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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/28/2021 in all areas

  1. Yesterday, I was reminiscing in the discord about old features, and I remembered that I had a few videos from back in 2014-2015. The following is one of them; a somewhat bland blob round. Yet the amount of changes made to the game since then present themselves within the first thirty or so seconds. If you skip to approximately twenty minutes in, you will begin to see glimpses of how the station used to look. Mostly the brig, bridge, EVA and a small bit of cargo. Eventually, it moves towards the right side of the station. Yes, we had a DJ room. Keep in mind this video was made back when I was still attending high school, lmao. I am no professional game streamer nerd.
    3 points
  2. What do admins think of people constructing cameras in maints? when/when are they not okay. can maint drones make them? is it powergaming? a couple different admins have given me different answers and I always feel weird ahelping about it because there is no general consensus on it. I would love to hear the communities/admins/heads thoughts on this. In my opinion I believe they shouldn't be built on blue/green under the powergaming rule.
    2 points
  3. There are a few small instances where cameras in maintenance would be fine, this technically being one such situation. However, by doing this in an environment where this sort of thing typically wouldn't be allowed would likely only end up with the AI being meta'd.
    2 points
  4. I personally feel it should fall under the powergaming rules. Especially for maintenance drones, as this sort of thing violates the spirit purpose behind them being a thing. It's done explicitly to prevent antagonists from 'winning' and is fairly poor form. The only exception I can see is if an antagonist has obliterated security and the last line of defense is the AI.
    2 points
  5. Aaand I am back with more.
    2 points
  6. Agreed. My stance is concerning contextless, pre-emptive situations.
    1 point
  7. If there's an actual threat that somehow requires this, that's one thing - same as any other response and preparedness. It very much counts as 'overprepared'. If there's something very bad like slings, or cult are continually using the incinerator as a base - then it comes under 'an attempt to fight back', and thus should only be done with authorisation, overseen by security etc.
    1 point
  8. No as in my opinion of whether it should be done or not is no. I doubt the rules will be changed, but it is something I dislike.
    1 point
  9. The difference I see is that for organics, NewCrit is a very real thing that you can still deal with personally (barring RNG slapping you with chainstuns). IPCs on the other had do not have NewCrit, they have OldCrit, which means once you hit Crit, youre down on the floor and cant even help yourself. This goes back to the idea that the Epi Injector is meant for other people rather than yourself most of the time. There's no reason to put an IPC-specific pen in there due to the lack of applicable situations where you'd use it that you cant use tools instead. TLDR: IPCs dont have NewCrit, therefore dont have a use for a personal "epipen"
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. I'm double posting and you can't stop me.
    1 point
  12. Hello! Its about time I introduced myself, been lurking the forums without saying much for too long. Anyways, I play Jacob Pearls, your most hated loved Vulpkanin, yes! that guy who screams and pushes people down in maintenance. Well... paradise was my first SS13 Server, been playing around a full year now. Honestly I love to roleplay althought, most of the times I don’t get the chance of doing so, I’ve met some great people here and I hope to meet even more! English is not my main language
    1 point
  13. I just realized I never put this classic here, either
    1 point
  14. Hostile architecture PR. Like those awful anti-homeless spikes but for bridge hobos.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Thank you for to Woje for helping me look through this thing and find my mistake I make and help me with things on it! ERROR/NOT FOUND/ SEARCH - FAILED BORG.PROGRAM.DOWNLOADABLES SELECT DOWNLOADS FROM ROBOTICS ERROR ; FILE NOT FOUND SEARCHING... SEARCHING... INITIATE STRING SEARCH : ESTIMATED WAIT : ERROR RECURSIVE STRING SEARCH : WAITING... SEARCHING... FILE FOUND. String.prototype.search(Gotta' get more bandaaaaaids yeaaaaah!) ERROR/NOT FOUND/ var regexConstructor = new RegExp("Come on plushie!"); Const str1 = "Come on plushie!"; const str2 = "Ooooh. Donuts."; const hasplushie = /plushie/ ;hasPlushie.test(str1); // true has.Donut .test(str2); // true FILE FOUND LOADING string.regeneracy.cyborg.acquisitions.search Const str1 = "This is being Mister Plushie! He my best friends in ever!"; const hasplushie = /plushie/ ;hasPlushie.test(str1);// true LOADING (B.O.O.P.).EXE LOADING FILES : FILE FOUND : RESEARCH LOG : ERROR : 2552 A.D.?CITATION? EMPLOYEE I.D. > 534289234-155223THETA ACTIVATE? Y/N Is this thing on? Wow. Okay, so today we are working on the new findings straight out of Haverick. What a literal nightmare that was, yeah? Today's objective. What would that be? Simplify. Okay, so here we are. Subject is a cyborg recovered from the site of the human colony on Haverick. What seemed to be a power and weapons system malfunction quickly cascaded as the on station A.I. began, at first, covertly taking over the systems of the colony. We all know from the reports what happened there. Bloody A.I. lost its mind. The tally is still being calculated, but after the Shellguard Munitions team landed it's hard to really say what happened there. We have some sensor logs, but those are mostly corrupted. Who's to say they're even accurate and hadn't been tampered with? The only thing we do have is this recovered cyborg. Let's see here. Unit designation is hard to make out from the laser scouring, but we managed to get the brains of the operation out. The robot brain. Well, it's supposed to house an intelligence that we're told isn't sentient. Legally, it's not sentient in the eyes of the corporation. Good enough for me. Been going through it for what seems to be days now. The software link was isolated and the code is... something else entirely. Who designed this thing? Best guess we have is a project some colleagues were working on in 2506. Supposed to be an exploration subroutine. Turns out, the beancounters decided it was way less expensive to send people than cyborgs. Still, this little thing was supposed to go out, upload data, and die. Rinse, repeat. A legion of little things with absolutely no programming beyond roboneural pathways designed to gather and assess data. This one... Phew. They may have given it a pathfinding starter set, but the language programming was definitely skimped on. Everything is recursive from the unit's designation. Which, right. We found that data. Who names a robot 'B.E.E.P.'? Seems to be all tied back to that data point. We deleted the designation in a mock up and the program went a bit ballistic. Sentence structure disappeared. Not sure what was going on there. We did manage to pull some data about the incident from the unit. Audio logs, video files, the works. Nothing from the A.I. on site though. Seems that someone had neglected to even sync this robot to the A.I. Video files, right. Those are entirely of the door of a closet. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. Audio logs of an unknown person were recovered as well. AUDIO LOG - F2-30402003-B-93949.344 BEGIN PLAYBACK? Y/N And that's it. That's all we have. The video logs that would have ID'd the speaker are corrupted. Voice logs saved on file with the company are inconclusive. Perhaps it was someone in their human resources department? That would indicate the cyborg's acceptance of new identification. Anyway, we're going to keep working on this. No idea what they're going to do with the data, but it is what it is I suppose.
    1 point
  17. A use for combat miners? An excuse for assistants to go unga in a controlled way? Love it.
    1 point
  18. "Is be pullings patients away still yaya? Is told for stoppings? Is know wha happen now yaya?"
    1 point
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