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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/13/2021 in all areas

  1. ART, I FORGOT TO POST ART here's scarlet and frens
    4 points
  2. I don't object to the addition of a labeling system, but I am also very skeptical it would help. How exactly would it make life easier for the maints/heads, bearing in mind that heads cannot label PRs? You'd need a convincing answer for that. Intuitively, I agree with you. In practice though, you're not taking into account (and historically, I have failed to take into account) that: maints can get an enormous amount of harassment over even normal PRs, and this is even worse for PRs they object to. AA just did an announcement within the last few days complaining that he got 14 DMs in the space of a few *hours*. Imagine dealing with dozens of DMs per day, every day, about PRs. In practice, you would quickly get super tired of this and it would make you re-think your willingness to publicly state objections to things if you thought it might lead to yet another hour of being deluged in DMs. maints are volunteers, and there's a limit to the amount of free time they can afford to spend doing free work for paradise without it hurting their real lives. While it may sometimes be frustrating for PR authors, ultimately the more time they spend arguing with authors over why their PR does not deserve to be merged, the less time they have for actually merging other things, and the worse the PR backlog gets. Sure, in theory simply stating their objection won't become a long argument, but in practice it often does. there are some extremely toxic people on github who will raise UNHOLY HELL about even trivial, terrible quality PRs being rejected. Such people are incredibly energy-draining to deal with. The maints having to spend time on those people is demoralizing. I've been told this week that the reason I get away with having a "always explain my objection reasons on the PR" policy, and don't get harassed as a result, is that people fear me. Unsurprisingly, I mostly disagree. For one I don't think most PR authors fear me. For another, I think that by stating my objection reasons publicly, I have demonstrated I am quite willing to defend my position, and that makes people less willing to challenge me over it. There are also other factors, such as the fact I think maints get a lot more harassment over PRs in general than heads do. Another possible factor is personality differences. Essentially most of the maints and some of the heads dislike coming into conflict with other people, and really don't enjoy having to argue. Deep down, they want agreement. In comparison, not only am I totally comfortable with disagreement, I even enjoy arguing at times (I spent a fair amount of time in college debate clubs, arguing for fun). I'm also used to operating in environments where consensus is impossible, yet decisions have to be made, so you have to accept some pretty sharp argument (and the fact some will leave unhappy) as the price of admission. All combined, this means that most of the maints/heads are a lot less willing to explain their objection reasons than I am. And to a large degree this is understandable. While I'd certainly *prefer* they explained all their objection reasons in public like I do (it hasn't always been easy, but I do believe it gets easier the more you do it).... in practice that just may not be doable for them, and certainly not without asking them to go against their instincts, natural way of doing things, etc. And while it might obviously be fairer for PR authors if all objections were accompanied by a reason... in practice if I had to choose between the other heads/maints always giving an explanation for their actions... and y'know... actually getting the work done... obviously I'd prefer they actually get the work done. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... we can't force the other heads/maints to always explain their objections. And even if we could, the time that would require might be counter-productive. What we can do is reduce the cost they perceive for doing so, largely by making sure that people aren't allowed to harass maints over their objections. Which we are doing. Via the new guidelines on github. So yeah, I sympathize with your point of view. Still, instead of looking at it from an "is this fair to me as a PR author?" angle, I would encourage you to instead look at it from an "given the limited time/energy/morale/etc of the maints/heads, when is it worth, or not worth, explaining an objection?" angle. Because while sometimes it clearly is in the best interests of the project for it to happen... other times... its just sapping maintainer/head morale for no benefit.
    4 points
  3. Whoever told you this is having a laugh, this may just be me but you aren't some scary eldritch horror that will consume whoever PMs them. You are approachable to anyone that can take a straight answer in their stride. <3 Do we want these people in our community? If this happened in-game they would most likely face administrative action. While speaking out against staff should never be the sole reason for someone being restricted in the community, extreme toxicity very much should be dealt with. Hopefully the team will be able to more confidently deal with these then the repository code of conduct is merged. I think this here is a key point. The word harassment gets thrown about a lot, and it has become a little murky. What a lot of players want is to "change the opinion" of whoever objects. As you said its natural to want agreement. The issue is when everyone PMs regarding their PR, it's just one PM for the user but 173 for the maint/head. I personally feel that conversations regarding objections should always be held in public, say on the PR itself, as opposed to in DMs. This lets the community clearly see both sides of any discussion that does happen, and would reduce any cases of harassment as people on a public forum are much less likely to be toxic. Perhaps the heads/maints could have an "autoreply" template asking people to host discussions over objections in the PR comments? It's becoming clear that this topic as a whole is an extremely complicated one to resolve, and I appreciate the communication from staff to the community regarding it.
    3 points
  4. because the sprites look pretty neat
    3 points
  5. As someone with a LOT of Magistrate hours under my belt, I can 100% see issues with a few Magistrates doing things like this. However, on the flipside, Magistrates will always be in a sort of "antagonistic" spot with the HoS/Security. Their job is to quite literally take whatever charges the Security Staff is levying against another Crewmember and then hold them up to the light to see if they properly follow Space Law to the T. A Magistrates job is to be the one person on Station who can tell Security to kindly "hop the hell off" when they overstep their bounds and start sliding into Shitsec-land. Its a lot like real life lawyers, Security is going to HATE some Magistrates due to their interpretation of Space Law. For the most part, Space Law is VERY cut and dry with little room for interpretation. But does it feel like the Magistrate is being "antagonistic" to Security? Yeah, a lot of the times it will. But any good Magistrate worth their salt is going to question nearly everything an Officer says to make sure that the Law is being applied correctly. Though, as always, if a Magistrate/NTR seems to be overstepping their bounds, do feel free to send a fax to CC about it or ahelp it. People abusing these roles WILL get punished for doing so as they are held to the same, if not higher, standard that the rest of Command is.
    2 points
  6. Greytide speed run? Anyone? 4:28 A bit old but whatever
    2 points
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Draconian as it is, I think this combined with "ignore the warning at your peril" kind of policy where you get blocked for trying anyway would be a good thing. Entitlement and toxicity should be fought back against. One thing I would like to point out is that until quite recently, the community at large had no idea about the toxicity issues maintainers are facing. With this fact becoming public, many will now be more wary of this happening, and I would expect at least some change.
    1 point
  10. The Basics Full Name: Idunn Raan Nicknames/Alias: Boss, Chiki’s Human, Doc, Miss Idunn, Mom Gender: Cis Woman (she/her) Orientation: Bisexual Age/D.O.B: 41 years old. December 24, 2524 Place Of Birth: Earth Species: Human Blood Type: O- Alignment: Somewhere between Lawful and Neutral Good. Affiliation: Nanotrasen employee. Initially hired as a Medical Doctor. Religious Beliefs: A loaded question for Idunn; initially Christian, suffered a lapse of faith, and is currently aimless and considering atheism. There is no simple answer to this one. Personality: Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Idunn has a low and almost raspy voice. When teaching others, the raspiness becomes rather warm and almost maternal. I currently don't have a voice claim for her, but something close to her vocal range is Panne from Fire Emblem Heroes. Medical Record: Character Biography Family: History: Personal Relationships Faction Relations Images Other Information Tbd. Kahlua is her favorite alcoholic drink. Jello shots and margaritas are an honorary mention. As for nonalcoholic drinks, her go-tos are cafe latte, hot chocolate, and milkshakes. Her favorite foods include banana bread, berry pancakes, caramel, and herb salad.
    1 point
  11. My alignment is too powerful to be gauged.
    1 point
  12. I need to respond to faxes more often tbh.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. It's been six years, why are you here
    1 point
  15. Krek, Noble of Clan Tristan - Dumb, stupid, bug
    1 point
  16. This thread is for discussing these issues, and it is a conversation we need to have, it is not a thread to attack people and bitch about the work that IS being done. Having said that, "Just wait" is the exact attitude that has contributed to this problem. It has gotten us to the point where we have an entire page and a half of PRs that are at least 6 months old. I don't quite understand where you have got this idea from, but not once have I implied or demanded that maints should just "do more work." Nor does this thread come about due to some self-entitled opinion that my PRs should be merged. On the contrary, this thread was made because of the concerns the entire contributor community have regarding the long-term state of the project. This thread isn't here to moan about things and throw a tantrum, it's here for a lasting public discussion that isn't buried in shitposts like you would get on discord. I would have pinged all the maints but I'm unsure if they use these forums, hence why AA got it. I'm sure he has or will discuss it with them regardless. Now I know from discord conversations with AA he does not think this situation will continue for much longer, but those posts are buried and lost. The forum is a much, much better place to have this sort of rational discussion about the issues at hand. To put the timescale of some of these PRs in context, some other codebases mark PRs as stale after a WEEK of no activity. Most of the open PRs on /TG/, for example, being from within the last month, with the oldest being from April. Our oldest is from February of last year, 2020.
    1 point
  17. You could feasibly say that all of these things that require batteries have strong enough batteries to last for a few hours without the batteries being changed tho
    1 point
  18. Some more recent doodles !! Not as many this time cause I've been drawing other things but I like these nonetheless :p
    1 point
  19. Oh boy I forgot this thread was made. Time to add some things to it. If only I saved the images from my old phone. I would be able to post way way more.
    1 point
  20. This is me laugh wayyyyy too much
    1 point
  21. The duality of man I enabled compact mode just for taking this. I dont use it normally.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. Me: slaps roof of this thread "This bad boy can fit so many shitposts in it"
    1 point
  24. Krek, Noble of Clan Tristan - Lawyer Lesbian Ant
    0 points
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