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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2021 in all areas

  1. Hi all, its time for another mapping discussion. This one might get spicy since meta is close to many older players hearts. Please read this through before forming an opinion, these threads are useless if you come in with your mind already made up. If you still disagree after reading it, that's fair enough. But please do at least give it thought. Metastation is poorly designed for para culture. What I'm suggesting: Replace metastation with a unique map that is distinct from the ones we currently have, EclipseStation. (Click that to view the webmap for it) We don't increase the maintenance factor of keeping a new map up to date by replacing meta, and we get a map with a different playstyle. Why have map rotation if we are just going to have 2 of the 3 maps be quite similar in design, with one being worse? Why I'm suggesting this: Right, here is my case against metastation. Primary complaint: Metas maintenance SUCKS for Paradise. Like, it's terrible. Lets see some examples: You are an antag in engineering maints, and sec are approaching, so you choose to run. What are your options? (Red circle marks start point) If you run north, you are faced with a super long 1x wide corridor, meaning you are almost guaranteed to be caught by any player with more than 3 braincells. But Sean, just run south?! Lets look at the south then: Uh-oh! It's the same issue, there are no alternate routes, there are no easy alcoves to duck into, there is just a long corridor of pain. If you look at the meta map, here. What do you see? ALL the maints are like this, every single one is a long corridor with no alternate routes or gaps to duck into. Why is this bad? Well, this might work on TG, with faster movement speed, stamina only combat, and crawling. But on paradise? Expect a tazer or a few disabler shells up your ass and game over. Antags will be forced to go loud in the hallways, or just kill sec instead of escape. Meta is not designed with para in mind, at all. Again, look at the maints south of dorms. This is terrible map design. Delta and box do everything meta wants to do, and they do it far better. This is not hyperbole, this is plainly obvious to anyone who's done map work before. Okay, but why EclipseStation? Just to make this clear, I'm not claiming Eclipse is the holy grail of mapping. It isn't, and will need work to be para-ready. But what does it offer? A unique layout, with departments being in an outer ring with a separated central area. Lots of maintenance room for antags or maint goblins to do crap. Well laid out departments that are functional for both antags to break into, and for regular players to just do their jobs. At the end of the day, fixing the issues with meta requires a hundred times more effort than porting a better map. And you won't find a mapper willing to do it since the issues are to areas integral to meta's design. Issues that need solutions: Eclipse will need remapping. I am willing to do this work, but community input on various departments will be needed. Areas such as permabrig, AI sat, and toxins test need a complete overhaul. Think of Eclipse in the webmap not as the finished product, but as the canvas to work from as a base.
    7 points
  2. I didn't make this, but WHEW whoever made this is a genius
    6 points
  3. Honestly still WIP, still wanna come back and work on it, but here's more stuff from my uh, worldbuilding thingy
    6 points
  4. Hello! I have returned! I'd like to put this here in case my unlikely demise once again. You might have come across that stinky slime imposter of mine, pay him no heed as all slime users are baddies. Anyways, I'm Bubblegum. The (mostly) friendly Vulpkanin on station. I enjoy playing chef, medical and geneticist. Considering geneticist was a big reason why I was gone I'll be giving that a break for a bit to focus on being a better player. I can't wait to see all my old friends and new ones in-game! I've also learned new skills from other servers and I can't wait to use them on Paradise. Cya ingame nerds♡
    5 points
  5. To put it upfront, life's been busy as hell lately in finding a place to live, going from one end of the state I'm in to the other and at the time of writing, potentially looking in a different state entirely due to the job opportunities available there. I'm finishing off the last year of a Bachelor's degree online and moving on to a Master's program not long after, but as a result of that I'm not able and wasn't able to do as much shit for para from near the beginning of this year till now and a little beyond that to the point I'm not sure if most of you goblins remember me being around! There's been a lot of big shit going on when it comes to staff politics and as much as it sucks to say it, there aren't enough hours in the day to knock that thing out. I'm hoping that others continue the surveys Shadey started (especially as it's nearing that time again!) and keeping up at least the occasional community meeting to let everybody know not only what's been going on on the back-end, but to take in new ideas and feedback from the people actually playing the thing. Para's been a pretty big part of my life for the last 7+ years going from 13 to 20, I could say it's practically raised me in some regard from how much time I spent on it, especially between 2013 and 2018, but at this point I'll likely have to take the longest break I've ever had from it just to make sure things are stable in life. If any of you goblins have questions, feel free to toss em in this thread, otherwise, just try not to burn the place down while I'm out, eh?
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. We do an abnormal amount of trolling
    3 points
  8. Oh? Whats that? Deca plus two (because we forgot dozen exists) SM was to small? How fucking about Deca TIMES TWO SM! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH! Shoutout to the CE (Henry Todd) and QM (Alex Bones) and especially to my partner in crime Takeru Norifumi.
    3 points
  9. https://paradisestation.org/wiki/index.php/Security_Pod_Pilot
    2 points
  10. Slime one better, afaik you’re not from the land of tea Welcome back, though at some point you will have to fight over the name as the game doesn’t like people with the same name ingame (prime example, cryoing deletes both your records)
    2 points
  11. You'll need to fight Megafauna Bubblegum in a variety of horrible ways to ever claim the name from the pink slime nerd.
    1 point
  12. It's the COOOL picture! Woooo!!
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Name: Boris Von Horis Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Mechanic Biography: Boris Von Horis was born in 2540 on Prospero to the Von Horis family. The renowned Von Horis family is known for their skill at working on and designing space pods. The father of Boris Von Horis, Voris Von Horis customized the personal pods of Tass Vertallian and was rumored to have caught his eye when they tied during a pod race. There is also rumors that they met often for dinner. Boris has three siblings... Doris, Loris and Yoris. The latter died during a horrific pod collision and has left the Von Horis broken ever since. Apparently Boris suspected foul play involved due to Yoris telling him not to trust anyone the same day of the accident and claiming having found evidence of sabotage, these claims remain unproven. The patriarch of the family Voris died shortly after the accident claiming Yoris, leaving a dispute in the family as to who the head should be. The eldest sibling Doris won in a pod race beating Boris and Loris, both of the losing siblings were put on merc contracts to NanoTrasen bouncing around gaining money for both the family and the Prospero Order. Qualifications: NanoTrasen Mechanic's Exam - A+ Employment Records: Refused to state anything other than the Von Horis family. Security Records: Medical Records: Faint healed scars from a really bad explosion or fire. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes: Doesn't talk much about his past except the disdain for his ex wife and his sister. Can be very moody but has incredible talent when it comes to mechanics.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Space Pods with expanded pod bay and bar, 900 credits only!
    1 point
  17. Setting up the brigbay is what's fun about the role for a lot of brig doc players including myself.
    1 point
  18. Eat a donk pocket, and finally learn what corgi tastes like.
    1 point
  19. Hello! This is my Roleplaying guide based on my time on paradise combined with a lot of tabletop roleplaying experience. I hope it can give some interesting ideas. If it doesn't, I'm still happy you took the time to check it out. This guide doesn't dwell a lot on what you SHOULD do but rather HOW you do it. It's easy to tell someone to roleplay. It's harder to tell someone how to roleplay. This guide tries to amend this by providing traditional roleplaying and improv techniques. It also gives a lot of examples on how you could accomplish the three steps detailed below. The guide in 4 words: Build, do not destroy. The three things that make you a good roleplayer in this game are the following, in order of priority: Create interesting situations Be Interested Be Interesting Creating interesting situations Difficulty: Hard Note: As always, any interesting situations you create should follow the servers rules. The hardest, but also the most interesting part. It's hard to define an interesting situation but it's something that involves player characters somehow interacting with something. The classic example is an antagonist trying to kill you. It is immediately interesting because it's your character being hunted by a threat. You wanting to survive versus the antagonist wanting to take you down. However, interesting situations can be bigger than this. The bartender can throw a date night for the lonely hearts, the librarian could have a poetry competition, a civilian could try to get a permit to build something in the maints. The possibilities are endless, it just requires imagination. They also require initiative and work. Creating something means you have to try and risking failure. This is, combined witht he imagination required to come up with interesting ideas, is what makes this the hardest thing in this guide. Push yourself and go for it. Examples of creating interesting situations Here are some suggestions for different jobs to initiate interesting situations. Note: This skill depends heavily on the round and whats going on. If you're currently to busy doing your job to initiate interesting situations, do your duties first, then start getting creative. If you got skills, you might be able to do both. Captain: HOP: Sec Officer: Detective: Therapist: Civilian: Be interested Difficulty: Easy Be interested in other characters. Ask them about stuff. Ask them about their backgrounds and whatever else comes to mind. This is appreciated by everyone who has made a Character. They want people to know about their character. Let them show it off. By being interested, you can also show off your character. I've heard SS13 being called a "glorified chatroom" and it struck quite a cord with me. Talk to people. Ask them about their day. Being able to smalltalk as a made up character is a pretty high level of roleplay. The 4 techniques used to be interested are: "I heard a rumour" Yes/Yes And/ Yes But Have an excuse to start a conversation Join in on the action "I heard a rumour" One of the easiest and best conversation techniques to use in this game. As long its harmless, you can make stuff up about OTHER player characters like rumours or facts. Bonus points if you make this flattering or interesting tailored to their personality. They could play along using yes/yes and/ yes but or just say you're totally wrong. Either way, they get a chance to small talk about a possible previous event. Maybe even add something to their backstory. Try it. Examples About a Badass: About a Captain: About a Detective: About a Quartermaster About a Clown: About a Mime: Fill in the blank examples: Yes/ Yes and/ Yes But: This is a classic Improv technique. Someone comes to you for something. Clown wants all access, the chaplain wants to bless you, Sec wants to arrest you, Captain wants you for a special mission. In most cases, you should avoid saying no (Unless you really don't want to do it). It's better to say Yes/Yes and/ Yes but. All these answers will lead to MORE roleplaying and MORE interactions. A No will in most cases lead to less roleplaying. However, you should obviously still follow the server rules and apply common sense to the situations. Examples below. HOP example: Chaplain Blessing you example: Sec Arresting you example: Captain wants you example: Have an excuse to start an interaction When you make your character, consider how they interact with certain people. Different people want different things out of an interaction. What would your character be interested in finding out? Some are focused on the job/personal life/love life/interests. More detail on how to create excuses for your character is in the character creator in the next post. Examples, based on types that can be found on the station.: The young CentCom goldenboy/girl The Gossipy Grandmother The Naive Newcomer The Flirt The Badass The Preacher Join in on the action If you see someone announcing something, like a private investigator, a fun religion or a scientific experiment being announced, interact with it in some way. Just stopping by is good but if you can contribute, taking it in a different direction or building upon what's already there, it's even better. Create interaction. By talking with someone, you can start a series of events that could make someones round a lot better. Don't be afraid to ask people for things or ask about things. Be Interesting Difficulty: Medium. To be interesting means you have a character people are curious about and want to interact with. Your character changes you from just your job to an actual person. This step also happens before you've actually started playing the game. In my next post I'll post a character creator, designed specifically for Paradise, to help you create an interesting character. Some shortcuts to be interesting are the following: Have a unique or odd style/appereance. Speak in a distinct manner. Off hand mentions to previous events in your life. If you came this far, thanks for reading. I truly hope it gave you one or two ideas!
    1 point
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