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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/2021 in all areas

  1. Oh my gosh, you is all seeing this! I'm not cry. You is crying. Thanks you all so much for read my silly things I am put here and giving you attentions that you could having anywhere else.
    6 points
  2. Thank you for to Woje for helping me look through this thing and find my mistake I make and help me with things on it! ERROR/NOT FOUND/ SEARCH - FAILED BORG.PROGRAM.DOWNLOADABLES SELECT DOWNLOADS FROM ROBOTICS ERROR ; FILE NOT FOUND SEARCHING... SEARCHING... INITIATE STRING SEARCH : ESTIMATED WAIT : ERROR RECURSIVE STRING SEARCH : WAITING... SEARCHING... FILE FOUND. String.prototype.search(Gotta' get more bandaaaaaids yeaaaaah!) ERROR/NOT FOUND/ var regexConstructor = new RegExp("Come on plushie!"); Const str1 = "Come on plushie!"; const str2 = "Ooooh. Donuts."; const hasplushie = /plushie/ ;hasPlushie.test(str1); // true has.Donut .test(str2); // true FILE FOUND LOADING string.regeneracy.cyborg.acquisitions.search Const str1 = "This is being Mister Plushie! He my best friends in ever!"; const hasplushie = /plushie/ ;hasPlushie.test(str1);// true LOADING (B.O.O.P.).EXE LOADING FILES : FILE FOUND : RESEARCH LOG : ERROR : 2552 A.D.?CITATION? EMPLOYEE I.D. > 534289234-155223THETA ACTIVATE? Y/N Is this thing on? Wow. Okay, so today we are working on the new findings straight out of Haverick. What a literal nightmare that was, yeah? Today's objective. What would that be? Simplify. Okay, so here we are. Subject is a cyborg recovered from the site of the human colony on Haverick. What seemed to be a power and weapons system malfunction quickly cascaded as the on station A.I. began, at first, covertly taking over the systems of the colony. We all know from the reports what happened there. Bloody A.I. lost its mind. The tally is still being calculated, but after the Shellguard Munitions team landed it's hard to really say what happened there. We have some sensor logs, but those are mostly corrupted. Who's to say they're even accurate and hadn't been tampered with? The only thing we do have is this recovered cyborg. Let's see here. Unit designation is hard to make out from the laser scouring, but we managed to get the brains of the operation out. The robot brain. Well, it's supposed to house an intelligence that we're told isn't sentient. Legally, it's not sentient in the eyes of the corporation. Good enough for me. Been going through it for what seems to be days now. The software link was isolated and the code is... something else entirely. Who designed this thing? Best guess we have is a project some colleagues were working on in 2506. Supposed to be an exploration subroutine. Turns out, the beancounters decided it was way less expensive to send people than cyborgs. Still, this little thing was supposed to go out, upload data, and die. Rinse, repeat. A legion of little things with absolutely no programming beyond roboneural pathways designed to gather and assess data. This one... Phew. They may have given it a pathfinding starter set, but the language programming was definitely skimped on. Everything is recursive from the unit's designation. Which, right. We found that data. Who names a robot 'B.E.E.P.'? Seems to be all tied back to that data point. We deleted the designation in a mock up and the program went a bit ballistic. Sentence structure disappeared. Not sure what was going on there. We did manage to pull some data about the incident from the unit. Audio logs, video files, the works. Nothing from the A.I. on site though. Seems that someone had neglected to even sync this robot to the A.I. Video files, right. Those are entirely of the door of a closet. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Audio logs of an unknown person were recovered as well. AUDIO LOG - F2-30402003-B-93949.344 BEGIN PLAYBACK? Y/N And that's it. That's all we have. The video logs that would have ID'd the speaker are corrupted. Voice logs saved on file with the company are inconclusive. Perhaps it was someone in their human resources department? That would indicate the cyborg's acceptance of new identification. Anyway, we're going to keep working on this. No idea what they're going to do with the data, but it is what it is I suppose.
    4 points
  3. Initially I didn't say much to avoid going off-topic, but since it seems like a lot of people are nodding towards the idea of a map change to fix things, I might as well chip in as well. First off, huge agreement with basically everything said here. This more or less summarizes my thoughts on not only Dorms but other roleplay-oriented areas. As for my own input and thoughts as to how things could be improved, they're pretty rambly, so I'll put them behind a spoiler just to spare people from scrolling past a word wall. To summarize: I think it's less about Dorms being boring and more about the station's layout discouraging people from visiting. If Dorms were more central and Bridge more isolated it would likely make a huge difference.
    4 points
  4. Remove cloning, remove SR, remove cyborgification being a common occurance. Yes. I'm serious.
    3 points
  5. Not sure if right place, but eh, it works. Commisioned some art from wonderful pixiepooo on Fiverr. Enjoy!
    2 points
  6. If you were going to give them anything, give them an emergency degreaser pen or some shit like that. Wires and Welder aren't hard to acquire, they don't need them round start.
    2 points
  7. this one gets its own post because i make the rules on my art thread. finished a big piece that was supposed to be for a zine!!!
    2 points
  8. Premise: Most of security tends to cut off the cling heads first chance they have. Some even carry circular saws with them, in case the occasion presents itself. Its a fast and easy way to definitely kill a changeling, cancelling their power to revive themselves and is sometimes seen as a dirty, un-fun move. Proposition: A passive ability that activates when a changeling head is cut off. The head grows disgusting tentacles and is able to vent crawl. Same as head slug but without the advantage of the body explosion. It can't be activated manually, the head must come off somehow and with the brain inside (except suicide). Coding: May be similar to the already existing "last resource" ability. Why is it good? Gives the changeling a last chance to escape before its killed. Won't stop people from cutting heads but will make it more interesting, needing more preparation for the head separation. Also, I think it adds a feeling of coherence with what a changeling is. Have you watched the movie "The Thing"?
    2 points
  9. A fun design for bar, took a lot of fungus and about an hour of work
    2 points
  10. Wanted to share some of the ss13 art pile that's been accumulating in my folder recently, so here we gooo I haven't watermarked all of these, so pls dont repost ^^ thanks so much March 2021 April 2021 (where I drew more than I remember?!)
    1 point
  11. no I didn't. I am not counting up. just informing you that I didn't see that coming :)
    1 point
  12. Plus, this would allow borgs to make even more massive Brigston's and in general massive defenses, as the materials they used will magically pop back into existence when they simply hop in a recharger, allowing for a stupid amount of plasteel. Additionally, I think* you can use the magnetic gripper to pick up a stack of plasteel, then use that for walls. This would just be more redundant, and easy to abuse (assuming the above is correct).
    1 point
  13. Medbay "Main" here. Removal of cloning: I can definitely get behind that. I feel as though for a server that encourages agency and player choice it doesn't really give the bad guys-- you know, the role meant to be MORE fun and rare-- much agency about how they go about successfully leaving someone killed rather than behead this guy or hope he's a shit chicken or jelloperson and medbay is stupid and incompetent. Stasis pods: Honestly, just have it freeze the timer for doctors to get tided up. They have this on /tg/ in the form of a bag and it works just fine on there; this would be a dream for chaotic medbay rounds like nukies that everyone seems to bitch and whinge about. Anticoagulants: I think you meant coagulant... as the opposite would cause them to bleed out faster. Personally, I'm not a huge fan of the idea. Like sure, give medbay more stuff to mitigate internal bleeding, but you also give people internally bleeding a thing to mitigate internal bleeding. Hell, why even visit medbay as a botanist when you can just munch on some blood tomatoes and hop in a pod for a few seconds and be fine. Increased defib timer: Yeah, sure. I think removal is a bit extreme but I can get behind a two to five minute bump up. Dehusk Surgery: No thanks, there's already a method implemented to dehusk people without cloning. However, it requires chemistry to be competent enough to make 100u of synthflesh. Decayed organ surgery """improvement""": God no, mitocholide is fine as is and doesn't need to be made any easier. Maybe having debridement for organs similar to debridement for limbs or the repair of damaged organs. I would be fine with that. Removal of Gib/Dust/Devour: No, that seems like an awful idea. I share the sentiment of wanting to play the character I spawned in as, trust me. However, I also realize that the game does not revolve around me wanting to play the character I spawned in as. There are other people playing the game and sometimes you gotta eat shit and sit in dchat or play as a monkey. All of your chemical shit wrapped up into one bullet point because me lazy: No. No. What? What?! Strange Reagent is in a perfectly fine state as is. It's essential for reviving non-cloneable races or those who have gone past their best before date. Rezadone is already piss easy to make. If you don't have the social awareness to ask people for a multitool or prodding botany for some carpotoxin should you really be playing on an MRP server? Formaldehyde is already fine. I, among others, use Formaldehyde on SR patients to make sure they don't crust up on me too much. The last one is just straight up incorrect. There are literally chemicals which serve to purge chems, I also KNOW that you know about these things because you were talking about how garbage calomel is in comparison to pentetic acid. Granted, they don't process whilst the person is dead but neither do the other reagents that you want to purge. Just load them up with the chemical and revive them, simple as. This seems disingenuous. Prescanning: Yeah, agreed that's so bullhonkey. However, if a powered vampire/any antag is cooking up in the vat you can A. delete their records beforehand and B. ask AI to cut power while they're cloning and buckle them to a chair. It's not rocket science.
    1 point
  14. This seems to me like the best solution for this. The chemical doesn't actually exist yet as Esenno mentioned, but it would pretty easy to add it. Having a little 'Emergency repair injector' which could heal a small amount of damage if they're below a certain health threshold like epinephrine does would give the emergency box an actual use, wouldn't involve giving IPCs tools at roundstart, and most importantly, wouldn't be able to be abused at all.
    1 point
  15. Absolutely fucking not. Given how much IPCs heal from these (40 units of welding fuel and 2 entire spools of wire is enough to res them from being entirely dead) compared to how much a medical epipen does is far too much, not to mention you're giving them roundstart tools. This is essentially the same as giving a human an advanced trauma kit and advanced burn kit at roundstart. I have mained IPC for the past 3 years and just dumped my box contents roundstart. I would honestly be fine with an empty box. Yes IPCs get damaged easily, theres no doubt in that, however they shouldn't be given tools at roundstart, much less tools that outclass what robotics are given at roundstart.
    1 point
  16. While I don't disagree on it, this has already been suggested many times and shot down for various reasons. And even PR'd once or twice if I recall correctly. While logical, I unfortunately doubt it will ever pass.
    1 point
  17. To add my two-cents as a random player, I don't mind the bridge hobos, but I do agree that they lack in-game context and don't make sense. They loiter at that location because it is a good spot to idle - central location, fun eavesdropping opportunities, close to the action without being in the way. It is safe without being too boring or out of the way. The dorms are a horrible spot for idle socializing. Ugly, messy, boring. The bar is better, but different. More active in some ways, but farther away from anything important. Also a little more dangerous - fighting is more common and explosions are not unheard of. The holodeck, arcade, and pool area are not too bad, but hardly anyone goes there, except space tourists. Chapel and Library might work. They are usually staffed and the staff are usually interested in RP. But they are both pretty far out of the way. Most visitors are just passing through on their way to do something in the Maintenence tunnels. Departures is another potential hang-out spot, but to gather people there, someone typical needs to take the initiative and start building. It is a fun pop-up location for creative players. It would be nice if there were a few other spots like this, actually. It would give citizens more productive outlets, so they have less reason to idle and more opportunity to build cool stories. In contrast, Arrivals is really out of the way and largely ignored. There is just nothing to draw tourists to the left side of the station. No important departments are located over there and almost no one has a reason to go back there after they arrive on the station for the first time. The community garden area is pretty fun and useful for learning the basics of plant care, but not a good spot to relax and idle. If there was an actual green space near the garden with grass and flowers/trees, that would be a nice place to socialize and idle in a faux natural setting. .... Anyways, regarding how to deal with the immediate problem, replacing the Bridge's glass windows with reinforced walls would be the simplest option. Also the least fun. It would "solve" the issue for the bridge staff by taking away all interaction, but it doesn't allow any freedom to engage with the station or talk to the crew through the glass when you want. It is too harsh, imo. Another simple change that might do the trick would be to change the shutters to be in the *closed* position on round start. The command staff can choose to raise them, if they wish to see and interact, but by default, the bridge would be closed to viewing. I would also make sure that all heads of staff can open/shut these shutters, so if they are talking about something sensitive when Cap is not on the bridge, they can shutter it. And another idea - the shutters could be tied to alert level. They will automatically shut when station goes on red alert. This works both to protect the bridge, remind people that things are getting serious, and helps the command team focus on more important matters than bridge hobo antics. Since it is an automated action, related to station security, the hobos should not have any reason to riot over being left out and the bridge crew can't forget to close the shutter in a crisis. It works for both IC and OOC concerns. Another option would involve redesigning the station to encourage people to idle elsewhere OR make the area in front of the bridge into an acceptable location for idle socializing. For example, if it was possible to swap the community garden/tool storage rooms with the library/chapel, that might encourage people to hang out on the left side of the station more often. The dorms would be right across from two good socializing areas. Or move tool storage and add a "park" next to the garden. Alternatively, the area in front to the bridge could be redesigned into a lounge with couches and the hallway could be routed up and over that zone. Idlers would have tables, chairs or couches to sit on. And a nice view into the bridge wgile they hung out and watched the world run by. They would make sense and not be in the way. There are many options to solve this issue. Personally, I would prefer a creative solution that adds to the station, instead of just taking away something that many people enjoy doing. EDIT - Looking at a map, I just realized that I was thinking of the clothing storage/locker room when people were saying dorms. Never realized the area around the pool was called dormitories. I thought of it more as a common room or public space, while dorms make me think of beds. Sorry, I am an idiot. Dorms are not ugly! They look nice. If I would change anything, it would be to rearrange the chapel/library to be part of the dorms or directly accessible from the dorms. Perhaps a real hallway that runs from under the holodeck and down between botany and library so that the dormitories are no longer a dead-end and you can travel more than one way to reach your destination (without venturing into Maintenence tunnels.
    1 point
  18. Factorio lavaland... Factorio... Lavaland.... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. *stare
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Speaking as a player and mapper here, not as a staff member, but I've always been of the opinion that dorms should be the place for such RP interactions. Standing or lying on the floor outside what is essentially one of the most secure areas of the station has always seemed a bit funky to me. Now I can't say I've ever been a bridge hobo myself for more than a few moments, but I understand the appeal of being at an "in the know" area. And, especially on box, dorms is really quite lacking as a hangout spot. I think I'm going to add "look at reworking dorms" to the list of mapping projects I have in mind. I was not online at the time of this happening, so I don't have anything to say regarding the circumstances that lead to the response from staff.
    1 point
  21. I'm sure it will be clarified and I suspect it was a specific incident that drew the administration's ire given for how long they've just generally been a thing to suddenly crack down on it now would be a pretty terrible look. The CPH fore of the bridge is usually the single busiest area of the station and for civilians with no real job to perform, it's going to be one of the most appealing places to be. As a command player, it's actually quite fun to have the peanut gallery present, it provides opportunity for interesting dialogue and such - and I'm generally never one to hobo, myself. I strongly suspect their were players with jobs hoboing, or they were up to something far beyond the pale of our usual millers about if someone used toggle-build-mode-self to wall off the bridge. It's not a permanent change for certain - I'm online now and the maps is as usual. Insofar as command players being irritated by them... there's literally an off switch for bridge hobos right smack dab in the middle of the bridge and unlike the more annoying tidey assistants that would just hack or break their way into whatever they please, there's not a non-bwoinkable way to open blast shutters. It is literally one click to make any serious conversation on the bridge much less interceptable or interruptable.
    1 point
  22. I'm in on it just for the reflector idea - But you're also proposing some factorio lavaland type stuff ? Would love to see it. Edit : I was thinking about the powersource - what if instead of cells, you could use raw plasma/uranium/diamond ores, a mix of the plasma cutter and the pacmans ? Still forces an upkeep, but without the hassle of asking science for a bunch more things/being a little more independant.
    1 point
  23. When people shit on wiki articles very rudely. In LOOC, Dsay, OOC, discord, or whatever. Most of them never actually think to bring attention to it in #wiki-development and when some do they just come there to bitch instead of actually contribute solutions or actually offer to lift a finger to god forbid edit it. We have max maybe 8 people who contribute 30 edits a month and 3-4 people who regularly maintain the wiki.
    1 point
  24. - Scientists that fuck off and ignore RND, so its not done until like 20 to 25 minutes in - CT's that completely ignore the QM because "Well acktually the HOP is the head" - Dept heads having no fucking idea what they're doing, bonus points if you somehow unlocked captain without knowing that the chain of command is almost always given to science, EOC's are not instantly executed, you cant clone vox, the SM does not like eating burn mix, and ordering 20 hat crates is a bad way to spend cargo points. - Genuine shitsec, like I enjoy calling people like Rurik or Sizzle shitsec because they know they aren't and will get a laugh out of it, but the genuine shitsec who are just like "Hey fuck you! I'm not gonna read space law I'm just gonna harmbaton you and give you 30 minutes for slipping me!". - Sec who beg for implants when there's maybe 1 traitor running around, bonus points if on blue/green, triple bonus points if you use a borg's law 2 to break in on extended to make yourselves full implants, AEG's, upgraded tools, shields, etc. (TOTALLY HASN'T HAPPENED TOTALLY NOT STILL SALTY) - RD's who have a no fun policy (i.e No cool/funny science projects like monkey teslas, generally newer RD's), but equally ones who spend their time exclusively on those, and don't bother with making sure toxins/rnd/xeno are done, and that robotics is not smoke bombing nanites and trying to use an automender on an IPC. - Traitors who speed run their assassinate obj, idgaf about high value items though. - People that go hard as fuck on new players, like miner man turning the bald dude whos asking "wher medbey" into dust because they accidentally punched them.
    1 point
  25. ADDENDUM FILE - CASE FILE #14448939-Alpha-399 CONFIDENTIAL : Staff Officer for Operational Duties or ABOVE Non-Compliance will incur penalties not limited to Imprisonment, Fines, Execution. File Recovered - Startup Logfile - B.O.O.P. - Class : Cyborg ERROR : Transcription Logging Failure Timestamp : ????|????|2552-AD Timestamp : 07|13|2565-AD Further testing required. Log files match radio chatter outbound from Haverick colony. 1748698254_boopersstartups.mp4
    1 point
  26. I think the sprites look pretty neat though.
    1 point
  27. This thread is for discussing these issues, and it is a conversation we need to have, it is not a thread to attack people and bitch about the work that IS being done. Having said that, "Just wait" is the exact attitude that has contributed to this problem. It has gotten us to the point where we have an entire page and a half of PRs that are at least 6 months old. I don't quite understand where you have got this idea from, but not once have I implied or demanded that maints should just "do more work." Nor does this thread come about due to some self-entitled opinion that my PRs should be merged. On the contrary, this thread was made because of the concerns the entire contributor community have regarding the long-term state of the project. This thread isn't here to moan about things and throw a tantrum, it's here for a lasting public discussion that isn't buried in shitposts like you would get on discord. I would have pinged all the maints but I'm unsure if they use these forums, hence why AA got it. I'm sure he has or will discuss it with them regardless. Now I know from discord conversations with AA he does not think this situation will continue for much longer, but those posts are buried and lost. The forum is a much, much better place to have this sort of rational discussion about the issues at hand. To put the timescale of some of these PRs in context, some other codebases mark PRs as stale after a WEEK of no activity. Most of the open PRs on /TG/, for example, being from within the last month, with the oldest being from April. Our oldest is from February of last year, 2020.
    1 point
  28. 1 point
  29. Some people shouldn't be allowed to name new rooms
    1 point
  30. [Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo has a Crew Record post here. Seeing as that forum is more oriented to official Nanotrasen documents, I thought I'd take time to write a more in-depth bio here as well.] Basic Information Full name: Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo Gender: None (recorded as Female on Nanotrasen records) Pronouns: She/her Species: Drask Height: 7'6" (2.29 m) Age: 49 SolGov years Born: 6-23-2516 (approx.) Homeland: Uuuin-Kvaamm (drask station-colony) Religious views: Vkk-Lllnuuumrr/"Deep Ocean Faith" (branch of Hoorlm Animism) Sexuality: Indeterminate (not hugely important to drask, nor do people usually bring it up) Affiliation: Nanotrasen Supply & Service Division Preferred line of work: Custodial duty Personality Viisk is generally a courteous and patient individual, and happy to converse with the rare crewmate who will bother to strike up a conversation with her. That said, her patience is vulnerable to stress, and too many frustrations without time to decompress can quickly put her on edge. She prefers to keep a dedicated space for herself to relax for exactly this reason, and usually uses her designated workspace to get some privacy during tense shifts; because of this, any intrusion on this space by delinquents or otherwise unwelcome guests is frequently met by a very snippy drask. As a drask, Viisk finds the "human-tolerable" environment of the Cyberiad to be a bizarre and unpleasantly hot one. Though she's adapted fairly well to the cultural oddities of other species, the temperature difference remains a problem, and she frequently searches for ways to keep cool while on the job - whether it be rolled-down jumpsuits and cold packs stuffed in shoes or sneaking into the station's holodeck to lay down on the floor in the "winter field" setting. Moreover, as a fairly devoted follower of traditional drask animism, Viisk believes in the sanctity of life in all forms; she avoids violence and is apalled by the idea that any one being's life could ever be more valuable than another's. This doesn't mean she's a pacifist, of course, but she prefers only to fight if it's necessary to protect herself or others from aggression. Viisk's two key words when it comes to making friends are "politeness" and "communication". She likes to see the good in people, so as long as someone acts respectfully and talks in a way she can make sense of, Viisk will generally get along swimmingly with them. On the other hand, rude, selfish, or aggressive people tend to register as just another annoying aspect of the job. While it's difficult to outright antagonize Viisk, it doesn't take much to be noted as someone for her to steer clear of. Backstory Early life: Leaving home: Mining career: Present day: Relationships Interpersonal Faction alignments Miscellaneous Information Housing: Fun facts:
    1 point
  31. B.O.O.P. lore! Yay! I didn't expect the plushie thing to have such an interesting backstory. This is really, really cool, as expected from one of the coolest borg players. It's rare to see borg players put any effort at all into their character, and this is really top tier stuff.
    1 point
  32. An assortment of recent doodles cause I've been drawin' a lot :'D Spoilered cause there's quite a bit!
    1 point
  33. Name: Vixx Vaxx Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Vulpkanin Blood Type: AB+ General Occupational Role(s): Surgeon, occasionally other medical jobs, Robotics, Bartender Biography: Originally a trader with a love for everything science, Vixx found himself an unwilling employee of Nanotrasen after a moral decision led to him owing a major debt to the company. He’s tried to make the best of it through pursuing his personal interests and taking advantage of the company’s state of the art research facilities, but frequent deaths and clonings, Syndicate involvement, supernatural occurrences, and general distaste for Nanotrasen have made it difficult for him to make any progress on clearing his debt. Qualifications: Certified in surgeon and biomechanical implanting. Employment Records: Security Records: Medical Records: Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Vixx is a Vulpkanin that stands at about 6 feet tall and is physically similar in appearance to the vulpine side of the Vulpkanin species. His coloration is similar to that of a Red Fox, though lacks any of the black coloration traditionally seen on foxes. His eyes are a light green color and his overall build is fairly thin. Other Notes: Favorite drink is Doctor’s Delight. Favorite food is Eggs Benedict. Terrified of pirates, especially ‘Fur Traders’. Is annoyed by people who compare him to foxes.
    1 point
  34. OOPS some doodles from last night ^__^
    1 point
  35. Sooommmeee recent art as of late! Very doodle-heavy this time around.
    1 point
  36. Name: Jade Helene Burnwood (née Styles) Age: 25 Gender: Female Race: Human Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Physician Researcher Biography: Jade was born July 14, 2540 in Port-Royal Inc. administrated Luna from Marcus Styles (2511-2557) and Amelia Styles (née Winters; 2519-2557). Her sole sibling was Amber Styles (2547-2556). While she was initially jealous of her younger sister, Jade progressively warmed up to Amber. At age 6, Amber was diagonised with a rare terminal illness of neurological nature, which devastated the Styles family. Amber died of her disease the following year, which deeply affected Jade, developing depressive symptoms. In 2557, one year after Amber's death, Jade's parents were killed in the botched hijacking of a Port-Royal Inc. owned transport shuttle, which ended in the destruction of the vessel and all of its occupants. While the cause of the explosion remains unclear, Jade, overwhelmed by the death of all her family members and looking for someone to blame, believed Nanotrasen was behind the incident's bloody end. Overcoming her grief, Jade graduated from the Rochereau Medical School, Luna in 2561 and worked as a Nurse in various establishments. External actors noticed Jade's resentment for Nanotrasen and she was offered paramilitary training, including hand-to-hand combat, close-quarters combat and battlefield medicine. From that point on she developed an affinity for gunpowder, WW3-era weaponry and holds a personal, albeit illegal collection. In perhaps misguided hopes of finding the truth behind the death of her parents, Jade joined Nanotrasen in 2562 as a licensed physician and researcher. While working there she met Aleister Burnwood and married him in 2564, now living together in an apartment on Earth. Qualifications: Jade graduated from the Rochereau Medical School with honors. She formally passed the Nanotrasen-standard MD-1, MD-2-R and MD-3 medical tests (respectively for Nurse, Researcher-Physician and Chief Medical Officer). Her combat skills have not been formally assessed, but physical examination points to a rigorous training regimen on par with the one the upper echelon of Nanotrasen's elite force go through (CB-X). Employment Records: 2562 - present: Nanotrasen (Physician, Researcher) 2561 - 2562: Luxembourg Hospital, Luna (Licensed Nurse) 2559 - 2561: DuFleur Clinic, Luna (Nurse Intern) 2557 - 2558: Youkai Sushi, Luna (Apprentice Chef) NOTES: There are unverified reports that Jade has worked with foreign actors in operations of sabotage, kidnapping and potentially murder. Security Records: THREAT ASSESSMENT: VERY HIGH - Do not engage alone. - Deploy tactical equipment (flashbang, tear gas, bola) as much as possible. - Jade is extremely agile owing to her small frame and may prove difficult to catch. - After a home search, a considerable weapons cache was found. The weapons were ballistic in nature and fairly rudimentary, dating from the 21st century. Assume her to be armed and dangerous. NOTES: Jade is believed to have received paramilitary training, including hand-to-hand combat as well as close-quarters combat. Medical Records: HEIGHT: 160cm / 5'2" WEIGHT: 55kg / 121 lbs EYE COLOUR: dark green PHYSICAL STATE: Jade is in excellent shape with no particular conditions whatsoever. PSYCHOLOGICAL STATE: Moderate depressive and anxiety symptoms, for which Jade is receiving regular therapy. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A brown haired, over-the-shoulder ponytail wearing woman of short stature and slender build, she looks to be about 158cm tall. Her face is round and her eyes green, showing a fierce and focused gaze that starkly contrast with the her soft voice and small frame. She appears younger than she is, and seems like the type that doesn't like to be mistaken for a child. She often looks around her and reacts to the slightest noise. Some cat hair can be seen on her clothes as well as some scratches on her hands. Other Notes: Has a severe complex about her height. Do not bully her about it. Absolutely don't. While Jade used to be cold towards everyone, a few crew members melted her heart of ice and now she opens up more than ever. Her favourite food is lasagna.
    1 point
  37. Finally got around to doing one of these. It might have info that differs slightly from the character bio I posted, since this is IC information Nanotrasen has, rather than a full biography. Name: Fiona Phillips Age: 24 Gender: Female Species: Human (Genetic modification for deep space habitation present - see TSF patent 213512-A) Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Security Officer Maintenance Technician EMT Biography: Much of the following section cannot be verified, and relies mostly on Ms. Phillips testimony. Parts of relevant transcripts have been appended where needed. Fiona Phillips' place of birth is a mining colony on G1618-X1634, a planetoid located in the debris field around Groombridge 1618, outside of the jurisdiction of any galactic government. Said planetoid has been recorded as a location of modest amounts of plasma ore of relatively low quality. As of the time of this document's last update (May 27th, 2565), the colony is defunct due to a massive failure of its atmospheric systems. Ms. Phillips has stated that she has no known living family members. Addendum: Excerpt from an interview log, 2560.04.23 [Clearance: Command, Security] Due to the collapse of the colony's education system, Ms. Phillips has been homeschooled from her birth (2541, precise day uncertain) until her mother's death in 2551. Forced to fend for herself from there on out, she engaged in minor criminal activity, primarily smuggling. In 2556, her arm and eyes were irreparably damaged by an IED explosion, and were replaced by crude cybernetics. Later that year, a cargo freighter had to dock at G1618-X1634 for critical repairs due to FTL failure. Ms. Phillips found her way into the ship's cargo hold and managed to successfully stow away. In early 2557, she managed to land an internship as a maintenance technician onboard an industrial space station owned by Cybersun Industries. Addendum: Excerpt from an interview log, 2559.04.28 [Clearance: Command, Security] Following her previous contract's termination in 2559, Ms. Phillips applied for an engineering position onboard NSS Cyberiad, and was hired after a successful job interview. During her time with Nanotrasen, she has pursued additional qualifications, including combat medic training. Qualifications: Ms. Phillips' previous position has prepared her for most if not all duties related to spacecraft construction and maintenance, as confirmed by evaluation exams 23-A and 23-B. As such, she can be expected to perform most Engineering duties onboard Nanotrasen space stations on an adequate level. Her particular backstory has made her a natural fit for mining operations in hostile environments. During her time with the company, Ms. Phillips has received combat medic training, including the use of both ballistic and energy-based firearms, close quarters combat, and emergency medicine. During her training, she excelled at low-gravity combat simulations, hinting at previous experience. Addendum: Excerpt from an interview log, 2562.02.12 [Clearance: Command, Security] Employment Records: According to her own testimony, Ms. Phillips has experience with most basic space station equipment due to being born on a planetoid mining colony. After leaving the planetoid at the age of 15, she had briefly worked odd jobs, mostly leveraging the rudimentary knowledge of space engineering she had acquired naturally as a denizen of a space station until eventually being employed in a chemical research facility. Thorough investigation has found no proof of many of Ms. Phillips' claims, however by that time she had already demonstrated that she does indeed have some form of experience with the maintenance and operation of various kinds of machinery. Her engineering skills have been thoroughly evaluated, and after passing the required tests, she was given maintenance technician certification. During her four years working for Nanotrasen, she has received combat medic training, as her build makes her naturally suited for security work. So far, her versatile skill set has been a benefit to the corporation, however close monitoring is recommended due to the impossibility of a proper background check, as well as her status as an independent contractor. Security Records: Ms. Phillips has been suspected of trespassing and theft on multiple occasions, however no charges have ever been pressed, either due to the lack of direct proof, or the actions being taken in good faith and for the betterment of the station. Ms. Phillips dossier is highly incomplete due to living on a failed planetoid colony - much of the information about her past cannot be verified. This uncertainty extends to the few years she has allegedly spent working in a chemical facility. During her combat training it became clear that she possesses some form of combat experience, though a number of bad habits suggests that it was most likely related to her past on the colony, and not any form of previous training. Due to a relative lack of verifiable information coupled with potentially dangerous skills, close monitoring is recommended. It is possible that Ms. Phillips has been approached by potentially dangerous organizations in the past, currently pending investigation. Addendum: Excerpt from an interview log, 2565.01.29 [Clearance: Command, Security] Medical Records: Note: Ms. Phillips might be unclonable due to a somewhat unstable genetic structure, as well as extensive implantation. Should this prove to be the case, alternative revival methods should be pursued. Ms. Phillips has been given a NT model 8-C cybernetic heart transplant in the past after her original heart was damaged beyond repair due to injury caused by a Prince of Terror. She had refused the organ's replacement for a long time, citing its sentimental value, but was forced to undergo such a procedure due to the implant being rendered nonfunctional by an electromagnetic pulse. It has been replaced by a lab-grown, organic heart. Her left arm as well as eyes were damaged beyond repair by an explosion, and have likewise been replaced by cybernetics. The arm is a modified version of a generic off-brand model, while the eyes appear to be customized Cybersun Industries Series 7 ocular implants. Her physical health is stellar in spite of having spent most of her life outside of planetary gravity, mostly due to her workout routine and extensive genetic modification. Her mental health is likewise good, although concerns have been raised about stress caused by overwork, as well as potential stimulant abuse. Addendum: Excerpt from an interview log, 2564.11.03 [Clearance: Command, Medical] Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Once I have money I'll commission something. Have this until then: https://imgur.com/a/hnh8xgh Standing tall at an imposing 195 cm (6'5), Fiona is toned and well-built, with a rather muscular frame. Her waist-length, platinum-blonde hair is fluffy and unkempt. Fiona's skin is clear, with an olive tone. Her face is somewhat sharp, with the most striking feature being the irises of her otherwise normal-looking eyes, which are obviously cybernetic and radiate with a soft, orange glow reminiscent of molten metal. Her left arm is cybernetic - it appears to be slightly battered, with some mismatching components and obvious signs of numerous repairs. It appears that she is missing about three-quarters of the original limb. She has a good posture, though an observant person could notice that she is not used to Earth-like gravity, though she still carries herself with light-hearted confidence. A few tiny scars, seemingly caused by small cuts, are visible on her body. Typically, Fiona dresses quite plainly, with her most common outfit consisting of a grey tank-top shirt, a pair of regular black jeans, and black combat boots. Sometimes, she exchanges the tank-top for a leather jacket worn over a black sleeveless crop top. She often wears fingerless gloves to protect her hands while retaining dexterity. On occasion, mostly while exercising, she instead wears black track pants and sneakers, as well as an athletic sleeveless red crop top.
    1 point
  38. Employment File: Dr. med. Ashtshis Lachqat Physical Identifiers: Age: 25 | Gender: Male Species: Vulpkanin | Blood Type: O+ Other Identifiers: - One Prosthetic - Leg, Left, Starts above the knee, Unmarked, Superficially resembles a Ward-Takaheshi Model. Nanotrasen patented wiring and machinery. Personnel Photo: A pair of strained eyelids almost conceal tired eyes and the faint smile he's managed to sneak into the ID photo is basically hidden by the dark colour of his muzzle. The parts of his irises that decide to show themself shine in a bright yellow. A black mane creeps out of the almost reddish, brown fur from his neck and travels over his head, where it is swept to the right. You guess his height to be just under 1,80 Meters, tall for a Vulpkanin, but not exactly imposing for a human. General Occupational Role(s): - Medical Doctor Lachqat is specialized in orthopedic, vascular, thorax, visceral and general trauma surgery and care. He knows his Triage. He's less confident around neo-surgical procedures like laser shot wounds or implants as well as anything around neurosurgery and cardiac surgery. - Security Officer Lachqat is violently untrained as a Security Officer. He's ran basic courses and passed our tests, but it's noticeable that he has no background in this field. Wading through snow all day has prepared him physically, but he's refused to understand topics like stable platform shooting or safe stunbaton techniques. Biography: Ashtshis Lachqat was born in 2540 as an only child to a pair of loving parents, [ASSET SECURITY. DATA ERASED.] and [ASSET SECURITY. DATA ERASED.] on northern Dalstadt. Grown up in a fairly large Habitat city the frozen wastes of the tundra planet always seemed to pull him in. After being the only one out of his living family members to graduate, he's studied medicine, turning his fascination of the cold wasteland into a living. Working in a hospital, Ashtshis was part of an emergency unit, always ready to venture out of the dome into the frigid fields of Dalstadt to recover accident victims. Being the youngest in his unit, lacking the experience that his colleagues had, he's managed to play his part through resourcefulness and quick thinking. A notable few weeks long contract led his team far from home into a surgical hospital under a dome-in-construction, intending to assist the local military in dealing with [LEGAL ADVISORY. DATA REMOVED.]. Lachqat was injured in an accident on-site. He was stabilized in the local OR and transferred back home with the other wounded. After a particularly nasty run in with [DATA INCONCLUSIVE. REFER TO INVESTIGATIVE REPORT. DATA REDACTED.] he's decided to leave his home for work on an offworld NT research station, most likely in an effort to preserve his' and his families' safety. ADDENDUM: No way in fucking hell we're keeping the names of the parents here. The fuck were you thinking? We're the only ones who are going to use that, understand me? Also get the fucking thing about the you-know-what out there. I am not getting into legal trouble over this and I sure as hell do not want to answer questions about why we know that. - J. Medical Evaluation: RE: RE: RE: Physical Evaluation: Lachquat, Ashtshis Dear Dr. [CLEARANCE ERROR. SWIPE ID TO AUTHENTICATE. DATA REDACTED.] No, it was not a mistake. I really wrote into the paperwork you asked from me that he lost the leg in a "freak bathroom accident" with "him as the only survivor". It's what he told me at first too, but truth is that he just pulls a new story out of his ass everytime you ask him. He thinks he's funny. Yeah. I know. But to keep the lawyers from stomping on my tail I have to fill out what he says happened. I could have also chosen "Medschool cost me an arm and a leg, but I got a 50% discount.", but that one might actually get him in trouble. You probably know by now how the Vulpkanin Bureaucracy is. While we're at that, you should copy this info into his medical records, before someone actually believes one of his stories. Anyways, as per my last fax, Dr. Lachquat is physically and mentally completely healthy. Except for his peculiar sense of humor, which is - unfortunately - uncurable. One last thing: if he does slip up and reveal how he actually lost it, do tell me. I've got a bet running on it. With friendly greetings, Dr. [ASSET SECURITY. DATA REDACTED.] Psychological Evaluation: Ash is an actor. I've heard him talk about working in a theater, in another life. I do, however, think he already does that in this one, everyday. His zany, remote behaviour is nothing but self-defense. He's not been letting anyone get close nowadays. He's scared of painting targets on people's backs, after what's happened to him. I don't blame him, that's what they use against you, where they strike first. The ones you love. For your weird little Changeling Impersonation Prevention thing you've been downright pestering me about, here: - Ash speaks in a baritone voice, it's kinda scratchy, he's said he smokes when he's stressed or when he's drunk. - His laugh sounds like a dying space hyena being hit with a spacepod. Real shame you don't hear it a lot nowadays. - He's very cleanly. He literally has a favourite hand-disinfectant and always smells like that stuff. - Ash just loves having the last word in a conversation, even if it's just an affirming "Right." - Favourite colour is blue, he also likes white and green. - Ash is openly bi. - Favourite dish is goliath steak, he likes it with fries and a pepper sauce on it. I'm not saying anything more than I have to, you know my opinion on what I'm supposed to disclose about my patients and how much I'm going to, with clenched teeth and a frown, I have to emphasize. With friendly greetings, [ASSET SECURITY. DATA REDACTED.] PRIORITY - Background Check: ADDENDUM: Due to the Priority Status of this check and it's clearance factor we haven't been able to nicely and tidely summarize why this guy is a fucking criminal or not. Ain't my fucking job if I can't access the file, have fun sifting through the transcript, man. - M. The evening sun struggles to grasp the interior of an empty office somewhere in an undisclosable location. Desks and comfortable, but worn out chairs are neatly arranged in the warm, but waning ray of light that shines trough the milky glass on the door. Some poor soul failed to lighten up the mood of the room with a few plants and sparsely distributed paintings, showing various splotches of colour with no apparent subject in particular. Suddenly something exites the motes of dust dancing in the air. The room brightens as the door swings open. A rather tall Unathi man, his youth already spent and wearing a brown mantle bows under the doorframe. He holds the door open for a younger figure, a human, who is unbuttoning his light blue jacket as he enters the room. A sign on the outside of the door advertises these two creatures as Private Eyes, ready and even eager to put their noses where they really shouldn't be. "Sssyndicate.", the Unathi states. "No way.", the Human scoffs. Sensing that his partner wants him to continue, he does: "Not even a little spot of dirt on his labcoat and you just straight up suspect him of being a murderer-for-hire? He doesn't even need the cash, we've checked the loan, it's clean." The older Detective has already made his way into the office, when he shoots back: "Again. Sssyndicate.", he clarifies, "Hisss prossthetic. All the imprinted identifiersss on it are filed off, but I managed to crosssscheck it with our databassse. It'sss a model from the Vazzendim WeCare Medtech Company. They're known for their painkillersss, prossstheticss and for masssss producing heavy-duty fever medsss. Obvioussly got the ssstandard ultimatum from Nanotrasssen to be bought up or be completely sstomped into ruin by economic warfare after they've ssstarted to gain ssome relevance. They've declined and almosst went bankrupt, but then sssomehow and sssuddenly got out of the red numberssss. Authoritiess ssussspect they're part of the Sssyndicate Conglomerate now." His partner has caught up to him and they have walked to the end of the office, reaching the very last desk. It has a parcel sitting ontop of it. Not noticing the box, the human reminds the Detective: "Still, most people who have budget prosthetics from Syndie puppets aren't assassins. Most people aren't assassins in general, I'd like to remind you." The man in the mantle sits down at what seems to be his desk. He points out: "True, but you haven't heard the juicy part yet. On Dalsssstadt people get their Doctor'sss degree in groupsss of up to 50 Vulpkanin, working together to produce a thessisss to further the knowledge in their field. It'sss ssomekind of tradition to honour the Assssembly or ssomething. Now our Doctor worked together with sseven other now-doctoresss on a fairly sssuccessful effort to make Mitochlide compatible with the Vulpkanin body. However -" "Let me guess..." "- They've all turned up dead. Eksscept for one." "Our man?" "Our man." Both turn to the parcel standing next to a picture frame, containing a smiling Unathi woman. "And this is why you brought me here during this ungodly hour, isn't it?", the man asks. "Correct. Thisss iss what I managed to dig up: Almossst a year ago a Nanotrasssen crew captured the ssstrikeship of a team of Operativess tasssked with nuking their sssstation. Coordsss on it led sstraight to a WeCare blacksssite that hass gone under the radar. Sssso they've ssent their boyss there as thanksss for their visssit." "That ain't legal" "Well find me the planetary government with the ballssss to tell NT that. Anywayss, on-ssite they found an entire library of holovidsss featuring nothing but good old torture." The human misses a beat, then quietly asks: "...What the fuck?" The detective continues: "Maybe they usssed the sstuff for intimidation. Probably ssssold it though. Capitalisssm, you ssssee?" Visibly struggling to keep his nerve, his colleague says: "And you, uh, checked the vids from the relevant dates?" "The relevant sssspeciess too. Freaksss ssorted 'em depending on who got it. Thinking about it, they definitely ssold thessse. Checking 6 monthsss ago, I've come up with three. One'ss ssssix hourss long, one'ss about a day long. But the lassst one sstands out, barely a minute in length." "Wait the day one doesn't stand out?" The detective answers his friends question with a pained look to the side. He continues: "Thing issss, the entire... operation in which they recovered all thessse videoss wasssn't really done with velvet glovesss. The original disscsss were completely trasshed. However, Data wass ssstill eksstractable, if damaged. I've fed it into our businesss AI, which generated and sssspit out thiss versssion. It'ss without sssound, but lip read where posssible. Alssso only 4k." "Hell, Makes you feel like a caveman." "Right? Anywaysss, there could be sssome ssseriously fucked sssshit on thiss, ssso if it'ss too much for you, tell me. Really." The human nods. The Unathi claws at the packaging material for a worryingly short amount of time before it reveals a holodisc. He slides it into his terminal. Light from a neon lamp reaches all of the corners of a small room. Its uncomfortable buzzing can almost be heard through the soundless recording. Clean white tiles stretch from one end of the room to the other. A few metal lockers and drawers populate the scene, all facing a chair in the middle of it. A fairly large sack lies infront of it. A vox limps into view. His feathers shimmer sickly green. He is old. Checks his wristwatch implant and turns his back to the camera. He grabs a shotgun, just from out of view, pulls back the slide and loads a shell into the ejection port. Suddenly a shift in the reflection of the tiles. A door opens. Enter a Vulpkanin, reddish-brown fur, black mane, struggling to break the grasp of another man, clad in dark grey security armor and arms of bronze. The Vox returns the slide to the muzzle. The Vulpkanin is forced into the chair, he snaps his fangs at the security man, who doesn't even flinch. The Vox flips the gun and loads another shell into the weapon. His back still turned to the camera. Suddenly their captive's head whips around to meet the Vox's face, who most likely said something to the Vulpkanin, as he responds between clenched teeth. Yellow text appears in the bottom of the recording: "LIP-READ - How about you and your monkey get dragged back to the circus instead, you fucking rot-lung." The shotgun is ripped up to meet the lower half of his left femur. The room and all occupants are sprayed with blood. The sack infront of the chair pops open and sand spurts out of it. The vox cycles to the second shell, waits a beat and discharges another shot at the Vulpkanin. The leg is engulfed in muzzle flash again. It comes loose. The Vulpkanin doesn't get the time to continue screaming as his circulation centralizes. The stream of blood slows down a bit and he goes limp, struggling to lose consciousness. After being feverishly gesticulated at by the Vox, the officer proceeds to pull the chair, together with occupant, out of the room. Once alone, the Vox throws his gun into a corner and vanishes behind the camera. The recording ends. The detectives ponder for a moment, before the silence is broken. "Why'd the bird react like that?" "Lost his patience. You keep the organssss of those birdsss out of your mouth if you want to ssstay healthy. And I mean that in every sssensse of the sssaying. The human audibly exhales, "So that's it. Another Syndicate Agent trying to board an NT vessel, right?" "The ssshoe fitss, but we've got too many quessstionss unansswered. Like, why even kidnap and try to intimidate him? He had no debt with WeCare, loansss for medssschool are ssstill running from the Dalssstadt authorities. Why were the other Doctoress who worked on the thesssiss killed, but not him? And, mossst puzzling - Why work for fucking Nanotrasssen with qualificationss like that, if not asss a double agent? We're missssing ssomething." The human digs his face into his hands. You can almost see the gears turning between his ears. Suddenly he perks up, his mouth breaks open, ready to release his thoughts. He furrows his brow and slowly raises his hand to point at the terminal: "...The old formula for Mito, what were the side effects for the Vulps?" His partner raises an eyebrow, but wordlessly starts tapping on his terminal. He states: "Here, rare cases of massss cell death, organ failure, incendinary mitochondria, but more commonly migraine and - huh... inflammation and ssserious fever." The human's eyes light up, he grins. "Bingo.", he sorts his thoughts for a few moments, then continues, "Now follow me on this. You are William WeCare, CEO of WeCare Medtech. Buisness is great since Mito came to the Vulpkanin markets. People need to gulp down your meds en-fucking-masse, since you are the market leader in high grade antipyretics. Like, buisness is going so well you believe that you can take it on with fucking Nanotrasen. So, you strike the deal and anger the fucking corporate god and at the same time these fucking annoying little Doctores dare to make Mitochlide not set people on fire from the inside anymore. So next to no more need for anything you sell. You even have to go as low as dealing with the Syndies to survive now. So tell me, what would be juicier than to get your paws on the patent for this new Mito-formula? Now, before the Doctores who hold the rights to it do something incredibly stupid, like make it accessible to the public, so people don't have to pay ridiculous sums to not get turned to ash for their liver cirrhosis, you just disappear all but one. This last guy you then 'motivate' to finally admit that the research their team and them used was stolen from one of your assets. And that's the entire trick to get you back to monopoly status." His colleague leans back in his chair, sharing a toothy grin with the human, who points out: "That leaves one last thing though, why work with Nanotrasen? They get harrassed by Syndies all the time. And he knows very well what they'll do to him if they get their hands on his neck." The other detective's grin doesn't waver: "No no, it makesss perfect sssensse, jussst rethink. Which place in thisss universsse isss the mossst prepared to deal with Syndicate Agentsss? As paradoksss asss it isss, Nanotrasssen can protect you. On Dalssstadt you just get pulled into an alley and that'sss it." "Alright, that's it, case closed; No ticket to the Cyberiad, huh?" "Again, rethink. He'sss eksssactly the perssson NT isss looking for. Guy hasss dirt on his CV and isss hunted by the Ssssyndiess? You can ussse that. He knowsss to much? No need to make him vanisssh, jussst tell him that you're gonna dump him back on Dalsssstadt, preferrably sssomeplace where the sssyndiess and the copsss wissssh eachother goodnight. Nothing keepsss people in line than the threat of indirect ekssssecution." "That's... huh." The lizard continues: "Yeah. anywaysss, pack up. We're going to the fanciesst ressstaurant in town and eating asss much asss we can." He produces a tape recorder from his mantle. Its' spool is diligently spinning. "I thought you've been working for NT for a bit? This isn't a special case or anything, right?" "You are right, thisss wassn't even that fucked up of a cassse, nor a hard one, however-", the Unathi picks up the disc featuring the record-speed amputation and wobbles it a bit infront of him, "-thisss little thing just won me a fat bet." "You take bets on your cases?" "You don't? Anywaysss grab your ssstuff, we're leaving. Ah, yessss, one lassst thing." "Hm? What is it?" "Good work, Detective Thompssson.", He clicks the tape recorder off, it's soft, mechanical humming dying down. ADDENDUM: Didn't even get to read half of the fucking stuff about em. Ain't my job to ask questions. Says here they actually approved him, though. Godspeed, Doctor. - M.
    1 point
  39. I have decided to disrupt my current flow of posting art I have drawn months ago in lieu of showing everyone this Chikitita in drip
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  40. Posted this image in the art channel on the discord a while back and told people to draw their spaceman over it I could not have imagined the amount of responses it would get, holy shit. All credit to @HandyBoy for putting them all together in one place! It sums up paradise perfectly, lol, I love it.
    1 point
  41. I used to be rather neutral on bridge hoboing but... It's gotten rather out of hand and after thinking more about it it just doesn't make sense from a roleplay and rules standpoint. One you're, as previously stated, standing outside of a high security area. Two oftentimes miniature bars and the like are built in a hallway that slow traffic down in that area. An area which, as many know, is frequented by security often dragging in people who are under arrest or are responding to a call for help. Very reasonably you could argue bridge hoboing is a workplace hazard as it gives criminals a potential chance to escape and has the potential to slow down security's response to trouble. Now from an admin stand point: It's pretty low roleplay behavior and far too often do I see doctors, security officers, etc bridge hoboing.
    0 points
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