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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/01/2021 in all areas

  1. I have seen a fair few people asking in the discord if any artsy people here do commissions, and a lot of artsy people who have open commissions, however theres no link between. This thread is for said artsy people to post their commission info / commissions sheet. This can include, but is not limited to: Contact details Examples of your work (Not too many to avoid threadspam) General pricing Restrictions on what you will/will not draw Note: This thread is for artists to say their commissions are open, not for people to ask "Anyone doing commissions?". Anyone asking that will have their posts removed.
    7 points
  2. Hi! Check Trello for more example and commission status https://trello.com/b/OBPcf17S/emilitias-commission Contact me on discord: Emilitia Ennehrt#3586
    7 points
  3. Figured I should add the little diona nymph heart I made for the Paradise discord! :>
    3 points
  4. more art for the art thread! <3 my first mass attack for artfight!! it features all splatoon ocs, and netted me nearly 600 points (sweats) it took me eight days! Tea got me thinking about Idunn's pre-Cyberiad days, too... here's a series of them following her backstory which is detailed further here the following spoilered image contains gore, and should be opened at your personal discretion: some unrelated doodles this was about a round where Angel and Rivera got hit by a meteor and Rivera died while Angel got her arm ripped off by robotics this one's of a blob round I played yesterday where Idunn and Rivera teamed up to run the bar, and then had to flee the station to escape the blob and following nuke okay thats all for now!! definitely didn't mean to post so much art oops
    2 points
  5. Picture with details and a couple of examples. Commissions are currently open You can also check my art thread here with more examples:
    2 points
  6. Thank you for once again providing the good goods (Idunn art)
    1 point
  7. I agree wholeheartedly. Hence why I think changeling is probably one of the worst antagonists, even more so than vampire in terms of actual enjoyment or intrigue. Needs some changes which I myself do not want to have to do; a Herculean task that.
    1 point
  8. The issue is that the kit is the same 4 powers every time used to run around being Funny rather than playing it as intended, and frankly it's not the best for the kinds of objectives they get.
    1 point
  9. this is my magnum opus of space station 13 art i think this was originally made as an art fight attack! though six of the included characters were added simply because i wanted to add them. this was sort of intended to be a nod toward the great times i've had in medbay, though it evolved to be a little more than just characters from medbay. but either way, thanks for all the good times! based on this ridiculous image. i love it so much In no particular order, characters belong to: Me: Rivera Kirkland, Tidal Kirkland Chikitita: @SlimeBird @angelictacticsIdunn Raan: Angel Anide: @punkalope Kikeri: @gangelwaefre Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo: @Sappholopod Fiona Phillips: @Woje Jacob Pearls: @Sixzma S.E.A.G.U.L.L.: @rwn Cure #FF99FF: @Pegasnow Qixxiq Xiqqix: @Wilkson Scarlet Einholve: @EmilitiaEnnehrt Gikikigi: @Drakeven aand a couple others (Embrace Of Destiny Under A Lonesome Sun and Anton Fasani), not sure if their players a forum account. (Apologies for all the pings! There's a lot of characters here so I wanted to make sure their players got to see this. :] )
    1 point
  10. A few potential ideas for rewards I've thought of for this goal. Unlockable Cargo Crates A couple of select cargo crates that only become available after certain point thresholds are met. The first few could be ones that aid in further drilling, such as Oupost Defense crates with gear for fighting off enemy swarms or defending existing pumps. Later crates could be things like exotic material crates containing diamond and bluespace crystals, to make up for mining being distracted by defending the drills. Uncovered Artifacts While drilling, there could be the possibility of unearthing valuables and treasures. The most common would be mined materials, but there could also be a chance of unearthing Necropolis Chests, and in extremely rare cases, a boss chest. Rare Enemy Spawns Drilling could increase the chance of rare fauna spawning, giving those xeno-collectors a fun time trying to catch 'em all (And then force them to defend the very thing they sought to destroy.)
    1 point
  11. That was my thought. Like drowning an accused witch. Either way, they are super dead, because if you are wrong, their corpse will just blow up. Pretty horrible way to hunt for changelings.
    1 point
  12. I don't agree with the post but, if a sec officer murders then gibs someone with SR to "test if they are a cling" they should get bwoinked/banned. witch trials over here.
    1 point
  13. Hello! Its about time I introduced myself, been lurking the forums without saying much for too long. Anyways, I play Jacob Pearls, your most hated loved Vulpkanin, yes! that guy who screams and pushes people down in maintenance. Well... paradise was my first SS13 Server, been playing around a full year now. Honestly I love to roleplay althought, most of the times I don’t get the chance of doing so, I’ve met some great people here and I hope to meet even more! English is not my main language
    1 point
  14. God the colors on your art are astounding as always
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Hi! I've always wanted to introduce myself on these forums! I play Gustavo Hanford and some people might recognize that name (Yay) but I've wanted to say Hi to the ones that don't and that I hope to meet them on the station someday! I won't bite pinky finger promise.......
    1 point
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