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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2021 in all areas

  1. moar Commission for @Zergspowerof their character Izla with his partner (who belongs to Baltistia) Nika !
    9 points
  2. Basically what the lid says. Re-enable the heirophant ruin in the config. Heirophant is a fun fight and it is a shame it was disabled. It being disabled was the right option at the time however. The staff was just too strong. However, now the staff only works on lavaland, so its basically only useful for strip mining. More mining loot that is good for actually mining is a good thing. Imo there is no reason for heirophant to be disabled anymore because its unga bunga kill all nukies staff has been nerfed to a state in which it has no offensive abilities on station.
    7 points
  3. Shitters who cry “improve don’t remove” on the git with no real context for anything or any drive themselves to improve said thing. If you’re going to crusade with this, fucking improve it yourself. Same also applies for people who scream “the git is slow you do fuck all”, while also providing no real solution to things other than “work harder” This post is half “pet peeve” half “Y’all need to fucking grow up”
    3 points
  4. I would be fine for re-enabling it.
    2 points
  5. More art I'll throw here as well! Drew my girlfriend's diona, Embrace of Destiny Under a Lonesome Sun. She exists to lie about cowboys and hand out nerf weapons. Diona gestalt wearing a tree trunk head with sunglasses Art of my vox chikitita and my friend's drask viisk-hoorm-vroo swapping bodies drawn from a joke after watching a bodyswap movie Jakki Rockatansky drawn for @Jakki's birthday and my friend's drask in 2000s red carpet clothing. Why were we so obsessed with jeans.
    2 points
  6. Some art of my character lately \
    2 points
  7. More post-round doodles. Fiona Phillips and Angel Anide working together to be horrible horrible influences to Tidal (underage drinking) at Idunn's horrified and panicked expense.
    1 point
  8. The empty box idea has my vote.
    1 point
  9. I can once more contribute to this thread make that three
    1 point
    1 point
  11. Absolutely fucking not. Given how much IPCs heal from these (40 units of welding fuel and 2 entire spools of wire is enough to res them from being entirely dead) compared to how much a medical epipen does is far too much, not to mention you're giving them roundstart tools. This is essentially the same as giving a human an advanced trauma kit and advanced burn kit at roundstart. I have mained IPC for the past 3 years and just dumped my box contents roundstart. I would honestly be fine with an empty box. Yes IPCs get damaged easily, theres no doubt in that, however they shouldn't be given tools at roundstart, much less tools that outclass what robotics are given at roundstart.
    1 point
  12. You mean stuff that's well above their pay grade, none of their business and perhaps even classified? The bridge is, admittedly, in a VERY terrible spot on Boxstation. However... this is a mentality we've been wanting to break for quite some time. Many command players find it quite obnoxious, and while, yes, you can say "Just close the front shutters!" (a feature we specifically added to try and curb bridge hoboing) there's a few problems with that. A) Only the captain really has the authority to close it. This is a smaller issue, granted. B) If you, as captain, do decide to close them, you will be met with even worse issues. Between other command staff walking in, going "wtf" and opening them again for next to no reason (research directors do this in robotics too and it annoys the shit out of me if I'm busy), and people spam knocking/ banging/ BREAKING the windows down because their opera curtains just shut on them... it's even more of a headache. This isn't getting into some of the other issues. Part of the reason we had to crack down on meta cliques after a while was because it screws over antagonists--large groups of people congregating in maintenance or public areas often denies antagonists a remote chance of taking on their objectives or converting people. The only solutions often end up being "wait until the leave", which they often won't until its too late, or "attack and kill ALL of them at once, in public". Do any of these sound ideal to you? I don't think so. The same problems apply to bridge hoboing, a problem debatably even worse because it's in full view of command staff, a hop-skip-and-jump away from the brig, and jam packed with other people. There are several other places to hang around in, that aren't as public or secure, and don't cause as many problems. Some of those areas could certainly stand to be made more interesting, perhaps... and I hope that's something we look into, alongside disencouraging people from hanging around the front of the bridge. Perhaps the bridge could be moved somewhere else, with windows only looking out into space. If command wants to interact with crew, they very much have the means to do so on their own terms, and there are many situations where that is a must.
    1 point
  13. Much like any legal profession, conduct has pretty much everything to do with your success. You'll never win, even if your case is watertight, if you're conducting yourself like an asshole. Forgive me if I nerd out a bit, but my boyfriend is a hunky lawyer, so I know a little about this through osmosis. In court, your ability to succeed as an officer of the court (which is a major moving part of what the Magistrate is - they may more taste like a Judge, especially when presiding over a case, but in their day to day, they're as much a lawyer as they are an adjudicator, building a case AND applying law) has equal parts to do with not only having a sound case, but presenting it in a calm and collected manner, following the standards laid out for you to a T. Security, especially in round where they are busy enough to be making legitimate mistakes purely out of their workload and not just being bald, is probably not going to waste their time with you, obligated or not, if you're screeching as loudly and obstinately as the greytider they just brigged 15 minutes for minor trespass. As a Warden, if CC were to bother sending an NT agent over to lecture me for ignoring the magistrate, I'm pretty sure given they're operated by administrators, I could make a pretty good case out of "Look, I get this is an SOP violation, but the Magistrate is behaving as a gibbering fool while we're already overloaded - if I get the time, I'll crack open the space law book and review a sentence if he tells me to, but two of our guys just got nabbed by changelings and there's tiders everywhere, I just don't have the time for another space asshole right now." It works this way in the real world - if you violate the Rules of Civil Procedure, you risk your case, your license, and even being litigated by your client for blowing it - even if the case was unloseable otherwise. I can very easily see the burden of blame shifting from shitsec TO the Magistrate under the eyes of a very pissed Naval Officer if he's been a gibbering scrunt about it all shift, given ultimately it was his baldness that prevented security from changing course. "The state of security is ultimately your blame - you were charged with overseeing their legal processes and dropped the ball so completely that you've made it arguably worse. That's a problem I'm here to correct." Conversely, the Magistrate should most certainly be feared by security if they're speaking softly and carrying a big stick. They have one of the single most terrible powers behind them - the NT Legal Division, a dark council of litigious corporate misers with one goal in mind: cull liability at any other reasonable cost. If, even during a chaotic round, a Magistrate pulls the Warden aside and mentions, "Warden, I appreciate you're busy, but when you get a moment, this prisoner's sentence is 10 minutes too long and he was already in processing for 5 minutes - please adjust the timer as soon as you can" and they get told directly to suck shit or are completely ignored, you can and should absolutely expect that within 30 minutes, the Warden's ID will be at the HoP Line for demotion. The Head of Security should get sweaty palms the moment one of his charges gets snitty with an amicable Magistrate. CentComm - again, as operated by admins - should absolutely be ready to be the sharpest sword sprung forth against a security team (and doubly so if Command does not support him) that ignores a competent and collected Magistrate, to the degree that the clearinghouse that comes from it risking the round for the crew. The Cyberiad is one station out of thousands - and if it means it burns to avoid a class action lawsuit from the unseen estates of harmbatonged crewmen or a union they missed busting worth several times the installation itself, so be it. Security should be aware that playing dirty willfully to the degree of snubbing the guidance that is the robust Magistrate will come at a tangible cost - one not worth taking one minute to adjust a timer, release a prisoner, or otherwise whatever is prudent. A polite word to an offending security officer and the HoS, Command when that fails, and finally a fax to CC where appropriate should readily draw the dreaded, omnipotent, titanic spotlight of Trurl attention onto the Cyberiad. Long story short - shitty Magistrates should fear Centcomm more than Security should fear a Magistrate.
    1 point
  14. Fuck it, then, throw the book at them. Give the traitors more TC, have an extra smaller chance for extra side antagonists to spawn (swarmers or terrors, for example). Alternatively, have the wizard's death automatically render useless all the items they've exclusively summoned. Fizzle out, delete, explode, whatever... although, granted, this would likely be quite difficult to code. It would, perhaps, be the better response. At first, yes--until the feature becomes more well known. That said... if someone goes "well, wizard is dead mission accomplished okay bye" and cryos out, I'd be more oriented to say the round is better off without that person. It's not that difficult to find something to do that doesn't involve killing an antagonist.
    1 point
  15. Name of Event: NanoTrasen Training Day One Sentence Description: Time to teach the Crew how to be a better Crew! Map Changes: No/Maybe? (Admemes spawning certain things may make it easier, see below [mostly Sec/Engi stuff]) Suggested Number of Players: Any, though higher pop could be a tad messier but "train" more people. Full Description of Event: An idea I've been toying with in my head for a while has been a semi-event/semi-changed Extended Roundtype where the Crew has a "Training Day" where assistants, staff members, and other crew cross-train or straight up learn new departments for a Shift. This could be a weekly thing at specified times where new players or experienced players can swap ideas and "training" ICly to try to teach new players or simply interested players how to do certain things in their departments. For example, Atmospherics can have a SM Setup tutorial, Security can do arrest drills with fake "antags" with some Syndie gear to play practically "tag" with, Science can do Toxins, RND, Robotics and such, and medical can just beat the shit out of some humanized monkeys and teach how to fix different races without worrying about SUPER SERIOUS injuries from the crew, Mining can do Megafauna training, and perhaps a SOO or Naval Officer can discuss proper Command behavior or SoP with aspiring future Heads or current ones. This would be something a Captain can decide to do in an Extended round, but you never REALLY know if its Extended or if its just a precursor to an Admeme event anyway. Hence why a CC Announcement of such a "Training Day" would be a big 'OK' that youre not gonna get T-Spider'd or some other spooky midround while teaching how the Turbine works. In a more OOC focus, perhaps allow Mentors or experienced Crew teach in voice comms some of the training as well. While this breaks SOME of the IC immersion, It may be useful to answer some harder or more nuanced questions. While this turns it more into a COMMUNITY event than an IC one, I really do think it would be helpful. Perhaps, if we would want to take it one step further, make it an Announced event on Discord or such, so that people can turn up if they wish to partake. This idea has been bouncing around my head for a bit, so any feedback or suggestions are 100% welcome!
    1 point
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