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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/17/2021 in all areas

  1. More sads. Space holodeck hit hard.
    8 points
  2. I, uh, couldn't help myself. Lounge I made ingame with @GamblerZ's help.
    5 points
  3. Time-Dilation Anomaly. A new anomaly that can appear on station. As the name implies, when a player gets too close, or stands inside the Anomaly's range, AffectedArc gets pinged on the discord.
    4 points
  4. This is the coolest anyone has ever made me sound. Just another day with the bridge hobos. Reality itself is warped in the chapel. I don't remember what happened this shift but it went so bad that when the shuttle came I decided I needed to find the furthest place possible from the station so I went into the gateway and went to bed. Also my vision was blurry for half the shift because I never had downtime to get it done. An explorer took the lava boat to space. He took a photo as proof. Here it is. Bar none the best laser tag arena I have EVER seen. A congenial meeting between heads. IAN CORNER Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me. I cajoled Norwest I think into turning me into Nars'Ian. He gave me sol common but I didn't know how to set it as my language so I was just talking in barks and growls. I managed to amass a cult of three followers, who took me around the station as I absorbed the souls of the other station pets. As a reward, Elder Nars'Ian came down and called me a good boy. Then we frolicked. No comment. CLOSET DOG
    4 points
  5. How have I never uploaded this melodramatic culted-Tide art. smh how could i not memorialize Tidal's first shift on this thread
    4 points
  6. More pokemon art and Fiona coping with the loss of a friend
    3 points
  7. How many officers do you need to cuff a vampire?
    2 points
  8. Realized I have never posted this screencap of a borg getting stuck and having to rely on the worst person to save them.
    2 points
  9. Everyone starts with a microbomb implant. The perfect way to end any round. Nukie put you into stam crit? Blow up while they step over your body. Traitor need your hypospray? Fuck you, I'm taking it with me to hell. AI Malf? Send greytiders into to suicide bomb turrets and borgs. Being checked for implants? Confirm their suspicions by blowing off their hands. Slipped by the clown? Hide your shame by obliterating yourself from existence.
    2 points
  10. I have seen a fair few people asking in the discord if any artsy people here do commissions, and a lot of artsy people who have open commissions, however theres no link between. This thread is for said artsy people to post their commission info / commissions sheet. This can include, but is not limited to: Contact details Examples of your work (Not too many to avoid threadspam) General pricing Restrictions on what you will/will not draw Note: This thread is for artists to say their commissions are open, not for people to ask "Anyone doing commissions?". Anyone asking that will have their posts removed.
    1 point
  11. Have you ever wanted to tape an item to a borg, but then be utterly disappointed because you couldn't? I too have felt this disappointment, which is why we should have items able to be taped to borgs. It would allow for more interaction with borgs, such as giving them medals, and would generally be a good addition.
    1 point
  12. cut to me sobbing and pointing at tide my beloved ;___; skye i would die for them
    1 point
  13. that looks nice! shame i didn' have time to visit it #HoSgaming
    1 point
  14. Could have it work like station bounced radios, where they have comms access based on something about you (ID, your headset? i haven't looked into what specifically)
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Nope. Taping "Kick me" to BEEP now. True chaotic evil.
    1 point
  17. When dreams you pursue, Finally comes true.
    1 point
    1 point
  19. Looking at some old screenshots ft. chester cheeta
    1 point
  20. Clearly we have to take power generation to the next level! I'd say there should be a Deca SM at roundstart, heck, two Deca SMs!
    1 point
  21. Some friends got me wanting to think about how Rivera looks 'nd changes throughout her life so I'll leave this one here too. She doesn't remember anything from age 25 - 41, conveniently. There's some trouble back there, so maybe it's for the best.
    1 point
  22. Figured I should add the little diona nymph heart I made for the Paradise discord! :>
    1 point
  23. This'll be a bit of a long post regarding an idea I had for a new antagonist, so here we go. General Information: They are solo non-conversion antagonist. The amount spawned in the gamemode would be 1 + (num of players / 8) Antagonist mechanics: Knowledge points: This is the equivalent of swarmer points to sorcerers, they have a starting maximum of 100, are obtained through absorbing items and are spent in abilities. Arcane Torch: This is the only ability that sorcerers spawn with, it has no cooldown and it's effect is summoning/unsummoning an ethereal hand that baps items to drain them, and giving the sorcerer X amount of points depending on the item. A specific sorcerer can only absorb one type of item per game, so you cannot absorb a red toolbox twice. Absorbed items are easily recognizable as they are gray, have a special name/description, and are rendered useless. Absorbing an item leaves your fingerprint on it. Here's an example on how absorbing an item looks like: Leveling up: Sorcerers have levels, you start at level 1 and get the ability to level up when you reach your maximum knowledge points (100 for the most part). Leveling up awards the sorcerer with a couple of goodies depending on the level: Every level you level up, you are given a choice between 3 spells, the effect of these spells depend on the effect of the items you absorbed (if you absorb a lot of combat items, you have a higher chance of combat spells, medical items for healing, and so on). Choosing one of these spells grants you the spell. (all of this spell stuff is explained soon). Every two levels you level up (lvl 2, 4, 6...), you are allowed to upgrade one of your spells, the upgrade depends on the spell. Spells: Spells are the sorcerer's abilities, they are gained and upgraded by leveling up, and these are their unique quirks: Not all of your spells are active at once. Each time you level up, you randomly replace your current active spells with 4 random spells from all spells you own. Only active spells can be activated, the rest cannot be seen / used. Spells do not have a cooldown, but they consume knowledge points to activate and charges, each spell has their specific amount of charges, and each time you use a spell, one charge is consumed. Consuming all charges off a spell removes it as an active spell. Here is an example of the active spell mechanic: The one part I have not come up with yet are appropiate objectives, but ideally they'll be revealed to the sorcerer when they level up to a specific level (10, 15?). Posting this to see what the general opinion is, before I continue coding.
    1 point
  24. The dynamic game mode as seen on tg seems very interesting, maybe that would be cool here?
    1 point
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