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  1. Regular shift for Fiona: > Finds a flash while lurking in the dark >Pass out drunk in the library >Wakes up and tells a drunk that he's the chosen one, then sends him on a magical journey >Profit
    3 points
  2. I found a random flash in maint and then had to go afk in the library for a moment. So as I come back some random greytider walks in and sees me sitting in a chair, facing away from the door. This exchange occurs and I leave the flash on the table, walking away wordlessly. Wonder what he did with it.
    3 points
  3. Some fun with Disco Elysium ;D
    2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. I am meaty, you are eaty.
    2 points
  6. Check my Twitter / DeviantArt for more examples ^ ^ You can contact me on Discord Synkkä#5542 or twitter.
    2 points
  7. I'll start. Remap the Bar into a swimming pool. The bar is now a swim-up bar. Any electricity brought into the pool (including damaged IPCs) will electrify everyone swimming. There's a deep end that requires you click a button every few seconds in order to tread water, or you drown. If you're in the pool too long, you pee out any reagents in your system, that will then be absorbed by other swimmers. Emagging the pool controls turns the pool into a wave pool that throws people around at high speed, potentially causing IB, broken bones, or killing them. New Role: Lifeguard. Sit in your chair all day and point at the "No Running" sign around the pool. Have access to medical for some reason. A new gamemode called Realistic Simulation. There are no antags, and the round never ends until every player has eaten something, drank something, gone to the bathroom and slept in a bed. If you physically interact with another character before there's preceding dialogue, you're gibbed. IPC's can now choose a B2 Super Battle Droid augment kit as a species-specific traitor item. Watch those wrist rockets!
    1 point
  8. I'm relatively new so it is possible this idea has already been suggested. If so, feel free to ignore it. Most of my play-time has been on Paradise Station, but during the recent server downtime, I played a round on a different station and noticed that they had a "prisoner" role. At first glance, I thought it was a terrible idea. Who wants to be stuck in Permabrig for the whole round? But after reading about how the role works, I changed my mind and think it is actually a pretty nice role to offer, both for RP opportunities and for new players who need a safe place to learn game mechanics. The idea of a prisoner role is not mine, but I have given some thought as to how it might work and why it would be a good addition to Paradise, so I'll felt it was worth putting together a suggestion to see if anyone else sees the merit in this idea. First off, here's the Prisoner page from TG station wiki: https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Prisoner It makes a case for why the prisoner role is a nice early role for new players who want a position that has low responsibility, but is a bit more structured and safer than being a random civilian roaming around on the whole station. Being in the brig restricts your freedom of movement and agency, but it also gives you a relatively safe place to hang out, talk to more experienced players, ask dumb questions, and learn some basic skills. Many station disasters won't be able to reach you in the brig and Security is responsible for getting you to the Escape shuttle, so you can just focus on learning the game and how to roleplay with others. One key point is that the Prisoner role is NOT an antagonist role. It is a roleplay-focused role, like Librarian or Clown. You are basically just a Civilian with an orange jumpsuit and a tracking implant, not a traitor or a syndicate agent, no matter what your rap sheet says. Behave accordingly. This means that you are restricted from acting in an excessively violent or destructive fashion. Don't RP as a violent criminally insane psychotic who eats people and then actually try to eat your cellmate. Nobody likes that. Your goal as a prisoner is to be a prisoner. Not to escape from Perma. Not to kill the Warden. Not to monopolize Security dealing with your annoying shenanigans. You should not violently attack your fellow prisoners or the guards or kill anyone. And you shouldn't be making such a fuss that Security dept has to waste valuable time on you while the station is on Red alert. Be sure to fully read and understand the self-antag and power-gaming sections of the server rules before you take this role. If you select the Prisoner role, then you have signed up to be a prisoner for life. That's your job. Do it well. Talk to your fellow inmates. Interact with the Security staff, when they have the time. Plan your great escape and fail spectacularly. Learn some new skills. Consider how your life went wrong and how you could have chosen a different path. If you are looking for a change of pace, try asking to be moved to the Gulag so you can work off your debt to society on Lavaland. Or if the Magistrate is available, you could ask for a parole hearing. Don't get your hopes up, however. They don't call it PERMA brig for nothing. Your appeal will most likely be declined. You could also ask for books from the Library or a visit from the Chaplain to unburden your soul. And if you are feeling depressed, I bet the station Psychiatrist could find time to talk with you. Use your imagination. I don't know that much about the coding aspect of the game, but I think it would be neat from a role-play standpoint if the player was given the opportunity to write his own "rap-sheet" at the start of the round or select from a list of possible crimes, so his past misdeeds will be permanently recorded in his arrest record. This shouldn't be used to justify violent or antagonist behavior. Rather, it is a way to flesh out your character's backstory for RP purposes and show how they ended up in Perma. You are free to consider yourself innocent of these crimes, but don't expect that belief to help you get released early. ... I am thinking that 2-3 Prisoner slots would be reasonable amount. I would want at least two prisoners, so you would usually have someone to interact with who is not part of Security and probably has the time and desire to RP or help you learn. It shouldn't be much more than 3, because I don't want the perma prisoners to be too much of a burden on the Security staff. They already have a lot on their plate dealing with actual antagonists. The Warden is responsible for the brig and he also sometimes has to take over at the acting Head of Security. And he is often called upon to manage the day-to-day book keeping operations of Security, so they can keep track of threats and properly record information in a timely manner, as well as managing the armory and distributing weapons from the armory, when appropriate. The Security Officers are frequently working outside of Security, chasing down antagonists and arresting people so they can't be relied upon to be nearby and available if the Warden needs help. For that reason, I would suggest that along with Prisoner, a new role of Brig Guard should be added. This role would have similar duties to the Warden, minus the managerial tasks and command authority. As a brig guard, you do not perform arrests (if there are any active security officers). Instead, you focus on prisoner management duties. You can process new inmates into the brig, record their crimes, transport prisoners around, and use non-lethal force as appropriate to restrain prisoners. It's your job to maintain the smooth operation of the brig and also to protect Security and your prisoners if they are under threat. You should work with the Brig Physician to ensure that prisoners receive medical care and also provide adequate food and entertainment options to meet your prisoners' basic needs. As a brig guard, you are also responsible for transporting prisoners to the Escape Shuttle at the end of the shift. If a prisoner successfully escapes, you are NOT involved with tracking down and capturing the prisoner. That's a job for a Security Officer. Your job is to not let the prisoners escape in the first place. So be sure to do your job. Also, before playing as a Brig Guard, you should be sure to read up about Space Law and the appropriate cell timers for different offenses. Double-check with the Warden if you are unsure about how to process a particularly difficult inmate. Also, familiarize yourself with appropriate use of force to subdue inmates. It should go without saying that you should not be beating up or killing your prisoners. That's not your job. You are supposed to maintain order, not abuse your authority. I would think that 1-2 brig guard slots would be reasonable for most rounds. In the absence of a Brig Guard, the Warden can take over their duties, but having a dedicated guard or two would free up the Warden to act in a more managerial fashion as well as providing him with back-up for dealing with unruly prisoners or managing a larger number of inmates. Like Prisoners, I think Brig Guards would be a useful role for newer players who are interested in learning more about how to play Security roles. You will learn a lot about the type of people who get arrested and how to process different crimes appropriately as a Brig Guard and should get a pretty good handle on Space Law. This would allow newer players to contribute to the running of the department without taking up a Security Officer or Detective slot. And it would be a better job for someone who wants to be part of Security but isn't terribly robust or someone who is interested in learning how to be a good Warden. It is much easier to deal with unarmed prisoners than a changeling or shadowling, but the skills you learn in the brig and the confidence that brings should translate to more serious combat situations. ..... What do you think? Would these roles be a good addition to Paradise Station?
    1 point
  9. Point C itself isn't presently going to invoke 'overwhelming IC and OOC restrictions' aside from potentially adding a sensible psychiatric checkup. While the topic itself does tie into point C, the suggestion at hand will likely only make an impact for players who want a certain type of roleplay. Many roboticists will likely still perform borgifications with the proposition I've given; nothing about it has, at this moment, suggested or required they don't perform borgifications. It merely gives them the option to decline.
    1 point
  10. Mark Sommers receives a gift for his promotion from a well-meaning droid A short story: Playing abductors, and my partner (the scientist) had experience, but hadn't played a lot of scientist. Forgot to set the release point a few times, but no big deal. After capturing a scientist and releasing them in the test chamber, we captured a botanist.... who was also released in the test chamber. Unfortunately, at this time the test chamber was now being used to house a giant spider... who immediately killed them.... right after their organ EMP'd the room making it impossible to open. :C After using the mind control device to send telepathic communications to anyone who could help, we moved on. After another successful capture and release... I'll let you piece together what happened. Luckily, all ended right with the world when the two crewmates were rescued, and we beamed down for drinks and smokes with some other friendly crew, who then decided to come with us instead of take the escape shuttle. Pictured: Two of the three friendly crew, a large watermelon we were gifted, and our collection of abducted shoes.
    1 point
  11. I think another forum thread for this discussion would be best; this is fairly off topic to the actual proposition at hand.
    1 point
  12. I whole-heartedly agree with the mech spam on blue. We don't need that shit, and it annoys me to no end when roboticists do it and are smart-asses about it even if you nicely tell them not to or that we don't need a mech. "Well we're bored so we're making fifty anyway lol." In regards to the implants. I do have issues with civilians getting secHUD implants, and possibly surgical implants, but the rest eh. What's been said here is basically my take on things. Roboticists are usually fairly reasonable on handing out implants, as are RnD(typically). I don't see it as nearly as big an issue as A or C. As far as borging, I definitely agree it makes little sense for someone to join into the round(especially in important roles like security officer or medical) and immediately go to get borged and fuck off to do whatever as a janiborg or service borg or some crap. I get why some people do it, they like playing borgs. But even still from an IC standpoint most people wouldn't want to willingly have it done to them, and not only that it takes up a job slot for others that they could of used to actually contribute to the round in a meaningful manner. EDIT: Ironically posting to this thread just increased my rank to roboticist.
    1 point
  13. Big shoutout to Woj and Heather for being incredible writers and compelling me to finally get this done. First Name: Anton Last Name: Fasani Gender: Male Orientation: Straight Nicknames/Alias: Often called Fasani, called Anty by a couple close female friends. Picture: https://imgur.com/t/ss13/XWxivq3 Age: 28 Species: Human Blood Type: B- Place of Birth: Unregistered, privately owned asteroid mining outpost formerly located in SolGov frontier space. Location currently unknown. Alignment: Various, mostly Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. Generally cares for others, more than willing to put themselves in harm's way for a stranger. Countered by occasional selfishness, and is not adverse to circumventing law to achieve what he feels is the greater good, or simply something he desires at that moment. Affiliation: 
Nanotrasen: Employee
 (various positions and accreditations) Falco Designs: Associate and “Procurement Specialist”

 Religious Beliefs: Believes in a higher power, but is not “spiritual”

 Childhood: I'm rolling this into history. Adulthood: I'm rolling this into history as well. Detailed Information Appearance: Character Voice: Anton speaks calmly, and has an air of coolness about him. He sounds more or less what you would expect a Californian surfer dude to sound like but in terms of mannerisms and tone of voice, less in West Coast accent. Personality: Medical Records: 
 Employment Records: Security Records: Character Biography Background: Included in History. Family: History: (I am not including all of Anton’s history, as some plot points of his life are ongoing and if you really want to know about him, you should find him and get to know him :)))


(If I forgot you I’m SO SO SORRY there is a lot of people I love to hang around please let me know, this list will likely be edited with time) Faction Relations: Allied | Love | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy 
Miscellaneous Information:

 Favorite drinks: 
As a bartender, Anton enjoys numerous drinks both alcoholic and non-alcoholic, but has specific drinks he prefers on a situational basis:

 Bahama Mama: For the end of a shift, or for a shift where things have hit the fan and he needs to feel grounded.

 Gin Fizz: Standard on-shift drink. Refreshing, and gets the job done. Milkshake: For on-shift jobs that require sobriety (not many) Irish coffee in a flask: Detective shifts. Coffee with cream/sugar in a mug: Security shifts. Favorite Food: 
Anton’s culinary prowess has allowed him to have a varied palette of tastes, but his rough upbringing continues to be reflected in his preference for greasy bar foods. His favorite meals are two of his specialty dishes; Bacon Mac & Cheese Personal Pizza, and for dessert his Deep-Fried Plump Pie. If there is anything you feel is missing PLEASE LET ME KNOW!!
    1 point
  14. very cool, now I'm tempted to write one
    1 point
  15. Jesus christ how horrifying
    1 point
  16. Non ss13 fictional cult moment
    1 point
  17. also after trying to murder me as a changeling and being saved by the greytide, @Varshie sent me this horrifying message
    1 point
  18. Randomize maints each round using pre-made rooms the same way Lavaland dungeons are randomly placed. Give each shift a 1% chance to start with all wires in a randomly-selected 5x5 space on the main z-level deleted, to keep Engineers on their toes. Make the janitor's mop automatically wet any tiles you walk over while holding it (but not clean them, since they're just walking down the hall with a mop on the floor). Add an extremely small chance for people walking over exposed wires to cause frays, shorting the wire and electrocuting anyone else who walks over them. Invisible except through examine text, of course.
    1 point
  19. 9 hearts in like three hours yall really like pokemon huh
    1 point
  20. New Gamemode: Shitsec In this gamemode the roles are reversed, and the entire security team are antagonists. Initially the goals starts small - trashing the bar, threatening civvies, and general corruption, but eventually evolves into open corruption, siphoning resources and funds from departments like cargo and RnD, and martial law. The traitors are the good guys, with the goal to create an underground resistance force and fight back against security, rallying the populace to eventually overthrow the corrupt security force, or die trying. Bonus points for every kill performed via guillotine.
    1 point
  21. Add ceilings, else why wouldn't gasses just vent into space? May give a bit of a visibility issue, but that's worth the gained realism and immersiveness.
    1 point
  22. Okay so we make a team antag and we give them an item that takes up one hand, and has a 70% chance to reflect random projectiles. Security is meant to take this antag alive. Wait-
    1 point
  23. Blep, that time of year again.
    1 point
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