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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2021 in all areas

  1. This'll be a bit of a long post regarding an idea I had for a new antagonist, so here we go. General Information: They are solo non-conversion antagonist. The amount spawned in the gamemode would be 1 + (num of players / 8) Antagonist mechanics: Knowledge points: This is the equivalent of swarmer points to sorcerers, they have a starting maximum of 100, are obtained through absorbing items and are spent in abilities. Arcane Torch: This is the only ability that sorcerers spawn with, it has no cooldown and it's effect is summoning/unsummoning an ethereal hand that baps items to drain them, and giving the sorcerer X amount of points depending on the item. A specific sorcerer can only absorb one type of item per game, so you cannot absorb a red toolbox twice. Absorbed items are easily recognizable as they are gray, have a special name/description, and are rendered useless. Absorbing an item leaves your fingerprint on it. Here's an example on how absorbing an item looks like: Leveling up: Sorcerers have levels, you start at level 1 and get the ability to level up when you reach your maximum knowledge points (100 for the most part). Leveling up awards the sorcerer with a couple of goodies depending on the level: Every level you level up, you are given a choice between 3 spells, the effect of these spells depend on the effect of the items you absorbed (if you absorb a lot of combat items, you have a higher chance of combat spells, medical items for healing, and so on). Choosing one of these spells grants you the spell. (all of this spell stuff is explained soon). Every two levels you level up (lvl 2, 4, 6...), you are allowed to upgrade one of your spells, the upgrade depends on the spell. Spells: Spells are the sorcerer's abilities, they are gained and upgraded by leveling up, and these are their unique quirks: Not all of your spells are active at once. Each time you level up, you randomly replace your current active spells with 4 random spells from all spells you own. Only active spells can be activated, the rest cannot be seen / used. Spells do not have a cooldown, but they consume knowledge points to activate and charges, each spell has their specific amount of charges, and each time you use a spell, one charge is consumed. Consuming all charges off a spell removes it as an active spell. Here is an example of the active spell mechanic: The one part I have not come up with yet are appropiate objectives, but ideally they'll be revealed to the sorcerer when they level up to a specific level (10, 15?). Posting this to see what the general opinion is, before I continue coding.
    6 points
  2. Hello! Its about time I introduced myself, been lurking the forums without saying much for too long. Anyways, I play Jacob Pearls, your most hated loved Vulpkanin, yes! that guy who screams and pushes people down in maintenance. Well... paradise was my first SS13 Server, been playing around a full year now. Honestly I love to roleplay althought, most of the times I don’t get the chance of doing so, I’ve met some great people here and I hope to meet even more! English is not my main language
    5 points
  3. I'm double posting and you can't stop me.
    4 points
  4. Aaand I am back with more.
    3 points
  5. Hey everyone! Updates are solid this month, also I've been tied up in learning trialmin stuff so I haven't hadn't a ton of time to work on stuff. But here's everything that's going on. Licensing is a thing that we've really dropped the ball on. After some discussion, ALL IMAGES need to have licenses included on the page(I'm working on doing this en masse with tools). However, if you upload an image to the wiki YOU MUST specify the license it uses. There is an option when uploading to select the license, when in doubt, use CC-BY-SA 3.0 it covers the majority of sprites in our codebase, anything created by our server contributors or taken from another server without special license(goonstation) is covered under this. If you know that the image you're using is a goon asset, use CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0. Otherwise, if you're uploading a wiki specific image (flowchart, diagram, splash, etc) please use GNU 1.3+. Please manually add them(copy and paste into file wikitext) if you're updating an image. Otherwise, me or shadey are going to virtually slap you. What needs to be done on the Wiki: Apparel needs to be rewritten(in progress, please help) ERT needs to be rewritten. I'm currently working on that right now Special Event Roles needs to be rewritten (details on the page) it also needs some kind of Gif Icon uploaded Starters Guide to Admin Tools needs to be updated (more admin stuff) AI Modules needs to be updated to be in line with recent PRs Containers needs to be expanded, see the Needs revision description on page Cyborg should have more explanation regarding cyborg UI and have a mention of the diagnostic menu. Engineering items needs to be looked over for missing items and the styling made uniform Guide to Virology needs to have info regarding viruses being invisible to med HUDs until final stage ID Card needs ALL of its images updated to be in line with ID Card resprite PR Implants is still missing some implants and should be expanded to have more explanatory material rather than just tables Janitor is missing the holosign projecter in its table Medical Items is missing items and medkits should list items with sprites like in Supply Crates Pets is missing Pete Random Events has lots of outdated info and its styling needs to be brought up to speed Setting up the Database needs to be updated to reflect TOML PR Template:Species needs to recieve a styling makeover sooner or later Telecommunications needs info about user filtering Guide to Atmospherics needs to have heat exchangers included in the guide Implants needs more explanatory content added to it Vendors needs AI upload vendors added + more explanatory material added These Pages need to be written: Guide to Cleaning Guide to Command/Leadership Service Items Derelict Researcher Derelict Researcher (needs to be written also) Courtroom needs to be filled out Electrical Maintenance Needs to be filled out Meta and Delta location need to filled out and added(image files that is) other shit I can't be bothered to add, see: Maintenance Panel July Change Log: Sol traders has a proper icon now Secure Storage's contents have been corrected EFTPOS has been added to Misc Items Vendors has been put into a table and all most missing vendors has been added Supply Crates has been put into tabs and completely brought up to date with ALL item sprites thanks to @Quacks Proper sorting for tables has been implemented on most articles Disambiguation Pages Update: Items Weapons and Armour New fancier styling updated with more pertinent articles Lots of awesome grammatical spelling correction made across articles thank to @PopeDaveThe3th Some outdated info on sec pages have been cleaned up thanks @Vulkoras Guide to Medical has been updated thanks to @Woje Licensing Information added to Wiki thanks to Shadey MediaWiki:Licenses Template:CCBYSA Template:GFDL Template:CCBYNCSA Guide to Hydroponics Chemical information has been put in a collapsible table and updated thanks to @Pckables Various updated to Guide to Food and Drinks as well as many drinks being put in recursive templates Fernet and Adminfreeze were added along with their respect recursive templates Bee explosion and various other corrections added in Guide to Chemistry thanks to @farie82 Additions made to Guide to Contributing thanks to @Charliminator MediaWiki:LoginHelp has been updated to reflect Host switchover I also added a giant ass HELP ME button for those who are confused Apparel has had some expansions made to it Added more equipment and info to Janitor Locations templates have been updated Template:Locations is now based on the station the location template uses Template:LocationsMeta Template:LocationsDelta and Template:LocationsBox have been created Location template now has variable for Station name(determines which template is used for locations) Template:Location has been completely restyled and image overflow issues fixed The following Locations pages have been created Electrical Maintenance Escape Checkpoint Showroom Arrivals Customs Escape Customs Courtroom Containment has been brought out of archive and the old box containment moved to Containment/OldBoxStation Derelict Nanotrasen Research Station has been created and updated Telecoms Sattelite/Old Service Hallway Template:Archive has been restyled, formatted better, and expanded Proper gifs and cypher keys has been added to Headset Songs/Blues has been created I have begun categorizing every article and building a proper category tree for our wiki Honk Squad has been given the out of rotation template (I'm considering moving this to Special Event Roles) Nucleation moved from obsolete to out of rotation Protolathe and Circuit Imprinter condensed into Research Items original pages turned into redirects the BSG has also been added to this page Clarifications made to Cultist regarding cleaning Summon rune Template:Broken_Feature added for bugged stuff like the Honk/Resisnence mech Legal SOP has recieved clarifications regarding Mindshielding Space Law has had some of its contraband updated as well as clarifications made to Grand Theft This Months Contributors that I haven't recognized yet: @Xerdies @Longpipe23 @PacifistDalek Good work this month everyone, we're making solid progress. The fact that I feel dead on the inside from having to write this months update means that a lot of shit has got done (enough that I literally can't add all of it). Edits this month have been some heavy organizational stuff which is just upping the quality of our wiki by a lot. Every day we get closer to the goal of scholastic perfection. if you were @'d on this post it means that you contributed meaningfully to our wiki in some aspect and I'd hope you are willing to stay around another month to keep doing so. If you want to get involved with editing the wiki and don't know how, @ me on the discord and I'll happily sit down and teach you stuff when I get the chance. I hope to continue doing this every month. Here is a syntax guide for those who are curious As always, thanks for the hard work everyone!
    3 points
  6. The same Jacob Pearls I met on Skyrat?
    3 points
  7. This is an old one but I love it.
    3 points
  8. To put it upfront, life's been busy as hell lately in finding a place to live, going from one end of the state I'm in to the other and at the time of writing, potentially looking in a different state entirely due to the job opportunities available there. I'm finishing off the last year of a Bachelor's degree online and moving on to a Master's program not long after, but as a result of that I'm not able and wasn't able to do as much shit for para from near the beginning of this year till now and a little beyond that to the point I'm not sure if most of you goblins remember me being around! There's been a lot of big shit going on when it comes to staff politics and as much as it sucks to say it, there aren't enough hours in the day to knock that thing out. I'm hoping that others continue the surveys Shadey started (especially as it's nearing that time again!) and keeping up at least the occasional community meeting to let everybody know not only what's been going on on the back-end, but to take in new ideas and feedback from the people actually playing the thing. Para's been a pretty big part of my life for the last 7+ years going from 13 to 20, I could say it's practically raised me in some regard from how much time I spent on it, especially between 2013 and 2018, but at this point I'll likely have to take the longest break I've ever had from it just to make sure things are stable in life. If any of you goblins have questions, feel free to toss em in this thread, otherwise, just try not to burn the place down while I'm out, eh?
    2 points
  9. Surgery. Surgery is one of the finer points of medical treatment, and surprisingly not a lot of people know how to do it well. Competent surgeons are few and far between, and you will be showered in praise (and maybe karma) if you're one of the better ones. This guide is intended to teach people the basics of surgery, as well as cover some of the things the wiki may or may not have missed. This guide doesn't cover IPC surgery because they suck, due to 99% of the tips here being irrelevant on them. Step one: Operating room setup The most important part of surgery starts before a patient enters the operating room. Preparation for surgery is very very important, and can mean the difference between life and death, or getting a patient out in one minute or three. A good operating room setup, in my experience, has a nanomed, a beaker and dropper of mitocholide (yell at chemistry), an IV with hydrocodone (yell at chemistry), a duffel bag full of surgery tools including an incision management system (yell at RND), a defibrillator, and the box of blood IVs from the back room. Taking a nanomed at the start of the round and putting it in an operating room is recommended, as it can save you from having to rush out of the operating room mid surgery for supplies. Taking one of the lesser used ones, such as the one in medbay reception, will make the medical doctors less angry at you. You can throw the locker of medical equipment and anesthetic tanks in the back room. You'll hopefully never use them. This step is completely optional, but can save you and your patients a lot of time. Step two: Pre-Surgery First off, wash your hands. This prevents your patient from getting an infection, and should be done each before and after a surgery. Clicking on yourself with space cleaner works too, and is a lot faster. Then you need to decide what type of anesthetic you'll be using. Hydrocodone is ideal, as you can't overdose on it, and it's so very effective. Chemistry has to make it however, so don't count on it early on, or sometimes ever. Morphine is your next best bet, but be careful with dosage, as you can give your patient an addiction or overdose. The tank anesthetic that starts in the operating room is generally considered the worst, as it takes forever to put on and take off, doesn't work on vox and plasmamen, and will start suffocating the patient when it runs out. It can be used for long surgeries that would result in a heavy morphine addiction if you used that, but ether works a lot better in those cases. If you make a mistake with a surgery step, this means your patient does not have enough anesthetic, and must be given more. Step three: Actually doing the thing First off, make sure the patient isn't dead. Unless you're doing surgery on an unclonable race that's passed the defib threshold, revive your patient before operating, not after. For patients in critical condition, it's recommended you stabilize them somewhat, at least enough so they aren't actively dying. You can do this on the operating table, if you have a nanomed. You'll need to pop the patient in the body scanner in order to see what's wrong with them. If it's only one or two things, you can probably just remember them and won't need to print out a report. If you can't, print one out and keep it on hand. PRIORITIZE LIFE THREATENING INJURIES! If someone is actively dying from internal bleeding, fix that first before dealing with broken bones. It'll save a lot of blood and medication that would be otherwise wasted keeping them stable while you fiddle with their femur instead of doing something about their seventeen ruptured veins. KEEP THE PATIENT STABLE! This should be obvious, but don't let the guy die. This is mainly a matter of knowing which medications do what, and takes time to learn and master. Alternatively drag a medical doctor in and force them to do it. LEARN THE SURGERIES! Everyone starts out new. For beginners, having the surgery wiki page open is useful in a pinch, to know how to fix what (https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Surgery). If you forget a step, you can look at the operating table, which will show you the next step, as well as how much damage of each type the patient has. Eventually you'll memorize the steps for each and every surgery in the game, but the wiki and operating table can fill the gaps in your knowledge until then. If you don't know how to do one specific surgical procedure, like removing terror spider eggs, it's probably just organ manipulation. Most things are organ manipulation. Step four: The aftermath Congrats! You now have a healthy, non broken patient. Or do you? It's generally a good idea to quickly scan patients after surgery, to ensure they don't have any further injuries, and that you haven't given them an infection by accident. Messing up a surgery step can cause additional damage, so it's probably a good idea to fix that too before letting them wander off. Time to give them to the medical doctors so they can do the rest. And if the paramedic brings in another IPC, give them a firm slap and cart the poor sod off to robotics.
    2 points
  10. Got bored and generated these These are the largest threads we have on this forum. This only includes text content, no images. While some of these may seem small in the grand scheme of things (2.2mb on a 2TB SSD is nothing), you have to realise this is 2.2 megabytes of pure plain text, no images or extra stuff.
    2 points
  11. Of the 123,545,056 bytes (123.5MB) used on all of the posts on this entire forum, this thread accounts for 591,636 of them (591kb). Thats 0.4% of the entire forums storage on one thread. Also, zero.
    2 points
  12. Echo. I like the fact that brig bay is fairly bare bones and I can set it up however I like. You could say this stuff with lots/most of jobs on the station. Why doesn't the mechanic start with a space pod? Why aren't the solar's wired? Why does the engine have to be set up? The list goes on and on. Most of the jobs on the station are all about doing the same repetitive round start routine again and again. It's just a matter of which one of those routines you find entertaining for you.
    2 points
  13. [NT ALERT: FILE MAY BE OUTDATED.] Name: R.I.C.O. Status: Missing Positronic Brain Age: 17 Years Chassis Age: <1 Year Gender: Genderless Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Biography: Subject is unwilling to share details before working at Nanotrasen. Subject was convinced to sign the NT employment contract on February 4, 2560 while intoxicated. Subject stationed on NSS Redemption on April 15, 2560. Subject transferred to NSS Cyberiad, 2563. Subject went missing during exploring space near NSS Cyberiad, personality data wiped from the NAS Trurl database a week after via unknown source. 2563. Qualifications: Security Qualifications: Space Law: A- Coordination: B Arresting: B+ Processing: B- Brigging: B+ Engineering Qualifications: Atmospherics: B- Firefighting: A Construction: B Breach Sealing: A Science Qualifications: Toxins: B+ Xenobiology: D Chemistry: B+ Robotics: C R&D: B Genetics: F Medical Qualifications: Basic First-Aid: A- Advanced First-Aid: B Diagnosis: B+ Surgery: A Cloning: A- Combat Qualifications: Hand to Hand Combat: B+ Firearms Handling: A Marksmanship: B- Miscellaneous Qualifications: Botany: C+ Cleaning: B+ Command: C+ Employment Records: N/A CLEARANCE: SECURITY CLEARANCE: MEDICAL Personnel Photo: N/A Personality: N/A Appearance: 5'4 IPC, Morpheus Cybernetics dark-red colored chassis with backwards-facing antennae and the monitor screen known as goggles. Often wears a winter coat paired with a bee mask, jackboots, sunglasses, and a tacticool turtleneck.
    2 points
  14. Setting up the brigbay is what's fun about the role for a lot of brig doc players including myself.
    2 points
  15. I just realized I never put this classic here, either
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. *bows* Glad people are expanding the recursive templates on food and drink still! And thanks for putting together this post, nice to have an easy home to find stuff to work on!
    1 point
  18. I was Brig Phys this round, and the reveal was absolute peak comedic timing. When your partner's chameleon gear got stripped, and they suddenly just became "Monkey (349)" I was dying.
    1 point
  19. Oh hi :) Remember the wiki is a great resource for new players like you! Don't worry about people calling you a baldie. :)
    1 point
  20. Great guide mate, we can always use more competency in the medical department. I have a question in regards to this bit: Why do you insist on reviving before operating instead of after? I've had patients come in about an inch from death, with a billion damage in all types, every bone shattered, and internal bleeding in eight different places, no blood, ruptured lung etc. It's sometimes genuinely almost impossible to keep them stabilized due to the severe internal injuries, organ damage, and hemorrhaging that needs to be fixed before their vitals can get back up (this is especially true if it's early in the round and things like Perfluorodecalin aren't available yet.) In my experience it feels like it's often better to just operate on the body, while you don't need anesthetic (especially if Hydrocodone isn't available yet), their vitals aren't tanking and requiring constant attention, and then you can just defibrillate them back into green once you've fixed all the internal injuries. Granted, if they're around the 4 minute 30 second mark you obviously want to defib asap, but the five minute grace period for defibs seems SUPER lenient, and doing surgery on a body for a minute feels more efficient than struggling with anesthetic and stabilizing interventions for a longer period. I'm just curious as to what your thoughts are on that.
    1 point
  21. Great to see ya pop onto the forums!
    1 point
  22. Oh, apparently I forgot to post this one!
    1 point
  23. Not a screenie, but me too dum, bear with me. Was traitor, got a partner robobrain in humanized monkey, and dressed up as Sol Marines. We got caught and went to cryo. Afterwards Admin Bryan asked me if i'm in for some more RP. Got to be Sol Liason sent to investigate the incident, together with one man ERT escort. Sol Butter: "I am curious as to what were these fake marines doing with these identies?" Sol Butter: "Were they commiting crimes?" Hos Fiona: "They weren't doing anything in particular, just stolen valour" RD Park: "John Hammond was one of our scientist, and the only thing we know was that they had robot monkey" ERT Paulson: "Robot monkey, hmm? Sol Butter: "Robot monkey?" Hos Fiona: "Robot monkey would've been "Hines" then." RD Park: "Monkey with robotic brain" ERT Paulson: "What the hell are you people doing out here?" RD Park: "Research and devolpment" Hop Amira: "Science" ERT Paulson: " :h robot fucking monkeys, i oughta kick y-" Sol Butter: "Wait, you are saying monkey disguised as marine fooled you, at least momentarily?" Sol Butter: "How in the hells" Hos Fiona: "It had charmaleon gear" Sol Butter: "How did you mistake monkey in uniform as real marine?" Sol Butter: ":h Monkey disguised as marine, and they needed CC confirmation to tell it was fake?" Hos Fiona: "We only noticed when it jumped the intern" Sol Butter: "Jumped the..?" Sol Butter: ":h do these people think we recruit from jungle?"
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. (I just googled finger-gun skeleton and it's already great)
    1 point
  26. Not exactly what I expected from Kirimii transporting "medbay assets" to the shuttle but I suppose that works.
    1 point
  27. Worst part? I was the captain.
    1 point
  28. moar Commission for @Zergspowerof their character Izla with his partner (who belongs to Baltistia) Nika !
    1 point
  29. Premise: Most of security tends to cut off the cling heads first chance they have. Some even carry circular saws with them, in case the occasion presents itself. Its a fast and easy way to definitely kill a changeling, cancelling their power to revive themselves and is sometimes seen as a dirty, un-fun move. Proposition: A passive ability that activates when a changeling head is cut off. The head grows disgusting tentacles and is able to vent crawl. Same as head slug but without the advantage of the body explosion. It can't be activated manually, the head must come off somehow and with the brain inside (except suicide). Coding: May be similar to the already existing "last resource" ability. Why is it good? Gives the changeling a last chance to escape before its killed. Won't stop people from cutting heads but will make it more interesting, needing more preparation for the head separation. Also, I think it adds a feeling of coherence with what a changeling is. Have you watched the movie "The Thing"?
    1 point
  30. I queued meteors. I was not expecting this. The luckiest AI ever Cargo office got tunguska'd It travelled a fair bit
    1 point
  31. I have another one for you
    1 point
  32. Charliminator showing casual disregard for the rules in the middle of a hallway.
    1 point
  33. Since @ItsMarmite has not posted this image, I will be the one to do so. Credit to him for making it. Credit to me for getting slaughtered like the chicken I am for saying the truth about vox.
    1 point
  34. Oil was a change literally made to make them closer to humans. It was awful to deal with in practice and added very little. As for EMPs, while I generally agreed that IPCs are hard mode and are best that way... being one shot obliterated by a shitty revenant or an abductor giving out free EMP glands was a bit much to me. IPCs on Paradise are in a good state, all things considered, and don't really need more changes for the time being, nerfs or buffs. Give thought to some of the other races that are truly human+.
    1 point
  35. Jewls have always ben sought after for their glean and rarity. Well, every miner knows that one of the most sought after resource is the beautiful bluespace Crystal. So what better to do than slap it into a gold chain and sell it for hella cash? alternative effect than the +10 beauty stat boost it could potentially be a huge net positive in safety! Need to escape the xeno morph chasing you? Smash that crystal in your palms and you're chance of being in a better situation are...like 40% but hey whatever is on the other side of smashing you very expensive jewelry could be alot better than before!
    1 point
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