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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2021 in all areas

  1. kind of a very weird one but i drew some spess characters as pokemon/pokemon mystery dungeon characters bc it sounded fun to try smth out of my wheelhouse and i thought it would be funny in order Kikeri, Chikitita, Idunn Raan, Freya Raan, Rivera Kirkland, Tidal Kirkland, and Angel Anide Fiona Phillips, Jakki Rockatansky, Cure#FF99FF, Michael Bovine, Viisk-Hoorm-Vroo, and Anton Fasani as for the names of the pokemon, I genuinely do not know like half of them, so don't ask me
    12 points
  2. 9 hearts in like three hours yall really like pokemon huh
    6 points
  3. Some friends got me wanting to think about how Rivera looks 'nd changes throughout her life so I'll leave this one here too. She doesn't remember anything from age 25 - 41, conveniently. There's some trouble back there, so maybe it's for the best.
    4 points
  4. HELLO?! ATMOS IS MAD. The first 20 shard And a CO2 version
    2 points
  5. Clearly we have to take power generation to the next level! I'd say there should be a Deca SM at roundstart, heck, two Deca SMs!
    2 points
  6. A Wizard round where they have no truly highly dangerous or disruptive powers....BUT they are a special lich bound to the NAD...can't destroy it or get it off station...but you can't keep the lich down....Eventually someone will look away and they'll be able to teleport out of the area to continue to be a spooky annoyance. Rattle them bones, drink all the station's milk. Their ultimate goal is to make the crew miserable, yet unable to do anything about it to the point they just...stop trying and they can finally just chill out. Picture it, it's your turn to babysit the NAD...a spooky skeleton sudden shows up and starts slapping at your hands, knocking tools free, running around your workspace making "Spooky" sounds, being annoying and disruptive but ultimately harmless....Sure, you could bash it's skull in but...It'll be back...you can only hope to hold onto sanity until it's someone else's turn to carry that cursed disk...
    2 points
  7. New Gamemode: Shitsec In this gamemode the roles are reversed, and the entire security team are antagonists. Initially the goals starts small - trashing the bar, threatening civvies, and general corruption, but eventually evolves into open corruption, siphoning resources and funds from departments like cargo and RnD, and martial law. The traitors are the good guys, with the goal to create an underground resistance force and fight back against security, rallying the populace to eventually overthrow the corrupt security force, or die trying. Bonus points for every kill performed via guillotine.
    2 points
  8. I have seen a fair few people asking in the discord if any artsy people here do commissions, and a lot of artsy people who have open commissions, however theres no link between. This thread is for said artsy people to post their commission info / commissions sheet. This can include, but is not limited to: Contact details Examples of your work (Not too many to avoid threadspam) General pricing Restrictions on what you will/will not draw Note: This thread is for artists to say their commissions are open, not for people to ask "Anyone doing commissions?". Anyone asking that will have their posts removed.
    1 point
  9. Hi all, its time for another mapping discussion. This one might get spicy since meta is close to many older players hearts. Please read this through before forming an opinion, these threads are useless if you come in with your mind already made up. If you still disagree after reading it, that's fair enough. But please do at least give it thought. Metastation is poorly designed for para culture. What I'm suggesting: Replace metastation with a unique map that is distinct from the ones we currently have, EclipseStation. (Click that to view the webmap for it) We don't increase the maintenance factor of keeping a new map up to date by replacing meta, and we get a map with a different playstyle. Why have map rotation if we are just going to have 2 of the 3 maps be quite similar in design, with one being worse? Why I'm suggesting this: Right, here is my case against metastation. Primary complaint: Metas maintenance SUCKS for Paradise. Like, it's terrible. Lets see some examples: You are an antag in engineering maints, and sec are approaching, so you choose to run. What are your options? (Red circle marks start point) If you run north, you are faced with a super long 1x wide corridor, meaning you are almost guaranteed to be caught by any player with more than 3 braincells. But Sean, just run south?! Lets look at the south then: Uh-oh! It's the same issue, there are no alternate routes, there are no easy alcoves to duck into, there is just a long corridor of pain. If you look at the meta map, here. What do you see? ALL the maints are like this, every single one is a long corridor with no alternate routes or gaps to duck into. Why is this bad? Well, this might work on TG, with faster movement speed, stamina only combat, and crawling. But on paradise? Expect a tazer or a few disabler shells up your ass and game over. Antags will be forced to go loud in the hallways, or just kill sec instead of escape. Meta is not designed with para in mind, at all. Again, look at the maints south of dorms. This is terrible map design. Delta and box do everything meta wants to do, and they do it far better. This is not hyperbole, this is plainly obvious to anyone who's done map work before. Okay, but why EclipseStation? Just to make this clear, I'm not claiming Eclipse is the holy grail of mapping. It isn't, and will need work to be para-ready. But what does it offer? A unique layout, with departments being in an outer ring with a separated central area. Lots of maintenance room for antags or maint goblins to do crap. Well laid out departments that are functional for both antags to break into, and for regular players to just do their jobs. At the end of the day, fixing the issues with meta requires a hundred times more effort than porting a better map. And you won't find a mapper willing to do it since the issues are to areas integral to meta's design. Issues that need solutions: Eclipse will need remapping. I am willing to do this work, but community input on various departments will be needed. Areas such as permabrig, AI sat, and toxins test need a complete overhaul. Think of Eclipse in the webmap not as the finished product, but as the canvas to work from as a base.
    1 point
  10. Name: Ryder Hill Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: B+ General Occupational Role(s): Head of Personnel. IRS Agent. Businessman. Cargo Technician. Human Resources Agent. ID Inspector. Bureaucrat. Biography: Ryder has born in a unknown and far country from Nanotrasen area of operations, sharing some cultural values with USSP they valued good leaders above everything, with his family being a good example of this motto. He started to work at young ages in his uncle office storing documents, taking copies and learning from observing adults, with an routine like that it didnt take long until he acquired real interest into the beauty of organisation, command and procedures, considered of high status for the people that lived there. While growing older he learned alot about what makes a good leaders and didnt wait to put it to practice, with 21 years he was already married with Haru wich would give him support on where to lay his head, did treat all of his coworkers with the best treatment possible and always gave out 100% of himself on each job he took, no matter how small, ensuring him an respected job of inspector intern and one year later being promoted to an official one. However, it wasnt enough to guarantee a good quality of life for him or his family, he felt like his career wouldnt advance with the way things were going with the work safety he had, wich influencied him to leave with his wife and acquire experience in one of Nanotrasen stations, a place where he thought there would be alot to contribute. He arrived providing the station biggest necessity during that time, ID inspections, and within months he resolved most of the mistakes found onboard them, it was such an success that the IRS operating in the region called him to be one of their agents, using his skills to identify and solve any pending or errors within crews taxes from various places. After one year working at these offices he accumulated enough interest in NSS Cyberiad station, deciding once more to move in hopes of a great career ahead, starting in his field of expertise began to progress slowly from secretary, departamental bureaucrat and finally, with enough trust and experience, to wear the HoP mantle, where he did put to practice in those 8 years everything he has learned about leadership with his home culture and experience. Unfortunaly after this period of glory he was demoted for accepting bribes as a way to increase the flux of money into his pocket, becoming with this what he despised the most for a long time, an unemployed hobo. This period of three months, that did felt like an eternity to his finances, forced him to start over from the bottom, picking up jobs with low payments like deliveries and cleaning services to help with the bills of the shared room he had with Haru and for his family, only after joining Cooks Business Franchise his situation started to improve, with unique stores being open every shift he found himself with enough money to think about returning to his country and maybe, with the rich experience he got onboard Cyberiad, get for himself a diplomatic job... Qualifications: His qualifications before arriving at the company are unknown. Knowledgeable with SOP. Experienced with constructions. Qualified for command and diplomacy. Knowledgeable with tax systems. Qualified in every course for paperwork. Employment Records: These are Ryder Hill employment records in chronological order: ID Inspector - 4 months IRS Agent - 1 year Cargo Bureaucrat - 8 months Medical Bureaucrat - 3 months Security Bureaucrat - 1 month Constable - 1 month Human Resources Agent - 8 months Head of Personnel Secretary - 1 year Head of Personnel - 7 years Unemployed - 3 months Janitor - 1 month Food Delivery - 2 months Cooks Business Franchise - 6 months Security Records: Been reported multiple times for trespassing and petty theft, every time he was searched tools and The Griffin costumes were found. Caught receiving bribes for additional access and for more clown job slots as HoP, demoted as result. Suspect of being ringleader of multiple protests and riots, couldnt gather enough proof to convict him. Forgets to request construction permit frequently. Medical Records: Has an old gunshot wound at his right shoulder and some pretty light wounds caused by explosions at his back, his medical condition at the moment is fine. Height: 182 cm Weight: 80 kg Eye Color: Brown Other Notes: Ryder Hill doesnt care if you are a monster or a dangerous criminal, he will only report and attack if you damaged his paperwork, killed Ian/Paperwork, is a mime that has spoken or a clown without its mask. Has trouble to remember vox names and will most of the time refer to them by their job title. Favorite drinks: White Russian and Cafe Mocha. Favorite foods: KFV, Cargo pizza and Pancake. Screenshots: Personal Relationships:
    1 point
  11. I'll give it a go. This is only Unk, but he's my "only" character anyway. (Left to right) HoS Security officer Civilian and most other jobs Random outfit I wore once during nuke ops and never again
    1 point
  12. Ill start us off! In order, left to right and down the rows we have: Matt Malvor: HoS and Civilian Aaron D'Angelo: Nanotrasen Financial Officer SPRINGFIELD-01: SOO Marcus Fatte: Syndicate Officer MAL V.R.: Scientist, Atmos Tech, and CE Matters of Malevolence: Miner Matters Nott: Coroner Sam Springfield: NT Rep, HoP, and Civvie Atichiki: Chaplain, Paramedic
    1 point
  13. @Charliminatorabsolutely destroyed
    1 point
  14. CE is dead. Carp rave time
    1 point
  15. If the server isn't crashing at roundstart, there's not enough power generation happening.
    1 point
  16. Fun fact, the AI cannot open the Gamma Armory entrance!
    1 point
  17. That's already every round though as a sec player my objective is to make everyone miserable.
    1 point
    1 point
  19. Let's add some more needs. At the moment, there is only the need for food, butif you can starve in that timeframe, you probably would also need to drink, rest, maybe take care of the personal hygiene. Could also have the need for some fresh air, always breathing the recycled air in the cramped rooms must not be nice, one would want some free room. It may not be vital, but you would be in a bad mood, and who knows what you would do throwing a tantrum. Eating without a table isn't that good, too...
    1 point
  20. I return with two more contributions to this thread:
    1 point
  21. Some art I did a bit ago based on a round I had played! Featuring Bubblegum. :>
    1 point
  22. New Antagonist Role: Bluespace Gremlin A mischievous creature that loves tinkering with machinery and laughing maniacally. It is physically weak but fast and has the ability to randomly teleport itself short distances, like using a bluespace crystal. Gremlins lack hands and speak in gibberish that can only be understood by other gremlins. The gremlin's abilities are all related to causing electrical/mechanical chaos on the station - a small EMP blast, an ability that causes lights to flick and then blow-out in an area around the gremlin, and an ability that will randomly cut wires on a targeted hackable device, like a vending machine, airlock, or APC. The gremlin can hide under objects and run under tables, like a drone or cortical borer. However, they will randomly giggle when standing still for long periods of time and laugh hysterically when using their abilities, which might alert people to their presence. It's goals would be related to sabotaging key machinery or causing a certain amount of disruption aboard the station. For example, break 100 lightbulbs, fry the APC in the CMO's office, reset the RnD database, or shut-off the gravity generator. A single gremlin isn't that dangerous, but they rarely occur alone. An invasion of gremlins can cause significant distractions for the crew. A much less common, more powerful version could have the ability to e-mag objects to cause some serious damage or stun/shock attackers, but the main focus of gremlins should be on non-lethal mischief and equipment breakdown rather than killing crew or delaminating the engine.
    1 point
  23. So, double post but... I fucked with sec on extended some, but eventually they decided to beat the shit out of me and try to disposal me (kinda deserved tbhj)... So, what does bald man calvitium do? Revenge. Stole the bottler with help from HOP, got sugar cane seeds from botany, and a BOH of ice cream from chef 15 minutes later and I have 300u of black eye brew packed in smoke grenades. All of security on 300u of black eye brew is amazing. Oh, and not only that. It affects the AI to. So thats amazing.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. New game mode, Honk Crisis. Everyone is implanted with a bomb that will go off if you don't honk at least once per minute. To survive the round you must honk. New game mechanic: Teeth, everyone now has teeth as an internal organ. Each individual tooth is numbered and tracked individually. Teeth can be removed, replaced with fake teeth, etc. Teeth degrade over time if you don't brush your teeth every 30 minutes. A new Dentist job will be on the station who can replace teeth that get damaged from lack of brushing. If you lose all your teeth you can only drink to regain hunger and also talk messed up. Punching people in the mouth has a chance to knock out their teeth.
    1 point
  26. Name: Boris Von Horis Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: O+ General Occupational Role(s): Mechanic Biography: Boris Von Horis was born in 2540 on Prospero to the Von Horis family. The renowned Von Horis family is known for their skill at working on and designing space pods. The father of Boris Von Horis, Voris Von Horis customized the personal pods of Tass Vertallian and was rumored to have caught his eye when they tied during a pod race. There is also rumors that they met often for dinner. Boris has three siblings... Doris, Loris and Yoris. The latter died during a horrific pod collision and has left the Von Horis broken ever since. Apparently Boris suspected foul play involved due to Yoris telling him not to trust anyone the same day of the accident and claiming having found evidence of sabotage, these claims remain unproven. The patriarch of the family Voris died shortly after the accident claiming Yoris, leaving a dispute in the family as to who the head should be. The eldest sibling Doris won in a pod race beating Boris and Loris, both of the losing siblings were put on merc contracts to NanoTrasen bouncing around gaining money for both the family and the Prospero Order. Qualifications: NanoTrasen Mechanic's Exam - A+ Employment Records: Refused to state anything other than the Von Horis family. Security Records: Medical Records: Faint healed scars from a really bad explosion or fire. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): Other Notes: Doesn't talk much about his past except the disdain for his ex wife and his sister. Can be very moody but has incredible talent when it comes to mechanics.
    1 point
  27. Honestly still WIP, still wanna come back and work on it, but here's more stuff from my uh, worldbuilding thingy
    1 point
  28. Oh? Whats that? Deca plus two (because we forgot dozen exists) SM was to small? How fucking about Deca TIMES TWO SM! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH! Shoutout to the CE (Henry Todd) and QM (Alex Bones) and especially to my partner in crime Takeru Norifumi.
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. And another vox, now for @Octus!
    1 point
  31. Come to Cooks Laundry if you want your things clean or stored!
    1 point
  32. Not really SS13 related but... I hope you enjoyed it either way, really liked how Krek's portrait went so I tried drawing a Sertian then claiming it as my OC.
    1 point
  33. Picture for @Varshie - lovely voxxy!
    1 point
  34. Wiki is back online and updated, and with a new feature. Thanks to the hard work of @Sirryan2002, the wiki now has a dark mode! To enable it, first login to the wiki. Then go to your preferences. Inside preferences, you have an appearance tab Once here, you can select ParaDark then save This skin is still a work in progress, and I advise you all report issues on this thread:
    1 point
  35. Picture with details and a couple of examples. Commissions are currently open You can also check my art thread here with more examples:
    1 point
  36. Wanted to draw a little character timeline thing!
    1 point
  37. Finally, settled on a character. Name: O.R.A.N.C.H.E Age: 19 Gender: Identifies as male Race: I.P.C Blood Type: Irrelevant General Occupational Role(s): Psychologist, Coroner, IAA/NTR Biography: O.R.A.N.C.H.E was manufactured on Sol as a retooling of an extremely outdated maintenance-drone hack-up (known as DR-801). Proving to be very intelligent early on in positronic evaluation and testing stages, O.R.A.N.C.H.E began seeking out a career in criminal psychology, with the goal of entering the Trans-Solar Federation's Corporate Investigation Bureau. However, he found that he lacked enough work hours logged within corporate companies to be considered for the position, and the TSF recruiter recommended him Nanotrasen. He accepted, and now works at the NSS Cyberiad. Qualifications: O.R.A.N.C.H.E is qualified in the field of Criminal Psychology, having a bachelor degree in Criminal Psychology and an associates in Forensics. O.R.A.N.C.H.E also expresses an interest in telecommunications and emergency services, and seems to read about those topics often in his free time. The following information is also visible in-game, because I like consistency. Employment Records: O.R.A.N.C.H.E is qualified in the fields of criminal psychology and forensics. He has been employed at the Cyberiad due to a desire to join the TSF CIB (Corporate Investigation Bureau), and plans to work until he meets the TSF CIB requirements for further education and training. Security Records: O.R.A.N.C.H.E is hyperactive and jumpy, leaning heavily towards the "flight" side of the "fight or flight" coin. He seems uninterested in serving Nanotrasen fully, showing loyalty to the TSF rather than Nanotrasen. He seems especially fond of his homeworld, Earth, and it's rural areas. This leads us to believe he's more environmentalist, despite the industrial upbringing. Medical Records: O.R.A.N.C.H.E seems to possess a form of robotic ADHD, and subsequently is very hyperactive. He is also able to generate heat and make a wider variety of noises. His chassis is a relativeley new model of Morpheus Cyberkinetics, designed to resemble the older chassis but be more pleasant to interact with physically. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): He's tall and lanky, with a peach/salmon colored chassis. His screen is a orange heart, and his antenna fold foward. He has scratches and damage all over. His body structure is far more geometric rather than cubic, with more shapes and corners. Other Notes: Criminal Psychology is actually a field I'm studying in real life. Yeehaw.
    1 point
  38. haven't updated here as frequently as I'd like, but here's my big space station 13 piece to kick off artfight 2021!!
    1 point
  39. Forgot I never uploaded this here. I'm learning to draw vulps slowly evil man
    1 point
  40. happy new year, everyone I didn't intend for this 2 minute doodle to be my first art of 2021, but it was technically a request
    1 point
  41. Small doodle post cuz I forgot to post any of these Christmas vox Some vox emotes and the requested Chikitita plush sprite edit, which I wasn't going to post here but it's funny
    1 point
  42. REVENGE art for @synkkacuz I love y'all's characters and've been meaning to draw em for a while!! thanks again for the SICK art of chiki!! <3
    1 point
  43. lazy morning doodles of Kiicheri and a comic about a funny thing that happened during a downhill cult round lol
    1 point
  44. Jacob Pearls and Aurora, two friendly faces I see in medbay a lot I'm trying to force myself to learn how to draw vulps. It's a process. Also, Ozz. Cowboy lizard extraordinaire
    1 point
  45. Doodle of Zouri, I'm trying to branch out into other species
    1 point
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