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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/2021 in all areas

  1. this is my magnum opus of space station 13 art i think this was originally made as an art fight attack! though six of the included characters were added simply because i wanted to add them. this was sort of intended to be a nod toward the great times i've had in medbay, though it evolved to be a little more than just characters from medbay. but either way, thanks for all the good times! based on this ridiculous image. i love it so much In no particular order, characters belong to: Me: Rivera Kirkland, Tidal Kirkland Chikitita: @SlimeBird @angelictacticsIdunn Raan: Angel Anide: @punkalope Kikeri: @gangelwaefre Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo: @Sappholopod Fiona Phillips: @Woje Jacob Pearls: @Sixzma S.E.A.G.U.L.L.: @rwn Cure #FF99FF: @Pegasnow Qixxiq Xiqqix: @Wilkson Scarlet Einholve: @EmilitiaEnnehrt Gikikigi: @Drakeven aand a couple others (Embrace Of Destiny Under A Lonesome Sun and Anton Fasani), not sure if their players a forum account. (Apologies for all the pings! There's a lot of characters here so I wanted to make sure their players got to see this. :] )
    13 points
  2. Out of all my bought cultural artifacts from the BSH, I’ve gotten the snow machine once. And it rocked. If it was possible to get it in anyway people would probably use it all the time and everywhere.. For a few rounds.. Then cast aside/forget/dont care about it,. Exept for people, like drask players, to make cool build around it. I would very much like to implement a way to get it, outside the rng BSH reward. Having it shipped via cargo or maybe produced at the circuit imprinter (making it buildable) would be something.
    2 points
  3. Very quick and simple. Is anyone against having snow machines year round instead of them being a Christmas only thing? I really want to make my drask paradise room and have snowball fights.
    1 point
  4. I will have my team of expert coders look into this when making the PR
    1 point
  5. Keep in mind that this is only a realistic perspective when viewed through the lens of modern medicine. In real medicine, brain death due to lack of oxygen is what "really" kills you; because past a certain point, there is no quality of life even if you manage to restart their heart/restore blood volume/etc. It's also why immediate, high-quality CPR is emphasized so heavily, because you need to keep the brain oxygenated. In the world of SS13, however, we have both Mannitol and Mitocholide - miracle substances that can reverse neurological trauma and bring completely necrotic organs back to life within literal seconds. This obviously changes the dynamic tremendously. If there's no reason to worry about organ/neurological failure, why not operate on a corpse, where blood isn't constantly pumping out of their body through the vessels you've severed, where each haggard breath isn't going to cause their fractured ribs to cause more internal damage, etc. I don't want to get too off-topic, but I'd really be interested to see how our current protocols and emphasis on CPR would change if there was a drug we could give that would magically reverse brain death.
    1 point
  6. Forgot it was that bullshit lmao. Costs 1 point to get, too. Though I guess that's the only really good ability they get.
    1 point
  7. It doesn't cost any chems to use speed legs. :P
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. Anton is @/jabronio if you wanna add it, THIS IS AMAZING AND I LOVE IT. new wallpaper obvs.
    1 point
  10. this is so GOOD ♥♥♥♥♥
    1 point
    1 point
  12. Found another one. AI law 2, open this Locker.
    1 point
  13. Another problem with SR to add to my collection. I'm frankly of the camp that SR should straight up not be a thing, personally. However, it won't really change much in regards to changelings.
    1 point
  14. I don't think it'll be that easy to stop abuse from happening, only to mitigate the impact by deleting the machine when it gets too much. As for the machine itself, it would probably be better if the ambient temperature would be more noticeable besides scorching/freezing. Air alarms can be set between 10-30°C by anyone iirc, and no one will notice it unless they check their PDAs air analyzer. Give people a character option for the comfortable temperature range, so they get notified if it's above/below it, without affecting the dangerous ranges. Give characters a default based on species (so as example drasks very low, tajaran low, human average, unathi high), and that allows cold rooms to be noticeable without snow laying around. Also, it may be less prone to abuse if making snow requires you to have the room cooled down before being able to get it placed, maybe it could just be made that if you have a room below the freezing point, throwing(splashing) a beaker with hot water to make snow. Usually requires colder temperatures for such quick snow creations, but that doesn't matter for this.
    1 point
  15. Yeah as someone with a Drask character I've also wanted to do some sort of cold room with snow sorta like how vox and plasmemes do their special rooms. But like if someone's abusing snow machines that oughta be pretty easy to stop.
    1 point
  16. Wanted to draw a little character timeline thing!
    1 point
  17. Hello! Its about time I introduced myself, been lurking the forums without saying much for too long. Anyways, I play Jacob Pearls, your most hated loved Vulpkanin, yes! that guy who screams and pushes people down in maintenance. Well... paradise was my first SS13 Server, been playing around a full year now. Honestly I love to roleplay althought, most of the times I don’t get the chance of doing so, I’ve met some great people here and I hope to meet even more! English is not my main language
    1 point
  18. 1 point
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