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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Wanted to draw a little character timeline thing!
    7 points
  2. But Captain, that's three things.
    5 points
  3. I'm still laughing at this nearly a week later. Thought it would be good material for the screenshot thread!
    5 points
  4. Very quick and simple. Is anyone against having snow machines year round instead of them being a Christmas only thing? I really want to make my drask paradise room and have snowball fights.
    2 points
  5. hahahaha ahahhahaa HAHAHAHhahHAHahahAHAHAHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
    2 points
  6. I basically agree with everything said here. I play a Drask as well and I'd honestly love to set up a little cold room freezer complete with snow but on the other hand I also wouldn't want the snow machines constantly put in the hallways like we see at Christmas time. That part is fun during the holidays but I feel like the whole station being covered in snow would be strange. I like the idea of them being used for particular areas though.
    2 points
  7. On one hand, having them be craftable would be fun. Who doesn't want a snowball fight in the midst of August? On the other hand, however... I think it would take away from the overall feel when they're mapped in during the winter holiday season. Sort of the 'if everyone is special, nobody will be' mentality, in a way. I suppose I'd be neutral on the matter.
    2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. To many screen shots to post. Massive thanks to James Auchvulf, Aang-Aar-Thuung, Sticky Bomb, and especially Victor Keppler When coming up with a name, we forgot "Dozen" is a word. Behold, the Deca plus two SM.
    2 points
  10. First Name: Chikitita Last Name: N/A Gender: Genderless, presents Female Pronouns: she/her Nicknames/Alias: Chiki, of Coffee and Love, Based Coffee Vox, Chickentita, Chicky, Bar Leech, MMI Medium, Chi, Chickentenders, Briki, Voxromancer, Medbay Mascot, CHIKI2TA, ChikititaVox39, Freak of Nature, Wiggly Worm, XENO, Birdie, "Kikeri", Chikorita, the Mad Nurse, Lizard Lady, Narcoleptic Bird Doctor Species: Vox Primalis Blood Type: B+ Height: 3'5", 104 cm Weight: 72 lbs, 32.66 kg Eye Color: Magenta Picture/s: Nanotrasen Issued ID (base by angelictactics) Age/D.O.B: ~27 years, unknown date of creation, documented as the first of January, 2541. Place Of "Birth": Arkship "Survivor of The Fighting Winds of the Star Due North, Bastion to New Ways and Efficient Production" or "Fighting-Winds" Alignment: Lawful Neutral Very dutiful to the shoal, strong enforcer of the inviolate among vox on the station. Her sense of justice is entirely tied to the vox Inviolate. Affiliation: Employed by Nanotrasen. Loyal to shoal. On the Raan-Kirkland-Anide family Spacemas card list. Religious Beliefs: No organized religion, but very superstitious to the point of obsessive paranoia. Also practices almost heretical dedication to vox rules and customs. "Childhood": As a vox, she doesn't have a proper childhood, but she spent her younger years of this host body on a raiding skipjack carelessly learning the skills of a medic through trial and error. After tragedy struck and the rest of her crew were apprehended, she made a very narrow escape by hiding. Seeing her friends carried away never to be seen again through the slits of the locker she was hiding in instilled a tremendous amount of guilt in her, and from then on she resolved to never leave a vox behind again. She laid low for a couple of years afterwards and decided to take the skills she learned on the skipjack to the next level and became a licensed nurse at 20. She was given a full ride to Croxas's Academy of Medicine- the only vox in her graduating class, as part of an alien outreach program. Her arkship suspiciously approved her attendance on the heels of her previous failures, and she hasn't returned to Fighting-Winds since. During her final year of nursing school, her caffeine addiction careened into organ failure, and her heart and kidneys were replaced with cybernetics as a result. Adulthood: After graduation, she tried desperately to get a job at a hospital, but no professional establishments were willing to take a vox nurse seriously, especially with her poor grasp on galactic common. At 21, she took up a contract with Nanotrasen treating patients in the medbay, because the money was good and other vox seemed to thrive there. She now considers most of the crew on the NSS Cyberiad to be her friends, and can't bring herself to leave them even if she wanted to. She appreciates the "respect" and attention from a job well done. Some crew have complimented her skills as a bartender, which she accredits to "being a party girl in nursing school." She swears she was cool. She loves her position in medbay, and has many regular patients she looks forward to seeing (despite the fact that them being in medbay usually indicates something bad has happened). Even if offered in a desperate situation, she will never fill the role of Chief Medical Officer. She feels guilty having others answer to her, especially because of how foreign it is for a primalis to take on such a role. Seeing vox primalis in command positions feels like a slap in the face to the shoal to her, and she struggles to see real authority in them. She has a constant twitch that can't be good for a doctor, but manages it well and doesn't struggle to treat because of it. While suspicious about the fact that her arkship keeps her so far away, she will become defensive and vehemently deny being an exile when asked about her employment situation. She considers her contract honorable, even if it doesn't all add up to her. Currently, she receives 20% of her paycheck for necessities, and the rest of the Nanotrasen shares go to her arkship. She lives on a small station of vox dorms, full of vox primalis sourced from various arkships that need a place to stay for contract work. (pictured top right) "Supernatural" Experiences: Detailed Information Appearance: Stands at about 3'5", a perfectly average height for vox, with uncommon but not unusual greenish blue coloring. Her eyes are a bright pinkish red, and she has her quills styled into a short purplish-red mohawk (whether its her natural quill color is unknown). Her blue sweater is a constant, and it looks old and worn. Rarely spotted without her nurse hat. Character Voice: Loud. She likes to sing, and considers herself musically talented. She is not. Attached is a video from bar karaoke night. chikilowqual.mp4 Personality: In her youth she was more carefree, but losing loved ones because of her actions has made her less selfish. Still, she tends to lose focus a lot, and her curiosity leads her to make very poor decisions sometimes. She hates to lose patients, as most doctors do, but seeing one of her kin die can drive her into hysterics, and she will desperately attempt to bring them to health until something pries her away, even if it is futile. She takes patients dying in her care very personally, and frequently blames herself for their passing. She's developed a more anxious demeanor as she continues to work for Nanotrasen, being subjected to experiences that cause her to be paranoid and distrusting. She fidgets frequently with her nitrogen tank, and you can often find her pacing medbay and talking to herself in her native pidgin. She loathes having to fight, but does what is necessary to survive and protect the ones she cares about if it comes down to it. She feels responsible for the safety of younger vox on-station, and she can get obsessive if she sees them acting carelessly and putting themselves in harms way. For reasons she doesn't completely understand, she finds herself almost instinctively drawn to aiding injured vox. On several occasions she has had to be physically torn away from lost causes. She could never forgive herself if a young first-body vox perished while she was on-station. Once vain and proud of her mohawk when she began working at Nanotrasen, she now cares little about her physical appearance and takes rather poor care of herself- with stray quills lining the shape of her mohawk and dark circles underneath her cybernetic eyes. Character Biography Background: A vox who spends most of her time in medbay as a somewhat respectable nurse. If not in medbay, she is likely drinking a soy latte or getting herself into dangerous situations she doesn't need to be in. Look for her in medbay, the bar, or wherever there are problems. Family: None officially. Because of her lack of real family, she used to believe herself to be expendable. Idunn Raan and her family have taken her under their wing in recent years, and though it's hard for her to admit she appreciates the support and companionship. She's spent weekends sleeping on their family room couch, and 19 year old Tidal Kirkland sets up low-viewership videogame streams for her to star in online. Tidal manages most of Chiki's social media for her, as she isn't the galaxy's most technologically literate. She has a sister-like bond with an engineering vox from another station, Kikeri. Having taught Chikitita to value herself, she's the biggest presence pushing her to take care of herself and not lose herself to her work. While their friendship has had a few rough patches, they've been there for each other through unimaginable circumstances and would both give anything to keep their friend safe. Chikitita allows a runaway vox primalis, Tachaka, to sleep in her dorms to keep him from taking up residence in garbage cans. While she doesn't support running away from your arkship, she hopes she can convince him to return and make amends someday. While the concept of vox having real family is still shaky to her, Kikeri, Takoyakika, and Tachaka have all helped her to value herself and be more considerate of her life's value and she would easily lay down her life for them. History: Reset after 605 years of life for unknown reasons and stored until the year 2464. Her stack as far as she knows is near 97 years old, with 3 iterations currently. Historically speaking, lifespans tend to be cut short. Brought back earlier than most recovered stacks because of a decline in population on Fighting-Winds. Iterations: Other Information - Her usual drink order is two rum bottles filled with soy latte. She claims to like the aftertaste - Enjoys drask remakes of classic films - Secret stoner - Will rarely say no to ultra-lube Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen - Dislike. You scare me. Fine. But yer not breaking me. Syndicate - Enemy. A mutual hatred. At least I'll be missed when it finally comes. SolGov - Neutral. No substantial interactions. Shoal - Allied, Love. Anything for the shoal. The inviolate is my duty, even if I.. don't live on Fighting-Winds right now. I miss home.. Personal Relations
    1 point
  11. I don't think it'll be that easy to stop abuse from happening, only to mitigate the impact by deleting the machine when it gets too much. As for the machine itself, it would probably be better if the ambient temperature would be more noticeable besides scorching/freezing. Air alarms can be set between 10-30°C by anyone iirc, and no one will notice it unless they check their PDAs air analyzer. Give people a character option for the comfortable temperature range, so they get notified if it's above/below it, without affecting the dangerous ranges. Give characters a default based on species (so as example drasks very low, tajaran low, human average, unathi high), and that allows cold rooms to be noticeable without snow laying around. Also, it may be less prone to abuse if making snow requires you to have the room cooled down before being able to get it placed, maybe it could just be made that if you have a room below the freezing point, throwing(splashing) a beaker with hot water to make snow. Usually requires colder temperatures for such quick snow creations, but that doesn't matter for this.
    1 point
  12. I walked into maint for 10 seconds to try and kidnap a seccie... Then my burn chamber goes "Whoop im gonna FUCKING MELT!"
    1 point
  13. That plasma fire was so pretty I tried to recreate is safely for a pyrotechnic show idea. Sad to say that the way I tried did not work.
    1 point
  14. Maybe so, but I feel it still takes away from the setting. Although, this is coming from someone who lives in a place with snow every year during winter and loves it. The effect is likely lost on a good chunk of our playerbase anyways.
    1 point
  15. There's other festive things than snow that are mapping in during that time, however. Like ornaments. Christmas trees. That kinda stuff.
    1 point
  16. I think it would be cool. Having it tied to real life date is kinda weird, there's reasons to want to have snow somewhere that are in no ways related to a Christian holiday.
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Do I see dark mode? SOMEONE CALL THE FBI ON HIM!
    1 point
  19. A few potential ideas for rewards I've thought of for this goal. Unlockable Cargo Crates A couple of select cargo crates that only become available after certain point thresholds are met. The first few could be ones that aid in further drilling, such as Oupost Defense crates with gear for fighting off enemy swarms or defending existing pumps. Later crates could be things like exotic material crates containing diamond and bluespace crystals, to make up for mining being distracted by defending the drills. Uncovered Artifacts While drilling, there could be the possibility of unearthing valuables and treasures. The most common would be mined materials, but there could also be a chance of unearthing Necropolis Chests, and in extremely rare cases, a boss chest. Rare Enemy Spawns Drilling could increase the chance of rare fauna spawning, giving those xeno-collectors a fun time trying to catch 'em all (And then force them to defend the very thing they sought to destroy.)
    1 point
  20. Aaand I am back with more.
    1 point
    1 point
  22. Name: Sam Springfield Age: 51 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Command (Head of Personnel, NT Representative), Cargo (Quartermaster), Service (Janitor, Librarian) Biography: TBA Qualifications: Masters in Business Administration - SolTech Class of 2539 NanoTrasen Employee First Aid Basics Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Cargo and Requisitions Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Quartermaster and Budgeting Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Head of Staff Certification - Passed NanoTrasen Corporate Certification - Representative - Passed Employment Records: 2540 - 2550: NSS Exodus - Quartermaster 2550 - Present: NSS Cyberiad - Corporate Contractor Security Records: Known Languages: Galactic Common 2540 - Drunken Conduct, Upheld 2544 - Minor Battery Charge, Dropped Notes: No serious notes are to be had. Short of a minor drinking issue, nothing seems to be amiss. Contact your nearest authorities or supervisor if alcoholic behavior is noticed. Medical Records: DoB: January 10th, 2514 Height: 178cm Weight: 74kg Eye Color: Blue Cybernetics: Right Hand, Replacement NanoTrasen Quarterly Psych Evaluation: Passed Other Notes: TBA
    1 point
  23. Some art of my character lately \
    1 point
  24. Say what you will about the depressing stuff, it sometimes makes for the best storytelling moments.
    1 point
  25. commission for @Cheeseman
    1 point
  26. ok i need to take a break
    1 point
  27. First Name: Esforikakiti Last Name: N/A Gender: N/A, goes by they/them Orientation: N/A, they are a Vox Nicknames/Alias: Esfor Pictures: (Art by Octus/Tokorizo) Age/D.O.B: 18 years Place Of Birth: Vox Arkship "Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars" Species: Vox Primalis Blood Type: A- Alignment: True Neutral. Esfor will do what they need to do, and try to protect themselves and those around them Affiliation: Employed by Nanotrasen, sold by their Arkship. Holds minor loyalty to the "Refuge" Religious Beliefs: Follows no spiritual beliefs, but feels that machines, especially ships, are as alive as they are. Childhood: Esforikakiti spent the entirety of their childhood aboard the Vox Arkship "Refuge of Lost Souls Searching the Stars", or just "Refuge". As vox society aboard this particular Ark was heavily stratified, Esfor was designated as one of the lowest aboard, and often found themselves fulfilling duties at the closest points to the outer hull, a dangerous place of metal and other Primalis much like them. They were trained for engineering from the moment they could wield a tool, and their small size allowed them to accomplish dangerous tasks that other vox could not, such as delving into reactor vents and weapons systems aboard the "Refuge" Adulthood: Unlike most Vox, Esfor never served aboard a raiding Skipjack, or found a place among a raiding crew. They were seen as too small and weak to accomplish anything, often ridiculed for this. Not long after they reached adulthood, their Arkship found a better use for them: Esfor was traded off to NT to be employed by the research megacorporation, in return for ship parts and weaponry needed by the "Refuge". While this might sound a bit rough for the Vox, they found relief in it, as they soon found a purpose in the engineering and maintenance teams of Nanotrasen, and eventually, others they could call friends. They continue to have trouble relating to other Vox, and is often made fun of for their short height, resulting in Esfor being rather quiet and immersed in their work. Detailed Information Appearance: Esfor is noticably short, even for a Vox, standing at a height of about 2'9". They are darkly colored throughout their form, with a dark grey body and long, spiny quills shaded a near-black. Their eyes stand out strikingly, a bright and intelligent blue, though these are often covered by the Meson scanners needed for their work. They are very rarely seen without two things: a Vox-customized welding helmet, regardless of work, a precaution in the mind of the paranoid Vox, accompanied by a faded wrap that hangs loosely over their shoulders, with a symbol barely visible on the lower part; the symbol of their Arkship, and the only thing they have from it. Character Voice: Esfor is soft spoken and not particularly talkative, and tend to speak Common better than the average Vox, a result of their training prior to being given over to NT. Personality: They are very quiet and withdrawn, sticking to their task more often then not. While they rarely engage with others, they do work well in a team, finding particular success in the Cyberiad's engineering department. They tend to get along a little better with the other Vox aboard the station, but even then, they are often seen rushing from one job to the other, always trying to stay busy, only take breaks in between work to enjoy their favorite food: vended noodles from the Mr. Chang vendors on board. Medical Record: Esfor does not have much of a medical record with NT, having not been employed for longer than a year. The only marked incident was the loss of their right foot during a catastrophic meteor storm, where they now sport a hastily made set of robotic talons. Character Biography Background: Almost entirely dedicated to engineering work aboard the Cyberiad, there are few who know the ins and outs of the station better than Esfor. Some crew report them talking to the station while working on repairs, showing what could be dedication, or mild insanity. Family: Doesn't really have anyone that they can call "Family". They have fond memories of a few Vox they left behind on the "Refuge", but other than that, no known relatives. History: Esforikakiti is what the Vox on-station refer to as a "Shinystack", used to describe a vox that has yet to have their stack moved from one body to the next, and as such, has only lived the one life, with a Stack age of 18 years. Faction Relations Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen: Neutral. Esfor was sold to them, and while they aren't technically paid for their work, they enjoy it well enough, and don't feel strongly about the company either way. Syndicate: Dislike. While Esfor can understand their goals, they think that they go about them entirely the wrong way, and regards how they operate as incredibly wasteful and reckless. USSP: Neutral. Esfor has had practically no contact with the Reds, and only knows little rumours from things crewmembers have said. SolGov: Dislike. Has similar feelings to them as they do to the Syndicate, especially to the stranglehold they keep on their holdings. Other Information Is VERY sensitive about their height, and often gets into disagreements with other Vox over it, leading Esfor to think they aren't really liked.
    1 point
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