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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/2021 in all areas

  1. and now for vox art spam, don't shoot Doodled chiki's old raider crew (she's on the right, uncaffeinated and un-quilldyed) Drawn from the suggestion "behind the scenes SS13" Fun art meme I wanted to do (it's Heather Mason, the name similarity is a coincidence) Artfight attack for @Franziska and a fun doodle of @Drakeven's gikikigi who is too cute to be scary and lastly sad art I drew of a round where chiki got thrown from the station by kikeri right after accepting death and saying goodbye with everyone seconds before the nuke hit and ended up being one of the only survivors because of it. it was depressing
    3 points
  2. Much like any legal profession, conduct has pretty much everything to do with your success. You'll never win, even if your case is watertight, if you're conducting yourself like an asshole. Forgive me if I nerd out a bit, but my boyfriend is a hunky lawyer, so I know a little about this through osmosis. In court, your ability to succeed as an officer of the court (which is a major moving part of what the Magistrate is - they may more taste like a Judge, especially when presiding over a case, but in their day to day, they're as much a lawyer as they are an adjudicator, building a case AND applying law) has equal parts to do with not only having a sound case, but presenting it in a calm and collected manner, following the standards laid out for you to a T. Security, especially in round where they are busy enough to be making legitimate mistakes purely out of their workload and not just being bald, is probably not going to waste their time with you, obligated or not, if you're screeching as loudly and obstinately as the greytider they just brigged 15 minutes for minor trespass. As a Warden, if CC were to bother sending an NT agent over to lecture me for ignoring the magistrate, I'm pretty sure given they're operated by administrators, I could make a pretty good case out of "Look, I get this is an SOP violation, but the Magistrate is behaving as a gibbering fool while we're already overloaded - if I get the time, I'll crack open the space law book and review a sentence if he tells me to, but two of our guys just got nabbed by changelings and there's tiders everywhere, I just don't have the time for another space asshole right now." It works this way in the real world - if you violate the Rules of Civil Procedure, you risk your case, your license, and even being litigated by your client for blowing it - even if the case was unloseable otherwise. I can very easily see the burden of blame shifting from shitsec TO the Magistrate under the eyes of a very pissed Naval Officer if he's been a gibbering scrunt about it all shift, given ultimately it was his baldness that prevented security from changing course. "The state of security is ultimately your blame - you were charged with overseeing their legal processes and dropped the ball so completely that you've made it arguably worse. That's a problem I'm here to correct." Conversely, the Magistrate should most certainly be feared by security if they're speaking softly and carrying a big stick. They have one of the single most terrible powers behind them - the NT Legal Division, a dark council of litigious corporate misers with one goal in mind: cull liability at any other reasonable cost. If, even during a chaotic round, a Magistrate pulls the Warden aside and mentions, "Warden, I appreciate you're busy, but when you get a moment, this prisoner's sentence is 10 minutes too long and he was already in processing for 5 minutes - please adjust the timer as soon as you can" and they get told directly to suck shit or are completely ignored, you can and should absolutely expect that within 30 minutes, the Warden's ID will be at the HoP Line for demotion. The Head of Security should get sweaty palms the moment one of his charges gets snitty with an amicable Magistrate. CentComm - again, as operated by admins - should absolutely be ready to be the sharpest sword sprung forth against a security team (and doubly so if Command does not support him) that ignores a competent and collected Magistrate, to the degree that the clearinghouse that comes from it risking the round for the crew. The Cyberiad is one station out of thousands - and if it means it burns to avoid a class action lawsuit from the unseen estates of harmbatonged crewmen or a union they missed busting worth several times the installation itself, so be it. Security should be aware that playing dirty willfully to the degree of snubbing the guidance that is the robust Magistrate will come at a tangible cost - one not worth taking one minute to adjust a timer, release a prisoner, or otherwise whatever is prudent. A polite word to an offending security officer and the HoS, Command when that fails, and finally a fax to CC where appropriate should readily draw the dreaded, omnipotent, titanic spotlight of Trurl attention onto the Cyberiad. Long story short - shitty Magistrates should fear Centcomm more than Security should fear a Magistrate.
    2 points
  3. Don't remember posting it, but I also drew up some references for vox masks a while back for my own use
    2 points
  4. I've been bad at keeping forums updated with spess art, shoot Here's some comics redrawn from a conversation generator The round where I learned servo was alcoholic and NOT robotic coffee after I got put in an IRC It's Always Code Green on the Cyberiad Birthday art for @punkalope and lastly art of @Jabronio from my ss13 miitopia playthrough that I won't explain
    2 points
    2 points
  6. Haven't been uploading to forum as often as I used to, I've been drawing a lot and I got lazy figured this one belonged here, though choose your fighter: paradise station medbay lineup (sorry I left out a ton of medmains it was just whoever I remembered the morning I drew this u_u)
    2 points
  7. Goal - Send X amount of power back to CC Setup method Clear a large area on lavaland. And place down drills a distance apart from each other, and activate them. These drills could be orderable from cargo or the machine boards orderable and require science to build them? These drills would then start a timer until they complete. During this time, they would disturb the local wildlife. Hoards of lavaland fauna would attempt to attack the drills, and destroy them. It would be the miners and engineers jobs to keep the machines defended and repaired with nanopaste. After the drills have completed drilling, pumps would be placed over the drill holes. These pumps would pump plasma deep underground superheating it, and producing power. This power would be routed into a “power beamer” of sorts, which would blast this concentrated energy back to CC for cargo points. The power beamer’s machine board would be ordered from CC then constructed using high tier science parts. Balancing The more holes you drill, the more power you make, at the cost of disturbing the wildlife each time. Drilling a new hole creates a massive surge of mobs to fight, maintaining a power plant would create a small trickle of mobs. This means that a few powerplants are easy to maintain, however they will complete the goal slowly. Setting up lots of power plants produces more power however you might get overwhelmed with mobs. New lavaland fauna The burrower. A snake like creature that lives underground. Rarely surfaces, unless there is an earthquake or a disturbance in the ground… such as drilling into it. They don’t “move” instead they pop up out of the ground then dig back under, getting slowly closer to their target. They do high damage, however they have low health so you have to shoot them in the brief periods in which they surface. Why is it good for the game? It adds more variety to rounds, giving miners and engineers more to do. Also, @AffectedArc07 wants his argent. Rewards and such are up for discussion.
    1 point
  8. Ah for some reason It wasnt working for me but is now, wonder what that was about then, sorry about that And yea they can see binary but cant speak there, only can speak in drone
    1 point
  9. Say what you will about the depressing stuff, it sometimes makes for the best storytelling moments.
    1 point
  10. ART, I FORGOT TO POST ART here's scarlet and frens
    1 point
  11. Krek, Noble of Clan Tristan - Dumb, stupid, bug
    1 point
  12. haven't updated here as frequently as I'd like, but here's my big space station 13 piece to kick off artfight 2021!!
    1 point
  13. As many of you know, it really isn't a secret, staff place a phrase within our rules which we use to verify that a user has read the rules entirely. If you didn't know, then surprise! There's a phrase we've hidden there to do that. What most of you don't know, even though it is a bit of common sense, is why we use this method of verification when its rather easy to by-pass. All you have to do is go to the appeals section and read a few to find the phrase pretty easily, saves time on reading right? Well here's why its a very bad idea to do so. It cheats you, not us. People may think they're pulling one over on us by not reading the rules and providing a phrase from an appeal however, all it does is make things more difficult for the individual. When they break the rules next, which they will, and they're back in the appeals section asking for another chance, we're gonna ask why they'd broken the rules despite having read them (Especially damning if the offense happens close to a recently accepted appeal). If they say they've read them, then we think the individual is unwilling to follow the rules which tanks their appeal. If they said they haven't despite providing the phrase, they lied to us in their previous appeal, also tanking the chances of them getting the next appeal accepted. Either way, it just serves to screw them over and not staff. Anyone caught in a lie can tell you how difficult it is to regain trust afterwards and Staff are naturally suspicious when it comes to individuals who violate the rules, lying to us is just a surefire way of making sure you don't play here. We also will, from time to time, change this phrase in the rules, not only to ensure they're read but to also make sure that individuals who slip up from time to time (Hey it happens to all of us, we're human after all) will refresh themselves on the rules. So don't take the easy way out. Read our rules fully. The easy way is just going to screw you over later and we want you to play here and have fun, not forced to sit outside the party because you were too lazy to read.
    1 point
  14. Thanks a lot, I really like yours too Angelica. I appreciate it. Also, haven't posted here for a longggggggggg while, here's @Cheeseman's Krek, Noble of Clan Tristan, a Kidan.
    1 point
  15. Been too lazy to upload to forums, but I recently got super into drawing in super scratchy negatives for some reason Idunn Raan, combat medic and occasional badass Chiki and Idunn ending up the sole survivors of the station after a retirement scheme gone wrong Everyone's favorite potato and Kikeri after a depressing shift where the vox onstation turned into the avengers, lol Also, drunk Idunn doodle I forgot to post here sorry about the long post
    1 point
  16. Also, colored the sketches of anton and lyla but got too lazy to finish chalmun
    1 point
  17. Doodled some bartenders I like, was going to include more but I didn't have references for them u_u so many good bartender players on para, I love it. miiiight color these sometime? Comic I never uploaded about a cult round gone very awry
    1 point
  18. Wanted to get back into drawing less pixelly stuff so I succumbed to base instincts and redraw my ref for chiki for the 3rd time
    1 point
  19. Some low quality doodles I realized I never put up here some character from an expression meme Helpbot and Esforikakiti's christmas party (the hand can be backwards on purpose, don't ask hard questions) A swarmer chillin' with runtime, I think? and lastly a borg chiki joke I need to stop getting borged,
    1 point
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