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  1. More Riveras but just doodles bc I've been under the weather :explosion:
    8 points
  2. 4 points
  3. Didn't want to ask this on the discord and clutter the art channel so I made this thing. Just message me on the paradise discord or through my profile if you got any cool ideas or characters or whatever. Uh yeah thanks for looking I guess?
    2 points
  4. Something I've been doing some sporadic work on: finally making a proper reference sheet for Rivera. It's taking me forever to finish though, so here's a WIP. Mostly, I just have some changes to make to the genetics jumpsuit, then I want to draw her in the mining suit. And honestly? Now that I look at this I sorta don't like how the cybernetic arm turned out. Might change that too, or make a separate, more detailed reference. But ehh, I'm being picky over a character reference... Then it's a matter of a couple more visual notes, and then additional, appearance unrelated notes for a second reference sheet for use outside of game. Maybe I put too much into the reference sheets for my characters? IDK
    2 points
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. B i t of a wide post but here's all the essential details! :3 Fairly new to this freelance work so testing the waters at the moment. Carrd Link: https://pictal.carrd.co/ I post all my NSFW junk at uhh the Twitter/Newsgrounds so BEAR in mind before jumping into that platform :D
    1 point
  8. Heck, I'd totally change it but old Krita file is on my Surface Pro, have this instead
    1 point
  9. My name is Rhys Dallows. Starting as a simple Janitor, I moved my way up to Botany, then Genetics. Be warned all who wish to pursue a career where I am now; she is a sadistic temptress. She'll inflate your ego, believe you are God, decide who shall be ascended and who shall be lowly mortals on a whim, only to take your newfound hubris and crush you with it. Such as what will happen in this cautionary tale. Having put two monkeys through Hell and mapping the entire genome of defects and powers alike, I decided to show off the abilities I chose for myself during my lunch break. "Watch this," I said to onlookers in the hallway, before igniting myself on fire. They gasped, one woman screamed for a fire extinguisher, only to be dazzled by my coming out unscathed - thanks to my Heat Resistance. Many were amazed, some were amused, some even chastised me for provoking such panic. But one reaction immediately grabbed my attention. A hulking monolith of rock ran right up to me, sheer childlike wonder in his eyes. "CAN YOU IGNITE ME?" he gleefully asked. The catalyst for my own tale of Icarus. "Sure," I replied, ignorant, cocky. After all, manipulation of the genome had become as tedious and simple as... well, checking boxes, at this point. Of course I could make this rock a firey God. A simple trip to Genetics and an injection, and he would be giggling up and down the hallways, a literal trail blazer. Or so I thought. I let him into my lab, the smell of radioactive monkey skeletons not at all phasing either of us. He was too excited, and I was too used to it. I isolated the block with Thermal Combustion and put it into the syringe, with neither the respect nor the grace that this artistry demanded, and injected it into him. Surely, I would see a rock burst into flames, then thank me, O Mighty Master of the Genome, for allowing him such a gift, and be on his merry way. "IT DOESN'T WORK," My heart did not yet sink, for I could not be faulted, surely! I scoffed, with only a small hint of nervousness, to myself. Surely he had done something wrong, I thought, how much brain power could a rock have? I double checked the list - yes, this block gives Thermal Combustion. "Did you do it right?" I asked, re-instructing him how to use the abilities I had gifted him. Now, I thought, he would realise his mistake, whatever it was, and do it correctly. "NO, DOESN'T WORK," I felt dizzy, and I ended up leaning against my desk, the alternative was to collapse in my chair! This could not be! I was correct, my taming of the genome was correct! This rock was supposed to ignite himself! Both he and I were becoming increasingly destressed over the road block encountered. Could his DNA really be incompatible...? Was there nothing I could do? No, surely not. An idea formed, a desperate attempt to make him compatible. I humanised a fresh monkey and prepared the gene for Polymoprh. I warned him that this was irreversible, that he would no longer be the rock man I admit I had grown accustomed to. "I DON'T CARE. LET'S DO IT," His desperation was paramount. And at that point, I didn't care either. For my own pride, this had to work. I injected him with Polymorph and instructed him to target the monkey. "I CAN'T. IT DOESN'T WORK," Ok, no problem. I would simply have to shove him in the chamber and scan his structure, block by block, until- And then it came. The announcement that the shuttle was on its way. I felt sick to my stomach. I was good, but not good enough to change this man in 5 measly minutes. I had failed. This man had given me a task I deemed so simple, and I had failed him. We both sadly trundled to Departures, and sat, waiting. I tried to rationalise with myself, with him, as we waited. "For what it's worth, I really did try to help you," I mumbled. "But I guess, the technology isn't there yet," It was an excuse, and I knew it. I had grown too complacent in my job, and now it cost me. And then, something happened. We embraced. And he said the first, and only thing that he hadn't excitedly yelled at me since I had flagrantly shown off my undeserved powers in that hallway:
    1 point
  10. Another one of those. It was fun listening to perma inmates dying to grilles..
    1 point
  11. Check my Twitter / DeviantArt for more examples ^ ^ You can contact me on Discord Synkkä#5542 or twitter.
    1 point
  12. Some friends got me wanting to think about how Rivera looks 'nd changes throughout her life so I'll leave this one here too. She doesn't remember anything from age 25 - 41, conveniently. There's some trouble back there, so maybe it's for the best.
    1 point
  13. Basic Information First Name: Gordon Last Name: Whitlock Gender: Cis Male (He/Him) Orientation: Bisexual Nicknames/Alias: Grungle, Gordie. Age/D.O.B: 30 Place Of Birth: The Intes Cluster, aboard the S.S Terminal. Approximately 12 light years away from Sol and located within an Asteroid belt. Species: Human Blood Type: A+ Alignment: Chaotic Good Affiliation: Nanotrasen Employee, hired first as apart of the Research Division. Religious Beliefs: Gordon has no true god he worships, but can be seen constantly attempting 'contact' with multiple gods or idols. [Addendum: When asked of the significance of his hair flower, there is reason to believe it was once viewed as a charm, or relic.] Character Biography Appearance: Standing at 5'8 Gordon Whitlock carries himself with a very energetic and upbeat posture, smile lines appear somewhat faded around his cheeks and underneath his eyes. His graying hair has white streaks running from his scalp to the tips of his ponytail. Whitlock's complexion is a pale white, not including the darkened scarred tissue that begins below his elbow and runs to right below his prosthetic left hands wrist, where the flesh ends and the metal begins. His eyes are a soft green, and nestled gently within his somewhat unkempt hair is a flower pin whom's artificial coloring has begun to fade from time. ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! ART BY https://twitter.com/lolkickdude_ PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT! Character Voice: Gordon Whitlock carries a very rugged voice, the tone of which is usually spoken in a sly, smug know-it-all tone in almost any scenario in which he isn't thanking someone. Sarcasm and sass are very apparent in almost every sentence he finishes. (Video is just my interpretation of what Gordon likely, loosely sounds like. Feel free to imagine his voice however you see fit to him :) Personality: Gordon Whitlock is an eccentric and abrasive person with a side of being abhorrently neurotic. Though in the past Gordon had found it difficult to respect authority, recently his outlook has completely mellowed out when in regards to higher ups, and he has generally become a much more passive person. Though Gordon can often panic, it is often never shown on his outer appearance other than a handful of nervous tics that he has. Whitlock has been described by his peers as a 'Mad Scientist'. Medical Record: Character Relations Family: Personal Relationships Romantically Involved | Romantic Interest | Admire | Respected | Close Friend | Friend | Acquaintance | Neutral/Unsure | Dislike | Hate | Fear | Faltering Memory Of Faction Relations Allied | Neutral | Dislike | Enemy Other Information I will definitely be adding onto this as Gordon grows as a character, many things are subject to change in this biography. And! If I forgot anyone's character, please do let me know!
    1 point
  14. Hello! I have returned! I'd like to put this here in case my unlikely demise once again. You might have come across that stinky slime imposter of mine, pay him no heed as all slime users are baddies. Anyways, I'm Bubblegum. The (mostly) friendly Vulpkanin on station. I enjoy playing chef, medical and geneticist. Considering geneticist was a big reason why I was gone I'll be giving that a break for a bit to focus on being a better player. I can't wait to see all my old friends and new ones in-game! I've also learned new skills from other servers and I can't wait to use them on Paradise. Cya ingame nerds♡
    1 point
  15. Hi! Check Trello for more example and commission status https://trello.com/b/OBPcf17S/emilitias-commission Contact me on discord: Emilitia Ennehrt#3586
    1 point
  16. I play a lot of security. A lot. You may have seen me around as Cherry Waves, often playing as the Head of Security. It's a thankless, stressful job that, I for some reason, love above all else on the station. If you've played security, or ask security, you'll often hear stories about what they hate, or fear, the most about working security, and sure enough, I also have something that I hate/fear the most. If you've seen me around, you'll probably have heard me moan about certain antag roles that I loathe going up against as security. Let's take vampires, for example. You hear the stuttering call for help over the radio, followed by silence. Twenty minutes later, and there's a powered vampire running around, and he has the tasers from two of your officers. This is followed by a chase through maintenance, sometimes spanning an entire shift. Security dreads vampires, not out of fear of death, no. Death is sweet release. They fear the vamp because of the predictability. Yet this is still not the Horror of Security. Another one is cultist. Loud cultists are interesting and fun to deal with. Stealthy off-station cult? Not so much. As security, you have no reliable way of dealing with them, other than trying to pick them off on station when they pop out. Like whack-a-cultist. Sure, you can send the pod pilot out on a search, followed by an expedition force, who then get slaughtered due to the poor planning of your boss (me). Not to mention the absolute mess processing turns in to. Three cultists in at the same time, and one officer is left behind to deal with them? Not great, especially when they're all miners who, if deconverted, rush back to Lavaland to "do their jobs," only to get reconverted. And that's if you even know they exist. You might just patrol the halls, thinking you're keeping the peace during an extended round, until suddenly Nar'Nar pops out from beyond the veil of time and ruins your lunch date. Yet again, this is still not the Horror of Security. "Enough foreplay, Fontaine, get to the point." The TRUE Horror of Security is -drumroll- The Warden. The Warden is an unpredictable beast. Vampires are predictable, and to a certain extent, so are cultists. But the insane machinations of the bald-headed Warden are beyond mortal comprehension. Every shift I start as a the Head of Security, I don't worry about cultists, vampires, nukies. Any of those have the power to put me out of my misery. No, I hope for a Warden that, isn't necessarily incredible, just not a mouth-breathing troglodyte who hasn't even bothered reading a single line of Space Law. To avoid coming off as an elitist, let me give you an example. To clarify, most of us know how to identify the wild Warden that doesn't play by the rules. It's easy. Are they on the secway, zooming around on the station on green, swinging their baton and brandishing their taser? He's the Warden of your nightmares, and he makes his own laws. This is a story thread, so naturally here's a story. This one is recent. It's Vampires. We heard the call for help in science/med maintenance, as is the standard. We rush there, Vampire is no where to be seen, but thankfully the victim is alive, although a panicky mess. Time goes by, and the vampire increases in power. Not much time, mind you. Like fifteen minutes. Now the Vampire is spotted in it's natural habitat of sci/med maints again, and the Warden judges that no other man on the station is up to the job. He rushes out, ignoring his trusty Secway, as it'd only get in his way. He reaches his target, and is ready to dispense justice. Except, of course, he doesn't. He dies. Alone and unafraid in medical maintenance. His body is easily recovered, and even his ID, to the great surprise of everyone. So we just revive him and move on, right? Nope. I keep his ID on me for safekeeping, and to swiftly demote him when he makes his return. Except he doesn't. I ask the officers if they ever encountered him after his tour of medbay, but no luck. He's not even on the cryosleeper logs. We brush it off, there's other things to deal with. Then an entire HOUR later I get a call from the HoP. The Warden is asking for his job back. I go there, and sure as hell, he's standing there. With half an hour left of the shift, I ask him where he were for the last hour. He claims he was asleep. No one I asked knew where, and he was too busy asking for his job back to clarify further. I inform him about the added workload with no Warden, how I felt about it, and declined his re-employment. I have quite a few horror stories from playing Security, and largely they don't feature antags. They're the character who gets a laugh-track when they enter the door. Most of them even star me as king moron. If you read this far, let me know if you want to hear more, or share your own Horror of Security.
    1 point
  17. You were given an extensive period (6 months) with constant requests for feedback on lore. Vulpkanin went without lore for about eight months initially because you refused to provide any input on the matter whatsoever despite having joint authority over it (you were even told a simple yes/no to the proposed lore would have sufficed--there was three different lore documents floating around at the time as well). You declined to give any feedback after being asked on four separate occasions by myself, by Flattest at least two or three times (to my knowledge), and by headministration once or twice at the time. A lore team was later established which you also did not apply for or offer any feedback. The new revised lore produced by the lore team was then announced publically at multiple junctures (five times to the community) for feedback to be given. The lore then sat for another six months during a feedback period where we were actively collecting input from members of the community and people who were interested in the lore (quite honestly anyone was welcome to provide input and spitball at this time). You didn't give any feedback/input at this time either. People wanted your feedback on the lore and actively tried to include you in the process. I am glad you've actually stated a few of your original ideas (they're valuable if the lore gets revised again), but this is an incredibly unfair statement to anyone who worked on it. People repeatedly tried to involve you in the process and framing it as though you were patently glossed over is completely untrue. If you--as the creator of the species--write something, I can guarantee you that it would be incorporated. As for lore discussion, it's always welcome; idea generation is valuable. The only thing to keep in mind is that lore mirrors mechanics, not the other way around. This is probably the biggest reason why none of the lore is terribly bold or adventurous for the species as nobody wants to implement active contradictions between the lore and the game server.
    1 point
  18. I mean, you can expand upon that to state that they're more akin to our modern setting, hunting and trapping with more advanced means like firearms and such. I think for their species to make sense in the grand theater of what's going on, space flight needs to be something that is out of their reach or something they don't practice. The reasoning for this is that it really enhances the whole concept of Why they weren't around sooner without making them like the Unathi and xenophobic. If anything, NT can be written in as being beneficial to the survival of the race as they would likely have to assist in some capacity with them relocating (for the modest fee of their continued services).
    1 point
  19. As the one who wrote the current lore, I feel I should chime in here. First note, the current species lore were written well after any of them were added to the game, as part of a single project to revamp the lore. The dust had long since settled (well, as much as it was ever going to. Vulp's addition to the game was before my time, even) My intent had also been to make them less "dog people" and more alien, though I could only get away with so much. Couldn't change their name from a mashup of Earth words for dogs. One thing that eventually got axed was that their integument was chitin rather than keratin (got changed to fibroin, but that's still different than dogs). I'm all for things to make their biology more alien, and not just "dog." Plantigrade was already established and I had no argument there because I thought it helped better distinguish them from dogs (and from the other "animal" aliens who by lore are digitigrade). I do object to the suggestion that we drop their tech level down to hunter gatherer though. We have too many races already who were pre-spaceflight until they were subsequently discovered and exploited by NT. People already constantly complain that vulps are too similar to Tajarans
    1 point
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