been updated in a long time, and are just sat there. Other codebases handle these by allowing maints to close them at their discresion, however we seem to just let them sit there forever. (See: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/15442) So, how do we fix it? Well, this is the difficult part. It requires a lot of change somewhere, and I'm not sure where to start tackling it. This is why an open discussion with the community regarding WHY these issues have been allowed to creep up, and HOW the staff heads are planning to resolve the issues. Things I can think of that might alleviate the issues somewhat: More ACTIVE maintainers. We appreciate the work put in by all our maintainers, and we don't want them to feel this is an attack. But currently, AA is the only maint actually doing anything remotely maint-like. He is doing everything and it is, no offense to him, too much for one person to stay sane and handle. Allow heads to object, but remove the requirement for their explicit approval on feature PRs. Let the good judgement of the maintainers (people who are familiar with the game and have a good sense of what will help or not) carry the code, and the heads can step in if they feel something is going to cause issues. Be more aggressive in closing stale PRs. Add a time-limit to review requests, if someone has been requested for a review and has not done so in months, their review should no longer be a hard requirement. Be more active in discussions regarding PRs in PR limbo, try to actively resolve them instead of just sweeping it under the rug and letting them accumulate in the background. These are just a few solutions I can think of. Please, community, share anything you feel is relevant. Lastly, we just need MORE involvement from the heads in the current system, and we should not let stale reviews/objections hold up the whole PR system. @Kyet @necaladun @Dumbdumn5 I'm pinging you three here specifically, because I want each of you to please share with us your thoughts on why things have gone the way they have, and how you feel we can solve the issues.
    1 point
  8. Wouldn't something being used for an engineering/ smithing profession be stronger than the norm?
    1 point
  9. Bap me all you want, I plan to add one final rank soon-ish. Final Rank Added.
    1 point
  10. You did that on purpose, didn't you vallidian I see how it is >:^(
    1 point
  11. Excuse you, I am under the impression that as far as admins go, you are now one!
    1 point
  12. Little D&D token I made for the campaign.
    1 point
  13. Finally you have random shennagains, builds, and pranks I have done to the playerbase as a player myself in game hiding amongst you all either as my character Henry Grandpa gadow or incognito.
    1 point
  14. Some remaps/minor events I have done to make things a bit different.
    1 point
  15. o/ I added the ranks to give the forum some flare to it. No I'm not going to tell people what all the ranks are. Yes I do plan to add more then 28. Currently the highest post count rank is 10k.
    1 point
  16. July 6th, 2021 - @Jakki@Rythen@McRamon@Meow19@White In Sky@CornMyCob@Exavere All promoted to Trial. July 8th, 2021 - @Ionwardhas been promoted to full GA.
    1 point
  17. Can't believe I never thought to share this one: Rivera's apartment bedroom, before she moved into a larger house. (Drawn about April 14th, 2021) I'd love to do more of these, they make great practice and are actually fantastic for character building. Maybe another for the house she lives in after her apartment? (Also, this was 100% inspired by the drawing Heather did of Chikitita's apartment.)
    1 point
  18. Posted this one a bit ago on the pride thread I had started, but for the sake of keeping space art I'm proud of together, I'll go ahead and smack it here too!
    1 point
  19. haven't updated here as frequently as I'd like, but here's my big space station 13 piece to kick off artfight 2021!!
    1 point
  20. Also, this is quite literally the plot to Doom Edit: I’m dumb and didn’t even see the argent note :honk:
    1 point
  21. A use for combat miners? An excuse for assistants to go unga in a controlled way? Love it.
    1 point
  22. Might be a good chance for people to start investing in turrets. Bring some tower defense to the game lmao.
    1 point
  23. So as far as head approval goes - not an issue. We've approved about 100 or so. That's not an issue at all. Really, there's one perfect solution to this: We chain up the maints in a basement on an IV drip of Amphetamines. But supposedly that's 'illegal' and 'unethical'. It worked great with Ponies tbh. Look, frankly I'd love for the maints to be more active. I'd love more hours out of them. If you read this - please be more active and do more work for 0 pay and negative respect. But in the end, this is a volunteer project. The biggest thing that they've told me would help with this, is for the contributors and community to stop treating them like shit. Every. Single. Maint. Ever. Has complained to me about how toxic the github is, and how much they hate 'the communities' reaction to them moving rapidly. If you want more shit done, give us the permission to do move quickly on things without the abuse, toxicity, and general bullshit we have to endure from it.
    1 point
  24. These are the kinds of changes I can get behind. No mechanical benefit, completely hilarious. 10/10
    1 point
  25. I've been collecting screenshots of the wire arts I've made over the years. I'll share some of my favourites here. Feel free to share yours too!
    1 point
  26. Not my wireart, but the madman who plays Jaiden Baer made this and it caught my eye immediately
    1 point
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