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  1. Some art I did a bit ago based on a round I had played! Featuring Bubblegum. :>
    8 points
  2. Name: Ryder Hill Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Head of Personnel. IRS Agent. Businessman. Cargo Technician. Human Resources Agent. ID Inspector. Bureaucrat. Biography: Ryder has born in a unknown and far country from Nanotrasen area of operations, sharing some cultural values with USSP they valued good leaders above everything, with his family being a good example of this motto. He started to work at young ages in his uncle office storing documents, taking copies and learning from observing adults, with an routine like that it didnt take long until he acquired real interest into the beauty of organisation, command and procedures, considered of high status for the people that lived there. While growing older he learned alot about what makes a good leaders and didnt wait to put it to practice, with 21 years he was already married with Haru wich would give him support on where to lay his head, did treat all of his coworkers with the best treatment possible and always gave out 100% of himself on each job he took, no matter how small, ensuring him an respected job of inspector intern and one year later being promoted to an official one. However, it wasnt enough to guarantee a good quality of life for him or his family, he felt like his career wouldnt advance with the way things were going with the work safety he had, wich influencied him to leave with his wife and acquire experience in one of Nanotrasen stations, a place where he thought there would be alot to contribute. He arrived providing the station biggest necessity during that time, ID inspections, and within months he resolved most of the mistakes found onboard them, it was such an success that the IRS operating in the region called him to be one of their agents, using his skills to identify and solve any pending or errors within crews taxes from various places. After one year working at these offices he accumulated enough interest in NSS Cyberiad station, deciding once more to move in hopes of a great career ahead, starting in his field of expertise began to progress slowly from secretary, departamental bureaucrat and finally, with enough trust and experience, to wear the HoP mantle, where he did put to practice in those 8 years everything he has learned about leadership with his home culture and experience. Unfortunaly after this period of glory he was demoted for accepting bribes as a way to increase the flux of money into his pocket, becoming with this what he despised the most for a long time, an unemployed hobo. This period of three months, that did felt like an eternity to his finances, forced him to start over from the bottom, picking up jobs with low payments like deliveries and cleaning services to help with the bills of the shared room he had with Haru and for his family, only after joining Cooks Business Franchise his situation started to improve, with unique stores being open every shift he found himself with enough money to think about returning to his country and maybe, with the rich experience he got onboard Cyberiad, get for himself a diplomatic job... Qualifications: His qualifications before arriving at the company are unknown. Knowledgeable with SOP. Experienced with constructions. Qualified for command and diplomacy. Knowledgeable with tax systems. Qualified in every course for paperwork. Employment Records: These are Ryder Hill employment records in chronological order: ID Inspector - 4 months IRS Agent - 1 year Cargo Bureaucrat - 8 months Medical Bureaucrat - 3 months Security Bureaucrat - 1 month Constable - 1 month Human Resources Agent - 8 months Head of Personnel Secretary - 1 year Head of Personnel - 7 years Unemployed - 3 months Janitor - 1 month Food Delivery - 2 months Cooks Business Franchise - 6 months Security Records: Been reported multiple times for trespassing and petty theft, every time he was searched tools and The Griffin costumes were found. Caught receiving bribes for additional access and for more clown job slots as HoP, demoted as result. Suspect of being ringleader of multiple protests and riots, couldnt gather enough proof to convict him. Forgets to request construction permit frequently. Medical Records: Has an old gunshot wound at his right shoulder and some pretty light wounds caused by explosions at his back, his medical condition at the moment is fine. Height: 182 cm Weight: 80 kg Eye Color: Brown Other Notes: Ryder Hill doesnt care if you are a monster or a dangerous criminal, he will only report and attack if you damaged his paperwork, killed Ian/Paperwork, is a mime that has spoken or a clown without its mask. Has trouble to remember vox names and will most of the time refer to them by their job title. Favorite drinks: White Russian and Cafe Mocha. Favorite foods: KFV, Cargo pizza and Pancake. Screenshots: Personal Relationships:
    5 points
  3. Some friends got me wanting to think about how Rivera looks 'nd changes throughout her life so I'll leave this one here too. She doesn't remember anything from age 25 - 41, conveniently. There's some trouble back there, so maybe it's for the best.
    5 points
  4. did not expect to draw two decapitated heads in the span of 24 hours two pieces of spooky vox art from off the rails rounds, spoilered for cartoon gore First from a rev round I dared to ask "WHERE IS IDUNN?" when she was CMO The AI showed me with a quick flip of the shutters and another round where Takoyakika and I had a long talk about biggest fears and anxieties and then the cult happened
    5 points
  5. Let's add some more needs. At the moment, there is only the need for food, butif you can starve in that timeframe, you probably would also need to drink, rest, maybe take care of the personal hygiene. Could also have the need for some fresh air, always breathing the recycled air in the cramped rooms must not be nice, one would want some free room. It may not be vital, but you would be in a bad mood, and who knows what you would do throwing a tantrum. Eating without a table isn't that good, too...
    3 points
  6. I return with two more contributions to this thread:
    3 points
  7. Basic Information First Name: Gordon Last Name: Whitlock Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Grungle, Gordie. Age/D.O.B: 30 Place Of Birth: The Intes Cluster, aboard the S.S Terminal. Approximately 12 light years away from Sol and located within an Asteroid belt. Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee, hired first as apart of the Research Division. Religious Beliefs: Gordon has no true god he worships, but can be seen constantly attempting 'contact' with multiple gods or idols. [Addendum: When asked of the significance of his hair flower, there is reason to believe it was once viewed as a charm, or relic.] Character Biography Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Gordon Whitlock carries himself with a very energetic and upbeat posture, smile lines appear somewhat faded around his cheeks and underneath his eyes. His graying hair has white streaks running from his scalp to the tips of his ponytail. Whitlock's complexion is a pale white, not including the darkened scarred tissue that begins below his elbow and runs to right below his prosthetic left hands wrist, where the flesh ends and the metal begins. His eyes are a soft green, and nestled gently within his somewhat unkempt hair is a flower pin whom's artificial coloring has begun to fade from time. ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Character Voice: Gordon Whitlock carries a very rugged voice, the tone of which is usually spoken in a sly, smug know-it-all tone in almost any scenario in which he isn't thanking someone. Sarcasm and sass are very apparent in almost every sentence he finishes. (Video is just my interpretation of what Gordon likely, loosely sounds like. Feel free to imagine his voice however you see fit to him :) Personality: Gordon Whitlock is an eccentric and abrasive person with a side of being abhorrently neurotic. Though in the past Gordon had found it difficult to respect authority, recently his outlook has completely mellowed out when in regards to higher ups, and he has generally become a much more passive person. Though Gordon can often panic, it is often never shown on his outer appearance other than a handful of nervous tics that he has. Whitlock has been described by his peers as a 'Mad Scientist'. Medical Record: Character Relations Family: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Faltering Memory Of Faction Relations Allied | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information I will definitely be adding onto this as Gordon grows as a character, many things are subject to change in this biography. And! If I forgot anyone's character, please do let me know!
    3 points
  8. remove the damage cap on electrified doors so that when you overcharge the station's powernet, greytiders explode when cutting the wrong wire.
    2 points
  9. I'll start. Remap the Bar into a swimming pool. The bar is now a swim-up bar. Any electricity brought into the pool (including damaged IPCs) will electrify everyone swimming. There's a deep end that requires you click a button every few seconds in order to tread water, or you drown. If you're in the pool too long, you pee out any reagents in your system, that will then be absorbed by other swimmers. Emagging the pool controls turns the pool into a wave pool that throws people around at high speed, potentially causing IB, broken bones, or killing them. New Role: Lifeguard. Sit in your chair all day and point at the "No Running" sign around the pool. Have access to medical for some reason. A new gamemode called Realistic Simulation. There are no antags, and the round never ends until every player has eaten something, drank something, gone to the bathroom and slept in a bed. If you physically interact with another character before there's preceding dialogue, you're gibbed. IPC's can now choose a B2 Super Battle Droid augment kit as a species-specific traitor item. Watch those wrist rockets!
    1 point
  10. Eating without standing near a table causes you to immediately have a Berserk mental break and gives you the Blood Contract effect for 5 minutes, as eating without a table is a war crime.
    1 point
  11. Yeah, sorry about that. It started as a horrible idea, since a powerful gremlin could mess up the station in many horrible, horrible ways. Then I thought about it for a little too long and fleshed it out in my head as I considered how I would pitch the idea as a real suggestion. Now I'd really like to try playing as a bluespace gremlin! I like non-lethal antags and being stealthy.
    1 point
  12. Hell YEA it is the Paperwork Man.
    1 point
  13. Oh sweet, thanks. I know how that ends, we do that as a clown in the NT reps office with his ID
    1 point
  14. Im going to find a way to casually slip this into conversation, its canon as far as im concerned.
    1 point
  15. New Antagonist Role: Bluespace Gremlin A mischievous creature that loves tinkering with machinery and laughing maniacally. It is physically weak but fast and has the ability to randomly teleport itself short distances, like using a bluespace crystal. Gremlins lack hands and speak in gibberish that can only be understood by other gremlins. The gremlin's abilities are all related to causing electrical/mechanical chaos on the station - a small EMP blast, an ability that causes lights to flick and then blow-out in an area around the gremlin, and an ability that will randomly cut wires on a targeted hackable device, like a vending machine, airlock, or APC. The gremlin can hide under objects and run under tables, like a drone or cortical borer. However, they will randomly giggle when standing still for long periods of time and laugh hysterically when using their abilities, which might alert people to their presence. It's goals would be related to sabotaging key machinery or causing a certain amount of disruption aboard the station. For example, break 100 lightbulbs, fry the APC in the CMO's office, reset the RnD database, or shut-off the gravity generator. A single gremlin isn't that dangerous, but they rarely occur alone. An invasion of gremlins can cause significant distractions for the crew. A much less common, more powerful version could have the ability to e-mag objects to cause some serious damage or stun/shock attackers, but the main focus of gremlins should be on non-lethal mischief and equipment breakdown rather than killing crew or delaminating the engine.
    1 point
  16. New ghost role: Space Koi You take control over one of the docile space koi surrounding the station. Swim for the stars, sweet fishy!
    1 point
  17. So, double post but... I fucked with sec on extended some, but eventually they decided to beat the shit out of me and try to disposal me (kinda deserved tbhj)... So, what does bald man calvitium do? Revenge. Stole the bottler with help from HOP, got sugar cane seeds from botany, and a BOH of ice cream from chef 15 minutes later and I have 300u of black eye brew packed in smoke grenades. All of security on 300u of black eye brew is amazing. Oh, and not only that. It affects the AI to. So thats amazing.
    1 point
  18. Everything in engineering and atmos has it's limits removed and works closer to reality. -200C in the room? I imagine you have short moments before turning into ice rock. 10000C hellfire? Even shorter moments before you turn into soup. Atmos tech hotwires 1 GW Teg into network? You better have insulated gloves, otherwise you are about to have a bad time. Supermatter, if poked with thrown items enough makes bigger and bigger area of radiation. Room filled with co2? Oh no I gotta ru- *faints and dies from Carbon monoxide poisoning*. Also fastmos returns
    1 point
  19. Hitting the SM with a pickaxe has a 1% chance of dropping a supermatter shard shard you can use this shard in spear construction. This spear will instantly dust a target that is hit by it.
    1 point
  20. Slaughter Demons should be able to jaunt in through the blood that's inside of people, gibbing them in the process.
    1 point
  21. Okay so we make a team antag and we give them an item that takes up one hand, and has a 70% chance to reflect random projectiles. Security is meant to take this antag alive. Wait-
    1 point
  22. wanted to mess around with style/how I draw vox. I love the realistic creepy look
    1 point
  23. Figured I should add the little diona nymph heart I made for the Paradise discord! :>
    1 point
  24. this is my magnum opus of space station 13 art i think this was originally made as an art fight attack! though six of the included characters were added simply because i wanted to add them. this was sort of intended to be a nod toward the great times i've had in medbay, though it evolved to be a little more than just characters from medbay. but either way, thanks for all the good times! based on this ridiculous image. i love it so much In no particular order, characters belong to: Me: Rivera Kirkland, Tidal Kirkland Chikitita: @SlimeBird @angelictacticsIdunn Raan: Angel Anide: @punkalope Kikeri: @gangelwaefre Ooom-Vraah Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo: @Sappholopod Fiona Phillips: @Woje Jacob Pearls: @Sixzma S.E.A.G.U.L.L.: @rwn Cure #FF99FF: @Pegasnow Qixxiq Xiqqix: @Wilkson Scarlet Einholve: @EmilitiaEnnehrt Gikikigi: @Drakeven aand a couple others (Embrace Of Destiny Under A Lonesome Sun and Anton Fasani), not sure if their players a forum account. (Apologies for all the pings! There's a lot of characters here so I wanted to make sure their players got to see this. :] )
    1 point
  25. You mean stuff that's well above their pay grade, none of their business and perhaps even classified? The bridge is, admittedly, in a VERY terrible spot on Boxstation. However... this is a mentality we've been wanting to break for quite some time. Many command players find it quite obnoxious, and while, yes, you can say "Just close the front shutters!" (a feature we specifically added to try and curb bridge hoboing) there's a few problems with that. A) Only the captain really has the authority to close it. This is a smaller issue, granted. B) If you, as captain, do decide to close them, you will be met with even worse issues. Between other command staff walking in, going "wtf" and opening them again for next to no reason (research directors do this in robotics too and it annoys the shit out of me if I'm busy), and people spam knocking/ banging/ BREAKING the windows down because their opera curtains just shut on them... it's even more of a headache. This isn't getting into some of the other issues. Part of the reason we had to crack down on meta cliques after a while was because it screws over antagonists--large groups of people congregating in maintenance or public areas often denies antagonists a remote chance of taking on their objectives or converting people. The only solutions often end up being "wait until the leave", which they often won't until its too late, or "attack and kill ALL of them at once, in public". Do any of these sound ideal to you? I don't think so. The same problems apply to bridge hoboing, a problem debatably even worse because it's in full view of command staff, a hop-skip-and-jump away from the brig, and jam packed with other people. There are several other places to hang around in, that aren't as public or secure, and don't cause as many problems. Some of those areas could certainly stand to be made more interesting, perhaps... and I hope that's something we look into, alongside disencouraging people from hanging around the front of the bridge. Perhaps the bridge could be moved somewhere else, with windows only looking out into space. If command wants to interact with crew, they very much have the means to do so on their own terms, and there are many situations where that is a must.
    1 point
  26. haven't updated here as frequently as I'd like, but here's my big space station 13 piece to kick off artfight 2021!!
    1 point
  27. Haven't been uploading to forum as often as I used to, I've been drawing a lot and I got lazy figured this one belonged here, though choose your fighter: paradise station medbay lineup (sorry I left out a ton of medmains it was just whoever I remembered the morning I drew this u_u)
    1 point
  28. I cannot imagine what unholy, eldritch power led you to do this. Let this serve as a monument to the hubris of Humanity, not content with merely breaking the bonds of sanity in one realm and needing to spread it to others. It is nothing more than madness, a watchful moment through the looking glass beyond the plane where mortal minds were meant to tread. And yet, it is beautiful in its own, unique way; a symphony of constructive, building insanity. It is nothing short of heretical. And this is why we deserve it. Praise be.
    1 point
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