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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2021 in all areas

    5 points
  2. How have I never uploaded this melodramatic culted-Tide art. smh how could i not memorialize Tidal's first shift on this thread
    5 points
  3. Looking at some old screenshots ft. chester cheeta
    4 points
  4. Come to the bar and watch Space Cops!
    4 points
  5. It was a good round......
    3 points
  6. The cult set up pretty much outside our maint greytide hangout area, and sec was gone, so we couldn't leave and there was noone to save us. So we spent fifteen minutes barricaded in and turning the hangout area into a fort until a kind engineer RCD'd us an escape route. Sundays.
    3 points
  7. This is the coolest anyone has ever made me sound. Just another day with the bridge hobos. Reality itself is warped in the chapel. I don't remember what happened this shift but it went so bad that when the shuttle came I decided I needed to find the furthest place possible from the station so I went into the gateway and went to bed. Also my vision was blurry for half the shift because I never had downtime to get it done. An explorer took the lava boat to space. He took a photo as proof. Here it is. Bar none the best laser tag arena I have EVER seen. A congenial meeting between heads. IAN CORNER Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me. I cajoled Norwest I think into turning me into Nars'Ian. He gave me sol common but I didn't know how to set it as my language so I was just talking in barks and growls. I managed to amass a cult of three followers, who took me around the station as I absorbed the souls of the other station pets. As a reward, Elder Nars'Ian came down and called me a good boy. Then we frolicked. No comment. CLOSET DOG
    2 points
  8. This would also allow more races to perform CPR: IPCs just flat-out can't atm, and Vox and Plasmamen got stuff in the way. I support this idea.
    2 points
  9. Mark Sommers receives a gift for his promotion from a well-meaning droid A short story: Playing abductors, and my partner (the scientist) had experience, but hadn't played a lot of scientist. Forgot to set the release point a few times, but no big deal. After capturing a scientist and releasing them in the test chamber, we captured a botanist.... who was also released in the test chamber. Unfortunately, at this time the test chamber was now being used to house a giant spider... who immediately killed them.... right after their organ EMP'd the room making it impossible to open. :C After using the mind control device to send telepathic communications to anyone who could help, we moved on. After another successful capture and release... I'll let you piece together what happened. Luckily, all ended right with the world when the two crewmates were rescued, and we beamed down for drinks and smokes with some other friendly crew, who then decided to come with us instead of take the escape shuttle. Pictured: Two of the three friendly crew, a large watermelon we were gifted, and our collection of abducted shoes.
    2 points
  10. Some friends got me wanting to think about how Rivera looks 'nd changes throughout her life so I'll leave this one here too. She doesn't remember anything from age 25 - 41, conveniently. There's some trouble back there, so maybe it's for the best.
    2 points
  11. I uh never made one of these, but some people like my art so uhhh yah here you go nerds, respond here if you want me to work on something for you as a start, here is a full body Dan, is my best drawing of him probably
    1 point
  12. Inspired by a post @Woje made in the current Suggestion thread regarding cutting hair. Currently, you can only perform CPR if both you and the target have nothing on your face, and you are able to deliver rescue breaths. However, compressions are arguably the most important part of CPR - to the point that the AHA changed their algorithm from "A-B-C" (Airway - Breathing - Circulation) to "C-A-B" (Circulation - Airway - Breathing) in 2010, prioritizing high-quality chest compressions over opening the airway or delivering breaths. In fact, there was a study that was released one year prior to the AHA changes that showed that prehospital cardiac arrest patients had a higher survival rate when just given an oxygen mask as opposed to being mechanically ventilated. I don't want to get too off-track on how things work in real life, because SS13 is a game and ultimately isn't a 1:1 facsimile of real life. However, I would like to see CPR be able to performed when you can only give chest compressions - perhaps at 75% effectiveness? If both parties can breath and have no masks, then let it function as it currently does. This would allow CPR see a lot more use, and would also allow better management of patients when you have 2+ medical staff attending them. No more worrying about administering a medication that the other doc is already on top of, or treating the same damage area - now one person can focus on CPR to help stabilize while the lead medic runs things.
    1 point
  13. I'm relatively new so it is possible this idea has already been suggested. If so, feel free to ignore it. Most of my play-time has been on Paradise Station, but during the recent server downtime, I played a round on a different station and noticed that they had a "prisoner" role. At first glance, I thought it was a terrible idea. Who wants to be stuck in Permabrig for the whole round? But after reading about how the role works, I changed my mind and think it is actually a pretty nice role to offer, both for RP opportunities and for new players who need a safe place to learn game mechanics. The idea of a prisoner role is not mine, but I have given some thought as to how it might work and why it would be a good addition to Paradise, so I'll felt it was worth putting together a suggestion to see if anyone else sees the merit in this idea. First off, here's the Prisoner page from TG station wiki: https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Prisoner It makes a case for why the prisoner role is a nice early role for new players who want a position that has low responsibility, but is a bit more structured and safer than being a random civilian roaming around on the whole station. Being in the brig restricts your freedom of movement and agency, but it also gives you a relatively safe place to hang out, talk to more experienced players, ask dumb questions, and learn some basic skills. Many station disasters won't be able to reach you in the brig and Security is responsible for getting you to the Escape shuttle, so you can just focus on learning the game and how to roleplay with others. One key point is that the Prisoner role is NOT an antagonist role. It is a roleplay-focused role, like Librarian or Clown. You are basically just a Civilian with an orange jumpsuit and a tracking implant, not a traitor or a syndicate agent, no matter what your rap sheet says. Behave accordingly. This means that you are restricted from acting in an excessively violent or destructive fashion. Don't RP as a violent criminally insane psychotic who eats people and then actually try to eat your cellmate. Nobody likes that. Your goal as a prisoner is to be a prisoner. Not to escape from Perma. Not to kill the Warden. Not to monopolize Security dealing with your annoying shenanigans. You should not violently attack your fellow prisoners or the guards or kill anyone. And you shouldn't be making such a fuss that Security dept has to waste valuable time on you while the station is on Red alert. Be sure to fully read and understand the self-antag and power-gaming sections of the server rules before you take this role. If you select the Prisoner role, then you have signed up to be a prisoner for life. That's your job. Do it well. Talk to your fellow inmates. Interact with the Security staff, when they have the time. Plan your great escape and fail spectacularly. Learn some new skills. Consider how your life went wrong and how you could have chosen a different path. If you are looking for a change of pace, try asking to be moved to the Gulag so you can work off your debt to society on Lavaland. Or if the Magistrate is available, you could ask for a parole hearing. Don't get your hopes up, however. They don't call it PERMA brig for nothing. Your appeal will most likely be declined. You could also ask for books from the Library or a visit from the Chaplain to unburden your soul. And if you are feeling depressed, I bet the station Psychiatrist could find time to talk with you. Use your imagination. I don't know that much about the coding aspect of the game, but I think it would be neat from a role-play standpoint if the player was given the opportunity to write his own "rap-sheet" at the start of the round or select from a list of possible crimes, so his past misdeeds will be permanently recorded in his arrest record. This shouldn't be used to justify violent or antagonist behavior. Rather, it is a way to flesh out your character's backstory for RP purposes and show how they ended up in Perma. You are free to consider yourself innocent of these crimes, but don't expect that belief to help you get released early. ... I am thinking that 2-3 Prisoner slots would be reasonable amount. I would want at least two prisoners, so you would usually have someone to interact with who is not part of Security and probably has the time and desire to RP or help you learn. It shouldn't be much more than 3, because I don't want the perma prisoners to be too much of a burden on the Security staff. They already have a lot on their plate dealing with actual antagonists. The Warden is responsible for the brig and he also sometimes has to take over at the acting Head of Security. And he is often called upon to manage the day-to-day book keeping operations of Security, so they can keep track of threats and properly record information in a timely manner, as well as managing the armory and distributing weapons from the armory, when appropriate. The Security Officers are frequently working outside of Security, chasing down antagonists and arresting people so they can't be relied upon to be nearby and available if the Warden needs help. For that reason, I would suggest that along with Prisoner, a new role of Brig Guard should be added. This role would have similar duties to the Warden, minus the managerial tasks and command authority. As a brig guard, you do not perform arrests (if there are any active security officers). Instead, you focus on prisoner management duties. You can process new inmates into the brig, record their crimes, transport prisoners around, and use non-lethal force as appropriate to restrain prisoners. It's your job to maintain the smooth operation of the brig and also to protect Security and your prisoners if they are under threat. You should work with the Brig Physician to ensure that prisoners receive medical care and also provide adequate food and entertainment options to meet your prisoners' basic needs. As a brig guard, you are also responsible for transporting prisoners to the Escape Shuttle at the end of the shift. If a prisoner successfully escapes, you are NOT involved with tracking down and capturing the prisoner. That's a job for a Security Officer. Your job is to not let the prisoners escape in the first place. So be sure to do your job. Also, before playing as a Brig Guard, you should be sure to read up about Space Law and the appropriate cell timers for different offenses. Double-check with the Warden if you are unsure about how to process a particularly difficult inmate. Also, familiarize yourself with appropriate use of force to subdue inmates. It should go without saying that you should not be beating up or killing your prisoners. That's not your job. You are supposed to maintain order, not abuse your authority. I would think that 1-2 brig guard slots would be reasonable for most rounds. In the absence of a Brig Guard, the Warden can take over their duties, but having a dedicated guard or two would free up the Warden to act in a more managerial fashion as well as providing him with back-up for dealing with unruly prisoners or managing a larger number of inmates. Like Prisoners, I think Brig Guards would be a useful role for newer players who are interested in learning more about how to play Security roles. You will learn a lot about the type of people who get arrested and how to process different crimes appropriately as a Brig Guard and should get a pretty good handle on Space Law. This would allow newer players to contribute to the running of the department without taking up a Security Officer or Detective slot. And it would be a better job for someone who wants to be part of Security but isn't terribly robust or someone who is interested in learning how to be a good Warden. It is much easier to deal with unarmed prisoners than a changeling or shadowling, but the skills you learn in the brig and the confidence that brings should translate to more serious combat situations. ..... What do you think? Would these roles be a good addition to Paradise Station?
    1 point
  14. Have you ever wanted to tape an item to a borg, but then be utterly disappointed because you couldn't? I too have felt this disappointment, which is why we should have items able to be taped to borgs. It would allow for more interaction with borgs, such as giving them medals, and would generally be a good addition.
    1 point
  15. I do like this idea, but I feel like it would be better suited for a ghost role of sorts. Perhaps a prison complex in space, with guard roles that can be there or not, and rules that don't allow prisoners to leave the complex itself, but allow escape and to kill any visitors, if there are any. This would address all the issues MarsMond brought up, but still allow for escapes without effecting the rest of the round and its antagonists.
    1 point
  16. Long time security main here. And actually playing Warden and Brig Doc are my favorite roles because I love just hanging around the brig. On the warden side, in my experience sometimes things are so slow that you're begging for something to do. Sometimes its so chaotic that you could have three other people helping you and it wouldn't be enough. However, during those times that I need extra help as a warden there is usually someone available whether it be HOS or an officer available. And sometimes they won't be. That's kind of security in a nutshell though. Frequently the station snowballs into a level of chaos where it's completely unmanageable even when security is fully staffed and competent. That's not even taking into account the times that you have the inexperienced security. Sometimes security is a well-oiled machine sometimes it's a cluster fuck. I also wanted to note that regardless of what SOP says, the warden is not always the person who becomes acting HOS when the need arises. It typically just ends up being whoever is willing to take the plunge whether they be warden, officer, or otherwise...and its usually an officer. I'm pretty sure I've even seen the brig doc become acting HOS once. Now my feedback about the brig guard from my experience as a brig physician. The brig physician is a unique role because your only job is to give medical attention to people in the brig (duh). This means that sometimes you are busy the entire round with a rotation of surgeries and other injuries and sometimes you literally don't have one patient for the entire 2 hours. On the slow rounds you get to observe processing and shoot the shit with other bored security or prisoners. That can be fun from time to time but it's still nice to be able to need to deal with a medical problem from time to time. Brig guard would pretty much be something similar to a brig physician minus any medical responsibilities, with the added bonus of getting to rough up a prisoner from time to time. I foresee the role being quite boring regularly. Another example would be, magistrate is often a role where you would sit around trying to find RP but the magistrate at least has bridge access, authority, command comms, the ability to oversee IAAs and such. Even with all that being a magistrate can be mind-numbingly boring. Brig guard would lack any of these responsibilities or access so they would be even more hard-pressed to find something to do. This can even be the case for the warden from time to time despite their laundry list of responsibilities. I guess the short version is, other roles that already exist that are bound to the brig that have more responsibilities than this brig guard can still be boring from time to time despite having so many more responsibilities. I know that round start prisoners could alleviate this and I'll get to that later on. Something like the brig guard role has come up from time to time over the years. Whenever one of these roles comes up it should always be pointed out that any security officer can play this role if they would like to. They can work the front desk. They can assist the warden. But due to the fact that they are an officer they also have the freedom to leave the brig and help in the field when the need arises. A brig guard would just be an officer who is restricted to staying in the brig. I myself pushed for a "medbay guard" years ago. I actually had (still have) paperwork that I used to give to the HOP so I could become this role. It was interesting because I would spend the first half hour of a round just simply trying to get approval to work the job. If I ever got that job added as an official round start job it was then going to be my goal to have a guard added for each dept. How naive I was back then...any kind of guard role added to any department, even security, makes things harder for antagonists. It can already be plenty hard enough for them. Security being too busy and not having enough hands to deal with everything that needs to be dealt with is part of what makes things interesting. It opens up more opportunity for different things to happen. I don't have a problem with somebody trying to become a role like this through the head of personnel but I don't think it should be added as a permanent role. There have been suggestions to have a "security cadet" role added as well. This is another role that can be obtained through the head of personnel. Needing to obtain the role through the head of personnel also adds to the RP aspect of it. I kind of went on too long here about just the brig guard. The tl;dr for prisoner is I think it's a bad idea for balance, management, and cultural reasons. Some of those reasons have been expressed by others but I'll elaborate in a later post when I have time. I hope this feedback helps. (How many times did I say "time to time" in this post... ...you might say I said it from time to time :honk:)
    1 point
  17. A problem with brig guards is that antagonists can have goals inside the brig, so as example a sacrifice or just the wardens gloves. Now, with a bit of time, they can wait for the brig to be clear short of a warden and maybe the brig physician, with the rest of the security force being too far away to respond to a quick strike. Now the brig guards would add two bodies with disablers to that, and more people that can raise an alarm if the antagonist has dispatched the warden otherwise silently. As for the prisoners themselves, we do have the lockable muzzles, but security would need to supervise the feeding on monkeys then. A bit of an extra load that takes at least two officers. Whats a bigger issue is where they are rulewise: If they count as a normal crewmember, escaping is really only possible by walking out during a graytide virus, and even then the manhunt for the escaped perma prisoner will tax securities time, even if they can only offer limited resistance. It may also result in a bit of an OOC trust, as people know they have to follow certain rules, which may be used well, knowing they are there for some RP, or it could be bad, giving the "mutineer and murderer" prisoner role parole rather than the agent who stole the blueprints without harming anyone to deal with another situation. If they are allowed to do more than just a crew member, what would stop this role to become a bigger problem to security than the "normal" tide? Pushing an officer over and throwing them at the door is not enough to escape, so you'll need to get their ID. But if you are already stripping them, the headset and glasses can't hurt, and a new jumpsuit with disableable sensors is needed, too. That's too far for a normal crewmember at least, but for that prisoner, it may be allowed, maybe after following some escalation rule, but that'll also be problematic. Ome of the more common bwoink reason already is self-defence taken too far, which is basically an escalation rule, and the prisoner rule would be primed for that. Lastly, i think in universe, perma is more a long-term holding area, rather than a prison. That explains the rather small size. It's a science station, not a prison one, hold agents and vampires until the next chance to send them off to NT for further handling, so the crew transfer.
    1 point
  18. I second this. Exact same topic came up a long long ago, and Ill say now what I said then. Prisoner role would be awesome. Admittedly though, there'd have to be some discussion on if said prisoner role can attempt escape, help fellow eoc prisoners escape, how far they could go in attempting escape, etc.
    1 point
  19. The warden is already the 'brig guard'. The job is not usually very busy contrary to the popular belief assuming you're competent. I actually play it to relax. I'd like the prisoner role to exist here though. There's people who genuinely enjoy perma roleplay and uhh.... yeah. Can't exactly end up there in a sensible IC way as non-antag.
    1 point
  20. Ruin has come to our station...
    1 point
  21. Check my Twitter / DeviantArt for more examples ^ ^ You can contact me on Discord Synkkä#5542 or twitter.
    1 point
  22. My only input here is that people are both saying that roundstart tools are OP, and others are saying that they're available everywhere so why put them in the IPC's starting box? If roundstart tools are OP, then why can I take a quick trip to tool storage (or a number of other places) and vend/get two welders and several stacks of cable coil within the first 30 seconds every round? I would imagine those things would be more difficult to secure if they were completely busted. Additionally, we're not talking about roundstart tools, we're talking about roundstart tool and cable coil. On top of that, there's already a horribly downgraded version of the welding tool - the emergency welding tool, which is pretty much awful at anything except light repairs, once. That seems perfect for a starting item. If roundstart tools aren't OP and are available everywhere, then why not simply include them so the beginning of every IPC round isn't "go grab these same two things"? What's the major opposition to including something that's so readily available, that it makes such a change effectively just a QoL one? I would only add that I don't think this tantamount to every human having brute/burn kits in their starting box. Those things are only available in advanced medkits and in medbay, while basic welders (not even emergency welders) and cable are practically ubiquitous. The difficulty in playing IPC doesn't come from not being able to heal yourself - in fact, that's one of the easier parts. It's the fact that you go into oldcrit the moment you encounter a stiff breeze, your limbs explode off like an old Bionicle, and the horrifyingly common EMP basically kills you.
    1 point
  23. Two words. Lava moat. The Captain must be protected.
    1 point
  24. Remodeling is a good chunk of the joy in a shift. Sadly, I dont have any screenshots of my remodels, time to speedrun that. But for now, fuck this.
    1 point
  25. Depending on the amount of foot traffic, I always like remodeling the ORs.
    1 point
  26. I think the problem at the moment is that it doesn't provide either of those to IPCs. More often than not the contents of the box are just dumped out at roundstart to free up some extra inventory space. I can't remember having any real issues with that myself when I used to play IPC, but this issue has been brought up a LOT of times by separate players (and those are just the ones I could find), so there's clearly something wrong with it in its current state.
    1 point
  27. I did some cult concept art, I plan on doing concept art for most antag types and posting em here. Honestly speaking guys, I'm a bit dissatisfied with this one, feels like I could've really done a lot better, but this is what I've got The app I was using to draw kept on freezing for a good 5 seconds every so often, probably like a good 30 seconds between each freeze, and it was so annoying, I feel like that really played a part in my work lacking on this drawing.
    1 point
  28. art drawn for a certain red slime nerd named Pepper Jam
    1 point
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