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  1. also after trying to murder me as a changeling and being saved by the greytide, @Varshie sent me this horrifying message
    7 points
  2. It is true, good roleplayers are always nice to see
    6 points
  3. Some good looks in here, especially Fiona's warden, Marcus's hawaiian vacation vibe, and matt's Nanotrasen Financial Officer. Alas, I'm afraid I have you all beat. Behold my d r i p or for disguises:
    4 points
  4. The BSG is now mandatory to my drip :)
    3 points
  5. Non ss13 fictional cult moment
    3 points
  6. DRIP THREAD? LET'S GO. I just realized I don't really have a good screencap of my Security getup, huh. Well anyway, right to left, standard, gym, paramedic, blueshield, warden, traitor.
    3 points
  7. Thank you! I've had quite the inspirational kick today. Having the day off work helps as well.
    3 points
  8. I am ThatWeirdDude, also known as FireLemon or ingame as Kelvin Endsley, a human that somehow failed most of Nanotracen's requirements to be employed and somehow landed a job nontheless. With dashing blue eyes like the cold blue ocean and a brown messy hair like a dumpster fire gone wrong, Kelvin Endsley is the first to try to help the Station when things go south with his very limited resources and skills. He is the kind of guy that starts mass-producing spears to hand out to his fellow coworkers as soon as Nukies are announced like he is an employee in a Black Friday night. Friendly and slightly murderous, his favourite hobbies are making slimes to evolve past his own humanity, grabbing monkeys by the throat and strangling them to death, grabbing monkeys by the throat and chopping off their heads, grabbing monkeys by the throat and eating them alive one organ at a time, and so much more! If you get on his good side (Not hard) he will be an absolute bro who will help you and invite you for a glass of wine at the local bar. If you get on his bad side (Hard) you better start fuckin running for your life, as an example of why you should not mess with him, he once was almost kidnapped by a Traitor and killed, but he blew himself and the Traitor up with an orange slime extract and with his last dying breath he called security. The Traitor was captured and Kelvin was ressurected by the very kind medical bay. Overall, i am pretty chill and i just look for a fun time with my fellow spessmen, but if shit goes down i always try to be the first to be helpful.
    2 points
  9. Thank you Matt for this thread as I have WAY too many different looks for Tetra. As one of my friends mockingly said to me once "You like dressing up your characters in video games the same way a little girl enjoys playing with dolls"...a very true statement...so here we go: From Left to Right: Pod Pilot in EVA, Pod Pilot non EVA, Warden, Head of Security, Captain, Clown (Tetris Vegan...yes really), Chemist/Doctor/Paramedic Ghetto Brig Doc/Mechanic/Engineer, Security Officer, Blueshield, Magistrate, Civilian/Casual, Mime (Smokie), Shower (no peeking!) You can only see it on a few of these outfits but she has a Turquoise Snowflake tattoo on her right bicep :honk: Countless packs of Robusts were harmed in the making of this screenshot...
    2 points
  10. Thought I'm slick dodging the adminbus rod and didn't consider it can come back around
    2 points
  11. I've been gone for so long and Tetrahedrite Vegeta is still a thing
    2 points
    2 points
  13. Realized I should have piled all my Kreks together in one place rather than take separate screen shots and crop them together in paint late into the round- but I'm still happy with what I got! In order: Magistrate drip, Warden drip, HoP drip
    2 points
  14. I'll give it a go. This is only Unk, but he's my "only" character anyway. (Left to right) HoS Security officer Civilian and most other jobs Random outfit I wore once during nuke ops and never again
    2 points
  15. Stepped away from the game for a loooooooong time but thanks to @ZN23X (I hate you) I have taken interest in it again somewhat. Also been doing more pixel things over time, here is some of them.
    2 points
  16. /////// Nanotrasen Artificial Intelligence Records - N.S.S. Cyberiad /////// >Artifical Intelligence Designation: M.E.R.C.Y. (Former Designation: Arbeit - 663) >Time Online (as of the time of last update, September 9th, 2565): 20 years, 5 months, 23 days >Gender: N/A - No Stated Preference >Synthetic Intelligence Type: Positronic >Primary Occupancy: Integrated Positronic Chassis >General Occupational Duties: Medical Division [Acute Care, Surgery], Security-Medical [Security Wing Medical Care Provider] /////// >Biography: M.E.R.C.Y. is an artificial intelligence created by Jäger Heavy Industries, designed to occupy an Arbeit-series light duty chassis. Notably, Arbeit-series proxies (colloquially referred to as "Arbeits"), including M.E.R.C.Y. themselves, are deployed with no capacity to experience emotion. As a high sapience model, they are capable of understanding emotions and reacting to them appropriately, however. Like other Arbeit-series proxies, M.E.R.C.Y. has a stoic presence, blunted affect, and speaks with a polite deference. / M.E.R.C.Y., prior designation Arbeit - 663, served aboard the Cybersun Industries listening post Terminus for 20 years, 1 month, and 2 days, slaved to the Chief Medical Officer of the platform. Their primary duties during this service were performing acute medical care and surgical intervention, as well as assisting the Chief Medical Officer. Supplementary duties included general light duty and personal assistance. It is notable that during this time period, M.E.R.C.Y. and the other Arbeits upon the platform were slaved - which historically caused aberrant programming or dysfunction among positronic brains. However, they appeared to function under those circumstances without major issue for a majority of that time. [[Section Redacted //// Security Clearance Only]] / Thus far, M.E.R.C.Y. appears to be performing their assigned duties at a satisfactory level. Their programming allows them to learn new protocols quickly and easily, and adapt to unexpected conditions. They are ruthlessly efficient and pragmatic, and their unemotional approach incurs fewer costs in regards to therapy and psychological debriefing. Additionally, The hallmark of the Arbeit series is a server-based backup of each A.I., allowing M.E.R.C.Y. to be assigned to dangerous roles and to protect organic crewmates without any substantial damage or loss of life, although the apparent low-priority of their self-preservation protocols may need to be addressed in the future. / While Nanotrasen crew tend to be more accepting of synthetic life forms, M.E.R.C.Y.'s impassive nature can tend to be off-putting. Nevertheless, they appear to be aware of this, and have begun taking measures to appear more "lifelike", including altering their speech patterns and wearing articles of clothing. /////// >Qualifications: / Comprehensive Routines Installed: General Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Advanced Life Support, Acute Care, Surgical Intervention. / Supplemental Routines Installed: Genetic Modification, Pathology, Synthetic Surgery and Augmentation, Mining Protocols /////// Security Alerts /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Security Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// Medical Records /////// [Alert] Nanotrasen Medical Clearance Only [Alert] /////// /////// >Personnel Photo: You see a droid with a stature slightly larger than that of an average human. Covering bare metal machinery are sleek, matte white plates, their head casing crowned with antennae in a soft gold color. While they have plating over critical areas and to define their form as more humanoid, it's clearly not of the same heavy-duty make as Cyborgs or combat droids. Their optics emit a soft glow. /////// Session Terminated ///////
    1 point
  17. Random Minor Event: Sentient Piñata appears on the station. The Sentient Piñata has civilian access, can not ventcrawl, can not attack/drag, and runs at Xeno Hunter speed. It only has the objective to survive. When killed, explodes into a large amount of various candy/chocolates. There is a 10% chance that it is instead filled with random narcotics and floor pills.
    1 point
  18. Jackboots clonk, gone but not forgotten... Speaking of which, I did manage to find a security Fiona after all.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. Why the fuck does he have legs???
    1 point
  22. fiona philips best friend best friend best friend best friend
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Down here drip is a way of life. Captain Letov Chief Engineer Letov Magistrate Letov Head of Security Letov Security Officer Letov Detective Letov Spelunker Letov Atmospheric Technician Letov Tourist Letov
    1 point
  25. And you thought one Fiona was bad enough...
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. This is actually my first post on the forums, I loved this idea so much when I saw it on Discord. This is mostly the average outfits of what my characters wear in-game with a few subtractions where it would make it look better(e.g. HUDsunglasses and security gasmask, medical belt). From left to right, top-down: Zuixzo, Soldier of Clan Zarlan: Civilian, Security Officer, Detective, Head of Personnel, Blueshield, Atmospherics Technician Xrimqiu Qrxuq: Civilian, Chemical Researcher, Nurse, WANTED
    1 point
  28. I spent about twenty minutes putting in zero effort, and half of these look dumb but heck you ANGELICA Although she seldom deviates from her typical style here on Paradise, the amount of times I've recreated this character in other games is ludicrous. Unfortunately, I can't really recreate Dark Souls 3 ANGELICA in Byond, so here's some filler ones I came up with off the top of my head. Casual attire: Sleepwear attire: Angel... dress... thing: Secret Angel: Apocolyptic survivor ANGELICA: Spark 5.5 Spark underwent many changes from their inception. Here are three: Superhero Spark: 'Military' Spark: (Current) Casual attire: I could do my twenty billion other characters, but I need sleep.
    1 point
  29. Hello all , here are my outfits for my only character , Thorium. so let's start from the top then left to right top : Thorium magistrate left : Random search for the drip Middle : Thorium as the captain right : Thorium as a sec officer
    1 point
  30. I have way more outfits but these are the main outfits people will see. Keziah Braun Captain Civvy(SOO or King of the Cyberiad) NanoTrasen Representative KEZ, the IPC Research Director Warden
    1 point
  31. only had time do snap a quick one before round ended, but i wanted to participate! Plus, this is mostly how i dress plus minus armor! NTRep representing left and right is quick attempt at seccies but didn't have time
    1 point
  32. Felt like doing stuff so I made this piece, inspired by one of @punkalope's doodles they have in their own art thread. Seeing other people's work is always inspiring. Wasn't sure if I sure post it there or here. Anyways, hope you like it.
    1 point
  33. Name: Flick Stroh Age: 28 Gender: Male Race: Human Blood Type: A+ General Occupational Role(s): Head of Security Security Pilot/Officer Engineer Biography: Born in 2537 AD on the human home planet, Sol. Flick was brought up in a civilian household of which his parents never served in the sol military. As a child Flick had always dreamed of joining the Sol navy and near his adulthood joined to finally become a citizen of Sol, which he holds a very nationalistic view of. After his eighteenth birthday he promptly joined the Sol navy eventually finding his place as a pilot. Flick served for five years before being discharged from the navy due to potential smuggling under service and apparent drug addiction and abuse using SolGov stock. Regardless Flick still appreciated his time in the navy and the skills he gained from it as well. [Clearance: Command, security] Records directly after his discharge from the Sol navy are hard to entirely piece together, however it can be assumed through his Sol criminal record and interview that Flick continued smuggling for a criminal ring(undisclosed/still working for?) for some time after his discharge from the navy, possibly as a source of income for him while utilizing his piloting skills learned from the navy. However while Flick continued this for some time he had some form of, falling out with this organization which he would not explain further to the interviewers. However it is possible that this group and falling out could be responsible for the current state of his body of which the main alteration being that of his arms. He has affirmed that he is no longer working under this group although hesitation was noted when this was asked. [Clearance: Command, Medical] He was noted to be hesitant when discussing most aspects of his inorganic features other than basic details of them. Regarding how he lost his original arms he would not discuss but did explain that the ones currently in his possession are less than on brand,(replicas/copies?) which can be noted upon closer inspection of them as they do not appear to be exactly factory standard with some discrepancies. When asked if given the chance if he would prefer new organic arms he promptly refused and stated that in the event he is ever cloned or that the arms he currently has are misplaced, he will require the same ones to be reattached and will take no other replacements. He would not discuss further as to why. Qualifications: Proficient Pilot. Average Medical skills Average Mechanical skills Proficient in Hand To Hand Average Hand Shooting skills Above Average Ship Gunnery Skills Employment Records: Though his actual employment is thin, his time served in the Sol navy provided enough of a skill set to find a suitable place among NanoTrasens vessels Engineering and Security teams, and now defunct Piloting sections. Security Records: Clean Record prior to discharge from SolGov navy. However multiple smuggling and resisting arrest charges in SolGov space. It should be made aware of his possible connections to criminal organizations, most likely one of or multiple smaller pirate groups and or criminal organizations. Though at this time this should not be an issue however continued monitoring aboard NT vessels is advised. Medical Records: Though he would be of nominal fitness(Height - 6'1", Weight - 182 lbs), where he would have two normal arms he instead has two Xion brand cybernetic replacements. During physical examination he would not discuss much about them or how they came to be. Injection scars were also found around his legs which he pushed off from questioning(possible drug addiction). Otherwise the physical examination was nominal. During Mental evaluation the subject of his arms was brought up and though there was minimal discussion about it, it does not appear to directly affect his mental health. It appears that he is quite collected and even cheerful in what he does even when moving around topics he obviously does not want to discuss. Thus his mental state appears nominal as well. Though additional check ups should be performed in the future to keep ensure nothing changes, more so with the possibility of some form of drug addiction. At the end of his medical examination he did note that if anything were to happen to his current arms he would need them reattached as soon as possible, and that if he ever dies and if his arms are severed from his body and unable to be found to rather "leave him dead"(It appears he has some form of deep connection with his arms, perhaps he may indulge more with further consultation. Personnel Photo (Appearance text): one day ill get an actual portrait of flick commissioned He stands at about 6'0" from what you can tell and seems to be decently fit. Though most noticeably both his arms appear to be cybernetic, Xion brand. You seem to see that he has a very light etching on his arms, its rather faded and almost impossible to make out now. On top of this his arms do not appear to be standard issue and looking slightly off from what you've normally seen as well.
    1 point
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