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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/22/2021 in all areas

  1. More old art posting, my shading was still pretty horrid. Commission for Jacob Pearls
    4 points
  2. Forgot to post this old art Flick Stroh, Toobenreshi, Aleister Burnwood, Jacob Pearls, Hichi-ki, Jade Burnwood, Fiona Phillips, Bubblegum, Elliot Saunders
    3 points
  3. Didn't want to ask this on the discord and clutter the art channel so I made this thing. Just message me on the paradise discord or through my profile if you got any cool ideas or characters or whatever. Uh yeah thanks for looking I guess?
    2 points
  4. What it says on the tin. Xenobiology as a subdepartment is valuable when it wants to be, creating many quite unique and useful things, but at the same time, it is not really related to anything else going on in science. What follows is that there's a certain subset of xenobiology mains who refuse to do R&D, and scientists who have no care for Xenobiology. This causes some friction, because there can be too many people who wanted to be a xenobiologist but did not get to, or - especially on low pop - the only active scientists might not be interested in R&D. By splitting xenobio off (two slots?) and reducing science slots, a lot of this could be avoided. It becomes more clear what isn't being done for latejoiners, as well. Also reduces Scientists' powergaming potential by making it harder to access every single part of the research department with just one ID.
    1 point
  5. Was a resurrected asteroid ever considered? Its reception over on /tg/ was positive I believe, but maps get removed if they don't have a maintainer. It's a large map based within an asteroid which is an idea I've always liked. Main problem with kilo ~~aside from it being terrible~~ is that it's a map that doesn't work very well with more than 40 players. Asteroid however, was designed with a large pop in mind. Obviously digging up a corpse and dressing it up is still a lot of labor, but it might be an interesting project to crack away on if the layout is considered decent.
    1 point
  6. 1 part Cryostylane 1 part Water 1 part Adminfreeze
    1 point
  7. Well, if you check the current and planned changes spoiler section you can see I've already changed the Xeno stuns to be much fairer, and am already planning on removing Xeno gib. Stamina damage sounds interesting but I don't exactly know how stamina damage functions, and no other tackle intent in the game (to my knowledge) uses stamina damage instead of a stun (most tackles use the weaken effect, which may be stamina damage but I am unsure. If it is, then I've changed the code to use Weaken instead of Paralyze effect.) The primary issue from what I understand is the frequency of you getting stunned, that being 100% as it currently is on Paradise right now. I'm still toying with how exactly the mechanic should work, should it factor in all armor, or just the armor of targeted limb? If it's just the targeted limb, then what armors cover limbs? Are they available enough for it to not be imbalanced? I don't know, never played Security so I don't know if Sec armor counts as covering limbs. I don't know if Cargo can reasonably order armor for crew that covers limbs, either. It could be completely broken, and my lack of experience in those departments makes it hard for me to come up with a good solution. I need feedback on my changes too, pls gib. This is a question I don't really have a good answer to. I'm not sure if the speed or raw damage of Xenos is enough to make up for shortcomings in abilities late-round. I would need to play them to be sure. I was considering having the Praetorian be an evolution from Sentinel/Hunter and be a more combat-focused class which is more powerful on the battlefield and could fight a crew armed with lasers and shields, and was either unable to ventcrawl or break vents similar to Brown terrors. I was also considering making the Queen be able to evolve into an Empress with a similar role, albiet maybe a bit more powerful. That said, by the time crew are able to get fully kitted, are there enough xenos for it not to matter? Would they outnumber crew by that point? One of the suggestions I got was to make Xenos overall weaker but simply give them more Xenos, such as multibursts. That way numbers could overcome a late-game crew that's fully kitted out. Personally, I used to play CM quite frequently and the best way I would see Xenos working is via skirmishing with crew. Not taking on 4 or 5 crew at the same time like CM does these days, but more similarly to how they played in the past - there is a general battlefield, and Xenos and crew fight a tug-of-war over it. But, in CM, quickly ventcrawling to get behind enemy lines and wreak havoc wasn't an option. You could sneak past the enemy, but it was hard and extremely risky, often taking a lot of time. Compare this to Paradise where there are vents pretty much everywhere that Xenos can use to flee, and possibly even take a short space walk to get away. Would such a strategy work, and if so, what would be the best way to implement it? All Xenos can vore people and regurgitate them. Drones can melt adjacent items and people alongside of Sentinel as well. Can possibly change that in the rework though.
    1 point
  8. Heck, I'd totally change it but old Krita file is on my Surface Pro, have this instead
    1 point
  9. Copper is a pure dispenser chem and metal is everywhere however
    1 point
  10. You also need to consider how xeno's are going to handle escalation. The thing about their instant guaranteed stuns is that it's all they have against crew with guns and shields, because xenos are mechanically overly simplistic. Sentinels/queens have spit, but the other two have nothing. So what should each type of xeno be doing when crew are fully armed with lasers and shields and all the vents have been welded?
    1 point
  11. Primary job of laying around, secondary jobs of doctor and barber.
    1 point
  12. The issue with xenomorphs is that is basically takes everything bad about the instant stun system and puts it into one mob. When I first began playing SS13, I used to love xenomorphs, but the changes they received over time were... ridiculous, to say the least. Hunters alone are capable of stunning nearly everything in the damn game, at both close and long ranged distances. While I am in favor of difficult game mechanics by all means, I think it's a bit much--yet, it's become a requirement for xenos in order to get anywhere, for the most part. Terrors are much better, in this regard. They're powerful, easily capable of taking a few hits and decimating people--but they're slow and rely on traps such as webs, or guerilla strategies for their victims until they have sufficient numbers. They're a lot more interesting to fight or deal with as a result.
    1 point
  13. this would unironically be pretty cool and a syndie version, as destiny mentioned, could look the exact same but contain bees, plasma etc.
    1 point
  14. Basic Information First Name: Gordon Last Name: Whitlock Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Grungle, Gordie. Age/D.O.B: 30 Place Of Birth: The Intes Cluster, aboard the S.S Terminal. Approximately 12 light years away from Sol and located within an Asteroid belt. Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee, hired first as apart of the Research Division. Religious Beliefs: Gordon has no true god he worships, but can be seen constantly attempting 'contact' with multiple gods or idols. [Addendum: When asked of the significance of his hair flower, there is reason to believe it was once viewed as a charm, or relic.] Character Biography Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Gordon Whitlock carries himself with a very energetic and upbeat posture, smile lines appear somewhat faded around his cheeks and underneath his eyes. His graying hair has white streaks running from his scalp to the tips of his ponytail. Whitlock's complexion is a pale white, not including the darkened scarred tissue that begins below his elbow and runs to right below his prosthetic left hands wrist, where the flesh ends and the metal begins. His eyes are a soft green, and nestled gently within his somewhat unkempt hair is a flower pin whom's artificial coloring has begun to fade from time. ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Character Voice: Gordon Whitlock carries a very rugged voice, the tone of which is usually spoken in a sly, smug know-it-all tone in almost any scenario in which he isn't thanking someone. Sarcasm and sass are very apparent in almost every sentence he finishes. (Video is just my interpretation of what Gordon likely, loosely sounds like. Feel free to imagine his voice however you see fit to him :) Personality: Gordon Whitlock is an eccentric and abrasive person with a side of being abhorrently neurotic. Though in the past Gordon had found it difficult to respect authority, recently his outlook has completely mellowed out when in regards to higher ups, and he has generally become a much more passive person. Though Gordon can often panic, it is often never shown on his outer appearance other than a handful of nervous tics that he has. Whitlock has been described by his peers as a 'Mad Scientist'. Medical Record: Character Relations Family: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Faltering Memory Of Faction Relations Allied | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information I will definitely be adding onto this as Gordon grows as a character, many things are subject to change in this biography. And! If I forgot anyone's character, please do let me know!
    1 point
  15. Smh wrong eye color for Fio :p
    0 points
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