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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/02/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey hey, art is good, you like art? Good, here is some, another commision from wonderful Pixiepoo on Fiverr. He is awesome. SEC_MAJOR.mp4
    9 points
  2. Wiki is back online and updated, and with a new feature. Thanks to the hard work of @Sirryan2002, the wiki now has a dark mode! To enable it, first login to the wiki. Then go to your preferences. Inside preferences, you have an appearance tab Once here, you can select ParaDark then save This skin is still a work in progress, and I advise you all report issues on this thread:
    6 points
  3. okay (Rook, my oc, Drake's Kolb, and Qwerty's Kicha jamming)
    6 points
  4. Picture for @Varshie - lovely voxxy!
    5 points
  5. Threats you can only make as a vampire Also
    5 points
  6. Figured I should add the little diona nymph heart I made for the Paradise discord! :>
    5 points
  7. Hi! Check Trello for more example and commission status https://trello.com/b/OBPcf17S/emilitias-commission Contact me on discord: Emilitia Ennehrt#3586
    5 points
  8. Hey everyone, so I've been playing SS13 for quite a while - not so long on Paradise. I tend to play Security Officer or a Medical Doctor; with the same character Xevli Blitz (I should probably make separate ones but.. I then forget to switch characters unfortunately) I can't remember the last server I was active on - but I went by the same (Or Kili Durin, and generally played QM and always began Cargonia) Look forward to SPEHSS with you all!
    4 points
  9. more art for the art thread! <3 my first mass attack for artfight!! it features all splatoon ocs, and netted me nearly 600 points (sweats) it took me eight days! Tea got me thinking about Idunn's pre-Cyberiad days, too... here's a series of them following her backstory which is detailed further here the following spoilered image contains gore, and should be opened at your personal discretion: some unrelated doodles this was about a round where Angel and Rivera got hit by a meteor and Rivera died while Angel got her arm ripped off by robotics this one's of a blob round I played yesterday where Idunn and Rivera teamed up to run the bar, and then had to flee the station to escape the blob and following nuke okay thats all for now!! definitely didn't mean to post so much art oops
    4 points
  10. Picture with details and a couple of examples. Commissions are currently open You can also check my art thread here with more examples:
    4 points
  11. Name: Billy Singulo Age: 40 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Warden, Head of Security, Scientist, Blueshield, Captain, Research Director, Station Engineer, Atmospheric Technician Biography: Forced to join NT due to inherited debt. Earlier in life he was a professional musician with a cult-like fan-base in specific colonies on Europa, he estimated to have almost no profit from this venture due to his infamously lavish and impulsive lifestyle. Eventually he was involved in multiple scandals and suspected as the culprit in more than 3 murder cases, effectively ending his short lived but popular music career when he spent a year off the grid and at the end of it, joined the Sol military. His career in the Sol Signals corps was probably his most fruitful career path yet, as he quickly ascended the ranks, eventually making it to a mid-level officer position. At this point, he appeared to be fully embedded in the Signal corps officerial culture, including their infamous fascination with "subjects of the occult", meeting and eventually an under the table relationship with a fellow officer. He continued with this routine for another couple of years, until one fateful night. Reports of the incident are unclear and clouded in mystery, but it appears during one of the Signal corps annual officer "occult meetings", multiple deaths occurred, including that of Billy's then long term boyfriend. As one of the few living witnesses, Billy was a main suspect of the murders, whether he was really the one to commit them or not is unknown, but for better or worse, all the other survivors blamed him. Due to corporate intervention, he was not court-marshalled but instead dishonourably discharged. He was then captured by a NanoTrasen debt squad. He was forced into servitude as he was the legal inheritor of his boyfriends debt. He then trained with NanoTrasen and rose through the ranks and went through legal training. Due to deep-space extradition laws he cannot currently be arrested because of a legal loophole in the national definition of NanoTrasen research stations. Qualifications: Knowledgeable with Space Law and NT SOP Qualified for captaincy. Qualified for basic first-aid and basic surgery. Skilled at construction. Skilled at scientific research. Employment Records: Ex-musician Military training Specialisation in communcations. Security Records: Prime suspect in a minimum of 7 different murders. Medical Records: Prosthetic Hesphiastos Industries left foot. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): A frighteningly pale incredibly tall Caucasian man about 6'4" tall. Other Notes: N/A
    3 points
  12. Fuck around and find out.
    3 points
  13. I have seen a fair few people asking in the discord if any artsy people here do commissions, and a lot of artsy people who have open commissions, however theres no link between. This thread is for said artsy people to post their commission info / commissions sheet. This can include, but is not limited to: Contact details Examples of your work (Not too many to avoid threadspam) General pricing Restrictions on what you will/will not draw Note: This thread is for artists to say their commissions are open, not for people to ask "Anyone doing commissions?". Anyone asking that will have their posts removed.
    2 points
  14. Will add on to this assuming I draw again!
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. Name: Xion Robinson Age: 36 DOB: 17/9/2530 Gender: Transgender Female Race: Human Ethnicity: Sol, Cuban Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Bartender, Security Officer, Detective, Captain Biography: Little is known about Xion prior to her arrival at Nanotrasen, but she is heavily scarred along the chest and extremities. She is rumoured to have been involved with various crime syndicates prior to her contracting with NT at the age of 30; police records have recorded evidence of crimes including armed robbery and assault, but this was not known prior to her employment. Generally very friendly to most people, but has a short fuse and will explode violently upon those who mess with her. Despite her shortcomings, she has been heavily profitable for the management of the Cyberiad, and continues to maintain a level of efficiency that outweighs her outbursts. As for medical status, Xion is a chronic alcoholic, drinking just enough to avoid blatant drunkenness; she has had a cybernetic liver installed to replace her failing organic liver, and this cybernetic soon had to be replaced as well. She is also addicted to nicotine, and regularly smokes several packs of cigarettes throughout the shift. She has a Xion Manufacturing (unrelated) cybernetic left arm attached, as her arm was severed and went unrecovered for reattachment, following an explosion during regular security operations. Valuable, if somewhat unstable contributor to Nanotrasen, and a dedicated sister-in-arms who will sacrifice her own life for her compatriots.
    1 point
  17. Please post all relevant issues to the darkmode skin on here. If an issue has already been posted, please do not post it again.
    1 point
  18. Ah yes, I can attest. Be especially wary of a certain "Woje"-- the person who plays this Fiona character. They are a polish administrator disguised as a mentor and worst of all *dun dun dun* a botanist!!! The humanity!
    1 point
  19. Hope to see you around soon. Just avoid the trolls and you'll be fine. For instance, Fiona Phillips is someone you never interact with
    1 point
  20. Surgery. Surgery is one of the finer points of medical treatment, and surprisingly not a lot of people know how to do it well. Competent surgeons are few and far between, and you will be showered in praise (and maybe karma) if you're one of the better ones. This guide is intended to teach people the basics of surgery, as well as cover some of the things the wiki may or may not have missed. This guide doesn't cover IPC surgery because they suck, due to 99% of the tips here being irrelevant on them. Step one: Operating room setup The most important part of surgery starts before a patient enters the operating room. Preparation for surgery is very very important, and can mean the difference between life and death, or getting a patient out in one minute or three. A good operating room setup, in my experience, has a nanomed, a beaker and dropper of mitocholide (yell at chemistry), an IV with hydrocodone (yell at chemistry), a duffel bag full of surgery tools including an incision management system (yell at RND), a defibrillator, and the box of blood IVs from the back room. Taking a nanomed at the start of the round and putting it in an operating room is recommended, as it can save you from having to rush out of the operating room mid surgery for supplies. Taking one of the lesser used ones, such as the one in medbay reception, will make the medical doctors less angry at you. You can throw the locker of medical equipment and anesthetic tanks in the back room. You'll hopefully never use them. This step is completely optional, but can save you and your patients a lot of time. Step two: Pre-Surgery First off, wash your hands. This prevents your patient from getting an infection, and should be done each before and after a surgery. Clicking on yourself with space cleaner works too, and is a lot faster. Then you need to decide what type of anesthetic you'll be using. Hydrocodone is ideal, as you can't overdose on it, and it's so very effective. Chemistry has to make it however, so don't count on it early on, or sometimes ever. Morphine is your next best bet, but be careful with dosage, as you can give your patient an addiction or overdose. The tank anesthetic that starts in the operating room is generally considered the worst, as it takes forever to put on and take off, doesn't work on vox and plasmamen, and will start suffocating the patient when it runs out. It can be used for long surgeries that would result in a heavy morphine addiction if you used that, but ether works a lot better in those cases. If you make a mistake with a surgery step, this means your patient does not have enough anesthetic, and must be given more. Step three: Actually doing the thing First off, make sure the patient isn't dead. Unless you're doing surgery on an unclonable race that's passed the defib threshold, revive your patient before operating, not after. For patients in critical condition, it's recommended you stabilize them somewhat, at least enough so they aren't actively dying. You can do this on the operating table, if you have a nanomed. You'll need to pop the patient in the body scanner in order to see what's wrong with them. If it's only one or two things, you can probably just remember them and won't need to print out a report. If you can't, print one out and keep it on hand. PRIORITIZE LIFE THREATENING INJURIES! If someone is actively dying from internal bleeding, fix that first before dealing with broken bones. It'll save a lot of blood and medication that would be otherwise wasted keeping them stable while you fiddle with their femur instead of doing something about their seventeen ruptured veins. KEEP THE PATIENT STABLE! This should be obvious, but don't let the guy die. This is mainly a matter of knowing which medications do what, and takes time to learn and master. Alternatively drag a medical doctor in and force them to do it. LEARN THE SURGERIES! Everyone starts out new. For beginners, having the surgery wiki page open is useful in a pinch, to know how to fix what (https://www.paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Surgery). If you forget a step, you can look at the operating table, which will show you the next step, as well as how much damage of each type the patient has. Eventually you'll memorize the steps for each and every surgery in the game, but the wiki and operating table can fill the gaps in your knowledge until then. If you don't know how to do one specific surgical procedure, like removing terror spider eggs, it's probably just organ manipulation. Most things are organ manipulation. Step four: The aftermath Congrats! You now have a healthy, non broken patient. Or do you? It's generally a good idea to quickly scan patients after surgery, to ensure they don't have any further injuries, and that you haven't given them an infection by accident. Messing up a surgery step can cause additional damage, so it's probably a good idea to fix that too before letting them wander off. Time to give them to the medical doctors so they can do the rest. And if the paramedic brings in another IPC, give them a firm slap and cart the poor sod off to robotics.
    1 point
  21. More awesome art to look at! Heck yeah!! I love it!
    1 point
  22. Found another one. AI law 2, open this Locker.
    1 point
  23. On green, its considered powergaming, and not okay. On red (ie: with a known threat) its permissible. Drones should probably not do it regardless of code level. They should focus on repairs. Drones installing new cameras comes across as ghosts just trying to make the antags fail.
    1 point
  24. [NT ALERT: FILE MAY BE OUTDATED.] Name: R.I.C.O. Status: Missing Positronic Brain Age: 17 Years Chassis Age: <1 Year Gender: Genderless Race: Integrated Positronic Chassis (IPC) Blood Type: N/A General Occupational Role(s): Assistant Biography: Subject is unwilling to share details before working at Nanotrasen. Subject was convinced to sign the NT employment contract on February 4, 2560 while intoxicated. Subject stationed on NSS Redemption on April 15, 2560. Subject transferred to NSS Cyberiad, 2563. Subject went missing during exploring space near NSS Cyberiad, personality data wiped from the NAS Trurl database a week after via unknown source. 2563. Qualifications: Security Qualifications: Space Law: A- Coordination: B Arresting: B+ Processing: B- Brigging: B+ Engineering Qualifications: Atmospherics: B- Firefighting: A Construction: B Breach Sealing: A Science Qualifications: Toxins: B+ Xenobiology: D Chemistry: B+ Robotics: C R&D: B Genetics: F Medical Qualifications: Basic First-Aid: A- Advanced First-Aid: B Diagnosis: B+ Surgery: A Cloning: A- Combat Qualifications: Hand to Hand Combat: B+ Firearms Handling: A Marksmanship: B- Miscellaneous Qualifications: Botany: C+ Cleaning: B+ Command: C+ Employment Records: N/A CLEARANCE: SECURITY CLEARANCE: MEDICAL Personnel Photo: N/A Personality: N/A Appearance: 5'4 IPC, Morpheus Cybernetics dark-red colored chassis with backwards-facing antennae and the monitor screen known as goggles. Often wears a winter coat paired with a bee mask, jackboots, sunglasses, and a tacticool turtleneck.
    1 point
  25. I just realized I never put this classic here, either
    1 point
  26. Guess I'm a robot now. I'd probably just fuck around with my ability to beep and ping at people.
    1 point
  27. Some art of my character lately \
    1 point
  28. and now for vox art spam, don't shoot Doodled chiki's old raider crew (she's on the right, uncaffeinated and un-quilldyed) Drawn from the suggestion "behind the scenes SS13" Fun art meme I wanted to do (it's Heather Mason, the name similarity is a coincidence) Artfight attack for @Franziska and a fun doodle of @Drakeven's gikikigi who is too cute to be scary and lastly sad art I drew of a round where chiki got thrown from the station by kikeri right after accepting death and saying goodbye with everyone seconds before the nuke hit and ended up being one of the only survivors because of it. it was depressing
    1 point
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