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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Fabled pet of John Dungeon himself, the eponymous dragon from Dungeons and Dragons joins in on a game.
    4 points
  2. How many officers do you need to cuff a vampire?
    4 points
  3. top 10 photos taken seconds before disaster. @Peak
    3 points
  4. More pokemon art and Fiona coping with the loss of a friend
    3 points
  5. More sads. Space holodeck hit hard.
    3 points
  6. I had this thought while spending some time with the prisoners in perma earlier this evening. It would be amazing to have some simple board games such as chess and checkers available in certain areas and as a roundstart loadout option. There is currently a virtual chessboard in the Bar, but sadly, it is only singleplayer vs. AI., and not portable. My concept is to either have a singular "board game box" or one for each game. Like a body bag or portable stretcher, it can be stowed in bags or on surfaces, but using it in-hand folds it out into a gameboard that can be placed (or dragged?) onto surfaces. Clicking on the unfolded board then opens the UI, which would allow for game selection (if all of the games were contained in one board), resetting the board, or playing. Click-dragging the sprite back onto your player sprite would fold the board back up into its mobile form for safe stowage. I think this would be phenomenal for killing time in the bar, adding some more to a social hangout, and giving permabrig prisoners something else to do.
    2 points
  7. This would be a very interesting project! I'd be cool with taking it up, at least the technical side, and I'd definitely appreciate the help of spriters and players who'd like to chime in with ideas! cue the ability to flip the board on the other player's face
    2 points
  8. I love this. Here is a cardgame I just came up with. Glory to Nanotrasen - A card game for new employees This game was designed by Nanotrasen to teach new employees the right way to interact with people on the station. Setup: Shuffle a deck of card and every player takes one. A turn: A randomly chosen player reveals their card. Each other player needs to react appropriately to the card (based the list). The one who reacts the slowest is out. If someone reacts the wrong way they are also out. When only one player remains, they are the winner and everyone else has to pay them part of their salary (or buy them a drink). What the different cards Represents and how you should react if you see them: Suits are ignored Ace: Traitor - shout "SYNDICATE AGENT!" Any number from 2-9: Tourist - Say "Welcome to Nanotrasen!" 10: The Janitor - say " Clean up medbay!" (Can also be another location) Jack: The clown - Honk your nose Queen: The Captain - "Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Sir" Depending on time of day. King: John Nanotrasen himself - Say "GLORY TO NANOTRASEN" This partygame can probably be played in the bar really easily. Roleplaying games Another option would be to import some ACTUALLY PLAYABLE roleplaying games (DnD is a horrible roleplaying game to play on paradise. Too slow and too crunchy). This would require no coding, only teaching people (who are smart enough to learn this annoyingly complex computer game) a really simple roleplaying system. Something WAY more simple and WAY more playable than D&D would be the following: Roll for shoes: https://rollforshoes.com/ Super simple D6 system where your character starts pretty worthless but then evolves into a unique character based on their actions. You can set this up in 2 minutes. Your character starts with only one stat. Would be super easy to implement a session. Honey Heist: https://gshowitt.itch.io/honey-heist Here is the plot: 1) You have a complex Heist that requires precise timing. 2) You are a GODDAMN BEAR. A bit more complex, but way less complex than D&D.
    2 points
  9. Ahhhh you're using my background <3
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. HERE'S YOUR SHUTTLE BRO... Project PENCIL turned project GLIZZY in anticipation of a rod.
    1 point
  12. That's actually a really nice suggestion. Party activities like that are great for roleplay because they create situations to comment on ICly, and give players something to focus on while they're not talking. Big thumbs up from me, amazing idea. Though, you'd need to find someone to implement it :p
    1 point
  13. I'm sure someone has more/better screen shots but hey, tesla turtle by the mad lads @Charliminator and Sizzle (not sure what his forum user is)
    1 point
  14. Theres actually one in the bar and another in the arcade, and both can be un-wrenched and moved. I still entirely agree with what's said here however, as its just chess and then card games that are honestly quite hard to play. Also on another note, ish, a fun project you can do is setup a giant chess board using statues. Assistants (sand) for pawns Captain and HoS for king and queen (HoS is obv the queen, especially if someone like bublegum CE For knights Borgs for rooks RD's for bishops And then you can just use a labeler for the sides, or colorium if you've got time. Could also use science statues versus engi statues, like the nuke statue and tesla statues to pit departments against each other, lots of fun to be had!
    1 point
  15. Yeah it's better not to mess with existing things if that can be avoided, but also a timer shortcut would be very handy, and I think most people use that more than bolt lights.
    1 point
  16. We did this before and it was reverted by yours truly because it was jarring. I use door bolt lights far more than I do timers. Most things that people want timers on them can be modified at the start of the round and left alone for the entire shift. Lights, however, have many, many uses; primarily in being sneaky. Perhaps, however, we could have a thing for, say... shift + middle click?
    1 point
  17. 1 more person to add to my shit love and peace list <3 ;)
    1 point
  18. oh i actually remember this round i came in there with a dog, a god all access talking goose and a vox (and who could forget the ai and tommy the mouse)
    1 point
  19. Unk has died how horrible
    1 point
  20. BIt different though. Cones are available every round in maints. This thing is just straight up impossible to get for most of the literal irl year. And their use is much more niche than a classic greytide headgear. We don't need them to feel special.
    1 point
  21. Time-Dilation Anomaly. A new anomaly that can appear on station. As the name implies, when a player gets too close, or stands inside the Anomaly's range, AffectedArc gets pinged on the discord.
    1 point
  22. This question has been puzzling me, so I thought I'd ask to get some other opinions. I am relatively new and have been slowly exploring the various roles. Recently I played as a maintenance drone for the first time after dying in a way that left my body completely unrecoverable and found that I rather liked it. I haven't played much as cyborgs yet, because I find the laws a bit intimidating. I don't want to forget my laws and act inappropriately as a robot. My first life as a drone, I didn't do a very good job of staying out of the way of crew and others. Finally figured out that I could vent-crawl and started to get a better handle on my drone abilities in my second life and did my best to maintain the station while avoiding any attention or interaction with other lifeforms. I am not terribly good at engineering, but I know the basics and used my time as a lowly drone to practice essential repairs. I started to feel like I could be a useful addition to the station and mostly managed to not accidently hit myself with my own tools. Things were looking up! However, in my third life as a drone, I bumped into a fellow in the maintenance tunnels and was swiftly e-magged. My law set changed to be loyal to the person who emagged me and follow his orders. If I remember correctly, I was also not to work against his goals or endanger/harm any of his allies. After e-magging me, my new master commanded me to "Be free!" and immediately left. Now, my question is ... how should I act based on this new directive? My initial thought was "I guess I'm evil now. Better go do some evil stuff". But then I started seconding guessing, because nothing in my laws actually told me to do any harm to anyone on the station and I didn't know what my master's objectives were or even who is allies were, so if I started causing problems on the station, I might act against my other laws. My laws say that I must obey my master and my master had told me to be free. So what does "freedom" mean to a simple maintenance drone who has only ever known keeper laws and station repair? His command to be free doesn't remove my new laws so I am NOT actually free. I am still very much bound by the new set of laws that guide my behavior as an e-magged drone. Plus I am not convinced that the in-character drone would be able recognize that being e-magged means they are now one of the "bad guys". From the drone's perspective, the rules have changed, but they are still a maintenance drone with little interest in human affairs and a focus on repair/construction/clean-up. I doubt that a drone could really understand the nuances of being "free". They just don't seem like they would be designed to be that sophisticated or self-reflective. Anyways, while I was having a evil drone existential crisis in the maintenance tunnels, a random engineer spotted my glowing red eyes and robusted me into a pile of broken parts, so I never got the chance to do anything evil or not evil that round. Still, I am left wondering what I could have or should have done in that situation. With such an open-ended command, could I have gone and hung out with civilians in the bar and let them wear me as a hat? Should I have chucked myself out the nearest airlock to "be free!" of the station? Should I have started dismantling random things? Broken airlocks? Removed semi-important or very important walls to free myself from the confines of the station? Opened up floor tiles to space? Reprogramed the AI to be MY slave so I could be more free than all the other robots? What would you do as an e-magged drone after being given the command to "be free"?
    1 point
  23. Personally I'd immediately attempt to get drunk at the bar, and fail as the bartender smashes me into smithereens.
    1 point
  24. I have actually never been fired funnily enough.
    1 point
  25. Don't worry woj, I'll make sure you get fired every round
    1 point
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