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  1. 8 points
  2. This'll be a bit of a long post regarding an idea I had for a new antagonist, so here we go. General Information: They are solo non-conversion antagonist. The amount spawned in the gamemode would be 1 + (num of players / 8) Antagonist mechanics: Knowledge points: This is the equivalent of swarmer points to sorcerers, they have a starting maximum of 100, are obtained through absorbing items and are spent in abilities. Arcane Torch: This is the only ability that sorcerers spawn with, it has no cooldown and it's effect is summoning/unsummoning an ethereal hand that baps items to drain them, and giving the sorcerer X amount of points depending on the item. A specific sorcerer can only absorb one type of item per game, so you cannot absorb a red toolbox twice. Absorbed items are easily recognizable as they are gray, have a special name/description, and are rendered useless. Absorbing an item leaves your fingerprint on it. Here's an example on how absorbing an item looks like: Leveling up: Sorcerers have levels, you start at level 1 and get the ability to level up when you reach your maximum knowledge points (100 for the most part). Leveling up awards the sorcerer with a couple of goodies depending on the level: Every level you level up, you are given a choice between 3 spells, the effect of these spells depend on the effect of the items you absorbed (if you absorb a lot of combat items, you have a higher chance of combat spells, medical items for healing, and so on). Choosing one of these spells grants you the spell. (all of this spell stuff is explained soon). Every two levels you level up (lvl 2, 4, 6...), you are allowed to upgrade one of your spells, the upgrade depends on the spell. Spells: Spells are the sorcerer's abilities, they are gained and upgraded by leveling up, and these are their unique quirks: Not all of your spells are active at once. Each time you level up, you randomly replace your current active spells with 4 random spells from all spells you own. Only active spells can be activated, the rest cannot be seen / used. Spells do not have a cooldown, but they consume knowledge points to activate and charges, each spell has their specific amount of charges, and each time you use a spell, one charge is consumed. Consuming all charges off a spell removes it as an active spell. Here is an example of the active spell mechanic: The one part I have not come up with yet are appropiate objectives, but ideally they'll be revealed to the sorcerer when they level up to a specific level (10, 15?). Posting this to see what the general opinion is, before I continue coding.
    6 points
  3. Not a screenie, but me too dum, bear with me. Was traitor, got a partner robobrain in humanized monkey, and dressed up as Sol Marines. We got caught and went to cryo. Afterwards Admin Bryan asked me if i'm in for some more RP. Got to be Sol Liason sent to investigate the incident, together with one man ERT escort. Sol Butter: "I am curious as to what were these fake marines doing with these identies?" Sol Butter: "Were they commiting crimes?" Hos Fiona: "They weren't doing anything in particular, just stolen valour" RD Park: "John Hammond was one of our scientist, and the only thing we know was that they had robot monkey" ERT Paulson: "Robot monkey, hmm? Sol Butter: "Robot monkey?" Hos Fiona: "Robot monkey would've been "Hines" then." RD Park: "Monkey with robotic brain" ERT Paulson: "What the hell are you people doing out here?" RD Park: "Research and devolpment" Hop Amira: "Science" ERT Paulson: " :h robot fucking monkeys, i oughta kick y-" Sol Butter: "Wait, you are saying monkey disguised as marine fooled you, at least momentarily?" Sol Butter: "How in the hells" Hos Fiona: "It had charmaleon gear" Sol Butter: "How did you mistake monkey in uniform as real marine?" Sol Butter: ":h Monkey disguised as marine, and they needed CC confirmation to tell it was fake?" Hos Fiona: "We only noticed when it jumped the intern" Sol Butter: "Jumped the..?" Sol Butter: ":h do these people think we recruit from jungle?"
    4 points
  4. Surgery. Surgery is one of the finer points of medical treatment, and surprisingly not a lot of people know how to do it well. Competent surgeons are few and far between, and you will be showered in praise (and maybe karma) if you're one of the better ones. This guide is intended to teach people the basics of surgery, as well as cover some of the things the wiki may or may not have missed. This guide doesn't cover IPC surgery because they suck, due to 99% of the tips here being irrelevant on them. Step one: Operating room setup The most important part of surgery starts before a patient enters the operating room. Preparation for surgery is very very important, and can mean the difference between life and death, or getting a patient out in one minute or three. A good operating room setup, in my experience, has a nanomed, a beaker and dropper of mitocholide (yell at chemistry), an IV with hydrocodone (yell at chemistry), a duffel bag full of surgery tools including an incision management system (yell at RND), a defibrillator, and the box of blood IVs from the back room. Taking a nanomed at the start of the round and putting it in an operating room is recommended, as it can save you from having to rush out of the operating room mid surgery for supplies. Taking one of the lesser used ones, such as the one in medbay reception, will make the medical doctors less angry at you. You can throw the locker of medical equipment and anesthetic tanks in the back room. You'll hopefully never use them. This step is completely optional, but can save you and your patients a lot of time. Step two: Pre-Surgery First off, wash your hands. This prevents your patient from getting an infection, and should be done each before and after a surgery. Clicking on yourself with space cleaner works too, and is a lot faster. Then you need to decide what type of anesthetic you'll be using. Hydrocodone is ideal, as you can't overdose on it, and it's so very effective. Chemistry has to make it however, so don't count on it early on, or sometimes ever. Morphine is your next best bet, but be careful with dosage, as you can give your patient an addiction or overdose. The tank anesthetic that starts in the operating room is generally considered the worst, as it takes forever to put on and take off, doesn't work on vox and plasmamen, and will start suffocating the patient when it runs out. It can be used for long surgeries that would result in a heavy morphine addiction if you used that, but ether works a lot better in those cases. If you make a mistake with a surgery step, this means your patient does not have enough anesthetic, and must be given more. Step three: Actually doing the thing First off, make sure the patient isn't dead. Unless you're doing surgery on an unclonable race that's passed the defib threshold, revive your patient before operating, not after. For patients in critical condition, it's recommended you stabilize them somewhat, at least enough so they aren't actively dying. You can do this on the operating table, if you have a nanomed. You'll need to pop the patient in the body scanner in order to see what's wrong with them. If it's only one or two things, you can probably just remember them and won't need to print out a report. If you can't, print one out and keep it on hand. PRIORITIZE LIFE THREATENING INJURIES! If someone is actively dying from internal bleeding, fix that first before dealing with broken bones. It'll save a lot of blood and medication that would be otherwise wasted keeping them stable while you fiddle with their femur instead of doing something about their seventeen ruptured veins. KEEP THE PATIENT STABLE! This should be obvious, but don't let the guy die. This is mainly a matter of knowing which medications do what, and takes time to learn and master. Alternatively drag a medical doctor in and force them to do it. LEARN THE SURGERIES! Everyone starts out new. For beginners, having the surgery wiki page open is useful in a pinch, to know how to fix what (https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Surgery). If you forget a step, you can look at the operating table, which will show you the next step, as well as how much damage of each type the patient has. Eventually you'll memorize the steps for each and every surgery in the game, but the wiki and operating table can fill the gaps in your knowledge until then. If you don't know how to do one specific surgical procedure, like removing terror spider eggs, it's probably just organ manipulation. Most things are organ manipulation. Step four: The aftermath Congrats! You now have a healthy, non broken patient. Or do you? It's generally a good idea to quickly scan patients after surgery, to ensure they don't have any further injuries, and that you haven't given them an infection by accident. Messing up a surgery step can cause additional damage, so it's probably a good idea to fix that too before letting them wander off. Time to give them to the medical doctors so they can do the rest. And if the paramedic brings in another IPC, give them a firm slap and cart the poor sod off to robotics.
    3 points
  5. To put it upfront, life's been busy as hell lately in finding a place to live, going from one end of the state I'm in to the other and at the time of writing, potentially looking in a different state entirely due to the job opportunities available there. I'm finishing off the last year of a Bachelor's degree online and moving on to a Master's program not long after, but as a result of that I'm not able and wasn't able to do as much shit for para from near the beginning of this year till now and a little beyond that to the point I'm not sure if most of you goblins remember me being around! There's been a lot of big shit going on when it comes to staff politics and as much as it sucks to say it, there aren't enough hours in the day to knock that thing out. I'm hoping that others continue the surveys Shadey started (especially as it's nearing that time again!) and keeping up at least the occasional community meeting to let everybody know not only what's been going on on the back-end, but to take in new ideas and feedback from the people actually playing the thing. Para's been a pretty big part of my life for the last 7+ years going from 13 to 20, I could say it's practically raised me in some regard from how much time I spent on it, especially between 2013 and 2018, but at this point I'll likely have to take the longest break I've ever had from it just to make sure things are stable in life. If any of you goblins have questions, feel free to toss em in this thread, otherwise, just try not to burn the place down while I'm out, eh?
    2 points
  6. I just realized I never put this classic here, either
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. (I just googled finger-gun skeleton and it's already great)
    2 points
  9. ^ angel, who stands on my post and shouts confusing things or something hello!! I'm Tea ^^ iiiii am not exactly new at this point but I figured since my friends made threads I should too, so hi!! hello!! hai i started playing a little bit back in err... december ish? I think? And have only become more active in the past few months. I don't play too often since I tend to get too scared sometimes and just observe spend most of my time drawing or playing other games, but I always try to play over the weekends ! i am kind of baby 'cause of that, forgive me ive been roleplaying for a pretty long time (i have an embarrassingly long list of places i have roleplayed on as a kid to teen), took a break in my mid teens and para finally got me into it again and i've been having fun! i have a few characters, but i mostly play Angel Anide & sometimes Malibu Acheflow. I dooonn't know many jobs so I kinda just blink and end up in medchem all the time, but I wanna push through my anxiety and try new things eventually!!!! i tend to draw like, a lot, cause rp makes my brain go brrr so i have an art thread too if you wanna check it out ! SO UH YEAH!! sorry for the rambles but hai!!!!!!!! ^__^
    1 point
  10. Goal - Send X amount of power back to CC Setup method Clear a large area on lavaland. And place down drills a distance apart from each other, and activate them. These drills could be orderable from cargo or the machine boards orderable and require science to build them? These drills would then start a timer until they complete. During this time, they would disturb the local wildlife. Hoards of lavaland fauna would attempt to attack the drills, and destroy them. It would be the miners and engineers jobs to keep the machines defended and repaired with nanopaste. After the drills have completed drilling, pumps would be placed over the drill holes. These pumps would pump plasma deep underground superheating it, and producing power. This power would be routed into a “power beamer” of sorts, which would blast this concentrated energy back to CC for cargo points. The power beamer’s machine board would be ordered from CC then constructed using high tier science parts. Balancing The more holes you drill, the more power you make, at the cost of disturbing the wildlife each time. Drilling a new hole creates a massive surge of mobs to fight, maintaining a power plant would create a small trickle of mobs. This means that a few powerplants are easy to maintain, however they will complete the goal slowly. Setting up lots of power plants produces more power however you might get overwhelmed with mobs. New lavaland fauna The burrower. A snake like creature that lives underground. Rarely surfaces, unless there is an earthquake or a disturbance in the ground… such as drilling into it. They don’t “move” instead they pop up out of the ground then dig back under, getting slowly closer to their target. They do high damage, however they have low health so you have to shoot them in the brief periods in which they surface. Why is it good for the game? It adds more variety to rounds, giving miners and engineers more to do. Also, @AffectedArc07 wants his argent. Rewards and such are up for discussion.
    1 point
  11. [NT ALERT: FILE MAY BE OUTDATED.] Name: R.I.C.O. Status: Missing Positronic Brain Age: 17 Years Chassis Age: <1 Year Gender: Genderless Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Biography: Subject is unwilling to share details before working at Nanotrasen. Subject was convinced to sign the NT employment contract on February 4, 2560 while intoxicated. Subject stationed on NSS Redemption on April 15, 2560. Subject transferred to NSS Cyberiad, 2563. Subject went missing during exploring space near NSS Cyberiad, personality data wiped from the NAS Trurl database a week after via unknown source. 2563. Qualifications: Security Qualifications: Space Law: A- Coordination: B Arresting: B+ Processing: B- Brigging: B+ Engineering Qualifications: Atmospherics: B- Firefighting: A Construction: B Breach Sealing: A Science Qualifications: Toxins: B+ Xenobiology: D Chemistry: B+ Robotics: C R&D: B Genetics: F Medical Qualifications: Basic First-Aid: A- Advanced First-Aid: B Diagnosis: B+ Surgery: A Cloning: A- Combat Qualifications: Hand to Hand Combat: B+ Firearms Handling: A Marksmanship: B- Miscellaneous Qualifications: Botany: C+ Cleaning: B+ Command: C+ Employment Records: N/A CLEARANCE: SECURITY CLEARANCE: MEDICAL Personnel Photo: N/A Personality: N/A Appearance: 5'4 IPC, Morpheus Cybernetics dark-red colored chassis with backwards-facing antennae and the monitor screen known as goggles. Often wears a winter coat paired with a bee mask, jackboots, sunglasses, and a tacticool turtleneck.
    1 point
  12. Setting up the brigbay is what's fun about the role for a lot of brig doc players including myself.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. This was me at shift-end after obtaining the ablative armour vest by faking a hostage situation in which I was the alleged hostage. The moral of the story? Holding yourself hostage is hilariously good if you PDA the right person to negotiate
    1 point
  15. Looks like your average shuttle ride off the station.
    1 point
  16. Collapse on the floor and either cry or scream. Maybe both? I am very attached to Earth and gravity keeping me attached is the best thing ever. I don't want to be in space. The mere concept terrifies me. Even if we had tourism on the Moon or Mars and I could afford it, I'd not do it. On Earth, we still operate on a comprehensible scale. We are small, but we're still a somewhat noticeable part of the planet. However, once we leave we become so terrifyingly insignificant in the face of the universe, or even just our galaxy, that we might as well not exist.
    1 point
  17. Shitters who cry “improve don’t remove” on the git with no real context for anything or any drive themselves to improve said thing. If you’re going to crusade with this, fucking improve it yourself. Same also applies for people who scream “the git is slow you do fuck all”, while also providing no real solution to things other than “work harder” This post is half “pet peeve” half “Y’all need to fucking grow up”
    1 point
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. So you rolled/want to be a nuclear agent. This is hopefully a quick guide to not fall for "noob bait" and understand how your new job with the syndicate functions. If you are in an emergency and are reading this guide read "Basics of training." After scroll down to "HELP I HAVE 3 MINUTES BEFORE I DO WARCRIMES WITH OTHERS AS AN AGENT" and hope your fellow operatives aren't as bald as you. There are alot of things when it comes to nuclear operatives, if you're currently one and the syndicate needs you to be robust and nuke a station 5 minutes from now, scroll to the bottom for the small list of things to follow. All above is going to be in depth look at gear, kits, and what to grab from the station. Agents, operatives and you. As a nuclear operative it is a MUST to work together, your 5 (ish) against 60-140 people. That might seem like alot but understanding how the station functions and how you can take advantage of it is a must. Below is a list of what to expect once you declare war against the station. Cargo ordering guns. Everyone being armed and having AA Everyone looking for BLOOD RED HARDSUITS (and elite hard suits but that's for later) AI's with the idea they can attempt to door crush you (they can't but they try their hardest) Meth-head scientists with chairs that somehow made every chemcial in the time it took you to board. That one guy in toxins. The clown. Theres a few more but these above should always be expected. Things to take advantage of. 1. Like 90% of crew has AA and you have an agent ID, if you steal their ID and scan it, you can literally steal all access. 2. Cargo can easily be bombed, do that. 3. The AI is either very rude and door bolt happy or is a respectful observer, either way the AI sat is mostly unprotected and can be broken into easily to kill the eye in the sky, probably should have someone go do that. 4. Clown has banana peel, shoot the clown. 5. If you lose your gun, you can probably use the stations against them, expect them to be alot worse though compared to your superior and cooler gear. Basics of training. HELP DYING IN SPACE WHY!?!: Look at the image below, toggling your hardsuits mode impacts alot of things. For example if you can run fast or survive space, take a look at the image provided. Good note that if the helmet icon isn't there, then you need to click the suit, if the helmet icon does not display a light, you are in COMBAT mode. In combat mode you are NOT space proof but you have 0 movement penalty. WHERE DO I BUY GUNS PLEASE.: In your backpack is a radio, use it in your hand to open your uplink. Understanding what to grab and what to leave. A huge mistake new nuclear operatives make is taking wrong items and leaving correct ones. The list below follows the order of items you can see and what you should and shouldn't grab. 1. DIRECTLY INFRONT OF YOUR SPAWN there is what is referred to as "the funny" by some and others the "BRB" or the "Big Red Button" it is a very fun and extremely underused item that isn't just a joke. Planting any syndicate bomb for any amount of time and then pressing the "BRB" sets the timer to 5 seconds. This 5 second delay is to avoid accidents and for you to run away, I won't even show a picture because if you can't find a giant button in the middle of the spawn desk then you probably shouldn't be a nukie. 2. Below the spawn desk under an airlock area is an arrangement of lockers, one for each operative normally. Inside the lockers are 3 items of interest, these are the military belt, NV goggles and the crowbar. Reason for these is NV goggles allow you to see in the dark and normally as an operative you lack glasses anyways, crowbar is the LEAST grabbed tool as a nukie but you'd be surprised how many times firelocks get in the way. And finally the belt which can hold more things then you could imagine, including your trusty stetchkin. There is also an Ion cannon and mech recharger with a tool vendor for fixing things. Ion is used mostly against crew mechs and the recharger for your own. 3. The bathroom, being above to the east is more as a privacy area and character customization with a free bar of soap then anything else. There are mirrors to change hair color and style and a small room to have some privacy and do a chameleon suit in peace or go AFK. Do note if you go AFK I suggest you LOOC to your new found friends and inform them you will be back. Try not to AFK longer then 2-3 minutes as an operative, admins may give your body up or you might screw over your team with timings. 4. Heading into the nuclear shuttle to the west reveals the first bit of "noob bait" this is the "syndicate suit storage unit" room with a line of suit storage units filled with near useless things unless you're a reinforcement. DO NOT EVER IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN HARDSUIT USE THE "JETPACK HARNESS" Your suit can fit a oxygen tank in the suit storage and has a built in jetpack, use that for space propulsion. The actual gold is above in the corner hidden away. In the locker at the top right of the room contains bulldog shotguns, a military PDA to use PDA bombs from, stetchkin mags, a suspicious duffle bag, and some less then lethal grenades which include flashbangs which can be very useful against borgs and crew. On the table a useless intelicard because you're not carding the fricking AI and 1 free c4. 5. Directly below the room above is the medical section. If you're ever here you're probably doing something wrong but its a nice place to retreat to if you're not too injured but your medi-kit and or borg are missing. In the medical crate is replacement robotic limbs if one is broken or has IB and you can replace it rather then fix, and a free bone repair kit. The med-kits there are useful but combat med-kits which will be explored further will be below in the gear section. 6. Across from it is the explosives/teleporter room. This room exists to grab bombs and SOMETIMES build a teleporter, the parts to build the computer are around the shuttle and are easily found, if you can't find them you probably shouldn't be using the teleporter. (Teleporter board must be bought for 25 TC.) While in the bomb room who ever grabbed the "BRB" has to grab the suspicious beacons, these beacons send a high explosive ordinance to where ever they're used. Most of the time the person with the "BRB" and the beacons heads to cargo to cut off the supply of guns to crew. Make sure a plan is made between the people who wish to use these and the button. Aswell in the room there are 2 mini-bombs, useful for gibbing those you hate and area denial, trust me no one likes walking near these things and if you put one on top of someone they'll never bother you again, (COUGH VOX COUGH) 7. In the room pictured above, you must come to realize the superior object. The O2 Box. In this box there are O2 tanks, if you put one in any syndicate hardsuit's suit storage you can activate a jetpack, this will last you the entire shift unless you turn on stabilization and or are breathing the air. DO NOT EVER TURN ON STABILIZATION UNLESS THE SITUATION REQUIRES IT such as space-walk with the nuke. In your backpack you will have an O2 box, put the O2 tank of this box in your pocket and that will be your breathing air, separate from jetpack air. This air may run out and you may need to breath your jetpack air but it will last you awhile. (this is the o2 box i love him) 6. The very last room to know about is the cockpit, it is where as the commander, czar, team leader or anything else really control the shuttle, you can choose a custom location or northwest of the station. Do be careful most players will metaknowledge the northwest location and may attempt to board your shuttle, it is suggested you go somewhere else. If you go somewhere custom be sure to use your pin pointer to know which way the station is, it'd be terrible if 3/4 of the team floated the wrong way in space. To the left is a box of donk pockets (which are actually syndicate donk pockets, they have meth and a few other "helpful chemicals" (meth and stuff) but you have a high chance of addiction after consuming one, these also make the microwave useless. Theres also glass for the teleporter and a useless microwave, make sure to make fun of the microwave (for being useless) before looking in the bottom right corner to spot another armory locker with NVG's, a military belt and a crowbar, incase you're missing any. This concludes the gear and what to grab section. Next will be kits, gear and understanding how to properly sort inventory and spend telecrystals. One of the most important parts of being an operative is buying your kit, theres a simple formula for this and even if you're planning on doing a gimmick you should follow this. Main weapon cost + Adrenaline Implant + Combat med-kit + Hardsuit + Energy Sword + Emag + No slip shoes. The remaining telecrystals can be spent on ammo, more implants, bombs, reinforcements, and so many other things. I suggest allocating a bit of time to see your options and weigh the worth of you to your team before giving any crystals out. Example kits, strategies and weapons. If you're unsure what to buy and you wish to follow the formula of being a good nuclear agent, a good very unrobust friendly kit goes as follows. C20r bundle bag, 3 spare magazines of .45, 2 Adrenaline implants, 1 combat medkit, 1 shielded blood-red hardsuit, 1 energy sword and a pair of no slip chameleon shoes. The advantages of this kit are. Inexpensive and has enough TC left for alot of extra ammo, cybernetic implants and other fun toys. Allows for alot of versatility giving you a powerful SMG and suit that prevents damage completely with enough healing and anti-stuns to survive a bit of robusting, and an esword as a last resort and finisher. Also free syndicate dufflebag for maximum storage. Very newkie friendly, you click spess man with gun till horizontal and click with loud light saber, if your spess man goes horizontal use adrenaline and run away, I can't make this any simpler. Most kits bought with this formula will be competitively useful against the crew of the Cyberiad, an explanation of almost every weapon and gear will be below. (Images soon) Highly Visible and Dangerous Guns. L6: Expensive, useful if you wish to completely shred people while telling them "Yes, I spent 2/3's of my TC on ammo and this gun and I intend on using it all." Very fun, very useful but you need 2 hands open, probably for robust people only. C20r: Stamina SMG, completely broken currently when this was written and an amazing inexpensive choice for newkies and veteran operatives alike. Its main point is to quickly down and finish people off, it doesn't have the best stopping power in terms of damage but can still kill very well. Expect D-chat salt. M90 Carbine: Somewhat a compromise between the L6 and C20r, higher damage then the SMG but no stamina with more expensive ammo. Comes with a fanch 40mm grenade launcher that really sucks to get hit by, recommend basing an entire gimmick around it as its a TC sink similar to the L6. Bulldog Shotgun: Amazing fast high capacity shotgun, the bundle is purchasable for a varity of ammo including incinderary buckshot. The bulldog chews through ammo but is easy to replace, one of the main guns gimmick ops go for since they get some for free in the locker. Stetchkin: A under used idea for operatives, very easy to maintain and has speciality ammo for armored people. Doesn't pack an insane punch but unloading a stetchkin into someone will make sure they won't get up, mostly used as a side-arm and you get one for free. Flamethrower: Complete gimmick weapon, you better be named something fire related and in an elite hardsuit, avoid CM tier friendly fire (pun totally intended) and expect to die fast, fire isn't the best at killing and is more of a deterrent to people trying to come in a room and kill you. Syndicate Sniper Rifle: The true way to remove AI's quickly, mostly used as utility by veterans and sometimes as the main weapon as nuclear operatives named "Sniper TF2" it can be loaded with specialty ammo such as penetrator rounds to dispatch of people through walls, sleeping bullets because why not, and hemorrhaging bullets if you really want to make someone have 0% blood. Regular bullets can blow organs and limbs out and off respectively, including heads. Boom, headshot. Donksoft: Used as utility for easy stuns against crew without wasting ammo and not requiring to get close, mostly used by people who buy the clown kit (because that exists.) Syringe gun: Yes... this exists and probably needs to be removed. Its just a syringe gun you can buy meme chems for that work better as gas since 90% of crew has armor that syringes can't penetrate, and if they do it would have been better if you shot them with literally anything else. Not recommended to buy even as a gimmick. Useful gear. Syndicate Chainsaw: An extremely risky but very rewarding melee weapon, used by mostly people with shielded hardsuit and adrenals to recover quickly, and rarely by elite hardsuit people, it stun upon hit and does immense damage, can even turn people to meat. Combat Medic Kit: One of the must grabs, gives you a combat stimulant injector and synthflesh automender, one of the few ways to heal. CQC Manual: Situational, and you need to understand how to use it properly, can get you out of tight situations and can be very useful as a stealth operative. Not recommended for new players. Combat Gloves Plus: Just krav maga + combat gloves, easier martial art to use and can be very good if someone is rushing you, makes punches also quite deadly. May be something to look into if you have extra TC. Composition X4: C4 with alot of extra kick, very good for breaching walls if they can't be broken, alittle expensive but its the fast way to do things. Can be put on throwing stars for a fun gimmick. Composition C4: Its just terrible, sometimes doesn't even break glass, sometimes breaks entire walls. Cheap and free in the shuttle, useful for cheaper C4 + throwing star combos. Viscerator Delivery Grenade: Gimmick grenade, when thrown spawns Viscerators which deal 15 brute, one of the easiest things to forget to use, will not attack other operatives though. Honk-brand Infiltration Kit: Honk. Energy Shield: Extremely useful to newer operatives and veterans as well, makes lasers even more useless. A 100% chance to reflect lasers back at the person shooting you, but doesn't block anything else. Most crew might use combat shotguns so this may be useless alot of crew, but when lasers are used and thrown at you, this can save your life. Thermal Drill: Only use is to exist to open a safe if the captain decides thats a perfect place to put the NAD. Expect to never buy it and when you do need it that one time you'll never have it. Elite Hard-Suit: The elite hardsuit is the other option for hardsuits, its cheap at 8tc and it has superb damage negation, its job is to NEGATE not prevent. It has its use and is my personal choice but if you're new, not recommended due to how risky taking any form of damage is. If you're comfortable healing and understanding when you need to retreat and understanding and the risks (IB, broken bones) then its an amazing choice. Shielded Hard-Suit: The shielded hardsuit is the other choice between the two hardsuits, it provides a shield that prevents damage while leaving you semi squishy on the inside, its not bad armor just theres always better. The shielded hardsuit keeps you safe for a few shots, completely preventing damage, apon the shield breaking you'll take substantial damage and require to retreat, avoid dropping shield. Its the clear more expensive choice for newer players and isn't a bad choice if you use it to the fullest if you're confident in your abilities. Cyborgs & Mech & Reinforcements. Medical Cyborg: Honestly just buy a medkit, it can be really useful especially if you tell it to load you up on nanties but its... just comparable to a medkit that you can't control and can die. Saboteur Cyborg: Semi robust, gets meta tested easily and can die fast outside operative help, if it can actually sabotage it can single handedly destroy station, or some blueshield who asked AI flashes it once and it died. Combat Cyborg: The literal glass cannon, dies pretty dang fast under direct fire but steamrolls every single thing it fires at. An L6, and a grenade launcher stun and drain all it can see, expect it to do some work but for 60tc you're better off with the next thing. Reinforcement: The absolute best thing you can sink TC into, reinforcements are extra guns, and most importantly hands that can go under cover, loud, heal you, drag you away while firing, are EMP and flash resistant and just generally are strong. If you do get a reinforcement leave at least 10tc for them to buy something, most will buy no-slips and adrenals and live off the lockers and suit storages just fine, for example instead of buying a single medi borg, buying 1 reinforcement and giving him 10tc is an extra pair of hands that can take out at least 5 crew and serve as one hell of a distraction. If you're buying multiple for a gimmick it can be extremely strong having 8 operatives even if 4 are slightly less powerful then expected. Mauler: It.. doesn't die its scary I'll be honest. Its the strongest thing you can buy and its what you pay for, smoke is useless just spam scattershot and the carbine. Gygax: It's just a faster Mauler with less health, spam scattershot and absolutely destroy. (this will be finished close to last, other parts are easier) HELP I HAVE 3 MINUTES BEFORE I DO WARCRIMES WITH OTHERS AS AN AGENT WHAT I DO!?!?! This is a situation alot of people find themselfs in, this will be an extremely quick run-down of what to do, I recommend reading the above afterwards. Follow this formula and buy accordingly "Main weapon cost + Adrenaline Implant + Combat med-kit + Hardsuit + Energy Sword + Emag + No slip shoes." Recommended for newkies is C20r bundle bag, 3 spare magazines of .45, 2 Adrenaline implants, 1 combat medkit, 1 shielded blood-red hardsuit, 1 energy sword and a pair of no slip chameleon shoes. Remaining TC should be spent on more ammo and other things. Inform your team you're new, they may give you advice and help you out alot more then if they believed you where completely and totally confident, if you are but its your first time make sure that's known. Go to the bottom right of your nukie shuttle after your buy your hardsuit and open the "Internals box" with the O2 markings and put that in your suit storage, that is your jetpack oxygen and will be used to move around space. Do not enable stabilization unless its needed, it consumes alot of extra oxygen. In your backpack is an O2 box, use the suspicious oxygen tank in your pocket as your breathing air, if that runs out use the jetpack air. Make sure someone grabs the "Big Red Button" from the starting location table and the suspicious beacons, read above to understand why, if you don't just make sure someone else does. Prioritize getting "da fuking disk." Have fun, being a nukie shouldn't be annoying or tedious for you when you play it, understand how to properly board the station and stay calm, use gear to your advantage and stay as a group. More soon, with images maybe. (w.i.p will be done tomorrow or not. I'm tired.)
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