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  1. Forgot to post this old art Flick Stroh, Toobenreshi, Aleister Burnwood, Jacob Pearls, Hichi-ki, Jade Burnwood, Fiona Phillips, Bubblegum, Elliot Saunders
    5 points
  2. Didn't want to ask this on the discord and clutter the art channel so I made this thing. Just message me on the paradise discord or through my profile if you got any cool ideas or characters or whatever. Uh yeah thanks for looking I guess?
    4 points
  3. Everyone knows I'm full of terrible ideas and this one is no exception. However, it did spark a bit of interest in the Discord, and I wanted to collect some of the conversation here, and help to expand on the mechanics I'm imagining in a discussion where people can evaluate things at their own pace and not feel rushed to respond. Problem Statement Comms is one of the most critical aspects of being on-station. It is vital to intradepartmental progress, it gives Command a useful signal as to their crew’s effectiveness, it allows endangered crew to call out for help, it is how Central communicates to the station, and it allows for announcements that other crew-members may find interesting or fun. From my perspective, however, comms is a firehose of information with an incredibly low signal-to-noise ratio, especially with regard to the Common channel, which will be the subject of the bulk of the discussion below. Communication amongst your department, to the crew, and in aggregate for command, is unceasing, but no one really has the option to disable any channels, because they all carry some amount of information worth appraising. From an RP perspective, common is absolutely bizarre. Comms is aural in nature, which means in theory every crew member on the station from the Captain to the Clown in perma has carte blanche to yell whatever they want into everybody’s ears at any time. Even in a rickety, poorly designed station overseen by a bureaucratic nightmare corporation should recognize how ineffective and annoying this is. Many crew have tasks that preclude them from following comms closely. Miners are constantly firing and clicking their KAs. Command on the bridge is assaulted by constant noise- and speech- related messages from bridge hobos (and bridge designs with a space gap, while nice, don’t actually stop noise from reaching the other side). I don’t really know medbay but my understanding is a lot of time is spent reading diagnostic printouts. If a group of players is roleplaying, their focus is on their character and the characters around them, and if the interaction goes on long enough, a large amount of comms will have scrolled past, but we want people to roleplay. AIs observe the entire station but also need to watch their comms for “AI open”. I think one of the most telling demonstrations of the above is how many highlighted strings many players have. If a player needs a dozen regexes to find the salient information in the rubbish, I feel that’s a strong indication that the core aspect of station-wide communication needs work. Proposed Solution Remove common comms from all headsets. Preserve it on public intercoms. Add the ability for crew to call out for help specifically from Medbay and Security when they perceive or are dealing with a threat. Summary Justification This removes a large amount of noise from the chat log while still allowing crew to make generalized announcements for the benefit of the whole crew. Replacing Existing Use Cases For most uses of common, the PDA is an excellent substitute. The PDA is an excellent substitute because conversations between individuals are condensed. The only scrolling one has to do is in the singular conversation with another crew member. Receiving a message makes it plainly obvious who the messages (and any of the recipient’s subsequent replies) are for. Multiple conversations can be easily kept track of. In addition, since PDAs have an audio cue and their chat log text shows up distinctly (inasmuch as anything can be distinguished), and provides an immediate reply button, they facilitate rapid conversations, and make it much harder to miss the communication. Remember that this proposal keeps departmental comms. Miners can still call out on Supply for help, Security can still coordinate, etc. The goal here isn’t to make it harder for anyone to do their job, but (in part) to increase the signal-to-noise ratio of all communication channels, and to encourage players to interact on a more personal and fine-grained basis with the rest of the crew. Emergency Callouts, or: HELP MANTIS This use case is a very distinct one than others, and possibly one of the most valuable uses of common comms. When crew are attacked, when runes or terrors are sighted, calling out on common is the most common response. But why? It’s fast. The muscle memory for talking on common is ingrained very early on in terms of hours played. It’s effective. It alerts all departments at once, but most importantly, Security and Medical simultaneously, the two departments most vital to handling an individual emergency in its first few minutes. It provides redundancy (in the positive sense); if the people who should be caring about your health/well-being are otherwise preoccupied, at least one other crew member will see your comms and possibly pass the message on. In the case it is a station-wide problem, this is the fastest way to get everyone on the same page—in the event they see the message. Now I’d like to share some of the reasons I think this is a bad idea. It’s fast at the expense of accuracy and response time. A lot of crew are real bad at giving useful information when they are being assailed. Even if they do manage to squeak out a “help maints”, people will berate them on common for not giving enough information, while they die in a dark corner of the station. I don’t think players, in general, should be punished with round death because they didn’t give precise enough information while they were being fucking murdered. Antags now know what you know. It is rare an antagonist won’t have common, so if the victim manages to get something out, or the cult hears their runes have been found, they can adapt quickly. By letting anyone shout anything they want on comms they can more than give away the position and ability of the crew charged with apprehending the antagonist. The right people can easily miss it, making it worthless. Again, as above, the chat log is constantly full of shit, sound effects, big-font messages, and so on. The impending death of a crew member may never register to anyone, which is an asset to the antag, but is entirely determined by what’s going on at comms at the time. Comms can be dropped. This is an engine limitation, and can occur anywhere from dchat to big-font messages (I once round started as NTR and never got the Declaration of War sent by the nukies in that round). Once someone screams “V-V-V-VAMP SCIMAINTS” everyone knows the round type now, and starts falling into predictable uninteresting patterns. Replacing Emergency Callouts What does a replacement for common used in emergencies look like? We already have the answer. The SM reports its own degradation. Death implants dutifully report the casualty (unless it got EMPed and is on the fritz). Many systems self-report, and only to the appropriate department. To pick an example from real life: emergency dispatch services are a phone number. You call them, they dispatch. Everyone in the world doesn’t find out. The Emergency Transponder In lieu of being able to announce personal emergencies over comms, I introduce a transponder, built in, or produced as a cartridge, into the crew’s PDA. When in the player’s hand or PDA equipment slot, the emergency call button shows up as an ability at the top of the screen similar to turning internals on, antagonist powers, etc. What happens when this is activated? The same thing that would happen if the station had an emergency dispatch. Security, Medbay, either, or both, get alerted. The amount of information they get could depend on several factors. Perhaps they don’t get a location if the crew doesn’t have suit sensors on. One way or another, the departments responsible for taking care of the crew in the most specific sense are the only ones that get the information. The whole crew doesn’t find out at once, and the antagonist retains more of the element of surprise. A tool like this could be abused pretty easily; some of this can be ameliorated with a long cooldown, as well as a round start cooldown (unable to be pressed until 10-15 minutes into the round). I would also imagine it to be somehow locked to the person whose PDA it belongs to, but I don’t really know how PDA ownership works. It may be worth allowing anyone to press it, which means sec may have to investigate more false positives, and the boxes of PDAs in the command area suddenly become much more valuable. What about callouts of station-wide valid antags? They already get callouts. Biohazards have a big font announcement, cult gets one once they pick up enough steam, giant spiders get infestation callouts. In addition, one of the most tension-killing moments is when a roundstart blob doesn’t pick up enough steam before someone diving maints calls them out. Or a terror gets spotted before they have a chance to even settle down somewhere and form a game plan. This isn’t to say that people can’t report these things. Again, they have departmental comms, so they can report it to their department. But now we have something interesting, where people need to spend time communicating, and relaying information to the right people. To wit, as it stands now: the round starts. A blob pops. A maints diver sees it, calls it out on common, everyone suits the fuck up before the blob has spawned its first factory, cargo rushes guns, science spams flashbangs, the blob is killed, and everyone hates that the round ended early. Command may not have even said anything or given any orders to the crew, but everyone knows what to do. With this proposal: the round starts. A blob pops. A maints diver sees it and either activates their transponder or calls out on their departmental comms. Now the department is responsible for relaying the information to security. It could go through, say, the department head over to the HOS via Command comms, it may have to just be relayed to a sec officer the diver passes by in the hallway. Officers have to go and investigate the reports, let the department know what’s up, and hope the Command staff are competent enough to get all the departments working together to fight the blob. Instead of random civilians shouting on commons to print welders and order guns, it will require Command to coordinate and give the correct orders. If the communication fails to make its way to security, the crew may not find out about the blob until its biohazard announcement, which is pretty fairly timed out from the initial spawn events for biohazards. Conclusion This is obviously a pretty drastic change to one of the fundamental mechanics of a game that is, by and large, predicated on consuming large amounts of text. It is for this reason I don’t expect it to gain traction, but I would be very interested as to if this has been done/considered before, if there’s balance/mechanical ramifications I’m missing, and so on.
    3 points
  4. Left to right, top to bottom: The original, feared by many, known as Jade Styles. Multi-purpose outfit, NVGs and silenced Stechkin for night operations. A departure from her typical pants-featuring outfits, CMO Jade Burnwood wears a skirt and black leg wear. Head of Security Jade is as mind boggling (considering her tumultuous history) as she is terrifying. Kevlar lined jacket and beret are a must. We may have a Small Issue. Jade's new general outfit. Slightly less suspicious but definitely more classy. Nurse Jade from her medical school days. Officer Jade would rather sit back and relax, occasionally tackling one or truants down, but sometimes harsher measures have to be taken.
    3 points
  5. Hecking Celise, only plays 2 jobs Medical and Barber
    3 points
  6. My name is Rhys Dallows. Starting as a simple Janitor, I moved my way up to Botany, then Genetics. Be warned all who wish to pursue a career where I am now; she is a sadistic temptress. She'll inflate your ego, believe you are God, decide who shall be ascended and who shall be lowly mortals on a whim, only to take your newfound hubris and crush you with it. Such as what will happen in this cautionary tale. Having put two monkeys through Hell and mapping the entire genome of defects and powers alike, I decided to show off the abilities I chose for myself during my lunch break. "Watch this," I said to onlookers in the hallway, before igniting myself on fire. They gasped, one woman screamed for a fire extinguisher, only to be dazzled by my coming out unscathed - thanks to my Heat Resistance. Many were amazed, some were amused, some even chastised me for provoking such panic. But one reaction immediately grabbed my attention. A hulking monolith of rock ran right up to me, sheer childlike wonder in his eyes. "CAN YOU IGNITE ME?" he gleefully asked. The catalyst for my own tale of Icarus. "Sure," I replied, ignorant, cocky. After all, manipulation of the genome had become as tedious and simple as... well, checking boxes, at this point. Of course I could make this rock a firey God. A simple trip to Genetics and an injection, and he would be giggling up and down the hallways, a literal trail blazer. Or so I thought. I let him into my lab, the smell of radioactive monkey skeletons not at all phasing either of us. He was too excited, and I was too used to it. I isolated the block with Thermal Combustion and put it into the syringe, with neither the respect nor the grace that this artistry demanded, and injected it into him. Surely, I would see a rock burst into flames, then thank me, O Mighty Master of the Genome, for allowing him such a gift, and be on his merry way. "IT DOESN'T WORK," My heart did not yet sink, for I could not be faulted, surely! I scoffed, with only a small hint of nervousness, to myself. Surely he had done something wrong, I thought, how much brain power could a rock have? I double checked the list - yes, this block gives Thermal Combustion. "Did you do it right?" I asked, re-instructing him how to use the abilities I had gifted him. Now, I thought, he would realise his mistake, whatever it was, and do it correctly. "NO, DOESN'T WORK," I felt dizzy, and I ended up leaning against my desk, the alternative was to collapse in my chair! This could not be! I was correct, my taming of the genome was correct! This rock was supposed to ignite himself! Both he and I were becoming increasingly destressed over the road block encountered. Could his DNA really be incompatible...? Was there nothing I could do? No, surely not. An idea formed, a desperate attempt to make him compatible. I humanised a fresh monkey and prepared the gene for Polymoprh. I warned him that this was irreversible, that he would no longer be the rock man I admit I had grown accustomed to. "I DON'T CARE. LET'S DO IT," His desperation was paramount. And at that point, I didn't care either. For my own pride, this had to work. I injected him with Polymorph and instructed him to target the monkey. "I CAN'T. IT DOESN'T WORK," Ok, no problem. I would simply have to shove him in the chamber and scan his structure, block by block, until- And then it came. The announcement that the shuttle was on its way. I felt sick to my stomach. I was good, but not good enough to change this man in 5 measly minutes. I had failed. This man had given me a task I deemed so simple, and I had failed him. We both sadly trundled to Departures, and sat, waiting. I tried to rationalise with myself, with him, as we waited. "For what it's worth, I really did try to help you," I mumbled. "But I guess, the technology isn't there yet," It was an excuse, and I knew it. I had grown too complacent in my job, and now it cost me. And then, something happened. We embraced. And he said the first, and only thing that he hadn't excitedly yelled at me since I had flagrantly shown off my undeserved powers in that hallway:
    2 points
  7. Something I've been doing some sporadic work on: finally making a proper reference sheet for Rivera. It's taking me forever to finish though, so here's a WIP. Mostly, I just have some changes to make to the genetics jumpsuit, then I want to draw her in the mining suit. And honestly? Now that I look at this I sorta don't like how the cybernetic arm turned out. Might change that too, or make a separate, more detailed reference. But ehh, I'm being picky over a character reference... Then it's a matter of a couple more visual notes, and then additional, appearance unrelated notes for a second reference sheet for use outside of game. Maybe I put too much into the reference sheets for my characters? IDK
    2 points
  8. First Name:Yahiya Gender: Female Orientation:N/A Nicknames/Alias: Yahi. Little Fire Production Number: KTS-03 Formal name: The Warmth of a Summer Sun : Resplendent Harmony Picture(If Available) (done by the amazing Lum <3!!!) Age/D.O.B: 377, 3/22/2191AD Place Of Birth: Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies Ark ship: Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies, Silent Heron Among the Trees, Watchful Raven of the Stars, Unborn Phoenix of Scattered Ash, Forgotten Heart Bound in Silence. Known otherwise as "Bird Song" Species: Vox Blood Type: B- Alignment: NE Affiliation: Took up an internship on the NSS Cyberiad before she lost contact to her ark ship. Was hired full time as she found herself without a way to leave. Childhood: As a shiny-stack she spent her childhood on arkship "Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies" learning about atmos and its pipes. She was sweet and gentle, loved to talk to everyone and make them feel loved and welcome. She was only 12 when a Vox skipjack raided an Unathi vessel, this sparked a retaliation from the Unathi that led them to strike her ark ship. She scrapped together a flame thrower with what she had access to and did a number on the Unathi. something snapped inside her head then, a once caring and quiet vox cackled as she roasted the invading Unathi alive. However The Unathi eventually shot her down and she burned to a crisp from the aftermath. An explosive from an Unathi raiding party blew her body to bits and ended up spacing her stack from the breach. Adulthood: After many years her stack was recovered and sent to an unknown ark ship where she was given a new body. Without any explanation of what was going on or where she was, she was flown over to the Cybariad. There the ark ship left her, without a job, without family, and without any reason why. She lost hope that day. She managed to convince NT to give her a position at their station (didn't take much persuading) . She felt alone and empty after just a few days. No contact given, no idea why she was put here. One day she felt it all starting to crumble when she was greeted by a dark quilled vox, they introduced themselves as Kikeri. Being alone for so long it didn't take long for Yahiya to warm up to this new vox. Kikeri showed her others like themself that worked on this station with her. Being alone and detached from what she thought was her family she was quick to adopt those around her as her new family. Content she worked with them through thick and thin, protecting them vehemontly through the only way she knows how. Burn it. Detailed Information Appearance: A grey scaled vox with light yellow stripes across her tail. Her quills are vibrant yellow, rough and unkempt. Her arms and legs end in darker brown scales, as she has some soft yellow markings on her back. She is 2'7' with a fire in her eyes. Almost always wears her owl mask, when not her face is marred in burn scars. Character Voice: If you could imagine a chocobo talking.... Personality: Delightfully chipper and energetic, cares for a poor mouse she named after her arkship "Soaring Kestrel on Troubled Skies". Loves to play with fire and hates to miss a good plasma fire. Medical Record: Patient is a female vox, 2'10 in height. Patient appears fine at first but has lapses of insanity exhibiting a severe case of pyromania. Patient has several burn scars on their fingers hands and even a spot on their left arm. We have attempted to talk to them about their previous life and what happened, as well as talk about the lengthy time they were but a stack floating in space. Talk about their previous life appears to be a trigger for her pyromania. She also does not recall her time adrift in space and refuses to believe it. These conversations have lead to the death of the last psychiatrist, as she subdued them, poured alcohol on them that we provided to try and calm them, and then set them ablaze. We had not known of this until the fire alarms were set off and we walked in to her watching, cackling as she played her accordion to an old song "Ring of Fire". Patient is now under the care of M.D Kirimii. They have yet to be burned alive so this is a step in the right direction. Security Record: 2563AD - Arrested for murdering her psychiatrist, sentence is permanent. 2563AD - Bailed out by an unknown person sentence cleared, they never paid us... I wonder who authorized this. 2568AD - Accused of multiple acts of arson on the station, when confronted they said to combat the blob threat. Never gave an explination as to why they torched rooms on the other side of the station from the blob. Subject was bailed out and asigned a doctor to watch their mental state. M.D. Kirimii is authorized to tend to them for fear of us losing another officer to the vox. Character Biography Background: An eccentric vox who loves to play with fire. Gets herself burned more often than she can count but it doesn't bother her. She protects those close to her with everything she has, almost no threat could persuade her otherwise. After some very lengthy therapy sessions she has tamed quite a bit. She still loves a good fire, but she is less likely to send the station up in flames. When she arrived on the Cyberiad she was totally lost, hopeless and alone. Dumped there by her kin to be rid of her, she had no where else to go and nothing to live for. However just when all had seemed lost she met a charcoal looking vox named Kikeri, that day Yahiya lost her family and lost her reason to keep going and just the same she found it again. Over the years of her employment on the Cyberiad she only ever torched the place once. She met more friends and kept them as close to her heart as she could, she has finally found her new family and would fight god in hopelessness to defend them. She eventually found an open position on another station and spent some time there for slightly higher pay. She encouraged her family to follow and eventually reunited with one they call "Toko". She met quite a few other vox on that station and while she keeps them as friends there are some that found her heart there as well. Over time she found quite a few interesting things in their section of space, advancements she was not used to. At one point an interesting plasmaman named Emission found a barely working ship infested with spiders out in space. He brought it to the station and gave Toko a heads up. After a quick extermination pass and cleanup Kikeri and Yahiya took a critical eye over the scrap. Kikeri patched the holes and renovated the rooms as Yahiya patched the piping and created a nitrogen rich environment. That day "Resting Buzzard of Shifting Nebulas" was born. Together with Toko, Tako, Kikeri and Yahiya there was skeleton enough crew to pilot our new skipjack. Later on one day Yahiya was working on a heating loop around the station to keep the crew warm from the icy planet they were on. However... a strange man came over and placed a backpack under a floor tile. Curious, Yahiya waited untill they left to go check it herself. Prying the floor tile away and opening the backpack she revealed that it was a bomb! Before she could even think to run and go get help it started beeping rapidly. she dropped the bag and ran but not fast enough. She was nothing more than a stack in an ice cavern from the hole it created. Eventually she was found and instead of finding a host body to live in she was borged. She spent quite some time under the servitude of the AI. Kikeri and toko were the first to find out, mortified and engraged Toko and Kikeri devised a plan to free Yahiya. Toko eventually found a way into science faking a diploma, he setup an ambush for the borgified Yahiya and ripped her out. As Toko made his escape instead of piloting for an arkship he set out for unknown cordinates. It was there that yahiya was given an option. Remain as a stack forever and unable to see her kin again, or be given a new body from the syndicate and be in servatude to them for the remainder of her days. After a moments thought she couldn't bare to be away from her kin forever. She accepted their proposal and was given back to Toko to return. After some time she abandoned her job at the new station, the higher pay was not worth the hardships they put her through. Yahiya eventually found her way back to the Cyberiad where she enjoys the family she has there dearly. Family: She considers her kin on her skipjack "Resting Buzzard of Shifting Nebulas" to be her family. History: Hayakita 2191AD - 2203AD: Made to be an atmos tech and worked peacefully until the Unathi raid on her arkship. Something in her snapped and she took out a lot of raiders before succumbing to her wounds. Yahiya 2541AD - 2568AD: Made to be an atmos tech, is an absolute pyromaniac. Yahiya Current year: after her body was turned to mush by an explosion had her stack given to NT to serve as a cyborg. After her stack was rescued from her shell by Tokoyokiko she was given to the syndicate where she got a new body at the price of serving the syndicate. She has had to use them a few times now and is in debt to pay off 3 bodies. Personal Relationships | Close at heart, never to leave | Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Good Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Despise | Death Wish | Fear Kikeri "My first and best friend, I would give up everything I own and am to be there for you." Chikitita "A good friend who works tierlessly to make sure we are all ok!" Kar-Ski "Great magician and wonderful friend. Gives amazing advice and sparks many ideas." Esforikakiti "Great engineer, don't think they like my fire too much" Dayana "Interesting sort, when they aren't in my way" Kirimii "Has put me back together more times than I can count, I owe them too much" Kreeti "Diplomatic to a fault, has stopped me setting fire to countless places when I feel they rightly deserved it" Emission XIV "I don't know them much but they gave us a skipjack and saved us from the ice, I will never forget this." Takoyakika "Teaches me to be better so I can protect my kin. As close to a motherly figure a human could call another, I trust them with my life" Tokoyokiko "Has taught me everything I know, I trust them to keep me and my kin safe no matter what." Shesi Izair "A strange Unathi, Didn't think I would trust unathi ever but Shesi is something different... I feel safe around them." S-HOUND "A friendly IPC, they also share the same fashon sense." Faction Relations Love | Allied | Like | Neutral | Dislike | Hate | Enemy Nanotrasen "Skrek them, they deserve the torch. Not only forced me into borging but also are the enemy of those I am in debt to." The Syndicate "I owe them this life, I owe them too much really. I do what they ask in exchange for the ability to keep seeing my kin." Trans-Solar Federation/SolGov "Who?" The Shoal "They are my family of course I'll stand up for them, no matter the cost" Other Information Has some serious seperation anxiety. (Art done by the wonderful Heather/Chiki) --------- Art done by the wonderful Lumi (Kikeri) ----- (Art done by the wonderful Lumi/Kikeri) -----
    1 point
  9. Heyo! I've started some basic work on a rework for Xenomorphs. I thoroughly enjoy the setting, and enjoy other servers with Xenomorphs like CM. Was sad to see them not in Paradise. Since they're still in the code, I've decided to learn coding SS13 and see if I can eventually get them reintroduced as antags. I'm also posting this to get feedback on the sort of changes I've made to Xenomorphs so far. One problem. Uh, I've never played as them before. What's broken about them? What sort of fixes would you propose? Are Xenos unrecoverably broken? Do you have any ideas on how they should function in-game (Stealth playstyle or loud)? Are you attracted to the Queen? I've also made a discord thread to discuss this sort of thing as well if you wish to stop by it and see what sort of things people have been discussing. It's in the #spacestation_13 channel. I'll also be keeping an updated list of changes, current, planned, and possibly also dropped changes here in spoilers for quick reference. May add these to a google doc once I get a more refined idea as to what exactly the best overarching design philosophy to gear Xenos toward should be. Github: https://github.com/VynalDerp/Paradise/tree/Xenomorph-Reowrk Google Design Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uzpluf2qixaJd1-IM6XPMV5n-pTgphvNGnZG71160jc/edit?usp=sharing HackMD Design Doc: https://hackmd.io/@VynalDerp/rJBVbg6Z9 Current Changes Planned Changes Suggested Changes Edit: I've opened a PR for my changes. It can be found here: https://github.com/ParadiseSS13/Paradise/pull/16619 Edit edit: PR close for now.
    1 point
  10. Will add on to this assuming I draw again!
    1 point
  11. Primary job of laying around, secondary jobs of doctor and barber.
    1 point
  12. Celise is very cute I love her. Both the old and new standard Jades are drippin. Styles looks operator as fuck lmao.
    1 point
  13. The issue with xenomorphs is that is basically takes everything bad about the instant stun system and puts it into one mob. When I first began playing SS13, I used to love xenomorphs, but the changes they received over time were... ridiculous, to say the least. Hunters alone are capable of stunning nearly everything in the damn game, at both close and long ranged distances. While I am in favor of difficult game mechanics by all means, I think it's a bit much--yet, it's become a requirement for xenos in order to get anywhere, for the most part. Terrors are much better, in this regard. They're powerful, easily capable of taking a few hits and decimating people--but they're slow and rely on traps such as webs, or guerilla strategies for their victims until they have sufficient numbers. They're a lot more interesting to fight or deal with as a result.
    1 point
  14. low-res as fuck, but this is my various drip as xion chaplain engie sec officer detective barkeep captain scientist mime
    1 point
  15. oh i actually remember this round i came in there with a dog, a god all access talking goose and a vox (and who could forget the ai and tommy the mouse)
    1 point
  16. Fabled pet of John Dungeon himself, the eponymous dragon from Dungeons and Dragons joins in on a game.
    1 point
  17. I don't think it'll be that easy to stop abuse from happening, only to mitigate the impact by deleting the machine when it gets too much. As for the machine itself, it would probably be better if the ambient temperature would be more noticeable besides scorching/freezing. Air alarms can be set between 10-30°C by anyone iirc, and no one will notice it unless they check their PDAs air analyzer. Give people a character option for the comfortable temperature range, so they get notified if it's above/below it, without affecting the dangerous ranges. Give characters a default based on species (so as example drasks very low, tajaran low, human average, unathi high), and that allows cold rooms to be noticeable without snow laying around. Also, it may be less prone to abuse if making snow requires you to have the room cooled down before being able to get it placed, maybe it could just be made that if you have a room below the freezing point, throwing(splashing) a beaker with hot water to make snow. Usually requires colder temperatures for such quick snow creations, but that doesn't matter for this.
    1 point
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